Should FDR have allowed Jews in to escape death


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I know most Americans did not want too
FDR could have brought in 10 million and saved them all ??
We were in a Depression then.FDR felt we had enough lawyers,landlords and used car salesmen.That's why he denied them.
We could have millions of more lawyers , accountants , doctors and sales folks in the USA
I know most Americans did not want too
FDR could have brought in 10 million and saved them all ??
FDR did allow some Jews to enter the US, it was just many didnt think Hitler was going to be as Evil as they thought, until it was too late. The progs of America have not clue how Evil their leaders are, even when show proof over and over, yet blindly they follow, and it will end up just like the 1000 year reich...Not so well.....
I know most Americans did not want too
FDR could have brought in 10 million and saved them all ??
The depression couupled with the American Christians of that era viewing Jews as Stalinist communalists made for a impossible situation. To take in the Jews @ that time would have been political suicide for FDR.
I know most Americans did not want too
FDR could have brought in 10 million and saved them all ??
The depression couupled with the American Christians of that era viewing Jews as Stalinist communalists made for a impossible situation. To take in the Jews @ that time would have been political suicide for FDR.
Could have taken in the kids ??
Not like Jewish kids are born Bolsheviks??
You don't want to open this can 'o worms do you? Resistance groups in Europe were risking their own lives in the late 30's to save a couple or a dozen or a hundred Jewish lives but the FDR administration refused to accept a lousy thousand Jews on a refugee ship in 1939 and turned them back to starve aboard ship or die in Nazi occupied areas when the ship finally ran out of fuel.
You don't want to open this can 'o worms do you? Resistance groups in Europe were risking their own lives in the late 30's to save a couple or a dozen or a hundred Jewish lives but the FDR administration refused to accept a lousy thousand Jews on a refugee ship in 1939 and turned them back to starve aboard ship or die in Nazi occupied areas when the ship finally ran out of fuel.
It’s the greatest tragedy that could have easily been stopped
The British smuggled in several hundred kids by wealthy Jewish donors and British families !
Some kids did ok and others were beaten and forced into Christianity
You don't want to open this can 'o worms do you? Resistance groups in Europe were risking their own lives in the late 30's to save a couple or a dozen or a hundred Jewish lives but the FDR administration refused to accept a lousy thousand Jews on a refugee ship in 1939 and turned them back to starve aboard ship or die in Nazi occupied areas when the ship finally ran out of fuel.

Yes, the story of that ship will remain a stain on FDR's record.

People today are focused on alleged discrimination against a certain ethnicity, but they do not know or remember that before World War II there was much prejudice against Jewish people. So, as other posters have noted, FDR did not dare let in too many Jewish refugees.

And, as other posters have noted, many Americans did not believe that Herr Hitler would do what he directly or indirectly promised. Similar to Americans who do not believe that the Dems will actually do some of the things that they are promising (e.g., packing the Court, abolishing the Electoral College, etc.).
The media writes the history books and the media has always been on FDR's side. We don't hear much about the illegal incarceration of American citizens and the confiscation of their property by FDR supporters. A good reference book that focuses on the pre-war years in Germany is "In the Garden of the Beasts" by Eric Larson. FDR's foreign policy was a mess. Nazi's were beating Americans on the streets and the FDR administration spent it's time goading the U.S. ambassador in Berlin to demand WW1 reparations.

You don't want to open this can 'o worms do you? Resistance groups in Europe were risking their own lives in the late 30's to save a couple or a dozen or a hundred Jewish lives but the FDR administration refused to accept a lousy thousand Jews on a refugee ship in 1939 and turned them back to starve aboard ship or die in Nazi occupied areas when the ship finally ran out of fuel.
..just like the war, it was much more complicated than that......

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