Should Israel bomb Iran???

It was the Zionists who screwed it all up.
It was not Arabs who murdered the UN moderator, it was Israelis.
It was not Arabs who illegally invaded Jerusalem, it was Israelis.

The Muslims owned Jerusalem since around 650 AD.
The Moslem ownership of Jerusalem the last 1400 years is not a myth and can be verified.
The fact Arabs owned Jerusalem except for the temporary Hebrew ownership from 1000 BC to 780 BC, and the 200 year Roman occupation around year 0, is well documented fact.

No Jewish ownership claim has any basis in fact.

It was the Zionists who screwed it all up.

They owned a lot more land after they beat the Arabs than before.
How much did the Palestinians own after? Was it less than they would have gotten
by agreeing to the partition, eh?

It was not Arabs who illegally invaded Jerusalem, it was Israelis.

Illegal invasion?

The Muslims owned Jerusalem since around 650 AD.

After they illegally invaded?

No Jewish ownership claim has any basis in fact.

The Jewish ownership claim is based in reality.
Khomeni was evil. So was his and the following regimes.

Revolutions often go wrong.

This one sure did.

The bad thing is that until 1953 Iran had a good democracy.
But they nationalized the oil, and the US and England did not like that, so bribed the military into a brutal dictatorship.
Khommeni was better than the Shah's dictatorship but much worse than before we screwed it up.
The bad thing is that until 1953 Iran had a good democracy.
But they nationalized the oil, and the US and England did not like that, so bribed the military into a brutal dictatorship.
Khommeni was better than the Shah's dictatorship but much worse than before we screwed it up.
The bad thing is that until 1953 Iran had a good democracy.

That's funny.

Khommeni was better than the Shah's dictatorship

Nah. Not even a little bit.
It was the Zionists who screwed it all up.

They owned a lot more land after they beat the Arabs than before.
How much did the Palestinians own after? Was it less than they would have gotten
by agreeing to the partition, eh?

It was not Arabs who illegally invaded Jerusalem, it was Israelis.

Illegal invasion?

The Muslims owned Jerusalem since around 650 AD.

After they illegally invaded?

No Jewish ownership claim has any basis in fact.

The Jewish ownership claim is based in reality.

It is not legal to take land ownership by force.
The Arabs had a right to complain about one third of the population getting 60% of the land.
But that is not what caused the 1948 war.
The war was caused by Zionists massacring innocent villages like Deir Yassin.

The Israeli invasion of Jerusalem was illegal because the UN partition defined the legal borders, and Jerusalem most definitely was not on the Israel side of the border.

And no, there was no Muslim invasion of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem has been ethnically cleansed by the Byzantine Empire, and then abandoned.
When the Muslims came around 650, the whole area was mostly vacant.

Well they do say that possession is 9/10s of the law.
And it is also true that I should not be blaming modern Israelis for the sins of the Zionists in the 1940s.
It is not legal to take land ownership by force.
The Arabs had a right to complain about one third of the population getting 60% of the land.
But that is not what caused the 1948 war.
The war was caused by Zionists massacring innocent villages like Deir Yassin.

The Israeli invasion of Jerusalem was illegal because the UN partition defined the legal borders, and Jerusalem most definitely was not on the Israel side of the border.

And no, there was no Muslim invasion of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem has been ethnically cleansed by the Byzantine Empire, and then abandoned.
When the Muslims came around 650, the whole area was mostly vacant.

Well they do say that possession is 9/10s of the law.
And it is also true that I should not be blaming modern Israelis for the sins of the Zionists in the 1940s.

It is not legal to take land ownership by force.

Of course it is.
So when will the Muslims be returning all their stolen lands?

The Arabs had a right to complain about one third of the population getting 60% of the land.

I agree, the Arabs fucked up, but why would you leave Jordan out of your calculation?

The Israeli invasion of Jerusalem was illegal because the UN partition defined the legal borders,

The Arabs didn't accept the partition.

and Jerusalem most definitely was not on the Israel side of the border.

It sure is now though.

And no, there was no Muslim invasion of Jerusalem.

How did the Muslims end up owning it again?

When the Muslims came around 650, the whole area was mostly vacant.

All of Israel?

Well they do say that possession is 9/10s of the law.

Yes, the Israelis are possessing the shit out of it.

Israel 'Ready to Attack Iran' as Defense Minister Says 'We Need to Take Military Action'​

So who's side will Biden be on?
Remember Biden wants to re-instate the deal that Trump tattered!

The Biden administration wants to finalize a deal with Iran to reenter the tattered 2015 nuclear deal within the next six weeks, all before the new Iranian new president-elect, Conservative judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi is inaugurated, according to a new report from Axios.

