Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

There is no formal defined dogma of atheism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach.
Atheism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational.
That's a nice, authoritative statement. One of many from you. You're not so skilled at forming sound arguments, but you could bang out a series of embroidered pillows like a freaking machine!
Clearly you can't tell the difference between someone actually making an argument and someone not making an argument.
We should take away all tax exemptions for religions.

Thats probably too little too late.

The enemy is at the gates and the religious right is handing over the keys while winking and and lifting their skirts..
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We should take away all tax exemptions for religions.

Thats probably too little too late.

The enemy is at the gates and the religious right is handing over the keys while winking and lifting their skirts..
It's never too late to do the right thing. Remember that, hob. :biggrin:
Thanks Taz...

Then do the right thing.

People who openly profess irrational religious beliefs that contradict well known and long established scientific facts about actual reality should be banned from government, operating heavy machinery and working with children.

If they have already demonstrated an irrational state of mind concerning religious subjects as important as the eternal condition of their soul, the worship of God, the nature of good and evil, what truth is, etc., why would anyone expect them to make rational decisions about any less important social or civil matter?
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We should take away all tax exemptions for religions.

Thats probably too little too late.

The enemy is at the gates and the religious right is handing over the keys while winking and lifting their skirts..
It's never too late to do the right thing. Remember that, hob. :biggrin:
Thanks Taz...

Then do the right thing.

People who openly profess irrational religious beliefs that contradict well known and long established scientific facts about actual reality should be banned from government, operating heavy machinery and working with children.

If they have already demonstrated an irrational state of mind concerning religious subjects as important as the eternal condition of their soul, the worship of God, the nature of good and evil, what truth is, etc., why would anyone expect them to make rational decisions about any less important social or civil matter?
Your last paragraph is totally irrational. The belief in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension and needs us to worship it is completely irrational and without foundation. That's why our governments don't often, if ever, make rational decisions.
We should take away all tax exemptions for religions.

Thats probably too little too late.

The enemy is at the gates and the religious right is handing over the keys while winking and lifting their skirts..
It's never too late to do the right thing. Remember that, hob. :biggrin:
Thanks Taz...

Then do the right thing.

People who openly profess irrational religious beliefs that contradict well known and long established scientific facts about actual reality should be banned from government, operating heavy machinery and working with children.

If they have already demonstrated an irrational state of mind concerning religious subjects as important as the eternal condition of their soul, the worship of God, the nature of good and evil, what truth is, etc., why would anyone expect them to make rational decisions about any less important social or civil matter?
Your last paragraph is totally irrational. The belief in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension and needs us to worship it is completely irrational and without foundation. That's why our governments don't often, if ever, make rational decisions.

Yeah well taz.. sometimes it is too late..

So tell us, what "long established scientific facts about actual reality " am I rejecting about god?
We should take away all tax exemptions for religions.

Thats probably too little too late.

The enemy is at the gates and the religious right is handing over the keys while winking and lifting their skirts..
It's never too late to do the right thing. Remember that, hob. :biggrin:
Thanks Taz...

Then do the right thing.

People who openly profess irrational religious beliefs that contradict well known and long established scientific facts about actual reality should be banned from government, operating heavy machinery and working with children.

If they have already demonstrated an irrational state of mind concerning religious subjects as important as the eternal condition of their soul, the worship of God, the nature of good and evil, what truth is, etc., why would anyone expect them to make rational decisions about any less important social or civil matter?
Why not just round them up like the atheists did in the 20th century and kill them?

And then you could force everyone believe as you do.
Thats probably too little too late.

The enemy is at the gates and the religious right is handing over the keys while winking and lifting their skirts..
It's never too late to do the right thing. Remember that, hob. :biggrin:
Thanks Taz...

Then do the right thing.

People who openly profess irrational religious beliefs that contradict well known and long established scientific facts about actual reality should be banned from government, operating heavy machinery and working with children.

If they have already demonstrated an irrational state of mind concerning religious subjects as important as the eternal condition of their soul, the worship of God, the nature of good and evil, what truth is, etc., why would anyone expect them to make rational decisions about any less important social or civil matter?
Your last paragraph is totally irrational. The belief in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension and needs us to worship it is completely irrational and without foundation. That's why our governments don't often, if ever, make rational decisions.

Yeah well taz.. sometimes it is too late..

So tell us, what "long established scientific facts about actual reality " am I rejecting about god?

Relax, Taz, you and Hob are on the same side.
So tell us, what "long established scientific facts about actual reality " am I rejecting about god?

What the hell are you talking about Taz? I din't say that you rejected anything about God. Pay attention!

