Should Israel bomb Iran???

According to a new report, keeping Iran's condemned nuclear program going has already cost Tehran more than $100 billion in lost oil revenue and foreign investments alone.
FACT: Iran's GDP per person...$12,389 (2019 est.)
FACT: Israel GDP per person $41,953 (2020 est.)
FACT:USA's GDP per person $62,530 (2019 est.)
So why does Iran spend billions of dollars on nuclear weapons?

The US started world wide economic sanctions against Iran before Iraq had any nuclear program.
Iran's nuclear program was restarted because of the economic sanctions and hostility of the US, like the illegal invasion of Iraq.
But the original Iranian nuclear program was started in the 1950s, with the help of the US.

In 1987–88, Argentina's National Atomic Energy Commission signed an agreement with Iran to help in converting the reactor from highly enriched uranium fuel to 19.75 per cent low-enriched uranium, and to supply the low-enriched uranium to Iran.[44] According to a report by the Argentine justice in 2006, during the late 1980s and early 1990s the US pressured Argentina to terminate its nuclear cooperation with Iran, and from early 1992 to 1994 negotiations between Argentina and Iran took place with the aim of re-establishing the three agreements made in 1987–88.[45] Some have linked attacks such as the 1992 attack on Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires and the AMIA bombing as part of an Iranian campaign to pressure Argentina into honoring the agreements.[46][47] The uranium was delivered in 1993.[48]
Low enriched uranium and reactors can NOT be used for nuclear weapons.
According to a new report, keeping Iran's condemned nuclear program going has already cost Tehran more than $100 billion in lost oil revenue and foreign investments alone.
FACT: Iran's GDP per person...$12,389 (2019 est.)
FACT: Israel GDP per person $41,953 (2020 est.)
FACT:USA's GDP per person $62,530 (2019 est.)
So why does Iran spend billions of dollars on nuclear weapons?

Why? Because Israel has been threatening them since 1991.
Collectively means through popular election process.
From what I have heard of Castro, thee were no free elections, so there was nothing collective about it at all.

Collectively means through popular election process.

Castro received over 90% of the vote in every election......he was awesome!
Iran will collapse on its own if dufus Biden doesn't keep propping up the barbaric mullah theocratic dictatorship. They must have offered Hunter a position in the oil industry and offered to buy one of his masterpieces.
That is incorrect.
Chants like "death to Israel" means they want Israel be defeated and Palestine to be returned in its place.
Everyone should want that.
They do not mean that Jews should be killed or exterminated.
The Quran explicitly says Jews are NOT to be killed, and that Judaism is a valid religion.
In fact, Islam is almost identical to Judaism, is based on Judaism, and Moslems consider themselves a type of reformed Jew.

There has never been a massacre of Jews by Moslems.
But Zionists have massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
FACTS not guesses... where are your links, your substantiations?

In present times, the Arab–Israeli conflict is a defining event in the relationship between Muslims and Jews.
The State of Israel was proclaimed on 14 May 1948, one day before the expiry of the British Mandate of Palestine.[62]
Not long after, five Arab countries—Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq—attacked Israel,
launching the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.[62] After almost a year of fighting, a ceasefire was declared and temporary borders, known as the Green Line, were instituted.
Jordan annexed what became known as the West Bank and
Egypt took control of the Gaza Strip.
Israel was admitted as a member of the United Nations on 11 May 1949.[63]
During the course of the hostilities, 711,000 Arabs, according to UN estimates, fled or were expelled.[64]
The following decades saw a similar Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries where 800,000–1,000,000 Jews
were forcibly expelled or fled from Arab nations due to persecution.[65]–Jewish_relations
That is incorrect.
Chants like "death to Israel" means they want Israel be defeated and Palestine to be returned in its place.
Everyone should want that.
They do not mean that Jews should be killed or exterminated.
The Quran explicitly says Jews are NOT to be killed, and that Judaism is a valid religion.
In fact, Islam is almost identical to Judaism, is based on Judaism, and Moslems consider themselves a type of reformed Jew.

There has never been a massacre of Jews by Moslems.
But Zionists have massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
You know if you don't know how to spell "MUSLIMs" how do you know anything about the subject? ZERO intelligent comments!
It is NOT "moslems"! Geez...
Muslim is correct because that is the spelling Muslims themselves use.

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