All of this while Biden continues to encourage the southern border illegal Covid immigrants!
How many of you keyboard warrior trump Nazis plan to enlist? You are either eager to fight in the shooting war between Russia and the United States immediately following the Jews attack on Iran, or, more likely, you are too stupid to understand the real consequences of such an attack.

First of all, who cares?
But second is that if you do not know the CIA created the Mujahedeen in 1979, what rock have you been hiding under?
You would have to be about the least informed person in the entire world?
They even tried to recruit me, as the CIA was recruiting from all over.
Prove it! "Tried to recruit you"? An idiot that makes comments without any proof? Oh wait a minute. That makes sense! CIA figures someone as dumb as you would have no problem proving your ignorance! Wow.... you did it!
I know.. and up until 1979 Israel bought ALL their oil from Iran. After the revolution Israel wouldn't pay them for the oil until 13 years later.
Prove it! Where is your proof? GEEZ do you think people believe just because YOU say so??? How stupid!
Prove it! Where is your proof? GEEZ do you think people believe just because YOU say so??? How stupid!

Damn, you are fucking stupid.

Israel holding over $250m it owes Iran for oil in secret ...

Feb 20, 2015 · Israel’s most mysterious bank account has been managed for 30 years in the Bank of Israel. It contains money that Israeli bodies owe to National Iranian Oil Co. for crude oil supplied before the Islamic revolution in January 1979. Palestinian boycott
Marc Rich, the man who sold Iranian oil to Israel

Jun 27, 2013 · In the book Rich admitted that he had purchased oil from Iran even after the Islamic revolution during the reign of Khomeini, as well as during the U.S. hostage crisis in 1979, and until the mid-1990s. He claimed that a large percentage of the Iranian oil went to Israel during those years
It is not legal to take land ownership by force.

Of course it is.
So when will the Muslims be returning all their stolen lands?

The Arabs had a right to complain about one third of the population getting 60% of the land.

I agree, the Arabs fucked up, but why would you leave Jordan out of your calculation?

The Israeli invasion of Jerusalem was illegal because the UN partition defined the legal borders,

The Arabs didn't accept the partition.

and Jerusalem most definitely was not on the Israel side of the border.

It sure is now though.

And no, there was no Muslim invasion of Jerusalem.

How did the Muslims end up owning it again?

When the Muslims came around 650, the whole area was mostly vacant.

All of Israel?

Well they do say that possession is 9/10s of the law.

Yes, the Israelis are possessing the shit out of it.

It is not true that Moslem Arabs took land by force.
What is true that later, Asian invaders like Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks stole land by force, and then started pretending to be Moslem.

Jordan does not belong in the Palestine land equation because it was populated by Moslem Arabs that never allowed much Jewish immigration.
But what you are admitting is that the mistake the Palestinians made was to allow any Jewish immigration.
You are admitting the Jews lied when they claimed they wanted no part in the governing of Palestine.
That their intent was always to lie to get in, and then take over with illegally smuggled weapons.

The Arabs were right to not accept that 30% of the population that was recent immigrants, should get 60% of the land.
That they would not accept this bad division does not mean they should be forced to accept what is even worse.
That is not the way law is supposed to work.
Force is not supposed to over ride justice.
Anyone who thinks is should, is 2000 years out of date, and should never be allowed to have weapons, much less rule anything.

There was no Israel at all in 650.
The Jews were hardly significant.
And what Jews were left, were later murdered by the Christian Crusaders.
How many of you Biden Nazis plan to surrender?
Once again the trump Nazis' stupidity exposes itself. Nazism, in fact, all forms of fascism hate liberalism.

This fact has been pointed out to you trump Nazis countless times, still, you cling to your ignorance of history.

And you trump Nazis constantly claim your knowledge in all subjects is superior to that of the experts. Quit deluding yourselves.

Prove it! "Tried to recruit you"? An idiot that makes comments without any proof? Oh wait a minute. That makes sense! CIA figures someone as dumb as you would have no problem proving your ignorance! Wow.... you did it!

Its common knowledge.
Anyone of the right age group was being hit up to join in to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.
Osama bin Laden was only 22 in 1979, but they recruited him.

About the same time as the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the United States began collaborating with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to provide several hundred million dollars a year in aid to the Afghan Mujahideen insurgents fighting the Afghan pro-Soviet government and the Soviet Army in Operation Cyclone. Along with native Afghan mujahideen were Muslim volunteers from other countries, popularly known as "Afghan Arabs". The most famous of the Afghan Arabs was Osama bin Laden, known at the time as a wealthy and pious Saudi who provided his own money and helped raise millions from other wealthy Gulf Arabs.

When the war ended, bin Laden organized the al-Qaeda organization to carry on armed jihad against other countries, primarily against the United States.

A number of commentators have described Al-Qaeda attacks as "blowback" or an unintended consequence of American aid to the mujahideen.

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