Should "GANG RAPE" accuser, Swetnick, be charged with PERJURY and prosecuted?

Au Contraire.

Here is the letter: (Now that the BEST of your knowledge is up to speed, should she be investigated and prosecuted if enough evidence shows she committed perjury?)

I, [redacted], declare as follows:

My name is [redacted] and I am a resident of South Florida. I fully understand the seriousness of the statements contained within this declaration. I have personal knowledge of the information stated herein and if called to testify to the same would and could do so.

I am a 1983 graduate of a high school in the Washington, D.C. area. I also hold a bachelor of arts degree and master of liberal arts degree. I have known Christine Blasey Ford and Julie Swetnick for decades and believe they are both honest and truthful.

I was first introduced to Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge in 1980 at Beach Week in ocean City, Maryland. Thereafter, I attended at least 20 house parties in the Washington, D.C. area where Brett and Mark were present during the years 1980-82. I knew them both well as we shared many mutual friends and often socialized with the same people.

The house parties I attended were a common occurrence in the area and usually occurred on the weekends during the school year. I know of many instances during these house parties where Brett and Mark would drink excessively and be overly aggressive and verbally abusive towards girls. This conduct included inappropriate physical contact with girls of a sexual nature. It also often included Brett drinking to a point where he was incoherent and vomiting, well before he was 18 years old.

I have seen Brett Kavanaugh's recent interview on Fox News regarding his alleged "choir boy" existence during his high school years and lack of sexual activity. This claim is absolutely false and a lie based on what I observed firsthand. It is also laughable.

During the year 1981-82, I witnessed firsthand Brett Kavanaugh, together with others, "spike" the "punch" at house parties I attended with Quaaludes and/or grain alcohol. I understood this was being done for the purposes of making girls more likely to engage in sexual acts and less likely to say "No."

I am aware of other witnesses that can attest to the truthfulness of each of the statements above.

I am aware of other inappropriate conduct by Brett Kavanaugh but do not feel comfortable stating it at this time in this declaring. I am fully, willingly, and able to speak with the FBI and tell them everything I know about Brett Kavanaugh and his misconduct if I am contacted.

I declare, under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct. I have executed this declaration on October 2, 2018.

Where does this statement say anything about "gang rape"? Or "rape" of any kind?

Where did that idea even come from if it's not here?
The media built that up, imo. Didn't her statements go on to include boys waiting in line in the hallway to "visit" one of the girls who had succumbed to the punch?
suddenly avanetti is a reliable resource for witnesses? just the other day you dismissed him and said no one found him credible. yet, lookie here.

i know i know - i'm being unreasonable, asking you to be consistent and all. my bad.
Oh, you think he made up her story? That she didn't tell him that?
nothing close to my point. the other day you dismissed him as unreliable. now we're talking back to gang rape parties as if it could be true. all i'm asking is for you to make up your mind and hold it for a few days.

a lot, i know.
Stop it, you bitch. What IS your point, besides making up some bullshit about me?
Avenatti is the lawyer, not the accuser. She said such and so. You are saying that the lawyer's credibility plays into whether her statements were accurate, which certainly sounds like you think he made it up and reported things which were not true and that she never said.
Au Contraire.

Here is the letter: (Now that the BEST of your knowledge is up to speed, should she be investigated and prosecuted if enough evidence shows she committed perjury?)

I, [redacted], declare as follows:

My name is [redacted] and I am a resident of South Florida. I fully understand the seriousness of the statements contained within this declaration. I have personal knowledge of the information stated herein and if called to testify to the same would and could do so.

I am a 1983 graduate of a high school in the Washington, D.C. area. I also hold a bachelor of arts degree and master of liberal arts degree. I have known Christine Blasey Ford and Julie Swetnick for decades and believe they are both honest and truthful.

I was first introduced to Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge in 1980 at Beach Week in ocean City, Maryland. Thereafter, I attended at least 20 house parties in the Washington, D.C. area where Brett and Mark were present during the years 1980-82. I knew them both well as we shared many mutual friends and often socialized with the same people.

The house parties I attended were a common occurrence in the area and usually occurred on the weekends during the school year. I know of many instances during these house parties where Brett and Mark would drink excessively and be overly aggressive and verbally abusive towards girls. This conduct included inappropriate physical contact with girls of a sexual nature. It also often included Brett drinking to a point where he was incoherent and vomiting, well before he was 18 years old.

I have seen Brett Kavanaugh's recent interview on Fox News regarding his alleged "choir boy" existence during his high school years and lack of sexual activity. This claim is absolutely false and a lie based on what I observed firsthand. It is also laughable.

During the year 1981-82, I witnessed firsthand Brett Kavanaugh, together with others, "spike" the "punch" at house parties I attended with Quaaludes and/or grain alcohol. I understood this was being done for the purposes of making girls more likely to engage in sexual acts and less likely to say "No."

I am aware of other witnesses that can attest to the truthfulness of each of the statements above.

