Should Israel bomb Iran???

Nope.. The Taliban were war orphans .. They did NOT fight the Soviets.. They came on the scene in 1994. Soviets were long gone. They organized to fight the lawlessness in Afghanistan after the US pulled out.
They may not have been known as the "Taliban" during the Soviets' Afghan adventure, but most were the leftover freedom fighters financed by good old Ronny.
They may not have been known as the "Taliban" during the Soviets' Afghan adventure, but most were the leftover freedom fighters financed by good old Ronny.

Nope. They were orphaned children when Reagan was president. They were 17 to 22 in the early 1990s. They were Deobandi and Pashtun without much education.. They stopped the production of Opium as well as the rapes and the car / truck hijackings that were a plague after the Americans left... But, then they went off on education for girls and kite flying which is an old national pastime for the Afghans.
You should know by now that I don't lie.

Why don't YOU have the courtesy to ever look something up?
Courtesy to look up what? You make a unsubstantiated statement and then WANT me to prove it?
See that's why people don't trust people like you! You make a statement..."I don't lie" as if I can prove it!
Yet you don't offer ANY substantiation! It's so easy and people won't think you are subjective, and above stupid!
What you do is what a grade school kid does.... "Yea well my mom told me so that makes it true"! Is that you??
It's so simple the first time and all this is wasted dialogue.
They may not have been known as the "Taliban" during the Soviets' Afghan adventure, but most were the leftover freedom fighters financed by good old Ronny.
Prove it! Where is your substantiation? GEEZ it is so simple. Do a little research then smarter people than me will believe what you write...but for now... it is JUST your biased opinion!
Nope. They were orphaned children when Reagan was president. They were 17 to 22 in the early 1990s. They were Deobandi and Pashtun without much education.. They stopped the production of Opium as well as the rapes and the car / truck hijackings that were a plague after the Americans left... But, then they went off on education for girls and kite flying which is an old national pastime for the Afghans.
Prove it! Where is your proof? GEEZ so simple to offer links!
The Akkadians migrated to Mesopotamia, Syria and the Levant from the Arabian Peninsula including Yemen about 8,000 years ago and they had a written language by 3600 BC. Look at their empire.
Prove it! Where are your links? NOTHING so therefore I don't believe a thing you write!
That is wrong to say Arabs never call themselves Palestinian.
But Palestine is the greater region, and Arabs tend to think of themselves tied to a smaller region.
So it depends on if the Arabs are Canaanites, Chaldeans, Akkadians, Philistines, Phoenicians, Amorites, Edomites, Urites, etc.

And your map is out of date.
Originally Trans Jordan included Jordan and Palestine, but during the negotiations with all the parties, at the Treaty of San Remo and Treaty of Sevres, Trans Jordan was split into Palestine and Jordan, with different immigration rules.


Again, it was not a list of Jews, but the International Zionist Congress at Carlsbad who agreed to take no part in the government of Palestine.

And obviously Arabs owned all of Palestine.
The Ottoman ruled Palestine but did not own the properties.
Biden rules the US, but that does not give him property ownership.
If the Ottoman tried to claim property ownership, nothing would have been built and the country would have ended up in total disarray.
Never has an invading force claimed property ownership unless the goal was genocide.

Tens of thousands of Arabs fought along with Lawrence of Arabia, and they won.
The Jews did not fight in WWI at all, so are owed nothing.

That is wrong to say Arabs never call themselves Palestinian.

Who in Saudi Arabia ever called themselves Palestinian?

And your map is out of date.

The map that refutes your silly claim that Jordan was NEVER part of the mandate? LOL!

Again, it was not a list of Jews, but the International Zionist Congress at Carlsbad who agreed to take no part in the government of Palestine.

Exactly! Your claim that "the Jews" agreed was pretty ridiculous.

And obviously Arabs owned all of Palestine.
The Ottoman ruled Palestine but did not own the properties.

The Arabs owned maybe 2%. The Ottoman owned most of the rest.

If the Ottoman tried to claim property ownership, nothing would have been built and the country would have ended up in total disarray.

Before the Jews started moving in, it was pretty much an empty shithole.

Tens of thousands of Arabs fought along with Lawrence of Arabia, and they won.

Yes. Arabs. From Arabia. How many lazy "Palestinian" squatters? A dozen?

The Jews did not fight in WWI at all, so are owed nothing.

Probably more Jews fought than squatters.
Controlling the economy is exactly what all capitalist want and try to do.
Any monarch, dictator, etc. who control the economy is always a capitalist, because their motive is always profit.

The motive of a communist or socialist is communal sharing instead of pure profit.

Controlling the economy is exactly what all capitalist want and try to do.

But commies actually do it.
FACTS please just your comment and who the hell are you?

These are well known facts.


