Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
I see Sil is back to the old "you're trying to bury all my pride pictures" shtick again. Too funny.
The 'cult' you've imagined doesn't exist. There is no 'church of buttsex'. And Christians are held to the same laws as everyone else. If they can arbitrarily ignore any law that they don't like, then we have a religiously based sovereign citizen argument.
That is open for debate. (Sure, no cult qualities here...nothing to see...move along.. :lmao: )




No need for a "coalition" to resist this cult's inroads. The 1st Amendment already exists for 300 million people.
I see Sil is back to the old "you're trying to bury all my pride pictures" shtick again. Too funny.
Well just look at the number of ad hominems spamming two pages after I posted it.

You're offering us a variety of conspiracy theories that you can't possibly back up. Really batshit stuff.

All while spamming the board with enormous block posts of pictures. What would you expect us to discuss?

Even your reasoning in the pictures is ludicrious: a guy wears rainbow colored gays must be a 'cult'? That makes no sense. Nor can you explain it. So you just keep spamming.
Poor Sil, using images that have no mean in the marriage discussion.

He is ignoring all of the genitalia flashing during carnival season.
I see Sil is back to the old "you're trying to bury all my pride pictures" shtick again. Too funny.
Well just look at the number of ad hominems spamming two pages after I posted it.

Your spamming of these photos has nothing to do with churches being forced to marry gays against their wishes. Any churches forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, today? Yeah, didn't think so. I am sure the next response will be some legal poppycock about how individual are actually churches themselves. Which is nothing more than pseudo-legal bullshit you've pulled entirely out of thin air.
Poor Sil, using images that have no mean in the marriage discussion.

He is ignoring all of the genitalia flashing during carnival season.

In the past Sil has marginalized those acts as folks merely celebrating a bacchanal. Sort of like how she tried to marginalize Josh Duggars's sexual assaults as mere "sexual experimentations" between children.
Sil is inconsistent in equal application of standards.

Of course, she wants to apply unconstitutional standards.
You're almost there, one more post to go and then I'll copy and paste the pictures onto another post.
Either the pictures depict cult-like behavior or they don't. A poster was claiming that LGBT isn't a cult. Complete with its Messiah, Harvey Milk and guys from NAMBLA like Harry Hay (in the last picture) marching along with them, signs, slogans, certain colors, dogma and heavy evangelizing in public schools and courts, I'd say the LGBT movement is nothing but a cult. L. Ron Hubbard would be mighty proud.

Trouble is, a cult doesn't get to dictate to the 1st Amendment.
Either the pictures depict cult-like behavior or they don't. A poster was claiming that LGBT isn't a cult. Complete with its Messiah, Harvey Milk and guys from NAMBLA like Harry Hay (in the last picture) marching along with them, signs, slogans, certain colors, dogma and heavy evangelizing in public schools and courts, I'd say the LGBT movement is nothing but a cult. L. Ron Hubbard would be mighty proud. You don't want to talk about the pictures because they successfully rebut your claim that LGBT isn't a cult, Skylar. So (shocker!) you and your work crew heap on the ad hominems as a diversion. New page. Get to to work!

Trouble is, a cult doesn't get to dictate to the 1st Amendment.

The 'cult' you've imagined doesn't exist. There is no 'church of buttsex'. And Christians are held to the same laws as everyone else. If they can arbitrarily ignore any law that they don't like, then we have a religiously based sovereign citizen argument.
That is open for debate. (Sure, no cult qualities here...nothing to see...move along.. :lmao: )




No need for a "coalition" to resist this cult's inroads. The 1st Amendment already exists for 300 million people.
Reported for spamming and trolling. Sil, you have been confounded and astounded by the easy refutation of your nonsense.

Stop spamming.
Reported for spamming and trolling. Sil, you have been confounded and astounded by the easy refutation of your nonsense.

Stop spamming.
I think the moderators, like the SCOTUS, can see what's what. They'll see my pictures posted a couple of pages back. Then the couple dozen ad hominems you and your sock puppets posted one right after another (they can read the time stamps too you know), in order to bury them. Then they'll see that I reposted them with fresh text and viola! They'll act to protect true decorum and free speech here at USMB. After all, they know who butters their bread. There is no quicker death at a forum than to ban free speech. Your form of banning my speech is orchestrated spamming using multiple sock puppets acting 'as one'. You think it's a loophole. I think the moderators have see through your loophole. Proof of the pudding is that the pictures and my post are still loaded on this page.

I know you hate the pictures. They so clearly show that your movement is, in fact, a CULT. And it's really, really hard to argue that a cult "has rights" to force Christians to violate their own faith in order to bow to your demigod.
Either the pictures depict cult-like behavior or they don't.

The pictures show at most, 5 people. You imagine they are a 'cult', citing yourself. You imagine all gay people are part of this 'cult', citing a handful of pictures.

Um, no. Being gay is simply a sexual orientation. All the 'cult' nonsense is just you citing you, projecting an imaginary and elaborate set of attributes upon people you don't know nor have ever met.

And failing.

A poster was claiming that LGBT isn't a cult. Complete with its Messiah, Harvey Milk and guys from NAMBLA like Harry Hay (in the last picture) marching along with them, signs, slogans, certain colors, dogma and heavy evangelizing in public schools and courts, I'd say the LGBT movement is nothing but a cult. L. Ron Hubbard would be mighty proud.

