Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
How is it that a cult gets to dictate to the rest of America if they can have freedom of religion or not?

The burden is upon the gay pride paraders to prove to the world they are not a collection of deviant behaviors. There's the lipstick lesbian problem too. That is to say, the problem of closeted heterosexuality under the LGBT umbrella.
They're under no obligation to do such thing. You've imagined it... What 'cult'? Remember, you simply calling gays names doesn't actually translate into a 'cult'. It merely reveals your mindset.

And you're confused. Its the State PA laws which define what actions are permissible in business. Not any imaginary 'cult'.

All people have to do is google "gay pride parade" in "images" to see exactly, without a single word needed, what cult I'm talking about.

And how does a picture of a guy in rainbow underwear demonstrate a 'cult'? It obviously doesn't. Its evidence of nothing more than a guy in rainbow underwear.

You've imagined your cult, you've imagined your 'they have banners!' definition of a cult, just like you've imagined a litany of batshit conspiracies regarding gays.

And your imagination is meaningless.

Try again.

Banners define a cult? I guess I'm retired from the military cult?

Who knew, right?
Gonna address this post or keep spamming?

How is it that a cult gets to dictate to the rest of America if they can have freedom of religion or not?
The burden is upon the gay pride paraders to prove to the world they are not a collection of deviant behaviors. There's the lipstick lesbian problem too. That is to say, the problem of closeted heterosexuality under the LGBT umbrella.
They're under no obligation to do such thing. You've imagined it... What 'cult'? Remember, you simply calling gays names doesn't actually translate into a 'cult'. It merely reveals your mindset.
And you're confused. Its the State PA laws which define what actions are permissible in business. Not any imaginary 'cult'.
All people have to do is google "gay pride parade" in "images" to see exactly, without a single word needed, what cult I'm talking about.

And yes, anyone who seeks to dictate to states that their majorities have to accept the repugnant idea of redacting the word "marriage" to newly mean "fatherless or motherless society-sanctioned/incentivized formative environment" to kids, bears the burden of proof. Prove up or shut up. Either show how the thousands of gay pride parade pictures do not depict a de facto cult or go home. Cults don't get special class status and they certainly don't get to tell 300 million Americans that they no longer enjoy the 1st Amendment protection they always have; that millions of men and women spilled their blood dying to defend and uphold since our nation's birth.

The burden is upon you my friend...oh, yes it is!

Show me how vv THIS vv has a "right" to tell Christians to violate their faith.

No one has been able to show that churches have to celebrate gay marriages.

The problem the Cult has with the Photos of the Cult being the Cult, is THAT it is simply NOT "FAIR" TO THE CULT!

If they are judged by what they are... how will anyone ever be able to accept them for what they are?

No one has been able to show that churches have to celebrate gay marriages.

Well that's true and just because this thread was started when the Homo-Cult was testing the waters threatening a Chapel, is no reason to believe that any Church was actually forced into doing what they Church recognizes as an abomination.

Of course, now that North Carolina has passed a law which informs Magistrates that they do not have to perform a ceremony joining to people of the same gender, we see that the momentum has faded and the pendulum is headed back ... with the Left having missed with yet ANOTHER lunge at the heart of America.
Make that the FAR left. Most "middles" I know may not voice opposition to gay marriage openly, but they certainly do at the polls.

November 2014. 'Nuff said.

No one has been able to show that churches have to celebrate gay marriages.

Well that's true and just because this thread was started when the Homo-Cult was testing the waters threatening a Chapel, is no reason to believe that any Church was actually forced into doing what they Church recognizes as an abomination.

Of course, now that North Carolina has passed a law which informs Magistrates that they do not have to perform a ceremony joining to people of the same gender, we see that the momentum has faded and the pendulum is headed back ... with the Left having missed with yet ANOTHER lunge at the heart of America.
Thank you for pointing out the law is unnecessary.
Silhouette, that was a political election that had little to do with marriage eqaulity.

The real polls say differently as you well know.
Make that the FAR left. Most "middles" I know may not voice opposition to gay marriage openly, but they certainly do at the polls.

November 2014. 'Nuff said.

There's literally no such thing as a moderate Leftist.... one either recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles in nature that govern human behavior, or one does not.

A Moderate, is merely a Leftist, who lacks the courage to commit.

No one has been able to show that churches have to celebrate gay marriages.

Well that's true and just because this thread was started when the Homo-Cult was testing the waters threatening a Chapel, is no reason to believe that any Church was actually forced into doing what they Church recognizes as an abomination.

Of course, now that North Carolina has passed a law which informs Magistrates that they do not have to perform a ceremony joining to people of the same gender, we see that the momentum has faded and the pendulum is headed back ... with the Left having missed with yet ANOTHER lunge at the heart of America.
Thank you for pointing out the law is unnecessary.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And Thanks again for attempting to force people to accept your deviant behavior... because it gave Americans the third escalating LAND SLIDE ELECTION VICTORY over the forces of Evil.