I am aware of other inappropriate conduct by Brett Kavanaugh but do not feel comfortable stating it at this time in this declaring. I am fully, willingly, and able to speak with the FBI and tell them everything I know about Brett Kavanaugh and his misconduct if I am contacted.

I declare, under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct. I have executed this declaration on October 2, 2018.

Where does this statement say anything about "gang rape"? Or "rape" of any kind?

Where did that idea even come from if it's not here?
The media built that up, imo. Didn't her statements go on to include boys waiting in line in the hallway to "visit" one of the girls who had succumbed to the punch?
suddenly avanetti is a reliable resource for witnesses? just the other day you dismissed him and said no one found him credible. yet, lookie here.

i know i know - i'm being unreasonable, asking you to be consistent and all. my bad.
Oh, you think he made up her story? That she didn't tell him that?
nothing close to my point. the other day you dismissed him as unreliable. now we're talking back to gang rape parties as if it could be true. all i'm asking is for you to make up your mind and hold it for a few days.

a lot, i know.
Oh, you think by telling Pogo where the gang rape allegations came from, I'm saying they're true? I'm not saying that.
Where does this statement say anything about "gang rape"? Or "rape" of any kind?

Where did that idea even come from if it's not here?
The media built that up, imo. Didn't her statements go on to include boys waiting in line in the hallway to "visit" one of the girls who had succumbed to the punch?
suddenly avanetti is a reliable resource for witnesses? just the other day you dismissed him and said no one found him credible. yet, lookie here.

i know i know - i'm being unreasonable, asking you to be consistent and all. my bad.
Oh, you think he made up her story? That she didn't tell him that?
nothing close to my point. the other day you dismissed him as unreliable. now we're talking back to gang rape parties as if it could be true. all i'm asking is for you to make up your mind and hold it for a few days.

a lot, i know.
Stop it, you bitch. What IS your point, besides making up some bullshit about me?
Avenatti is the lawyer, not the accuser. She said such and so. You are saying that the lawyer's credibility plays into whether her statements were accurate, which certainly sounds like you think he made it up and reported things which were not true and that she never said.
you've got anger issues. :)
Where does this statement say anything about "gang rape"? Or "rape" of any kind?

Where did that idea even come from if it's not here?
The media built that up, imo. Didn't her statements go on to include boys waiting in line in the hallway to "visit" one of the girls who had succumbed to the punch?
suddenly avanetti is a reliable resource for witnesses? just the other day you dismissed him and said no one found him credible. yet, lookie here.

i know i know - i'm being unreasonable, asking you to be consistent and all. my bad.
Oh, you think he made up her story? That she didn't tell him that?
nothing close to my point. the other day you dismissed him as unreliable. now we're talking back to gang rape parties as if it could be true. all i'm asking is for you to make up your mind and hold it for a few days.

a lot, i know.
Oh, you think by telling Pogo where the gang rape allegations came from, I'm saying they're true? I'm not saying that.
at this point what you are saying changes with your moods, so it really doesn't matter now does it?

whatever you're saying - is bullshit. right up there with you're going to ignore me.


and again.

and again.

one day you'll mean it.

please be today.
'Gang Rape' Accuser: Actually, I Don't Know What Kavanaugh Did -- and I Don't Have Proof Anyway

Yes, yes she should.

Completely false story she SWORE UNDER OATH WAS TRUE.

What's WORSE than being a RAPIST?

KNOWINGLY falsely accusing someone of rape.

I hope the evil bitch goes to prison.
I believe this truly delegitmizes this entire accusation effort. right here. When others stand behind something with so much vengence and it turns out to not be true.

'Gang Rape' Accuser: Actually, I Don't Know What Kavanaugh Did -- and I Don't Have Proof Anyway

Yes, yes she should.

Completely false story she SWORE UNDER OATH WAS TRUE.

What's WORSE than being a RAPIST?

KNOWINGLY falsely accusing someone of rape.

I hope the evil bitch goes to prison.
I believe this truly delegitmizes this entire accusation effort. right here. When others stand behind something with so much vengence and it turns out to not be true.


And they REFUSE to call out the false accusers.

It's about POWER for Dems, nothing else.....FUCK TRUTH

If you vote Dimm, you are basically an idiot.
Well, in her NBC interview, she backed off the gang-rape charge and said she didn't know if he did or not, etc., etc.

It might be worthwhile to sue her for libel, if nothing else, just to serve notice to women who come forward with bogus stories that there will be a price to pay.

Look at how the most serious charges against Roy Moore began to crumble when they were examined with any care and when other people were interviewed.
'Gang Rape' Accuser: Actually, I Don't Know What Kavanaugh Did -- and I Don't Have Proof Anyway

Yes, yes she should.

Completely false story she SWORE UNDER OATH WAS TRUE.

What's WORSE that being a RAPIST?

KNOWINGLY falsely accusing someone of rape.

I hope the evil bitch goes to prison.
To the best of my knowledge she never testified under oath.
Are you serious?

That is your defense?

These are the folks you want to stand with?

