Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Then why the topic question at all?

To create faux outrage.

Public Accomodation laws specifically exempt houses of worship- so from the beginning it was a false thread.

Beyond that, churches have always had the authority to discriminate as the church wishes to- the Catholic Church doesn't allow women priests, the LDS for years treated African Americans as a different level of membership within the church- all perfectly legal.

No one will ever force a church to marry anyone the church doesn't want to.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

How are you "forced to accept" my civil marriage? Were you there, chained to a post, and I missed you? So sorry. What a terrible host I am.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.

Yeah? Who is doing that? You know that's impossible in the United States, right?

Now, churches will end up accepting gay members and performing gay weddings, but it won't be the government forcing them to do it, it will be it's own constituents.
Yeah? Who is doing that? You know that's impossible in the United States, right?

Now, churches will end up accepting gay members and performing gay weddings, but it won't be the government forcing them to do it, it will be it's own constituents.
Not impossible sweetie...already happening...

Read again (now that your buddy Syriusly helped spam this off the other page)

but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.
In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong...No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.
No one.
1. Greeneyedlady said your premise that race issues = deviant sex lifestyles is a false comparison. And she is correct.
2. Churches have already been forced to accomodate homosexual weddings.
A. Churches are nothing more than congregations of individual Christians and..
B. Individual Christians are being forced legally by the LGBT litigious army to accomodate homosexual weddings.
Yeah? Who is doing that? You know that's impossible in the United States, right?

Now, churches will end up accepting gay members and performing gay weddings, but it won't be the government forcing them to do it, it will be it's own constituents.
Not impossible sweetie...already happening...

Nope- no one is forcing churches to marry anyone- and no one will.

Just your usual attempt to flame hatred and intollerance towards homosexuals.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

How are you "forced to accept" my civil marriage? Were you there, chained to a post, and I missed you? So sorry. What a terrible host I am.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.

No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.
By forcing a member of a church to participate, are you not forcing the church to participate ? How does one become separated from his or her church teachings when out in society ? What if that person goes back to the church and tells the church that he or she was forced to participate in something that is totally against the church and it's biblical teachings ? Wouldn't the church see that as an attack on it through one of it's members while out in society now ? What should the churches response to such a thing be when a member reports back to it, and should it move to protect it's members from being subjected to those things in which it speaks against on Sunday's or should it tell it's member to just shut up and go along with society no matter what, because the church has become impotent in today's society in regards to it's members now ? All Christians want is to be left alone, and not chaseth by the devil into every aspect of their lives as they live them in this nation and society. Why would you not want Christians to have that respect given them or is it that they can't be defeated if they are left alone on these things in which are simply new unto them now ?
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

How are you "forced to accept" my civil marriage? Were you there, chained to a post, and I missed you? So sorry. What a terrible host I am.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.

No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.
By forcing a member of a church to participate, are you not forcing the church to participate ?


If a baker sells cakes for children's parties- can a Christian then refuse to bake a cake for a Bar Mitzvah party- because Bar Mitzah's are a Jewish ritual that he doesnt' believe in?

Can a Muslim baker refuse to sell cakes to a Christian- just because he believes that doing business with a Christian forces him to participate in Christianity?
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

How are you "forced to accept" my civil marriage? Were you there, chained to a post, and I missed you? So sorry. What a terrible host I am.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.

No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.
By forcing a member of a church to participate, are you not forcing the church to participate ?


If a baker sells cakes for children's parties- can a Christian then refuse to bake a cake for a Bar Mitzvah party- because Bar Mitzah's are a Jewish ritual that he doesnt' believe in?

Can a Muslim baker refuse to sell cakes to a Christian- just because he believes that doing business with a Christian forces him to participate in Christianity?
These things don't happen because there is respect among the differences in religions and such, but the other see's no respect in anything, therefore it wants forced participation or else.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong.
How are you "forced to accept" my civil marriage? Were you there, chained to a post, and I missed you? So sorry. What a terrible host I am.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.

No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.
By forcing a member of a church to participate, are you not forcing the church to participate ?


If a baker sells cakes for children's parties- can a Christian then refuse to bake a cake for a Bar Mitzvah party- because Bar Mitzah's are a Jewish ritual that he doesnt' believe in?

Can a Muslim baker refuse to sell cakes to a Christian- just because he believes that doing business with a Christian forces him to participate in Christianity?
These things don't happen because there is respect among the differences in religions and such, but the other see's no respect in anything, therefore it wants forced participation or else.

They don't?


Public Accomodation laws protect Christians from discrimination.

If you want to eliminate PA laws- go for it.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.

We've had Same-sex Civil Marriage for over 10-years in at least one State in this country.

Please provide any reputable source showing that a Church has been required to perform a religious ceremony for:

1. An interracial couple where that Church has indicated interracial marriages are against the religious dogma of that Church.

2. An interfaith couple where that Church has indicated interfaith marriages are against the religious dogma of that Church.

3. When one or both members of the couple have been divorced where that Church has indicated that that type of divorce is against the religious dogma of that Church.

4. Again since there has been SSCM's for 10-years in this country a same-sex couple where that Church has indicated same-sex marriages are against the religious dogma of that Church.​

Did the government step in and force this Church to perform the religious ceremony -->> Mississippi Church Rejects Black Wedding - ABC News

No. You can't force people to accept gayism if it goes against everything they believe in.
The whole gay marriage thing is an attack against tradition, religion, and the nuclear family.

It's not an attack. It doesn't even affect any of those things. People who want a "nuclear" family can still have them, with absolutely no more trouble than they would have had before.
Absolute unadulterated and uninformed BullSh*t
Really. I would love to hear you expand on this. How are straight people who want to get married and have 2.5 kids now obstructed in doing so?
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.
No one is 'forcing' anyone to 'accept' anything.

