Should I Believe 'em About Bachmann??

I happen to believe and have said for years that Janet Reno made a grievous mistake at Waco and should have at the very least resigned.

So, by the logic of the OP, does that ADD credibility to my opinions of Michele Bachmann?

Sure as you seem to have a hell of a lot more capability for rational thought than those mentioned in the OP. I'm speaking for myself.


Can I thus expect PC will take great pains to tout the superior legitimacy and credence of those opinions?

Answer honestly.
Hmmm, you jumped from having some cred to having superior opinions. I don't see it, personally. No offense.

No, superior legitimacy and credence. The OP's own logic establishes that my opinions are superior in those regards because I don't fall into the broadbrush category of liberal that she paints in her comically illogical premise.
OK. You jumped from having some cred to having superior cred. I don't see it, personally. No offense.
I happen to believe and have said for years that Janet Reno made a grievous mistake at Waco and should have at the very least resigned.

So, by the logic of the OP, does that ADD credibility to my opinions of Michele Bachmann?

Sure as you seem to have a hell of a lot more capability for rational thought than those mentioned in the OP. I'm speaking for myself.


Can I thus expect PC will take great pains to tout the superior legitimacy and credence of those opinions?

Answer honestly.
Hmmm, you jumped from having some cred to having superior opinions. I don't see it, personally. No offense.

No, superior legitimacy and credence. The OP's own logic establishes that my opinions are superior in those regards because I don't fall into the broadbrush category of liberal that she paints in her comically illogical premise.

Anyone who gets their "facts" from a woman who thinks presidential candidates should be killed in terrorist attacks for disagreeing with her wingnuttiness... is braindead

Jillian, you are as stupid as a brick wall. You're hardly in any position to call someone else "braindead."

You and Truthmatters have GOT to be the stupidest posters on the board.

I'm just saying....
Anyone who gets their "facts" from a woman who thinks presidential candidates should be killed in terrorist attacks for disagreeing with her wingnuttiness... is braindead

Jillian, you are as stupid as a brick wall. You're hardly in any position to call someone else "braindead."

You and Truthmatters have GOT to be the stupidest posters on the board.

I'm just saying....

Either that or they spend all day huffing Rustoleum.
Should I Believe 'em About Bachmann??

Don’t believe anyone – research it for yourself.

And the issue is not what you ‘believe’ but ‘does it matter.’ It’s a fact, for example, that Bachmann considers the separation if church and State a ‘myth,’ the only question is does it matter to you:

“[Public schools] are teaching children that there is separation of church and state, and I am here to tell you that is a myth. That’s not true,” Bachmann said at the group’s 2006 fundraiser in Minneapolis.

Bachmann to raise funds for controversial Christian punk ministry | Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media.

For those who understand the original intent of the Establishment Clause and that decisions of the Supreme Court become the law of the land, Bachmann’s position on this and other issues either exhibit her contempt for the Constitution and Court or her ignorance of Constitutional case law.

Either circumstance renders her unqualified to be president.
Should I Believe 'em About Bachmann??

Don’t believe anyone – research it for yourself.

And the issue is not what you ‘believe’ but ‘does it matter.’ It’s a fact, for example, that Bachmann considers the separation if church and State a ‘myth,’ the only question is does it matter to you:

“[Public schools] are teaching children that there is separation of church and state, and I am here to tell you that is a myth. That’s not true,” Bachmann said at the group’s 2006 fundraiser in Minneapolis.

Bachmann to raise funds for controversial Christian punk ministry | Minnesota Independent: News. Politics. Media.

For those who understand the original intent of the Establishment Clause and that decisions of the Supreme Court become the law of the land, Bachmann’s position on this and other issues either exhibit her contempt for the Constitution and Court or her ignorance of Constitutional case law.

Either circumstance renders her unqualified to be president.

And Obama thinks somehow the commerce clause grants government the right to force me to purchase health insurance.
BTW.. many of recognize that here is no such thing as separation of church and state except in the minds of the radical left.
I happen to believe and have said for years that Janet Reno made a grievous mistake at Waco and should have at the very least resigned.

So, by the logic of the OP, does that ADD credibility to my opinions of Michele Bachmann?

Sure as you seem to have a hell of a lot more capability for rational thought than those mentioned in the OP. I'm speaking for myself.


