Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

For those who don't know what someone means by 'The Christian Church' you are either a hermit or you purposely reject anything that doesn't fit your dogmatic world view.

For those who guessed number two ding ding ding ding ding ding...either go do some research or save your ignorant claptrap for those in your bubble.

Doubling down when caught be lazy is not the way to go here.

Are you talking about the "One Apostolistic Church", ie.e the Roman Catholic Church? Are you talking about Lutherans, Episcopalians, or one of the myriad baptist derived Churches?

Show me a link for "The Christian Church"

All who fly the cross are Christian. All who fly the star and crescent are Muslims.

Since all denominations have members with who cherry pick their beliefs, only a fool will bother trying to separate the good ones from the bad ones.


Only asshole atheists have this much care about shit like this.

He is free to be an atheist, too bad he is not willing to allow others the same freedom he takes advantage of.

I am not an atheist but I do not see them, as an organized group, promoting homophobia and misogyny the way Christian organizations do.

So tell us, which group is the more moral?


You accuse others of being bigoted when really, the bigotry is in you.

Just because you PERCEIVE something a certain way or because a certain thing makes you have negative thoughts, doesn't mean the trigger is where the negativity (or racism, or homophobia) comes from .
It's in you. You resent when it's triggered, and you accuse those who trigger it of being the bigots..but they aren't. It's you. It's always been you.
Not even the Branch Dividians?

Why would you want all fraudsters to be prosecuted but not the religious fraudsters?

Why the double standard?


Because I am a firm believer in the Constitution.

Sure. Regardless of the immorality you have to put up with.

Paper before morals. That is moral, not.


Liberty before tyranny

Yes, and your first duty as a free man is to insure that all share in that liberty but you do not recognize that ands would allow your neighbors to shed their liberty to the tyranny of a lying clergy.


Try thinking Golden Rule if you even can.


If that is their free choice, then it is not my place, nor yours, to tell them they are wrong. Why do you think your opinion should outweigh theirs?

Why do you feel so self important that you think you have the right to tell people how to spend their time and money? Do you fancy yourself a god?

Define God, and if you are talking the Christian God, then no as I am not a genocidal son murderer.

It is not a free choice when children are indoctrinated and brain washed into the belief of a supernatural prick who will fry them forever in hell if they do not put their coins in the collection basket.

If you do not call that abuse, you are not a moral man.

The OP never read the Constitution?

Ask the 17 kids that just died in their school if they read it and if they recognize that they are dead because of it.

But go ahead and put your poorly written garbage constitution ahead of your duty to not let your people be defrauded by your filthy religions.

Because I am a firm believer in the Constitution.

Sure. Regardless of the immorality you have to put up with.

Paper before morals. That is moral, not.


Liberty before tyranny

Yes, and your first duty as a free man is to insure that all share in that liberty but you do not recognize that ands would allow your neighbors to shed their liberty to the tyranny of a lying clergy.


Try thinking Golden Rule if you even can.


If that is their free choice, then it is not my place, nor yours, to tell them they are wrong. Why do you think your opinion should outweigh theirs?

Why do you feel so self important that you think you have the right to tell people how to spend their time and money? Do you fancy yourself a god?

Define God....


It is not my place to define god for anyone but myself.

I do not have share your view that it is your job to tell others how to live their lives, I believe people should choose for themselves. That is what is known a "freedom", something clearly your country is lacking.

The funny part about this is that you want to control the lives of people just as much as the religions you are gnashing your teeth over.
Only asshole atheists have this much care about shit like this.

He is free to be an atheist, too bad he is not willing to allow others the same freedom he takes advantage of.

I am not an atheist but I do not see them, as an organized group, promoting homophobia and misogyny the way Christian organizations do.

So tell us, which group is the more moral?


Groups are not moral or immoral, people are.

If all the people in a group believe the same thing is the group moral or immoral. Or even just a majority.

The people in the group can be one of the two, the group itself cannot be.

So no designation of 'group' is accurate. Ahhh. No murder of crows, no gaggle of geese, no mob of teenagers, no flight of the Valkyries, no hen house, no rat's nest, no group of upstanding citizens. There are no armies, just individuals each with a weapon.

