Should Israel bomb Iran???


Do people not understand that when they're talking about Iran that these are the freakin Persians? HelloOooo....

They're not going anywhere. They've been around for a very, very long time.
The biggest shortcoming that bureaucrats have is that they have absolutely no understanding of history. They have no understanding of relationships that other nations have had with other nations for centuries. And that's just for starters.


Well first of all thank you for providing support to your comment. Much appreciated that you at least attempt to be an honest observer.
Now as far as Israel aggressive attacks on Iran.

Israeli threat to attack Iran over nuclear weapons​

Hmmm... so why would a "peaceful, non-aggressive country from day one of the Obama Iran treaty did they break the treaty and
continue nuclear bomb efforts? OH wait yea that's it!
They want nuclear powered electric generators and like you are a green peace person against all fossil fuels. That's it!
Sorry but I'm old enough to know what they did in Iran in 1979 and the tremendous angst there was regarding the USA hostages...again by those peaceful Iranians.
Tell me how many of these actions taken by Iranians have been done by the Israelis in their own country?
The authorities heavily suppressed the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly. Security forces used unlawful force to crush protests. The authorities continued to arbitrarily detain hundreds of protesters, dissidents and human rights defenders, and sentenced many to imprisonment and flogging. Women, as well as ethnic and religious minorities, faced entrenched discrimination as well as violence.
Well first of all thank you for providing support to your comment. Much appreciated that you at least attempt to be an honest observer.
Now as far as Israel aggressive attacks on Iran.

Israeli threat to attack Iran over nuclear weapons​

Hmmm... so why would a "peaceful, non-aggressive country from day one of the Obama Iran treaty did they break the treaty and
continue nuclear bomb efforts? OH wait yea that's it!
They want nuclear powered electric generators and like you are a green peace person against all fossil fuels. That's it!
Sorry but I'm old enough to know what they did in Iran in 1979 and the tremendous angst there was regarding the USA hostages...again by those peaceful Iranians.
Tell me how many of these actions taken by Iranians have been done by the Israelis in their own country?
The authorities heavily suppressed the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly. Security forces used unlawful force to crush protests. The authorities continued to arbitrarily detain hundreds of protesters, dissidents and human rights defenders, and sentenced many to imprisonment and flogging. Women, as well as ethnic and religious minorities, faced entrenched discrimination as well as violence.

Me too. I remember atoms for Peace under Eisenhower. Iran needs nuclear power plants to expand their electrical grid.

RE: Should Israel bomb Iran???
SUBTOPIC: The Question on War
※→ Toddsterpatriot, et al,

I apologize for being so late on this response.
I'm not an attorney; just a layman.

BLUF: SShort Answer is NO.

Didn't they outlaw war? How'd that work out?

You really can't claim that "War" is outlawed. In the first place, you should use the terminology:

"Armed Conflict" Defined in International Humanitarian Law:

◈ International Armed Conflict (IAC)​
◈ Non-International Armed Conflict (NIAC)​

Really, there is a difference between criminal law (below), and international humanitarian law (above).

For the purpose of this Statute, “crime of aggression” means the planning, preparation, initiation or execution, by a person in a position effectively to exercise control over or to direct the political or military action of a State, of an act of aggression which, by its character, gravity and scale, constitutes a manifest violation of the Charter of the United Nations.​

There are really two key issues [UN Carter Article 2(4)]:

◈ refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force​
✦ threat of force​
✦ use of force​
◈ against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state​
✦ territorial integrity​
✦ political independence​

Don't embargoes violate the 1906 Geneva Convention?

Short Answer: NO

Embargos and Economic Sanctions are two different things.

The enforcement by the least violent method - like sanctions - enforces law.
Hague Convention VI [of 1907 relative to the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak of Hostilities ( 205 C.T.S. 305 )].


Most Respectfully,

The sooner they show us what they have the sooner Israel and the U.S. will stop threatening them.