Can I thus expect PC will take great pains to tout the superior legitimacy and credence of those opinions?

Answer honestly.
Hmmm, you jumped from having some cred to having superior opinions. I don't see it, personally. No offense.

No, superior legitimacy and credence. The OP's own logic establishes that my opinions are superior in those regards because I don't fall into the broadbrush category of liberal that she paints in her comically illogical premise.

I think she using more of a "If the shoe fits" kind of declarative.

If you aren't the type to assume the worst of a person just because of their political leanings that means you're up there with the rest of us. It means you may actually be thinking rather then reacting.

PC was stating that the left always pigeonholes people just because they are a member of the opposition, even though the facts don't bare it out. She even offered examples.
Sure as you seem to have a hell of a lot more capability for rational thought than those mentioned in the OP. I'm speaking for myself.

Hmmm, you jumped from having some cred to having superior opinions. I don't see it, personally. No offense.

No, superior legitimacy and credence. The OP's own logic establishes that my opinions are superior in those regards because I don't fall into the broadbrush category of liberal that she paints in her comically illogical premise.

I think she using more of a "If the shoe fits" kind of declarative.

If you aren't the type to assume the worst of a person just because of their political leanings that means you're up there with the rest of us. It means you may actually be thinking rather then reacting.

PC was stating that the left always pigeonholes people just because they are a member of the opposition, even though the facts don't bare it out. She even offered examples.

So she's making a broad brush obviously unsupportable generalization about liberals, which is to accuse them of making broad brush obviously unsupportable generalizations about conservatives????

That seems a wee bit daft to me.
Michele Bachmann supports a constitutional amendment to effectively ban same-sex marriage in the US,

but since Paul Krugman said something bad about John Ashcroft,

and since I'm a liberal,

PoliticalChic refuses to believe what I said is true.:lol:
Michele Bachmann supports a constitutional amendment to effectively ban same-sex marriage in the US,

but since Paul Krugman said something bad about John Ashcroft,

and since I'm a liberal,

PoliticalChic refuses to believe what I said is true.:lol:

reminds me of the logic behind the chewbacca defense.
A thread dedicated to Bachman apoligization!!!

I am just loving it!

Clean off those specs, Citi..., let me set you on the correct reveals the aptitude of the Left-wing attack dogs, doesn't speak to the rectitude of Ms. Bachmann.

Questions whether one should rely on the viewpoint of the Left...

Get it now?

Hey PC......gotta go out and read the new Coulter book "Demonic"..........incredible research........

In Vietnam, the Army developed what became known as "Search and Destroy Missions". The definition of ruthless. Not mentioned in the book but it illustrates the strategy of the far left.......the self-proclaimed advocates of tolerance and endless compassion.:funnyface:
Four separate threads sharing the Liberal view of Michelle Bachmann!

Must be true....I guess....

until I read Coulter's expose of the Liberal view of John Ashcroft, you know, as the “the worst attorney-general in history.”

Check it out, then see how much confidence one can put in the Libeal viewpoint:

No discussion of the Liberal mind would be complete without a review of the reaction of same to two Attorneys-General, Janet Reno, and John Ashcroft. Nothing could be more enlightening as an example of cognitive dissonance. Should Liberals' judgment about events, or individuals be afforded any cache?

First, what did Liberals think of John Ashcroft?
1. The NYTime’s Paul Krugman called him “the worst attorney-general in history.” Times Higher Education - Gloves off for 'thinking man's Michael Moore'

2. More charitable was Anthony Romero, of the ACLU, who merely pronounced that he “will turn out to be one of the worst attorney generals in American history.” NPR, Liane Hansen Weekend Edition, November 14, 2004.

3. Rutgers University law professor Frank Askin: he was “the worst attorney general in my memory,” and “There’s nothing good I can say about him. I’m glad he’s gone.’ AP, “NJ Muslims, Libertarians Glad To See Ashcroft Go,” November 10, 2004.

4. The Nation called him a ‘fascist.’ Nation Topics - John Ashcroft | The Nation

5. “People for the American Way compared him to the "virulent segregationists" of the Jim Crow South. Handgun Control Inc. likened his views to those of "convicted mass-murderer Timothy McVeigh." The Los Angeles Times depicted him in a cartoon as a Klansman, complete with white robe and hood.” / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Op-ed / We owe Ashcroft thanks

Now, how about an objective view of the Attorney-General that Ashcroft succeeded.

