Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Sil does not know what is in the heart of man.

A thread of 55000 views with 641 page celebrates 1st amendment for churches AND the marriage equality, which is not what Sil expected.

No LGBT complainant will ever win a case against a church for not marrying LGBT against its will.

That is the natural end of all of this.

Don't be so sure and don't believe the sexually deviant crowd isn't looking for ways around it.

Like I said- any idiot can file a law suit- even your sexually deviant crowd.

However, since the law specifically excludes churches.......your lawsuits will fail.

That's what the idiot homos did.
I don't think you're the same person, maybe Sil does, and I don't give a fuck what either of you say.

And you think I give a fuck what you say or that you exist.
Hey conjob, where's my apology for mixing me up with Sil? Next time keep who posted what straight.

At the bottom of the ocean. Go get it.
Yep, I knew you wouldn't a man about. A man would have said, Sorry, I was wrong, but you're still an asshole.

A man doesn't demand something from me unless he's willing to come and get it in person.
Oooh, the big bad faggot of the Internet. And I shouldn't even have to ask if you were a real man. Carry on tough guy.
"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

One of those places is a man's heart... For where else does religion and the freedom of it ultimately reside?

"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.


Not according to the law- but let me know when you figure out how to have a wedding insides a man's heart- that would be interesting.

Are you saying it's impossible for those laws to be judge unconstitutional?

Actually I have often said that if anyone believes that public Accomodation laws are unconstitutional, they can do exactly the same thing that same gender couples who believe that anti-gay marriage laws are unconstitutional- they can try to either change the law- or they can file a lawsuit arguing that the law is unconstitutional.

See- I believe even homophobes have the same rights as all Americans.
"You know what's crazy is the thought that a gay couple would want to celebrate one of the happiest days of their life being married by a religion that thinks they are subhuman."

The great majority of Christians think no such thing.

A majority of Christians support marriage equality.
Sil does not know what is in the heart of man.

A thread of 55000 views with 641 page celebrates 1st amendment for churches AND the marriage equality, which is not what Sil expected.

No LGBT complainant will ever win a case against a church for not marrying LGBT against its will.

That is the natural end of all of this.

Don't be so sure and don't believe the sexually deviant crowd isn't looking for ways around it.

Like I said- any idiot can file a law suit- even your sexually deviant crowd.

However, since the law specifically excludes churches.......your lawsuits will fail.

That's what the idiot homos did.

Thats what who did to whom where?

Your post is nonsensical....I don't know why I am acting like I am surprised....
It's extremely unlikely in light of legal precedent and the 1st amendment. I think it's a better use of one's time to focus on likely hazards rather than assuming the sky is falling all the damn time.

This issue came up at a meeting at the church last week. I'm almost 50 and younger compared to most at the meeting. More than one of them said that 30 years ago they would have never thought a judge would have overtturned State law related to same sex marriage. We both know what happened.
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

A church should have the right to the "free exercise" of it's beliefs. Take that how you will.

And every church does have that right.

The LDS discriminated against African Americans for years, up until fairly recently- and it was perfectly legal.

No one can force any church to marry- or perform any ritual against its will.
It's extremely unlikely in light of legal precedent and the 1st amendment. I think it's a better use of one's time to focus on likely hazards rather than assuming the sky is falling all the damn time.

This issue came up at a meeting at the church last week. I'm almost 50 and younger compared to most at the meeting. More than one of them said that 30 years ago they would have never thought a judge would have overtturned State law related to same sex marriage. We both know what happened.

Overturning a state law and overturning the bill of rights are vastly different. State laws get overturned every year.
It's extremely unlikely in light of legal precedent and the 1st amendment. I think it's a better use of one's time to focus on likely hazards rather than assuming the sky is falling all the damn time.

This issue came up at a meeting at the church last week. I'm almost 50 and younger compared to most at the meeting. More than one of them said that 30 years ago they would have never thought a judge would have overtturned State law related to same sex marriage. We both know what happened.

Hmmm exactly what state law was in effect 30 years ago that forbade same sex marriage?
"You know what's crazy is the thought that a gay couple would want to celebrate one of the happiest days of their life being married by a religion that thinks they are subhuman."

The great majority of Christians think no such thing.

A majority of Christians support marriage equality.

What's amazing is that someone can read what the Bible says about marriage and still think same sex marriage is acceptable in God's eyes.

That supposed majority should read their Bibles. A large percentage also think a lot of things for which the Bible says is wrong.
"Place of public accommodation" shall not include a church, synagogue, mosque, or other place that is principally used for religious purposes.

Not religions- facilities principally used for religious purposes.

One of those places is a man's heart... For where else does religion and the freedom of it ultimately reside?
Saying the religion in my heart tells me to shoot ******* and fuck 12-year-olds isn't going to keep me out of jail. Just because you think God requires you to hate the faggots doesn't mean we have to let you get your way in all situations.

And just because there are those whom think that they can justify attacks on Christians and Christianity, and all because of a few fanatics or radicals who are amongst the many groups out there that do bad things, should realize that there are individuals who do dwell among all the groups that (heck yes ((do many bad things either in a groups name, or in it's religion's name or other)), but this won't allow us as Christians (who are balanced in life) to stay quiet when your ilk fires up the guns when it wants to, and if it wants to on the balanced and good Christians like you all have been doing lately.