Apparently you, as rational as you think you are, are not very rational either. Remember the lessons of the past? Oh, right. You don't put any stock into that. You don't even know what they are. You never learned your A, B, C's, how are you ever going to read the writing on the wall?

Let me bring you up to speed, Virginia, sometimes it is too late to do the right thing.

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It's never too late to do the right thing. Remember that, hob. :biggrin:
Thanks Taz...

Then do the right thing.

People who openly profess irrational religious beliefs that contradict well known and long established scientific facts about actual reality should be banned from government, operating heavy machinery and working with children.

If they have already demonstrated an irrational state of mind concerning religious subjects as important as the eternal condition of their soul, the worship of God, the nature of good and evil, what truth is, etc., why would anyone expect them to make rational decisions about any less important social or civil matter?
Your last paragraph is totally irrational. The belief in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension and needs us to worship it is completely irrational and without foundation. That's why our governments don't often, if ever, make rational decisions.

Yeah well taz.. sometimes it is too late..

So tell us, what "long established scientific facts about actual reality " am I rejecting about god?

Relax, Taz, you and Hob are on the same side.

I sure fucking hope not! He's completely nuts. :lmao:
Thanks Taz...

Then do the right thing.

People who openly profess irrational religious beliefs that contradict well known and long established scientific facts about actual reality should be banned from government, operating heavy machinery and working with children.

If they have already demonstrated an irrational state of mind concerning religious subjects as important as the eternal condition of their soul, the worship of God, the nature of good and evil, what truth is, etc., why would anyone expect them to make rational decisions about any less important social or civil matter?
Your last paragraph is totally irrational. The belief in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension and needs us to worship it is completely irrational and without foundation. That's why our governments don't often, if ever, make rational decisions.

Yeah well taz.. sometimes it is too late..

So tell us, what "long established scientific facts about actual reality " am I rejecting about god?

Relax, Taz, you and Hob are on the same side.

I sure fucking hope not! He's completely nuts. :lmao:

So are you.
Thanks Taz...

Then do the right thing.

People who openly profess irrational religious beliefs that contradict well known and long established scientific facts about actual reality should be banned from government, operating heavy machinery and working with children.

If they have already demonstrated an irrational state of mind concerning religious subjects as important as the eternal condition of their soul, the worship of God, the nature of good and evil, what truth is, etc., why would anyone expect them to make rational decisions about any less important social or civil matter?
Your last paragraph is totally irrational. The belief in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension and needs us to worship it is completely irrational and without foundation. That's why our governments don't often, if ever, make rational decisions.

Yeah well taz.. sometimes it is too late..

So tell us, what "long established scientific facts about actual reality " am I rejecting about god?

Relax, Taz, you and Hob are on the same side.

I sure fucking hope not! He's completely nuts. :lmao:

I'm nuts? You want to tax religion.. Brilliant!

Meanwhile fundamentalist and irrational evangelical religious nutjobs of every species are already busy desecrating the government from within by planning to subjugate the people through oppressive and unjust laws while our money grubbing egocentric prostitute of a president is busy playing footsie and singing Kumbaya with sworn enemies, doing a lap dance for putin while he stuffs his panties with cash in full view of the whole world, threatening allies, alienating neighboring nations by building walls, disrespecting entire cultures, promoting bigotry, inciting violence, planning the disarming of citizens so that it will be easier to throw more people in jail, whose party of support is openly dedicated to overturning decades of social economic and judicial progress..

what needs to be done is that the government of the people has to be shut down by the people because it is not for the people at all . They've gone of the deep end on jesus juice and are in it only for their own enrichment and to further their perverse ideology,

fuck democracy, fuck law, fuck truth, fuck liberty, fuck justice, fuck national security, they really really really really really love Jeeesus.. So what if they make a few bucks, right?.. Its a sign, tangible evidence that Jeeesus loves them back.., not that they are crooks stealing in the name of the Lord.

but thats just what I heard...
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We should take away all tax exemptions for religions.

Yep. Tax exempt status for government-approved religions actually violates the First Amendment, both technically and philosophically. The technical aspect is obvious. The First clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". When Congress makes a law that gives tax exemptions to "an establishment of religion", they are clearly violating the Constitution.

Philosophically - the religion clause was included to prevent government from establishing a state religion. Further, the founders wanted a provision that would prevent government from persecuting unpopular religions. Offering special perks to state-recognize religions diminishes religious freedom. First of all, it's an implicit penalty on all religions that don't qualify for the tax-exemption. The government uses tax-exempt status to control religions, threatening to revoke it for any religions that engage in political activity, or otherwise step out of line.