That whole parser thing is way overrated.
Your constitution is a poorly written piece of garbage.
Hence all the amendments.

Which clause says that the government is to allow open and flagrant fraudulent theft from the most vulnerable and gullible in your country?


Well, then I see two choices for you.

As you pointed out, there is an amending process to the Constitution. Feel free to try and remove the part about religion.

Or, feel free to move to another country that comes closer to your views.

As for me, I will always fall on the side of persona liberty.

Ya. I get that all you care about is yourself.

Try thinking of what you would think if you applied the Golden Rule and you will see what you are and what kind of morality you lack.


I care about everyone, that is why I care about liberty. I do not think it is my place to force my views on to other people, as you are wanting to do. If people are happy following a religion and they give their money freely to their church, why the hell should you or I care?

Do you even understand what the word liberty means?

We French sure do and it does not look like you know the word fraternity as you care nothing for your fellow man.

Perhaps this will rattle your empty of morals head.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

In case you are too brain dead to know what that means, it is saying, in this issue, that you are to correct the brain dead believers who are believing all the lies that their clergy and church are feeding them.

Just like I am trying to correct your morally brain dead thinking.


Oh fuck, you are not even an American? Why the hell should I care what you think about our Constitution. Go back to your own country and worry about your own fucking laws. Why the fuck do so many people think they can tell us how to run our country?

Do you see Americans telling you morons how to run your country?

You try but we are not interested in regression. You are the laughing stock of the world and we are just trying to get the volume down.

You might note that Americans emigrate to Canada.., Canadians do not lower their standards and emigrate to the U.S.

You might wonder why that is. But your ilk would not understand.

He is free to be an atheist, too bad he is not willing to allow others the same freedom he takes advantage of.

I am not an atheist but I do not see them, as an organized group, promoting homophobia and misogyny the way Christian organizations do.

So tell us, which group is the more moral?


Groups are not moral or immoral, people are.

If all the people in a group believe the same thing is the group moral or immoral. Or even just a majority.

The people in the group can be one of the two, the group itself cannot be.

So no designation of 'group' is accurate. Ahhh. No murder of crows, no gaggle of geese, no mob of teenagers, no flight of the Valkyries, no hen house, no rat's nest, no group of upstanding citizens. There are no armies, just individuals each with a weapon.

That whole parser thing is way overrated.

That is not what I said at all, I said that a group does not have morals, individuals have morals.

You are trying a bit too hard here.
All religions are fraudulent IMO.

Not to argue but I like to ament that to the supernaturally based ones.

The human based ones have no need to lie as they seek knowledge and wisdom and not some sugar daddy God.

Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?


what religions are "fraudulent"?

the first amendment, thankfully, allows us the freedom to believe what we want (or not). so I'm not sure what fantasy world you're living in.

You are partially correct, but if you do not care what garbage is fed to your friends, then you are not much of a friend.

Well, then I see two choices for you.

As you pointed out, there is an amending process to the Constitution. Feel free to try and remove the part about religion.

Or, feel free to move to another country that comes closer to your views.

As for me, I will always fall on the side of persona liberty.

Ya. I get that all you care about is yourself.

Try thinking of what you would think if you applied the Golden Rule and you will see what you are and what kind of morality you lack.


I care about everyone, that is why I care about liberty. I do not think it is my place to force my views on to other people, as you are wanting to do. If people are happy following a religion and they give their money freely to their church, why the hell should you or I care?

Do you even understand what the word liberty means?

We French sure do and it does not look like you know the word fraternity as you care nothing for your fellow man.

Perhaps this will rattle your empty of morals head.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

In case you are too brain dead to know what that means, it is saying, in this issue, that you are to correct the brain dead believers who are believing all the lies that their clergy and church are feeding them.

Just like I am trying to correct your morally brain dead thinking.


Oh fuck, you are not even an American? Why the hell should I care what you think about our Constitution. Go back to your own country and worry about your own fucking laws. Why the fuck do so many people think they can tell us how to run our country?

Do you see Americans telling you morons how to run your country?

You try but we are not interested in regression. You are the laughing stock of the world and we are just trying to get the volume down.

You might note that Americans emigrate to Canada.., Canadians do not lower their standards and emigrate to the U.S.