Maybe Israel should show us what they have.

In the summer of 1995, I heard Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin speak to a group of peace activists. If the audience expected warm idealism, they didn't get it. In his smoke-scarred voice, Rabin gave a rationale for peacemaking that was all strategic realism. The only "new Middle East" he described was one in which the dangers had shifted. Israel had to resolve the conflicts close at hand, I recall him saying, so that it could focus on greater threats further off – such as Iran.
Stupid idea.
They can burn nat gas.

Nope.. Iran needs nuclear powered desalination plants that produce cheap electricity as a by-product. They are concerned about fossil fuel pollution too.

The Israeli Prime Minister is expected to warn the U.S. Congress an Iranian bomb is imminent — just as he warned in 1992, 1995, 2002, 2009, and 2012.
Nope.. Iran needs nuclear powered desalination plants that produce cheap electricity as a by-product. They are concerned about fossil fuel pollution too.

The Israeli Prime Minister is expected to warn the U.S. Congress an Iranian bomb is imminent — just as he warned in 1992, 1995, 2002, 2009, and 2012.

They can use nat gas and solar for desalination.

Israel 'Ready to Attack Iran' as Defense Minister Says 'We Need to Take Military Action'​

So who's side will Biden be on?
Remember Biden wants to re-instate the deal that Trump tattered!

The Biden administration wants to finalize a deal with Iran to reenter the tattered 2015 nuclear deal within the next six weeks, all before the new Iranian new president-elect, Conservative judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi is inaugurated, according to a new report from Axios.

All of this while Biden continues to encourage the southern border illegal Covid immigrants!
Bombing arabs is always ok with me. Any day. Any time. And twice on Sunday.
Not like the commies, eh?

So there is nothing wrong with controlling the economy when it is done collectively,

Castro collectively controlled the shit out of the Cuban economy.

Collectively means through popular election process.
From what I have heard of Castro, thee were no free elections, so there was nothing collective about it at all.
Iran needs to expand their electrical grid since 1950.
According to a new report, keeping Iran's condemned nuclear program going has already cost Tehran more than $100 billion in lost oil revenue and foreign investments alone.
FACT: Iran's GDP per person...$12,389 (2019 est.)
FACT: Israel GDP per person $41,953 (2020 est.)
FACT:USA's GDP per person $62,530 (2019 est.)
So why does Iran spend billions of dollars on nuclear weapons?
You know you keep putting crap up like the above with NO substation. NO LINKS. Do you really believe people respect that?
NOW how about some reality!

Let's see the rhetoric from both sides OK?

Iran: 'Death to Israel' chants from motorcades on anniversary of Islamic revolution​

Israel chants: I couldn't find anything comparable to "Death to Iran", etc. when I did a search.
I kept find these 881,000 results that as you can I hopefully and honestly read..
Iran inciting Genocide against Israel,

..........all of this while Israel provides this to the Palestinians:

Reconstruction in Gaza
Israel is actively working to support reconstruction efforts in the Gaza Strip. Israel has undertaken these measures in the face of its valid concerns about the diversion of materials by

New Israeli-Palestinian regional business development center

Israeli aid to the Palestinians - COGAT update February 2016

There were over 190,000 entrances from the West Bank into Israel for Palestinians receiving medical treatment in Israel and their companions in 2015. There was a 108% increase in the number ...
So where is Iran?

View attachment 529500
That is incorrect.
Chants like "death to Israel" means they want Israel be defeated and Palestine to be returned in its place.
Everyone should want that.
They do not mean that Jews should be killed or exterminated.
The Quran explicitly says Jews are NOT to be killed, and that Judaism is a valid religion.
In fact, Islam is almost identical to Judaism, is based on Judaism, and Moslems consider themselves a type of reformed Jew.

There has never been a massacre of Jews by Moslems.
But Zionists have massacred hundreds of Arab villages.

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