Should DC become a state and get 2 Senators and voting rights for residents?

1) most do, if they don’t they are lobbyists
Source? I bet you're wrong.

The federal government still accounts for slightly more than one out of every 10 jobs in the D.C. region.

2) yes to keep the cost of food low for the people of dc to afford. cut the funding off, the people of mississippi still eat, DC not so much

The average person in DC has more money than the average person in Mississippi and much of if not all the Southeast. The federal government literally pays Mississippi to work.

3) yep, don’t live there…or better yet exempt them from federal taxes

So that you guys can complain that DC residents don't pay federal taxes? They should pay them just as much as other Americans utilizing the same progressive tax system. Why do you guys always want to punch a hole into federal tax revenues and never have a plan to make up for them?

4( no i am not…take your prejudice somewhere else.
My prejudice? I'm not prejudice I just think you have a really shitty argument.
Source? I bet you're wrong.

The federal government still accounts for slightly more than one out of every 10 jobs in the D.C. region.

The average person in DC has more money than the average person in Mississippi and much of if not all the Southeast. The federal government literally pays Mississippi to work.

So that you guys can complain that DC residents don't pay federal taxes? They should pay them just as much as other Americans utilizing the same progressive tax system. Why do you guys always want to punch a hole into federal tax revenues and never have a plan to make up for them?

My prejudice? I'm not prejudice I just think you have a really shitty argument.
1) and 8 of the 10 work for lobbyists

i lived there i know. Everything revolves around the govt

2) yes they make more…they have that money they took in taxes and spend it wildily.. the cost of living is much more too…every dollar in DC is money from taxes.

3) i wouldn’t complain, that’s why i suggested it. I think it’s fair

4) yes your prejudice. You prejudged me and made some radical conclusion
1) and 8 of the 10 work for lobbyists
Says you? You already claimed more than half work for the federal government. That didn't play out well.
i lived there i know. Everything revolves around the govt

Of course it does. So what?

2) yes they make more…they have that money they took in taxes and spend it wildily.. the cost of living is much more too…every dollar in DC is money from taxes.

They pay more in federal taxes. How many times do I have to repeat myself?

3) i wouldn’t complain, that’s why i suggested it. I think it’s fair

4) yes your prejudice. You prejudged me and made some radical conclusion

Oh Jesus another butthurt wingnut.
Says you? You already claimed more than half work for the federal government. That didn't play out well.

Of course it does. So what?

They pay more in federal taxes. How many times do I have to repeat myself?

Oh Jesus another butthurt wingnut.
work for the federal govt in some way. yes they are totally depended on the fed and others to substantiate itself. can’t only it’s own

obviously someone that makes more money pays more in federal taxes we have a progressive income tax..duh

butthurt? yeah…i dislike prejudice.
My map was representative, not literal - and you note, I used terms like "large majority", etc.
The vast majority is in the square I drew.
There's absolutelty no reason the district cannot be ceded back to MD, after separating out the federal apparatus.

How many times does it have to be said before you push the "I believe" button? Maryland does not want those "voters" and all of the state-supported social programs they would inherit.
huh? why? the people of PR are US citizens. Why don’t you think they should be considered such?

My apologies. That wasn't what I meant to say.

I want 50 states AND all US citizens to be residents of the states. Fold PR into one of the existing states. Do the same with DC, USVI, Wake, Midway, Guam, etc... Every US citizen should have 2 senators and one US House of Rep member.

Get rid of the 3 electoral votes for DC and reduce the number to 535.
My apologies. That wasn't what I meant to say.

I want 50 states AND all US citizens to be residents of the states. Fold PR into one of the existing states. Do the same with DC, USVI, Wake, Midway, Guam, etc... Every US citizen should have 2 senators and one US House of Rep member.

Get rid of the 3 electoral votes for DC and reduce the number to 535.
Why or why not?

I say NO.

The remaining part of DC should be given BACK to Maryland...and then the residents have voting rights as Marylandins.

Virginia already got their piece give MAryland back their piece.

By the way, the 3 westernmost counties in MAryland are trying to leave Maryland and join WEST VIRGINIA.

MAryland should love this...shed off a bunch of Red votes.

Yes, and so should Puerto Rico. Here's the problem you've got. The biggest population centers that can be split or rearranged, because of their numbers, are all blue areas.

Be careful what you wish for.
That's absolutely not true. "Most of DC" can be broken off (as you seem to understand) and nothing says it has to become part of Maryland.

I brought up PR by the way

What's left of D.C. was part of Maryland before and would automatically be part of Maryland again, if the size of the Federal District were reduced.

The same thing happened when the Virginian part of D.C. was removed from the Federal District. It automatically became part of Virginia again.
How many times does it have to be said before you push the "I believe" button? Maryland does not want those "voters" and all of the state-supported social programs they would inherit.

Maryland would have no choice. It's up to Congress to redraw the boundaries of the Federal District. If that happened (and it won't), the remaining area would automatically become part of Maryland - as it was before Washington D.C. existed.
Maryland would have no choice. It's up to Congress to redraw the boundaries of the Federal District. If that happened (and it won't), the remaining area would automatically become part of Maryland - as it was before Washington D.C. existed.
You need to look at the process used when the portion of DC that was ceded back to Virginia. Apparently, you never looked at it before making such ignorant statements.
Clearly the whole states model favours rural areas over urban areas and they wonder why there are riots...

Urban voters are under represented in nearly all national voting systems... This is undemocratic in nature...

DC and Puerto Rico statehood would cover the cracks but there is a fundamental problem...
Google works my friend! I should not have to link to a historical fact that you should know.

Oh, what the hell. Here you go!

Funny, I was about to post the same link. The difference is I READ THE ARTICLE!

If you had read it, you'd know that Virginia gained title to Alexandria IMMEDIATELY when President Polk Proclaimed Alexandria seceded. That came after Congress had approved it.

From the article:

"With the presidential proclamation, Virginia gained title to Alexandria County"

The State of Virginia did not need to take any action.

You're not only full of shit, but you're a terrible bullshitter!

You are so pitifully full of SHIT!!!

You have no knowledge of the subject, and you cannot prove your assertions.

Until you post a link proving what you say STFU!

I did you fucking cock holster. You should not be so quick on the trigger.

Now, go find a third-grader to read it to you.
The Constitution (Article IV, Section 3, Clause 3) says that "nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress."

Every source I've ever read (and I've been reading this stuff for decades) says that the retroceded part of DC would count as "Part of a State," and therefore Maryland's approval would be required. The country can't just slap an extra patch of land onto a State that doesn't want it.

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