Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
No. You can't force people to accept gayism if it goes against everything they believe in.
The whole gay marriage thing is an attack against tradition, religion, and the nuclear family.

Because of course, if we allow a gay couple to marry, the nuclear family will cease to exist..........
No. If a gay couple wants to marry they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.
Who wants to start a marriage like that?
No. If a gay couple wants to marry they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.
Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a black couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a Jewish couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where ti offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?

Trouble is, Kennedy will see this and put on his blinders about all the other good reasons (childrens' welfare and need for a father and mother) to return the question of gay marriage to the states.

I smell a gay activist behind this one..

I smell bullshit. Or more specifically, you having completely misread the court for years. With all of your predictions and assumptions on what the Windsor decision 'really meant' being nothing more than blithering nonsense.

Though finally, it seems you're cluing in to what's going to happen in June.
No. You can't force people to accept gayism if it goes against everything they believe in.
The whole gay marriage thing is an attack against tradition, religion, and the nuclear family.

It's not an attack. It doesn't even affect any of those things. People who want a "nuclear" family can still have them, with absolutely no more trouble than they would have had before.
The law isn't suppose to give people the right to abuse christians either, where as that is the way in which the laws are being abused now in these ways today. Now who exactly is getting special treatment today?

Christians aren't being abused by following generally applicable law. You're not special and you're not exempt. The same laws apply to you as apply to everyone else.

There's no special lenient 'Christian' version of the law. There's the plain old 'American' version.
Yes they are being abused now.

On the contrary- the law protects Christians much more comprehensively than it does homosexuals.

Christians are protected from discrimination by business owners based upon their Christianity in the entire United States- whereas homosexuals rights to service are protected in only some states and municipalities.

Christians are not being 'abused' by being required to follow the same law that also protects them.
They are being abused by having to hide their Christianity in the public square now

Christians are not being 'abused by being required to follow the very same laws that also protect them.
Being fined for being Christian, being denied to right to conduct business because they're Christian...

Wrong. They're not being allowed to violate secular laws and use religion as an excuse.
Whose wrong ? Them or is it the ones who are challenging the Christians with a new twist in life, and this by utilizing the law that was not created with the intent for which it is being used against them in such a way now ?

The PA laws were absolutely designed to prevent discrimination against gays in business with the public. So that argument is out the window. We're not making any law 'optional' for Christians. We're not creating one harsher set of laws for all of us....and a second, more lenient set for Christians.

You're scrambling from excuse to excuse for why you should get special treatment, why the rules don't apply to you, why you should be able to ignore any law you wish.

No. We're not doing any of that. Christians will be treated with the same as anyone else.

Arkansas Legislature Passes Bill Allowing LGBT Discrimination

LMFAO - One Down 49 to Go. :>

Well so much for the argument about 'the will of the people'......
Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he will allow the bill to become law, thereby preventing cities and counties from passing ordinances designed to protect LGBT people from discrimination in housing, jobs, and businesses.

If voters from Little Rock want to outlaw discrimination against LGBT- the State of Arkansas is going to overrule those voters.

I look forward to hearing more about 'the will of the voters'........

If voters from Little Rock want to outlaw discrimination against LGBT- the State of Arkansas is going to overrule those voters.

The people of Little Rock DO NOT want to outlaw "discrimination" against perverts ... they simply want to outlaw discrimination against normal sane people and families cloaked as LGBT legislation. LGBT and Feminazis are masters at "framing" and the public is beginning to see through the facade.
No. If a gay couple wants to marry they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.
Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a black couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a Jewish couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where ti offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?
Are you sure that blacks or Jews like you equating their marriages in these ways? They probably hate it, but in this nation now, well who cares about what other people think if they are used in these ways right?
No. You can't force people to accept gayism if it goes against everything they believe in.
The whole gay marriage thing is an attack against tradition, religion, and the nuclear family.

It's not an attack. It doesn't even affect any of those things. People who want a "nuclear" family can still have them, with absolutely no more trouble than they would have had before.
Absolute unadulterated and uninformed BullSh*t
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.
Or worse to be forced to participate in something that their religion and beliefs tell them not to partcipate in or to endorse in their daily lives. The christian is to love the sinners if they seek to be loved, and even in prayer if they don't seek to be loved, but they are not to love or endorse the sin in ones life.
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No. If a gay couple wants to marry they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.
Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a black couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a Jewish couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where ti offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?
Are you sure that blacks or Jews like you equating their marriages in these ways? They probably hate it, but in this nation now, well who cares about what other people think if they are used in these ways right?

I am sure that my using that same rational for other people makes you uncomfortable.

If the criteria is 'not offending other people' do you think that should only apply to homosexuals?
Christians aren't being abused by following generally applicable law. You're not special and you're not exempt. The same laws apply to you as apply to everyone else.

There's no special lenient 'Christian' version of the law. There's the plain old 'American' version.
Yes they are being abused now.

On the contrary- the law protects Christians much more comprehensively than it does homosexuals.