Let me show you the irony of your post:

And just because there are those whom think that they can justify attacks on homosexuals and homosexuality, and all because of a few fanatics or radicals who are amongst the many groups out there that do bad things, should realize that there are individuals who do dwell among all the groups that (heck yes ((do many bad things either in a groups name, or in it's religion's name or other)), but this won't allow us as homosexuals (who are balanced in life) to stay quiet when your ilk fires up the guns when it wants to, and if it wants to on the balanced and good homosexuals like you all have been doing lately.

As I have shown in my responses to you- for every action you call an 'attack on Christians', I can show equal or worse attacks by Christians on homosexuals.

What you justify as 'a few fanatics or radicals' when they are Christians could equally be applied to those homosexuals you disagree with.

You are blind to your hypocrisy on this issue.

IF you want to argue that Christians are under attack- then homosexuals are at least as much under attack- because homosexuals are actually being physically harmed just for being homosexuals in the United States.
! The Christians should be grandfathered in anyways in this nation by now,.

So you think Christians should be treated differently- as in given treatment or exemptions- from every other American in America?

He didn't ask for one of these on the cake now did he? That they do all the time.

The two fags that sued the Christian baker wanted something on the cake that indicated homosexual. According to Skylar, it's OK to for the homo baker to deny that yet the Christian baker has to do it.

The fags asked for two of the same kind.
If it was this, or a rainbow cake and they make rainbow cakes, no problem and perfectly fair.

Not according to Skylar. Skylar stated that it was OK to not do something on the cake as long as they did the cake. Should the fag bakers be required to do a cake with wording that say "gay marriage is wrong" if it's on a cake they make even if they don't agree? That's what you expect from the Christian baker.

You cannot expect a business to provide something they do not provide. The baker was not asked to provide a product or service they don't normally provide. The gay couple ordered a cake, that's it.
What kind of cake, and for whom was the wedding for again ? Did they alert the baker of the reason for the cake or not ?

A cake is a cake. They ordered a cake. If the business sells wedding cakes, they sell the couple a wedding cake. If they don't sell wedding cakes to anyone, they don't have to sell them to gays.
What's amazing is that someone can read what the Bible says about marriage and still think same sex marriage is acceptable in God's eyes.

That supposed majority should read their Bibles. A large percentage also think a lot of things for which the Bible says is wrong.

I don't mean to offend you, and I completely support your right to believe as you do, but I don't give a fuck what the bible says about this subject, or what you consider to be God's opinion on the subject. And, the majority of people who are going to be around when you and I are gone are not interested in these sorts of legalistic interpretations of faith.
"You know what's crazy is the thought that a gay couple would want to celebrate one of the happiest days of their life being married by a religion that thinks they are subhuman."

The great majority of Christians think no such thing.

A majority of Christians support marriage equality.

What's amazing is that someone can read what the Bible says about marriage and still think same sex marriage is acceptable in God's eyes.

That supposed majority should read their Bibles. A large percentage also think a lot of things for which the Bible says is wrong.

The true heart of Christianity in America is not letting your ilk define the Bible for anyone else. You are a modern-day Pharisee.
It's extremely unlikely in light of legal precedent and the 1st amendment. I think it's a better use of one's time to focus on likely hazards rather than assuming the sky is falling all the damn time.

This issue came up at a meeting at the church last week. I'm almost 50 and younger compared to most at the meeting. More than one of them said that 30 years ago they would have never thought a judge would have overtturned State law related to same sex marriage. We both know what happened.

Hmmm exactly what state law was in effect 30 years ago that forbade same sex marriage?

South Carolina Code of Laws Title 20, Chapter 1, Article 1, Section 15 states "A marriage between persons of the same sex is void ab initio and against the public policy of this State." So you don't have to look it up, ab initio means from the beginning.
What's amazing is that someone can read what the Bible says about marriage and still think same sex marriage is acceptable in God's eyes.

That supposed majority should read their Bibles. A large percentage also think a lot of things for which the Bible says is wrong.

I don't mean to offend you, and I completely support your right to believe as you do, but I don't give a fuck what the bible says about this subject, or what you consider to be God's opinion on the subject. And, the majority of people who are going to be around when you and I are gone are not interested in these sorts of legalistic interpretations of faith.

You can't offend me.

That will mean heaven won't have people who think they can't ignore God's word and go there. More room for my mansion.
What's amazing is that someone can read what the Bible says about marriage and still think same sex marriage is acceptable in God's eyes.

That supposed majority should read their Bibles. A large percentage also think a lot of things for which the Bible says is wrong.

I don't mean to offend you, and I completely support your right to believe as you do, but I don't give a fuck what the bible says about this subject, or what you consider to be God's opinion on the subject. And, the majority of people who are going to be around when you and I are gone are not interested in these sorts of legalistic interpretations of faith.

You can't offend me.

That will mean heaven won't have people who think they can't ignore God's word and go there. More room for my mansion.
A 6-year-old's dream of Heaven. How many virgins do you get?

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