Which was nice... .
All people have to do is google "gay pride parade" in "images" to see exactly, without a single word needed, what cult I'm talking about.

The obvious problem with your reasoning being.....a picture of a guy in rainbow underwear doesn't factually establish a 'cult'. It factually establishes a guy in rainbow underwear.

All the 'cult' babble is just your imagination, made up by you quoting yourself.

And yes, anyone who seeks to dictate to states that their majorities have to accept the repugnant idea of redacting the word "marriage" to newly mean "fatherless or motherless society-sanctioned/incentivized formative environment" to kids, bears the burden of proof.

Nope. No one need do a thing. You're imagining a 'burden' that no one possesses, obligations that no one is obligated to.

If you want to deny rights to gays and lesbians, then the burden of proof is on you. As their rights already exist. They need to do nothing to 'prove' them. As the courts have already long established marriage as a civil right. You'll need a valid reason, a compelling state interest and a valid legislative end to withhold rights. As reaffirmed by the Romer decision.

And your ilk don't have even one of the three. Which might explain why you've lost 44 of 46 federal rulings.

The problem the Cult has with the Photos of the Cult being the Cult, is THAT it is simply NOT "FAIR" TO THE CULT!

If they are judged by what they are... how will anyone ever be able to accept them for what they are?

Nope. A picture of a guy in rainbow underwear doesn't factually establish anything but that there was a guy with rainbow underwear.

All the 'cult' gibberish is your and Sil's made up narrative, citing yourself. Which doesn't define any cult, nor objectively establishes anything.
Silhouette, that was a political election that had little to do with marriage eqaulity.

The real polls say differently as you well know.

Ah, but you forget........Sil's conspiracy that Gallup and all other polling agencies have been infiltrated by homosexuals to falsify their polling data as part of a vast, international gay conspiracy dating back to the 60s.

Sil can't actually back up any of that batshit. But he clings to his imaginary narraritive when ignoring any polling results that contradict you.

You can't fix stupid.
Sil has become mentally damaged by this issue.

Big time. Read Sil's goodbye to the board. Look at the litanny of harm his posting obsession about gays costs him. The physical toll. The emotional damage. The damage to his heath.

And then realize that he's more interested in feeding his addiction of attacking gay people than he is his own heath.

The batshit conspiracy gibberish pale in comparison.

The problem the Cult has with the Photos of the Cult being the Cult, is THAT it is simply NOT "FAIR" TO THE CULT!

If they are judged by what they are... how will anyone ever be able to accept them for what they are?

Nope. A picture of a guy in rainbow underwear doesn't factually establish anything but that there was a guy with rainbow underwear.


As it quite literally does establish something beyond what you assert.

What it factually establishes is the observed disregard for social norms across a much broader scope than just 'adults engaging in private consensual sex'... as do the thousands of other photos referenced in the Sil's citation, which depict the same thing.

And THAT is why the Photos are being so hotly contested. After all...

Picture = 1000 words.
... Look at the litanny of harm his posting obsession about gays costs him. The physical toll. The emotional damage. The damage to his heath.

And then realize that he's more interested in feeding his addiction of attacking gay people than he is his own heath.

The batshit conspiracy gibberish pale in comparison.

Yes, because combatting bad ideas equals obsession and obsession equals nefarious intent.

ROFLMNAO! You people are helpless.

The problem the Cult has with the Photos of the Cult being the Cult, is THAT it is simply NOT "FAIR" TO THE CULT!

If they are judged by what they are... how will anyone ever be able to accept them for what they are?

Nope. A picture of a guy in rainbow underwear doesn't factually establish anything but that there was a guy with rainbow underwear.


As it quite literally does establish something beyond what you assert.

What it factually establishes is the observed disregard for social norms across a much broader scope than just 'adults engaging in private consensual sex'... as do the thousands of other photos referenced in the Sil's citation, which depict the same thing.

Says you. And nothing you just cited is a 'cult'. You're making this shit up as you go along, citing yourself.

Back in reality, a picture of a guy in rainbow underwear factually establishes a guy in rainbow underwear. All the 'cult' babble is homophobe fan fiction.
... Look at the litanny of harm his posting obsession about gays costs him. The physical toll. The emotional damage. The damage to his heath.

And then realize that he's more interested in feeding his addiction of attacking gay people than he is his own heath.

The batshit conspiracy gibberish pale in comparison.

Yes, because combatting bad ideas equals obsession and obsession equals nefarious intent.

ROFLMNAO! You people are helpless.

When it costs you your health and damages you personally so much, the physical and emotional toll are too much to bear?

But you are compelled to do it *anyway* even after acknowledging you should stop and recognizing the severe and negative consequences of continuing?

That's at least obsession. And probably a hopeless compulsion.

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