Ghost Wars: How Reagan Armed the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan​

STORYJUNE 10, 2004

During Reagan’s 8 years in power, the CIA secretly sent billions of dollars of military aid to the mujahedeen in Afghanistan in a US-supported jihad against the Soviet Union. We take a look at America’s role in Afghanistan that led to the rise of Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda with Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Steve Coll, author of Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001. [Includes transcript]
Fidel Castro lived a lie to his own people as claims about his wealth start to surface
A prodigious womaniser and food connoisseur who kept some 20 luxurious properties throughout the Caribbean — including a private island he used to visit on his beautiful yacht — Castro was a complete fraud.

The man who spent his life railing against the excesses of capitalism lived like a king — and a very debauched one at that.
The full extent of his hypocrisy and personal excesses emerged only in 2014 when a former longtime bodyguard, Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, wrote a book about Castro’s secret life and estimated he was worth at least £100 million ($168 million).

He revealed in lavish detail that would have appalled struggling Cubans how even a typical day’s spear-fishing for Castro in the crystal-clear waters off his private island was like the ‘royal hunts of Louis XV in the forests around Versailles’.

Vladimir Putin Net Worth​

As of 2021, Vladimir Putin’s net worth is estimated to be $70 Billion.​

You were saying???

Since you obviously agree with me, then why not just say so and not bother wasting many words?
You clearly agree Castro was not a communist but a capitalist, when you say he was a "fraud".
You show Castro and Putin were profit motivated, which means they were capitalists.
Nope.. The Taliban were war orphans .. They did NOT fight the Soviets.. They came on the scene in 1994. Soviets were long gone. They organized to fight the lawlessness in Afghanistan after the US pulled out.

True the Taliban were sort of the next phase, but they came out of coalition of the more idealistic and fundamentalist, which is how the Mujahedeen started.
Their success came from their popularity for being honest, and their negative aspect of being harsh likely was due to how much crime there was they had to deal with.
Controlling the economy is exactly what all capitalist want and try to do.

But commies actually do it.

Since capitalist want and try to manipulate the economy for their gain, and the cost of everyone else, the only way to stop that is for all people to collectively regulate the economy against that.
Trust busting, making monopolies illegal, supporting unions, making dangerous work conditions illegal, etc.
So there is nothing wrong with controlling the economy when it is done collectively, with input from the majority, for the good of the majority.
Nope. They were orphaned children when Reagan was president. They were 17 to 22 in the early 1990s. They were Deobandi and Pashtun without much education.. They stopped the production of Opium as well as the rapes and the car / truck hijackings that were a plague after the Americans left... But, then they went off on education for girls and kite flying which is an old national pastime for the Afghans.

Which is odd because the Quran intended to increase rights for women as Mohammed wanted to please his older wife, Khadija bint Khuwaylid.
Mohammed increased the rights of women, allowing them to divorce, own property, inherit, and considered have a soul.
The Quran also requires women be educated.
Mohammed likely also only was against kite flying and music during war, not forever.
Which is odd because the Quran intended to increase rights for women as Mohammed wanted to please his older wife, Khadija bint Khuwaylid.
Mohammed increased the rights of women, allowing them to divorce, own property, inherit, and considered have a soul.
The Quran also requires women be educated.
Mohammed likely also only was against kite flying and music during war, not forever.

The Taliban were uneducated war orphans. Afghani communists overthrew the monarchy in 1974.. so by 1994 Afghanistan had been at war for 20 years. Literacy had crashed.. These kids didn't know anything about Islam.
Since capitalist want and try to manipulate the economy for their gain, and the cost of everyone else

Not like the commies, eh?

So there is nothing wrong with controlling the economy when it is done collectively,

Castro collectively controlled the shit out of the Cuban economy.

Israel 'Ready to Attack Iran' as Defense Minister Says 'We Need to Take Military Action'​

So who's side will Biden be on?
Remember Biden wants to re-instate the deal that Trump tattered!

The Biden administration wants to finalize a deal with Iran to reenter the tattered 2015 nuclear deal within the next six weeks, all before the new Iranian new president-elect, Conservative judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi is inaugurated, according to a new report from Axios.

All of this while Biden continues to encourage the southern border illegal Covid immigrants!

Why not? Israel has been threatening Iran every quarter since 1994.
Why not? Israel has been threatening Iran every quarter since 1994.
You know you keep putting crap up like the above with NO substation. NO LINKS. Do you really believe people respect that?
NOW how about some reality!

Let's see the rhetoric from both sides OK?

Iran: 'Death to Israel' chants from motorcades on anniversary of Islamic revolution​

Israel chants: I couldn't find anything comparable to "Death to Iran", etc. when I did a search.
I kept find these 881,000 results that as you can I hopefully and honestly read..
Iran inciting Genocide against Israel,

..........all of this while Israel provides this to the Palestinians:

Reconstruction in Gaza
Israel is actively working to support reconstruction efforts in the Gaza Strip. Israel has undertaken these measures in the face of its valid concerns about the diversion of materials by

New Israeli-Palestinian regional business development center​

Israeli aid to the Palestinians - COGAT update February 2016​

There were over 190,000 entrances from the West Bank into Israel for Palestinians receiving medical treatment in Israel and their companions in 2015. There was a 108% increase in the number ...
So where is Iran?

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