Second, the tax exemption status is an effort to promote religion. This clearly violates the First, which is supposed to prevent exactly this kind of meddling. If you doubt this characterization of the intent of the policy, the IRS is quite clear on the matter:
"Congress has enacted special tax laws that apply to churches, religious organizations and ministers in recognition of their unique status in American society and of their rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Churches and religious organizations are generally exempt from income tax and receive other favorable treatment under the tax law; however, certain income of a church or religious organization may be subject to tax, such as income from an unrelated business. ...

Compare and contrast:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"
"Congress has enacted special tax laws that apply to churches, religious organizations and ministers ..."

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Your last paragraph is totally irrational. The belief in an invisible superbeing that lives in another dimension and needs us to worship it is completely irrational and without foundation. That's why our governments don't often, if ever, make rational decisions.

Yeah well taz.. sometimes it is too late..

So tell us, what "long established scientific facts about actual reality " am I rejecting about god?

Relax, Taz, you and Hob are on the same side.

I sure fucking hope not! He's completely nuts. :lmao:

I'm nuts? You want to tax religion.. Brilliant!

Meanwhile fundamentalist and irrational evangelical religious nutjobs of every species are already busy desecrating the government from within by planning to subjugate the people through oppressive and unjust laws while our money grubbing egocentric prostitute of a president is busy playing footsie and singing Kumbaya with sworn enemies, doing a lap dance for putin while he stuffs his panties with cash in full view of the whole world, threatening allies, alienating neighboring nations by building walls, disrespecting entire cultures, promoting bigotry, inciting violence, planning the disarming of citizens so that it will be easier to throw more people in jail, whose party of support is openly dedicated to overturning decades of social economic and judicial progress..

what needs to be done is that the government of the people has to be shut down by the people because it is not for the people at all . They've gone of the deep end on jesus juice and are in it only for their own enrichment and to further their perverse ideology,

fuck democracy, fuck law, fuck truth, fuck liberty, fuck justice, fuck national security, they really really really really really love Jeeesus.. So what if they make a few bucks, right?.. Its a sign, tangible evidence that Jeeesus loves them back.., not that they are crooks stealing in the name of the Lord.

but thats just what I heard...

^^^^^^^^^^ Ya, you are nuts, a raving lunatic to be exact. :biggrin:
Yeah well taz.. sometimes it is too late..

So tell us, what "long established scientific facts about actual reality " am I rejecting about god?

Relax, Taz, you and Hob are on the same side.

I sure fucking hope not! He's completely nuts. :lmao:

I'm nuts? You want to tax religion.. Brilliant!

Meanwhile fundamentalist and irrational evangelical religious nutjobs of every species are already busy desecrating the government from within by planning to subjugate the people through oppressive and unjust laws while our money grubbing egocentric prostitute of a president is busy playing footsie and singing Kumbaya with sworn enemies, doing a lap dance for putin while he stuffs his panties with cash in full view of the whole world, threatening allies, alienating neighboring nations by building walls, disrespecting entire cultures, promoting bigotry, inciting violence, planning the disarming of citizens so that it will be easier to throw more people in jail, whose party of support is openly dedicated to overturning decades of social economic and judicial progress..

what needs to be done is that the government of the people has to be shut down by the people because it is not for the people at all . They've gone of the deep end on jesus juice and are in it only for their own enrichment and to further their perverse ideology,

fuck democracy, fuck law, fuck truth, fuck liberty, fuck justice, fuck national security, they really really really really really love Jeeesus.. So what if they make a few bucks, right?.. Its a sign, tangible evidence that Jeeesus loves them back.., not that they are crooks stealing in the name of the Lord.

but thats just what I heard...

^^^^^^^^^^ Ya, you are nuts, a raving lunatic to be exact. :biggrin:

lol... yeah, yeah, thats what they all say... exactly as I intended. a genuine screwball..:cuckoo:

but if you think thats nuts you should see me after I've had a vat of communion wine...
[QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 19394276, member: 25197

I think there are a lot of good people doing lots of good things involved in Churches. However I also think there are few bad people(relative to the good people) who do a lot of bad things. Does it equal out? I don't know. I do know we're all equal in the end.

How many good people would remain in a religion that victimises half the population with homophobic and misogynous teachings that deny so many full equality?

Not to mention the teaching that a genocidal God is somehow good. Hitler liked that part of Christianity.


Hey look Frenchy, since God had a son he's mellowed out quite a bit and no longer goes on genocidal rampages.

I'm just saying that despite the obvious ridiculous belief in multiple supernatural beings, most Christians are good people, not wanting to be homophobic or misogynistic.

Sure, but they support a religion that does. Call them good if you like but they do not seem good enough to stop supporting a vile religion and their ideology.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion.[/QUOTE]

If you love your fellow man, you will not let him hold poor opinions.

Imagine the garbage world we would have if no correcting of poor ideas would be the status quo.

You would have anarchy.


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