14th Amendment jurisprudence applies only to government, not private persons or private organizations such as churches, it's idiocy to maintain otherwise.

Churches will remain at liberty to not afford same-sex couples religious marriages.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.

No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.
By forcing a member of a church to participate, are you not forcing the church to participate ?


If a baker sells cakes for children's parties- can a Christian then refuse to bake a cake for a Bar Mitzvah party- because Bar Mitzah's are a Jewish ritual that he doesnt' believe in?

Can a Muslim baker refuse to sell cakes to a Christian- just because he believes that doing business with a Christian forces him to participate in Christianity?
These things don't happen because there is respect among the differences in religions and such, but the other see's no respect in anything, therefore it wants forced participation or else.

They don't?


Public Accomodation laws protect Christians from discrimination.

If you want to eliminate PA laws- go for it.
When have you heard of any Christians in this nation needing protection with PA laws ? You keep saying that as if there have been cases where Christians have been discriminated against at a business because of being Christian, but I can't think of any myself can you ? As far as I know Christians aren't doing anything that would rise to a level of someone wanting to discriminate against them. Lately it seems that gay's have been demanding that Christians promote or agree to their lifestyle in certain kinds of ways, but Christians aren't wanting to participate in the promotion of their life stye choices in which they make, and the gay's see that as discrimination against them when asked, but the Christians just want to be left alone in order to live in peace is all.
Churches, which are merely congregations of individual Christians, have already been sued to accomodate for gay marriage. Bakers, photographers, florists. The building itself? That's just a mere formality that the very careful litigious LGBT army is waiting for a federal-mandate on marriage to slam dunk in the next lawsuit.

Drive a nail in the wall and hang your hat on that one..
but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong.
No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.
By forcing a member of a church to participate, are you not forcing the church to participate ?


If a baker sells cakes for children's parties- can a Christian then refuse to bake a cake for a Bar Mitzvah party- because Bar Mitzah's are a Jewish ritual that he doesnt' believe in?

Can a Muslim baker refuse to sell cakes to a Christian- just because he believes that doing business with a Christian forces him to participate in Christianity?
These things don't happen because there is respect among the differences in religions and such, but the other see's no respect in anything, therefore it wants forced participation or else.

They don't?


Public Accomodation laws protect Christians from discrimination.

If you want to eliminate PA laws- go for it.
When have you heard of any Christians in this nation needing protection with PA laws ? You keep saying that as if there have been cases where Christians have been discriminated against at a business because of being Christian, but I can't think of any myself can you ? As far as I know Christians aren't doing anything that would rise to a level of someone wanting to discriminate against them. Lately it seems that gay's have been demanding that Christians promote or agree to their lifestyle in certain kinds of ways, but Christians aren't wanting to participate in the promotion of their life stye choices in which they make, and the gay's see that as discrimination against them when asked, but the Christians just want to be left alone in order to live in peace is all.

Denying someone else their right to marry the person they love is the farthest thing from "wanting to be left alone."
Denying someone else their right to marry the person they love is the farthest thing from "wanting to be left alone."

There is no such "right" in the Constitution. The privelege exists currently at the state level. All those "gay marraiges" in states where the High Court is forcing attrition of their sovereignty by denying stays aren't legal. Nor are they anyone's "right".

Children are involved in this conversation. They cannot vote, whereas the people calling themselves by their lifestyles "gay" can vote. Children thrive in situations where they find their gender as an adult role model. They suffer if they don't have that. The Prince's Trust study confirms this. Therefore, in a "gay marriage" 50% of the children involved would be predicted to be maladjusted and suffer. In hetero marriage from that causal agent, 0% of them would be expected to suffer.

So the fed has NO business forcing states (whether by a decision on the merits or by meritless refusal to apply interim stays) that have access to the Prince's Trust survey, the largest of its kind, to incentivize any other type of marriage but hetero. And this is because hetero is the most functional marriage psychologically for the most important people in this conversation: children.

Let me repeat that conclusion: People calling themselves by their lifestyles "gay" are not the most important people in this debate; children are. It is solely their interest that all decisions must be made since marriage is an insitution by, for and about their formative environment.
but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong.
No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.
By forcing a member of a church to participate, are you not forcing the church to participate ?


If a baker sells cakes for children's parties- can a Christian then refuse to bake a cake for a Bar Mitzvah party- because Bar Mitzah's are a Jewish ritual that he doesnt' believe in?

Can a Muslim baker refuse to sell cakes to a Christian- just because he believes that doing business with a Christian forces him to participate in Christianity?
These things don't happen because there is respect among the differences in religions and such, but the other see's no respect in anything, therefore it wants forced participation or else.

They don't?


Public Accomodation laws protect Christians from discrimination.

If you want to eliminate PA laws- go for it.
When have you heard of any Christians in this nation needing protection with PA laws ? You keep saying that as if there have been cases where Christians have been discriminated against at a business because of being Christian, but I can't think of any myself can you ? As far as I know Christians aren't doing anything that would rise to a level of someone wanting to discriminate against them. Lately it seems that gay's have been demanding that Christians promote or agree to their lifestyle in certain kinds of ways, but Christians aren't wanting to participate in the promotion of their life stye choices in which they make, and the gay's see that as discrimination against them when asked, but the Christians just want to be left alone in order to live in peace is all.
Then your perception is wrong.

Gay Americans seek only the Constitutional protections the 14th Amendment affords them.

Gay Americans are not 'promoting' their 'lifestyle,' they make no 'demands' on Christians to 'promote' or 'agree with anything, the notion is ridiculous and unfounded.

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