She doesn't need me to defend her for telling the truth. I'm just pointing out yet another republican inconsistency.
'Gang Rape' Accuser: Actually, I Don't Know What Kavanaugh Did -- and I Don't Have Proof Anyway

Yes, yes she should.

Completely false story she SWORE UNDER OATH WAS TRUE.

What's WORSE that being a RAPIST?

KNOWINGLY falsely accusing someone of rape.

I hope the evil bitch goes to prison.
To the best of my knowledge she never testified under oath.
Are you serious?

That is your defense?

These are the folks you want to stand with?

She doesn't need me to defend her for telling the truth. I'm just pointing out yet another republican inconsistency.
How do you know it is the truth?
No need for prosecution or trial.

Guilt by accusation is all that matters.

What went around is quickly coming around.
'Gang Rape' Accuser: Actually, I Don't Know What Kavanaugh Did -- and I Don't Have Proof Anyway

Yes, yes she should.

Completely false story she SWORE UNDER OATH WAS TRUE.

What's WORSE than being a RAPIST?

KNOWINGLY falsely accusing someone of rape.

I hope the evil bitch goes to prison.

Absofuckinglutely. Investigate that bimbo and if her story doesn't hold up, prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, one charge for each lie. Sentences to be served consecutively.

To the best of my knowledge she never testified under oath.

Au Contraire.

Here is the letter: (Now that the BEST of your knowledge is up to speed, should she be investigated and prosecuted if enough evidence shows she committed perjury?)

I, [redacted], declare as follows:

My name is [redacted] and I am a resident of South Florida. I fully understand the seriousness of the statements contained within this declaration. I have personal knowledge of the information stated herein and if called to testify to the same would and could do so.

I am a 1983 graduate of a high school in the Washington, D.C. area. I also hold a bachelor of arts degree and master of liberal arts degree. I have known Christine Blasey Ford and Julie Swetnick for decades and believe they are both honest and truthful.

I was first introduced to Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge in 1980 at Beach Week in ocean City, Maryland. Thereafter, I attended at least 20 house parties in the Washington, D.C. area where Brett and Mark were present during the years 1980-82. I knew them both well as we shared many mutual friends and often socialized with the same people.

The house parties I attended were a common occurrence in the area and usually occurred on the weekends during the school year. I know of many instances during these house parties where Brett and Mark would drink excessively and be overly aggressive and verbally abusive towards girls. This conduct included inappropriate physical contact with girls of a sexual nature. It also often included Brett drinking to a point where he was incoherent and vomiting, well before he was 18 years old.

I have seen Brett Kavanaugh's recent interview on Fox News regarding his alleged "choir boy" existence during his high school years and lack of sexual activity. This claim is absolutely false and a lie based on what I observed firsthand. It is also laughable.

During the year 1981-82, I witnessed firsthand Brett Kavanaugh, together with others, "spike" the "punch" at house parties I attended with Quaaludes and/or grain alcohol. I understood this was being done for the purposes of making girls more likely to engage in sexual acts and less likely to say "No."

I am aware of other witnesses that can attest to the truthfulness of each of the statements above.

I am aware of other inappropriate conduct by Brett Kavanaugh but do not feel comfortable stating it at this time in this declaring. I am fully, willingly, and able to speak with the FBI and tell them everything I know about Brett Kavanaugh and his misconduct if I am contacted.

I declare, under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct. I have executed this declaration on October 2, 2018.

Where does this statement say anything about "gang rape"? Or "rape" of any kind?

Where did that idea even come from if it's not here?
oh please. the left has been screaming RAPIST ever since DiFi said GO!

I'm not really interested in your puerile lumpy-generalization fallacies. What I specifically asked is where the term "gang" or "rape" appears anywhere in this statement. And since it doesn't, where it's coming from.

It's really a question for the OP. Sorry if I rained on your white-knight parade.
i don't give a flying witches tit what you think you need to see. let me put it this way - i said many on the left are screaming RAPIST.

if you have an issue with the headline or GANG RAPIST take it up with those who used that term. m'kay? when you and common sense come back together, let me know. til then you're an annoying little sand-twat stuck in our shorts.

THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I DID, DUMBASS. And you came trotting in trying to deflect with your simpering lump fallacies. If you don't have the answer for that then SHUT THE FUCK UP, "mkay"?

If she was lying, she should go to prison.


Once AGAIN ---- where is that?

I gave you all day dood. It's not in the statement you posted. Did you even read it?
Avenatti needs to be prosecuted for suborning perjury if nothing else. No sooner did Swetnik fall apart than Avenatti have another liar and another sworn statement.
'Gang Rape' Accuser: Actually, I Don't Know What Kavanaugh Did -- and I Don't Have Proof Anyway

Yes, yes she should.

Completely false story she SWORE UNDER OATH WAS TRUE.

What's WORSE that being a RAPIST?

KNOWINGLY falsely accusing someone of rape.

I hope the evil bitch goes to prison.
To the best of my knowledge she never testified under oath.

Your knowledge is very very very poor.

Swetnick, Avenatti Referred for Criminal Investigation | United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary

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