Christians are protected from discrimination by business owners based upon their Christianity in the entire United States- whereas homosexuals rights to service are protected in only some states and municipalities.

Christians are not being 'abused' by being required to follow the same law that also protects them.
They are being abused by having to hide their Christianity in the public square now

Christians are not being 'abused by being required to follow the very same laws that also protect them.
Wrong. They're not being allowed to violate secular laws and use religion as an excuse.
Whose wrong ? Them or is it the ones who are challenging the Christians with a new twist in life, and this by utilizing the law that was not created with the intent for which it is being used against them in such a way now ?

The PA laws were absolutely designed to prevent discrimination against gays in business with the public. So that argument is out the window. We're not making any law 'optional' for Christians. We're not creating one harsher set of laws for all of us....and a second, more lenient set for Christians.

You're scrambling from excuse to excuse for why you should get special treatment, why the rules don't apply to you, why you should be able to ignore any law you wish.

No. We're not doing any of that. Christians will be treated with the same as anyone else.

Arkansas Legislature Passes Bill Allowing LGBT Discrimination

LMFAO - One Down 49 to Go. :>

Well so much for the argument about 'the will of the people'......
Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he will allow the bill to become law, thereby preventing cities and counties from passing ordinances designed to protect LGBT people from discrimination in housing, jobs, and businesses.

If voters from Little Rock want to outlaw discrimination against LGBT- the State of Arkansas is going to overrule those voters.

I look forward to hearing more about 'the will of the voters'........

If voters from Little Rock want to outlaw discrimination against LGBT- the State of Arkansas is going to overrule those voters.

The people of Little Rock DO NOT want to outlaw "discrimination" against perverts ... they simply want to outlaw discrimination against normal sane people and families cloaked as LGBT legislation. LGBT and Feminazis are masters at "framing" and the public is beginning to see through the facade.

Wow- good attempt at '1984' double speak. War is peace. Equal rights is discrimination.

The law the State of Arkansas is passing would forbid every city and county in Arkansas from enacting their own laws to protect LGBT people from discrimination in housing, jobs and business's.

That means if the people of Little Rock vote by a huge majority to pass such a city ordinance, the State of Arkansas says- NO- you can't do that.

Which makes all of the crocodile tears I have heard from the opponents of gay marriage about how 'the rights of the voters are being ignored' just wonderfully ironic.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

How are you "forced to accept" my civil marriage? Were you there, chained to a post, and I missed you? So sorry. What a terrible host I am.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.
No. If a gay couple wants to marry they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.
Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a black couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a Jewish couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where ti offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?
Are you sure that blacks or Jews like you equating their marriages in these ways? They probably hate it, but in this nation now, well who cares about what other people think if they are used in these ways right?

I am sure that my using that same rational for other people makes you uncomfortable.

If the criteria is 'not offending other people' do you think that should only apply to homosexuals?
No not at all, but then you don't see Jewish people forcing a Christian church to hold their ceremonies either. Nice try with throwing racism into a conversation about homosexual marriage. If you are trying to make a comparison between racism and homosexuality, you failed miserably.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong.
You can't force people to accept something they know and believe is wrong.

How are you "forced to accept" my civil marriage? Were you there, chained to a post, and I missed you? So sorry. What a terrible host I am.
If you force my church to hold your ceremony when you know darn well it goes against their religion, yes you are forcing an issue on people who don't approve.

No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.
No. If a gay couple wants to marry they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.
Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a black couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where it offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?

If a Jewish couple wants to marry, they shouldn't force it in a venue where ti offends other people.

Who wants to start a marriage like that?
Are you sure that blacks or Jews like you equating their marriages in these ways? They probably hate it, but in this nation now, well who cares about what other people think if they are used in these ways right?

I am sure that my using that same rational for other people makes you uncomfortable.

If the criteria is 'not offending other people' do you think that should only apply to homosexuals?
No not at all, but then you don't see Jewish people forcing a Christian church to hold their ceremonies either. Nice try with throwing racism into a conversation about homosexual marriage. If you are trying to make a comparison between racism and homosexuality, you failed miserably.

And you don't see homosexuals forcing a Christian church to hold their ceremonies either.

No one can force any church to have any ceremony or ritual or anything else that the church doesn't want. to have.
but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong...No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.

1. Greeneyedlady said your premise that race issues = deviant sex lifestyles is a false comparison. And she is correct.

2. Churches have already been forced to accomodate homosexual weddings.
A. Churches are nothing more than congregations of individual Christians and..
B. Individual Christians are being forced legally by the LGBT litigious army to accomodate homosexual weddings.

but you can legally prevent them from acting on such bigotry.

In 1967, the people knew and believed that mixed race marriage was wrong...No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.

1. Greeneyedlady said your premise that race issues = deviant sex lifestyles is a false comparison. And she is correct.

2. Churches have already been forced to accomodate homosexual weddings.
A. Churches are nothing more than congregations of individual Christians and..
B. Individual Christians are being forced legally by the LGBT litigious army to accomodate homosexual weddings.


No one is forcing any church to hold any ceremonies.

No one.

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