The only one calling Harvey Milk a you. Citing you. Demonstrating the gloriously imaginary nature of your claims, invented by you, citing you, and spammed by you.

And lumping any gay person in with NAMBLA is the height of intellectual dishonesty. As homosexuality and pedophilia have nothing in particular to do with each other. Most pedophiles are straight men.

You're getting desperate, Sil. Your spamming is your tell.

You don't want to talk about the pictures because they successfully rebut your claim that LGBT isn't a cult, Skylar. So (shocker!) you and your work crew heap on the ad hominems as a diversion. New page. Get to to work!

Save that nothing you posted affirms any 'cult'. You've imagined it as an excuse to spam. A guy in rainbow underwear doesn't prove a 'cult'. And it certainly doesn't prove that all gays are part of it.

Your claims fail a test of both logic and evidence. But in terms of baseless imagination, you hit it right out of the park.
Reported for spamming and trolling. Sil, you have been confounded and astounded by the easy refutation of your nonsense.

Stop spamming.
I think the moderators, like the SCOTUS, can see what's what. They'll see my pictures posted a couple of pages back.

Sil.....the SCOTUS isn't following your posts. They don't know you exist. You're deluding yourself.

Then the couple dozen ad hominems you and your sock puppets posted one right after another (they can read the time stamps too you know), in order to bury them.

Sock pupppets?

ANOTHER conspiracy? You're currently running about a half dozen of them right now. Here's a much simpler explanation than your vast gay conspiracy involving Gallup polling, this message board, InTouch maganzine, the US postal service and Oprah Winfrey:

You're just wrong.
Either the pictures depict cult-like behavior or they don't.

The pictures show at most, 5 people. You imagine they are a 'cult', citing yourself. You imagine all gay people are part of this 'cult', citing a handful of pictures...

Of all the hands, feet, heads and torsos visible whole or in part in those pictures, you see only 5 people? Either a new pair of glasses or your smoke and mirrors fog machine is malfunctioning...again... Here's how delusional YOU are (while insisting it is I who is delusional). You, with the pictures clearly visible at the top of this page (and the next if you spam again) insist there are only "tops" 5 people in all of them. So you think that even though people can clearly see dozens, if not hundreds of heads, arms, feet torsos etc., you can somehow convince them via repetition of your illusionism that "there are only 5...repeat to yourself.."there...are...only..5..people".

Meanwhile anyone with a search engine can enter in the "images" category, the keywords "gay" "pride" and "parade", hit "enter" on their keyboard and verify independently that there are definitely more than just 5 people involved in promoting the LGBT cult values "on parade" down mainstreet USA.

Would you like me to post more to show I'm telling the truth? I mean, I've got a limitless supply of them right at my fingertips....oh...wait...right...well, at least "5" of them anyway. :lmao:
Sil, SCOTUS is not listening to you. Does not know, and does not care, that you exist. Admin and mods do know you exist. You are a cult of 1, and SCOTUS is about to slam break your hopes. I hope those care about you have intervention planned for you when you go nuts.

Stop spamming. Follow the rules.
Either the pictures depict cult-like behavior or they don't.

The pictures show at most, 5 people. You imagine they are a 'cult', citing yourself. You imagine all gay people are part of this 'cult', citing a handful of pictures...

Of all the hands, feet, heads and torsos visible whole or in part in those pictures, you see only 5 people?

And you assume that a viewer of a parade is a 'cult member'? That's just more imaginary nonsense. Again, your entire conspiracy addled argument is merely your imagination backed by nothing.

You can't establish anything you've said. A guy in rainbow underwear doesn't factually establish a 'cult'. It factually establishes a guy in rainbow underwear. Everything else you've invented.

And you have no idea what you're talking about.

Either a new pair of glasses or your smoke and mirrors fog machine is malfunctioning...again... Here's how delusional YOU are (while insisting it is I who is delusional).

Oh, you're batshit crazy. You have about half a dozen absolutely absurd conspiracies running, the nuttiest as follows:

1) That the Supreme Court is following your posts and threads on this board.

2) That the North Carolina GOP is trying to get gay marriage legalized nation wide by scaring the Supreme Court

3) That Gallup and every other polling that shows support for same sex marriage has been 'infiltrated by homosexuals' and is now actively falsifying its polling data.

4) That the posters that are contradicting you on this board are all 'paid gay bloggers'.

5) That a guy in rainbow underwear demonstrates a 'cult' that all gay people are a part of.

6) That Oprah Winfrey is part of a vast international gay conspiracy that dates back to the 1960s, and that she intentionally outed the Duggar's oldest a child molester to influence the Supreme Court.

And you can't factually back any of it. Not even a little. And yet you believe.

That's crazy.
You buried the last page before I could answer Skylar..

Had you read this, you wouldn't need to ask how this photo represents a cult.

For instance...the cult sports more than 5 people in this shot of a gay pride parade. Oh, look, the boyscouts are just behind that nearly naked gay guy wearing the bright red banana-hammock.

Let's see:

1. Cults have certain banners...check.

2. They like to recruit youngsters....check..

3. They seek to normalize their deviant mindset in the eyes of society....check.

4. They persecute defectors....check (thread title)


Imagine coming from just a 100 years ago, or even 25 years ago forward into present time and seeing this display.

There is such a thing as too much change in human societies. When a trend takes off like wildfire with a few fanning the flames vigorously, while others are trying to resist it, you'd better examine it under the lense of it being a cult, before you write it off as "normal evolution of society"...
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