1. Attorney General Reno’s military-style attack on a religious sect in Waco, Texas led to the greatest number of US civilians ever killed by the government in the history of the United States. Clearly, Reno felt that the presence of a weird cult rose to the level of a threat to the domestic tranquility of the nation. Kent State, 4 killed; Haymarket prosecutions, 4 executed; Three Mile Island, zero.

a. American Civilians killed: Ashcroft, zero; Reno, 80.

2. While Dade County state attorney, Reno persecuted the most decorated police officer in the history of South Miami PD with a totally fabricated “repressed memory child molestation” conviction. He served 12 years before the Supreme Court threw it out.

a. Innocent people imprisoned not just for crime they didn’t commit, but for crime that never happened: Ashcroft, zero; Reno…at least one.

3. “On Aug. 19, 1991, rabbinical student Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death in Crown Heights by a black racist mob shouting "Kill the Jew!" as retaliation for another Hasidic man killing a black child in a car accident hours earlier.

In a far clearer case of jury nullification than the first Rodney King verdict, a jury composed of nine blacks and three Puerto Ricans acquitted Lemrick Nelson Jr. of the murder -- despite the fact that the police found the bloody murder weapon in his pocket and Rosenbaum's blood on his clothes, and that Rosenbaum, as he lay dying, had identified Nelson as his assailant…. It took two years from Nelson's acquittal to get Reno to bring a civil rights case against him.” Montana News Association [from Coulter, “Demonic”]

a. Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored: Ashcroft, zero; Reno,…at least one.

4. Reno presided over the leak of Richard Jewell’s name as the bomber in the Atlanta Olympic park bombing in 1996. She later apologized. Reno Apologizes for FBI Leak; Jewell Still to Sue, Lawyer Says - Los Angeles Times

a. Number of Americans falsely accused of committing heinous crimes: Ashcroft, zero; Reno, one.

5. Rather than allow a judge to decide, Reno ordered a predawn armed raid to seize Elian Gonzalez. The Gonzalez family had committed no crime, was in violation of no court order. [CTRL] JACKBOOT JANET STOMPS NBC NEWS CREW WHILE MAJOR MEDIA

a. Number of six-year-old boys seized at gunpoint and deported to communist dictatorships: Ashcroft, zero; Reno, one.

Well, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, what say you about the judgment of liberals??? Incapacity to reason? Complete lack of critical discernment? Absence of assessment?

So....perhaps Bachmann's not the Devil incarnate.....Hmmmmm.

So if I were to find 5 or 6 conservatives who made similarly strident statements about some liberal,

then I would succeed in definitively establishing that conservatives have the inability to reason, and completely lack critical discernment?

That conforms to your logic and reasoning here, correct?
Four separate threads sharing the Liberal view of Michelle Bachmann!

Must be true....I guess....

until I read Coulter's expose of the Liberal view of John Ashcroft, you know, as the “the worst attorney-general in history.”

Check it out, then see how much confidence one can put in the Libeal viewpoint:

No discussion of the Liberal mind would be complete without a review of the reaction of same to two Attorneys-General, Janet Reno, and John Ashcroft. Nothing could be more enlightening as an example of cognitive dissonance. Should Liberals' judgment about events, or individuals be afforded any cache?

First, what did Liberals think of John Ashcroft?
1. The NYTime’s Paul Krugman called him “the worst attorney-general in history.” Times Higher Education - Gloves off for 'thinking man's Michael Moore'

2. More charitable was Anthony Romero, of the ACLU, who merely pronounced that he “will turn out to be one of the worst attorney generals in American history.” NPR, Liane Hansen Weekend Edition, November 14, 2004.

3. Rutgers University law professor Frank Askin: he was “the worst attorney general in my memory,” and “There’s nothing good I can say about him. I’m glad he’s gone.’ AP, “NJ Muslims, Libertarians Glad To See Ashcroft Go,” November 10, 2004.

4. The Nation called him a ‘fascist.’ Nation Topics - John Ashcroft | The Nation

5. “People for the American Way compared him to the "virulent segregationists" of the Jim Crow South. Handgun Control Inc. likened his views to those of "convicted mass-murderer Timothy McVeigh." The Los Angeles Times depicted him in a cartoon as a Klansman, complete with white robe and hood.” / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Op-ed / We owe Ashcroft thanks

Now, how about an objective view of the Attorney-General that Ashcroft succeeded.

