Should Donald Trump get credit for killing al Baghdadi?

Should Donald Trump get credit for killing al Baghdadi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 64.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Fuck Obama

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Fuck Donald

    Votes: 7 11.3%

  • Total voters
I’m an independent who votes accordingly.
Were you a hillary supporter?

Nope, last time I voted for a Dem was her husband the first time, learned my lesson and never did that again.

You say you are an independent who votes accordingly, when was the last time you did not vote for a Repub?
I also made the mistake of voting for Bill. It’s why I voted for Trump and have no regrets.

Democrats have more problems today than they did before Obama. The level of corruption and dishonesty we’re now learning about should concern everyone.

Because democrats have taken a hard left turn, I’ll soon be registering as a Republican because I can’t see myself ever voting for another democrat.

The problem here is that the Repubs are following the Dems to the left. Outside of a few social issues there is not much difference.
Please explain your answer.

Donald Trump is the katechon...defending us against the chaos Barack Hussein Soweto and Hillary Clinton unleashed upon the world.

trump coin.jpg
Commander in Chief gets credit. Obama/bin Laden, Trump/al Bagdhadi.

If shit had gone south, they'd have been blamed.

Congratulations, Mr. President!

Yep, like Carter and Iran hostage disaster

You must be young.Carter actually tried to rescue the hostages. Reagan made a deal with Iran to keep them until he got elected.

one of these days when you become an adult you will learn all about Republicans making deals with our enemies.
I’m an independent who votes accordingly.
Were you a hillary supporter?

Nope, last time I voted for a Dem was her husband the first time, learned my lesson and never did that again.

You say you are an independent who votes accordingly, when was the last time you did not vote for a Repub?
I also made the mistake of voting for Bill. It’s why I voted for Trump and have no regrets.

Democrats have more problems today than they did before Obama. The level of corruption and dishonesty we’re now learning about should concern everyone.

Because democrats have taken a hard left turn, I’ll soon be registering as a Republican because I can’t see myself ever voting for another democrat.

I don't believe your extreme view of democrats.


even if there is some truth in it

trump is OBVIOUSLY corrupt, immoral, LIES, unethical, deranged, abusive, insulting, mocking, LIES, applauds ruthless dictators, calls his opponents HUMAN SCUM, LIES, attacked Obama for playing golf and has played MORE golf than Obama ever did, insults and attacks our allies, has put FAR RIGHT WING DOMINIONIST EVANGELICALS in positions of power

the republican party is full of conservative evangelicals who believe THEY, THEIR GOD and THEIR BIBLE should have DOMINION over the land.




controlling our government.
Sure, why not, It's not like he risked anything to give the order.
Apparently you believe that it is an everyday occurrence to send soldiers to kill terrorists like this guy, gonna bet he probably wasn't the only bad guy in the area. SO probably just walked in and asked where he was and then killed him. Congress had 0% "Operational need to know". They can't stop leaks from their own committees. The guy would have disappeared like a fart in the wind if any Dem congressman or Senator was brought in the loop. They love terrorists Hilary and Obama funded Iran with $150,000,000,000! Remember moon bats ?
Sure, why not, It's not like he risked anything to give the order.
Apparently you believe that it is an everyday occurrence to send soldiers to kill terrorists like this guy, gonna bet he probably wasn't the only bad guy in the area. SO probably just walked in and asked where he was and then killed him. Congress had 0% "Operational need to know". They can't stop leaks from their own committees. The guy would have disappeared like a fart in the wind if any Dem congressman or Senator was brought in the loop. They love terrorists Hilary and Obama funded Iran with $150,000,000,000! Remember moon bats ?
But again, in what the rest of us call reality, it's the mentally ill president who cant be trusted with classified info.
You must be young.Carter actually tried to rescue the hostages. Reagan made a deal with Iran to keep them until he got elected.

one of these days when you become an adult you will learn all about Republicans making deals with our enemies.

Calling BULLSHIT on that "actually tried". I base this on having personally known one of the people who was involved in the preparations made for the failed raid. The troops had aircraft especially modified to deal with the desert conditions but were not allowed to use them because Carter felt the cost of getting them into position. The locally-sourced shoppers couldn't deal with the conditions they knew would be encountered and let them down leading to the abject failure. That, for many years, secured Carter's position as "worst president ever".
Sure, why not, It's not like he risked anything to give the order.
Apparently you believe that it is an everyday occurrence to send soldiers to kill terrorists like this guy, gonna bet he probably wasn't the only bad guy in the area. SO probably just walked in and asked where he was and then killed him. Congress had 0% "Operational need to know". They can't stop leaks from their own committees. The guy would have disappeared like a fart in the wind if any Dem congressman or Senator was brought in the loop. They love terrorists Hilary and Obama funded Iran with $150,000,000,000! Remember moon bats ?
But again, in what the rest of us call reality, it's the mentally ill president who cant be trusted with classified info.
Should he put it on a personal email server and ignore the big C?
Should he put it on a personal email server and ignore the big C?
Like his family does? No, Trump doesn't use email, ya goober. He passes classified info on his unsecured cell phone, by tweets, and directly to the top russian spies in the Oval Office. Duh. What a dumb question.
Please explain your answer.

No more so then Obama did for UBL's killing. In the end all either of them did was say "yes" and watch it on TV. It was the planners in the military, as well as the folks on the ground who put in all the time tracking the guy and making the plans to kill him.
the republican party is full of conservative evangelicals who believe THEY, THEIR GOD and THEIR BIBLE should have DOMINION over the land.




controlling our government.

But you will vote for the left wing communists because, liek all communists, you fear and despise Christianity...especially its media caricature.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi An Obama creation Committed the cowardly act of suicide, typical to Islam.

Credit goes to our troops no one else....
Set aside the accuracy of that, Clinton was asked for permission to kill OBL. Clinton said no. Whether the attempt would have been successful or not is irrelevant. Clinton said no.
Actually that's not irrelevant.
So your telling us Clinton can tell the future. What a baboon.
No, I'm saying he made the right call with the information he had.

It would have been great if he had been able to get him, but that wasn't the case.
The information Clinton had was OBL was at this location and was asked for permission to kill him. Clinton said no.

Then there’s these other great Democrat moments



Obama’s team had the chance to kill ISIS leader Al Baghdadi — and they blew it.
Just like Obama, the US Military took care of business.
But I gave Obama credit for being willing to risk his second term on taking the chance. Going into Pakistan was a lot more dicey than going "back" into Syria, because Pakistan could have gone full out terrorist haven without our ability to do anything about it, and they really do have nukes, so the comparison is not exact because Obama risked a lot more. But if the Syria raid went balls up, Trump would surely have been a one termer. I think we have to give him credit for that. But that doesn't make his Syria run away the right thing to do, and it actually illustrates why it's the wrong thing to do.

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