Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

Ya. I get that all you care about is yourself.

Try thinking of what you would think if you applied the Golden Rule and you will see what you are and what kind of morality you lack.


I care about everyone, that is why I care about liberty. I do not think it is my place to force my views on to other people, as you are wanting to do. If people are happy following a religion and they give their money freely to their church, why the hell should you or I care?

Do you even understand what the word liberty means?

We French sure do and it does not look like you know the word fraternity as you care nothing for your fellow man.

Perhaps this will rattle your empty of morals head.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

In case you are too brain dead to know what that means, it is saying, in this issue, that you are to correct the brain dead believers who are believing all the lies that their clergy and church are feeding them.

Just like I am trying to correct your morally brain dead thinking.


Oh fuck, you are not even an American? Why the hell should I care what you think about our Constitution. Go back to your own country and worry about your own fucking laws. Why the fuck do so many people think they can tell us how to run our country?

Do you see Americans telling you morons how to run your country?

....., Canadians do not ...emigrate to the U.S.


That is an absurd lie.

This whole thread is an absurd lie

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The OP never read the Constitution?

Ask the 17 kids that just died in their school if they read it and if they recognize that they are dead because of it.

But go ahead and put your poorly written garbage constitution ahead of your duty to not let your people be defrauded by your filthy religions.


Where do you live?

In a better country than what yours is turning into.

Morals are universal are they not?

My own country, Canada, has the same problem as your with our lying clergy but we seem to have more people that know they are lies and admit they are not believers and are only in their religions for the fellowship and a place to be buried than for the immoral tenets that their churches try to pawn off as moral.

The OP never read the Constitution?

Ask the 17 kids that just died in their school if they read it and if they recognize that they are dead because of it.

But go ahead and put your poorly written garbage constitution ahead of your duty to not let your people be defrauded by your filthy religions.


Where do you live?


My own country, Canada, .......DL

Did you say “canada”?

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Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?

Any other country has regulated religions.
America doesn't.
Ya. I get that all you care about is yourself.

Try thinking of what you would think if you applied the Golden Rule and you will see what you are and what kind of morality you lack.


I care about everyone, that is why I care about liberty. I do not think it is my place to force my views on to other people, as you are wanting to do. If people are happy following a religion and they give their money freely to their church, why the hell should you or I care?

Do you even understand what the word liberty means?

We French sure do and it does not look like you know the word fraternity as you care nothing for your fellow man.

Perhaps this will rattle your empty of morals head.

Proverbs 3:12 For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

In case you are too brain dead to know what that means, it is saying, in this issue, that you are to correct the brain dead believers who are believing all the lies that their clergy and church are feeding them.

Just like I am trying to correct your morally brain dead thinking.


Oh fuck, you are not even an American? Why the hell should I care what you think about our Constitution. Go back to your own country and worry about your own fucking laws. Why the fuck do so many people think they can tell us how to run our country?

Do you see Americans telling you morons how to run your country?

....., Canadians do not ...emigrate to the U.S.


That is an absurd lie.

All religions are fraudulent IMO.
That's what Karl Marx thought too.

It is illogical.

In what sense?
All religions are fraudulent IMO.
That's what Karl Marx thought too.

It is illogical.

In what sense?

That was Ding so it is non-sense.

Apologies for butting in.

In that by any objective measure religion has been a force for good.

hhhmmm....Nah, I think on the whole it has been very destructive. I think at the outset, when the parameters were set by the Jews - 10 commandments and all that - it was good. But since then it is has gone downhill. The examples of religion overstepping its boudns are endless. You could argue the priests and Mother Teresa's of the world have evened things out, and they might have.
In that by any objective measure religion has been a force for good.

hhhmmm....Nah, I think on the whole it has been very destructive. I think at the outset, when the parameters were set by the Jews - 10 commandments and all that - it was good. But since then it is has gone downhill. The examples of religion overstepping its boudns are endless. You could argue the priests and Mother Teresa's of the world have evened things out, and they might have.
Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.
Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

fraud laws - Google Search

Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct.

Most governments and countries have fraud laws of some kinds. They generally interfere with religious fraudsters only when physical harm is being done to our gullible citizens yet ignore the monetary theft that the fraudsters fleece from their victims. Prosperity ministries are the most flagrant of these immoral religions, but all religions based on demonstrable lies would be included in this question.

Our governments are quite good at acting against obvious fraudsters yet seem reluctant to protect our more gullible citizens when it comes down to religions.

Religions, to me, get a free pass to lie and steal all they can from victims, especially the older citizens even when governments know about the fraud.

I begin to see the inaction of governments on these religious fraudsters as a dereliction of duty.

Do you?

Any other country has regulated religions.
America doesn't.

France is leading in this just as they did with their French Revolution.

They led the way to help usher in Democracy and are leading the way in helping to usher in intelligent control of religions.

Religions, like governments, are tool of our oligarch owners but the French have their oligarchs paying for secular control of the country and putting religions where they belong. Beneath under secular law and their governments.

In the U.S. the religious are wagging your government tail instead of your government wagging religious tails.

All the while spouting off about separation of church and state.

In that by any objective measure religion has been a force for good.

hhhmmm....Nah, I think on the whole it has been very destructive. I think at the outset, when the parameters were set by the Jews - 10 commandments and all that - it was good. But since then it is has gone downhill. The examples of religion overstepping its boudns are endless. You could argue the priests and Mother Teresa's of the world have evened things out, and they might have.

Not if you consider the ongoing homophobia and misogyny.
Admittedly, Christianity has been brought to heel to some extent but not much good can come from an ideology that idol worships a genocidal son murdering God and whose ongoing lies have people saying that such a God is good.

Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions.
In that by any objective measure religion has been a force for good.

hhhmmm....Nah, I think on the whole it has been very destructive. I think at the outset, when the parameters were set by the Jews - 10 commandments and all that - it was good. But since then it is has gone downhill. The examples of religion overstepping its boudns are endless. You could argue the priests and Mother Teresa's of the world have evened things out, and they might have.
Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.

Sure, while not practicing what they preach.

Your Christian nation has the worst crime, jail and abortion stats in the world and that is what being a Christian country has led you to.

Keep promoting Christianity, but only if you wish to continue with such horrible stats.

Your population have really taken to heart your Exsultet hymn that calls Adam's sin a happy fault and necessary.

You guys all act like Adam and all your Protestants also follow these great words.

“Be a sinner and sin strongly, but more strongly have faith and rejoice in Christ.” Martin Luther

You have taken the first to heart and ignore the rest.

Religion has been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing.

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