1. Attorney General Reno’s military-style attack on a religious sect in Waco, Texas led to the greatest number of US civilians ever killed by the government in the history of the United States. Clearly, Reno felt that the presence of a weird cult rose to the level of a threat to the domestic tranquility of the nation. Kent State, 4 killed; Haymarket prosecutions, 4 executed; Three Mile Island, zero.

a. American Civilians killed: Ashcroft, zero; Reno, 80.

2. While Dade County state attorney, Reno persecuted the most decorated police officer in the history of South Miami PD with a totally fabricated “repressed memory child molestation” conviction. He served 12 years before the Supreme Court threw it out.

a. Innocent people imprisoned not just for crime they didn’t commit, but for crime that never happened: Ashcroft, zero; Reno…at least one.

3. “On Aug. 19, 1991, rabbinical student Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death in Crown Heights by a black racist mob shouting "Kill the Jew!" as retaliation for another Hasidic man killing a black child in a car accident hours earlier.

In a far clearer case of jury nullification than the first Rodney King verdict, a jury composed of nine blacks and three Puerto Ricans acquitted Lemrick Nelson Jr. of the murder -- despite the fact that the police found the bloody murder weapon in his pocket and Rosenbaum's blood on his clothes, and that Rosenbaum, as he lay dying, had identified Nelson as his assailant…. It took two years from Nelson's acquittal to get Reno to bring a civil rights case against him.” Montana News Association [from Coulter, “Demonic”]

a. Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored: Ashcroft, zero; Reno,…at least one.

4. Reno presided over the leak of Richard Jewell’s name as the bomber in the Atlanta Olympic park bombing in 1996. She later apologized. Reno Apologizes for FBI Leak; Jewell Still to Sue, Lawyer Says - Los Angeles Times

a. Number of Americans falsely accused of committing heinous crimes: Ashcroft, zero; Reno, one.

5. Rather than allow a judge to decide, Reno ordered a predawn armed raid to seize Elian Gonzalez. The Gonzalez family had committed no crime, was in violation of no court order. [CTRL] JACKBOOT JANET STOMPS NBC NEWS CREW WHILE MAJOR MEDIA

a. Number of six-year-old boys seized at gunpoint and deported to communist dictatorships: Ashcroft, zero; Reno, one.

Well, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, what say you about the judgment of liberals??? Incapacity to reason? Complete lack of critical discernment? Absence of assessment?

So....perhaps Bachmann's not the Devil incarnate.....Hmmmmm.

A thread dedicated to Bachman apoligization!!!

I am just loving it!

A thread dedicated to Bachman apoligization!!!

I am just loving it!

Clean off those specs, Citi..., let me set you on the correct reveals the aptitude of the Left-wing attack dogs, doesn't speak to the rectitude of Ms. Bachmann.

Questions whether one should rely on the viewpoint of the Left...

Get it now?

Ohh I had it all along.

:D :beer:

sorry about the big post but I had to quote all of those in line. Read the first post then those 3 responses.

US citizen, you look very bad in this exchange.
Four separate threads sharing the Liberal view of Michelle Bachmann!

Must be true....I guess....

until I read Coulter's expose of the Liberal view of John Ashcroft, you know, as the “the worst attorney-general in history.”

Check it out, then see how much confidence one can put in the Libeal viewpoint:

No discussion of the Liberal mind would be complete without a review of the reaction of same to two Attorneys-General, Janet Reno, and John Ashcroft. Nothing could be more enlightening as an example of cognitive dissonance. Should Liberals' judgment about events, or individuals be afforded any cache?

First, what did Liberals think of John Ashcroft?
1. The NYTime’s Paul Krugman called him “the worst attorney-general in history.” Times Higher Education - Gloves off for 'thinking man's Michael Moore'

2. More charitable was Anthony Romero, of the ACLU, who merely pronounced that he “will turn out to be one of the worst attorney generals in American history.” NPR, Liane Hansen Weekend Edition, November 14, 2004.

3. Rutgers University law professor Frank Askin: he was “the worst attorney general in my memory,” and “There’s nothing good I can say about him. I’m glad he’s gone.’ AP, “NJ Muslims, Libertarians Glad To See Ashcroft Go,” November 10, 2004.

