Should DC become a state and get 2 Senators and voting rights for residents?

How many times does it have to be said before you push the "I believe" button? Maryland does not want those "voters" and all of the state-supported social programs they would inherit.
Maryland is a largely suburban and exurban state. There’s no way they want to add a very large city with far different concerns
Maryland is a largely suburban and exurban state. There’s no way they want to add a very large city with far different concerns
Most states are "largely suburban and exurban". And did you forget Baltimore? Oh, and not very many people are going to say 700K people is a "very large city". It's not.
"DC shouldn't become a State because it isn't a State" is the most ridiculous circular reasoning.

Every State wasn't a State, until it became a State. One of our States was a Republic; another was a @#$%ing Kingdom. The whole nation is built on taking areas that aren't States, and turning them into States.

DC was established as a concept in the Constitution in 1789. It was carved out of Maryland and Virginia in 1801, then the Virginia land was returned in 1846. It wasn't made a single district until 1871, and then its representation was overhauled with the 23rd Amendment in 1961. Its makeup has not been static for these past 230 years; it has been changing constantly and, as stated, it has a higher population than three States. There is no reason it can't be one itself.

Until then, there are almost 700,000 American citizens with no voting power in the House, and no representation at all in the Senate. That goes against our entire belief system.
Either that or stop making them pay federal taxes. As a territory, their deligates have no vote in congress and they dont get a vote in the EC. The have no real representation. And congress literally controls them. Congress can override any decision or policy they make.
So, not a single valid reason that the residents and area that currently make up the bulk of the district should not be a state other than some don't want them to have representation due to political ideology. Nothing more.
So, not a single valid reason that the residents and area that currently make up the bulk of the district should not be a state...
This is a lie.
A new state is not necessary to give these people representation in Congress.
Those who support DC statehood are only interestd in the Senate seats that will come with it.
This is a lie.
A new state is not necessary to give these people representation in Congress.

Oh? You want the federal government to force the residents of a district into a state that doesn't want them? That's your solution? Doesn't work that way, the federal government doesn't have the power.

Those who support DC statehood are only interestd in the Senate seats that will come with it.

Who they would vote for is irrelevant in deciding if they should have representation.
Oh? You want the federal government to force the residents of a district into a state that doesn't want them? That's your solution? Doesn't work that way, the federal government doesn't have the power.
Fact remains: Representation can be had w/o the creation of a new state.
That the path is not easy or popular on no way means it is not there.
You want to take the easy way because it benefits you politically, and nothing else.
Who they would vote for is irrelevant in deciding if they should have representation.
We both know that if the District were full of white Republicans, you'd disagree with the idea in the strongest possible terms.
You can disagree, but you have to lie to do it.
Either that or stop making them pay federal taxes. As a territory, their deligates have no vote in congress and they dont get a vote in the EC. The have no real representation. And congress literally controls them. Congress can override any decision or policy they make.

They have 3 votes in the electoral College. Read the 23rd Amendment.
Fact remains: Representation can be had w/o the creation of a new state.

No, it really can't in practice.

That the path is not easy or popular on no way means it is not there.

You would have to have at agreement between the residents of the district (it's not there), the other state (it's not there) and the federal government (it's not there). All the people impacted are not interested in your solution. It's not only not easy, it's not happening.

You want to take the easy way because it benefits you politically, and nothing else.

I think the easy way is to just leave it as it is. No? I don't think there is anything easy about creating a new state in hyper-partisan 2021. This thread is more than proof that many Americans have no problem denying other citizens representation in Congress.

We both know that if the District were full of white Republicans, you'd disagree with the idea in the strongest possible terms.
You can disagree, but you have to lie to do it.

No, I wouldn't be against it. I'm not interested in you blanketing my reasoning for statehood around your ideological bias in denying citizens of this country the fair representation.
As I said: To disagree, you have to lie.
And you did.
I didn't lie. I know it's difficult for some to believe that regardless of somebody's political ideology they should still have the same rights to representation in Congress that we all take for granted.
I don't believe you.
Neither does anyone else.
Including you.

I believe me 100%.

I'm not really concerned with your latest example of not being able to provide a valid reason why citizens in this country, in a large population that outnumbers 2 other states cannot have representation in Congress.
Of course you';d say that - you arent likely to -admit- you don't believe you.

Of course I'd say it because it's true. Every American whether they are black, white, Asian or anything else have the right to fair representation. Anybody, I don't care if you're a skinhead or a tree hugging vegan, you get to vote for your representatives in Congress just like anyone else. Can we not agree on this simple truth?

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