You might wonder why that is. But your ilk would not understand.


The problem is that fools like you think we care what you think, we do not.
Doubling down when caught be lazy is not the way to go here.

Are you talking about the "One Apostolistic Church", ie.e the Roman Catholic Church? Are you talking about Lutherans, Episcopalians, or one of the myriad baptist derived Churches?

Show me a link for "The Christian Church"

All who fly the cross are Christian. All who fly the star and crescent are Muslims.

Since all denominations have members with who cherry pick their beliefs, only a fool will bother trying to separate the good ones from the bad ones.


Only asshole atheists have this much care about shit like this.

He is free to be an atheist, too bad he is not willing to allow others the same freedom he takes advantage of.

I am not an atheist but I do not see them, as an organized group, promoting homophobia and misogyny the way Christian organizations do.

So tell us, which group is the more moral?


You accuse others of being bigoted when really, the bigotry is in you.

Just because you PERCEIVE something a certain way or because a certain thing makes you have negative thoughts, doesn't mean the trigger is where the negativity (or racism, or homophobia) comes from .
It's in you. You resent when it's triggered, and you accuse those who trigger it of being the bigots..but they aren't. It's you. It's always been you.

Nice bunch of lies.

Get the quotes for you accusation or show how big of a liar you are.

Be careful christians....

If the evidence was looked at this would include you.

Careful my honest friend, you will be called names like bigot just as the post above yours tried to label me for speaking the truth.

Like their forefathers, they would use the Inquisition on us if they could as they cannot out argue us as we deal with facts.

Ya. I get that all you care about is yourself.

Try thinking of what you would think if you applied the Golden Rule and you will see what you are and what kind of morality you lack.


I care about everyone, that is why I care about liberty. I do not think it is my place to force my views on to other people, as you are wanting to do. If people are happy following a religion and they give their money freely to their church, why the hell should you or I care?

Do you even understand what the word liberty means?

We French sure do and it does not look like you know the word fraternity as you care nothing for your fellow man.

Perhaps this will rattle your empty of morals head.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

In case you are too brain dead to know what that means, it is saying, in this issue, that you are to correct the brain dead believers who are believing all the lies that their clergy and church are feeding them.

Just like I am trying to correct your morally brain dead thinking.


Oh fuck, you are not even an American? Why the hell should I care what you think about our Constitution. Go back to your own country and worry about your own fucking laws. Why the fuck do so many people think they can tell us how to run our country?

Do you see Americans telling you morons how to run your country?

You try but we are not interested in regression. You are the laughing stock of the world and we are just trying to get the volume down.

You might note that Americans emigrate to Canada.., Canadians do not lower their standards and emigrate to the U.S.

You might wonder why that is. But your ilk would not understand.


The problem is that fools like you think we care what you think, we do not.

Correct. You do not care what immoral cause you promote and protect, like the right that clergy have to lie constantly to gullible people.

Well, then I see two choices for you.

As you pointed out, there is an amending process to the Constitution. Feel free to try and remove the part about religion.

Or, feel free to move to another country that comes closer to your views.

As for me, I will always fall on the side of persona liberty.

Ya. I get that all you care about is yourself.

Try thinking of what you would think if you applied the Golden Rule and you will see what you are and what kind of morality you lack.


I care about everyone, that is why I care about liberty. I do not think it is my place to force my views on to other people, as you are wanting to do. If people are happy following a religion and they give their money freely to their church, why the hell should you or I care?

Do you even understand what the word liberty means?

We French sure do and it does not look like you know the word fraternity as you care nothing for your fellow man.

Perhaps this will rattle your empty of morals head.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

In case you are too brain dead to know what that means, it is saying, in this issue, that you are to correct the brain dead believers who are believing all the lies that their clergy and church are feeding them.

Just like I am trying to correct your morally brain dead thinking.


Oh fuck, you are not even an American? Why the hell should I care what you think about our Constitution. Go back to your own country and worry about your own fucking laws. Why the fuck do so many people think they can tell us how to run our country?

Do you see Americans telling you morons how to run your country?

....., Canadians do not ...emigrate to the U.S.


That is an absurd lie.

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