4. The Nation called him a ‘fascist.’ Nation Topics - John Ashcroft | The Nation

5. “People for the American Way compared him to the "virulent segregationists" of the Jim Crow South. Handgun Control Inc. likened his views to those of "convicted mass-murderer Timothy McVeigh." The Los Angeles Times depicted him in a cartoon as a Klansman, complete with white robe and hood.” / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Op-ed / We owe Ashcroft thanks

Now, how about an objective view of the Attorney-General that Ashcroft succeeded.

1. Attorney General Reno’s military-style attack on a religious sect in Waco, Texas led to the greatest number of US civilians ever killed by the government in the history of the United States. Clearly, Reno felt that the presence of a weird cult rose to the level of a threat to the domestic tranquility of the nation. Kent State, 4 killed; Haymarket prosecutions, 4 executed; Three Mile Island, zero.

a. American Civilians killed: Ashcroft, zero; Reno, 80.

2. While Dade County state attorney, Reno persecuted the most decorated police officer in the history of South Miami PD with a totally fabricated “repressed memory child molestation” conviction. He served 12 years before the Supreme Court threw it out.

a. Innocent people imprisoned not just for crime they didn’t commit, but for crime that never happened: Ashcroft, zero; Reno…at least one.

3. “On Aug. 19, 1991, rabbinical student Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death in Crown Heights by a black racist mob shouting "Kill the Jew!" as retaliation for another Hasidic man killing a black child in a car accident hours earlier.

In a far clearer case of jury nullification than the first Rodney King verdict, a jury composed of nine blacks and three Puerto Ricans acquitted Lemrick Nelson Jr. of the murder -- despite the fact that the police found the bloody murder weapon in his pocket and Rosenbaum's blood on his clothes, and that Rosenbaum, as he lay dying, had identified Nelson as his assailant…. It took two years from Nelson's acquittal to get Reno to bring a civil rights case against him.” Montana News Association [from Coulter, “Demonic”]

a. Number of obvious civil rights violations ignored: Ashcroft, zero; Reno,…at least one.

4. Reno presided over the leak of Richard Jewell’s name as the bomber in the Atlanta Olympic park bombing in 1996. She later apologized. Reno Apologizes for FBI Leak; Jewell Still to Sue, Lawyer Says - Los Angeles Times

a. Number of Americans falsely accused of committing heinous crimes: Ashcroft, zero; Reno, one.

5. Rather than allow a judge to decide, Reno ordered a predawn armed raid to seize Elian Gonzalez. The Gonzalez family had committed no crime, was in violation of no court order. [CTRL] JACKBOOT JANET STOMPS NBC NEWS CREW WHILE MAJOR MEDIA

a. Number of six-year-old boys seized at gunpoint and deported to communist dictatorships: Ashcroft, zero; Reno, one.

Well, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, what say you about the judgment of liberals??? Incapacity to reason? Complete lack of critical discernment? Absence of assessment?

So....perhaps Bachmann's not the Devil incarnate.....Hmmmmm.

The imformation if factual.

Therefore you have satated the liberal view is facts.


Sadly, she didn't even need to duck.... she is an intellectual midget.
Doesn't really say anything about Bachmann. It's just a distraction post, filled with irrelevancies. The one about BDs is especially egregious, as it apparently says it's alright to gun down officers serving a search warrant. How about asking your local police what they'd do in that situation? Certainly not wait weeks for a peaceful resolution. They'd be breaking your door down the same day. When you're morally bankrupt, even cold blooded murder is OK, if it fits your political bias, apparently!!!

No...but ti DOES say a lot about those that are saying things about Bachman.

Seems to me you prefer to knock the messenger as opposed to understand the reasdon for the post.

Thus why so many people live in a fog with very little understanding of what is happening around them.

Yeah... Liberals are the only people that do that:cuckoo:

You guys are the biggest bunch of fog residents out there. You refuse to accept the notion that the United States is run By Wall Street and not the people. You refuse to accept the idea that Pandering to the rich is killing us.

Like I said... I want Bachmann to win the Nomination. Let's see where American Stands. Let's get the Most Extreme Tea Party Candidate and Obama on the same stage and see what America Really Wants.

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