Should Israel bomb Iran???

That is not an answer.
I asked for a specific example of what country you believe is murdering their neighbors and violating international law?
We can discuss anything in generalities.
You have to be specific.
And Reuters and AP are not countries, not murdering anyone, and not violating international law.
If I supply a story you will claim it’s the only one.
You are simply a phony who won’t check out a valid news site.
If Israel decides to make war on Iran they need to do it on their own. They've been threatening Iran since the 1990s,
Israel and Iranians have already planted bombs where they are needed.
If you think the US and other nations don’t know this there’s nothing I can post to wake you up.
IsNtReal, our greatest "ally" has never done shit on their own. Never will.
Send more money

Israel is on the dole. Saudi Arabia has been a staunch ally since the late 1930s and they aren't sucking up foreign aid.. They also didn't attack the USS Liberty or try to kill Americans in Cairo with their Lavon Affair. But they sure as hell created the Suez Crisis with that deception..
Israel and Iranians have already planted bombs where they are needed.
If you think the US and other nations don’t know this there’s nothing I can post to wake you up.

I know Israel planted thousands of land mines in Lebanon before they pulled out. Where else did they plant bombs?
I don't have to prove international law exists

Just prove your claim that it was "voted in by all countries"

The UN outlawed offensive war essentially with its charter, in 1945.

And how did that work out? No war since 1945?

The problem is any Security Counsel member can block UN enforcement of this basic law.

The Security Council can stop enforcement of "no war"? Weird.

Only embargoes of civilian commerce violates international law.

Did you ever post the backup for this claim?

Israel does not own Jerusalem,

Why do you feel that? Who owns Jerusalem?

I don't have to prove international law or the UN charter exists.
In fact, international law is based on the same inherent individual rights of any democratic republic, and everyone should already know what they are.

Yes the US deliberately established the UN as being subordinate to the arbitrary whims of the security counsel members.
That is wrong, illegal, and immoral, but there is nothing that can be done about it at this time.

According to the UN and international law, the UN was supposed to oversee an international administration of Jerusalem.

The Moslem claims of the ownership and religious significance of Jerusalem are well established.
The Jewish claims of ownership and religious significance of Jerusalem are based on 3000 year old myths which no one has ever shown any proof of.
The Hebrew invasion of the Land of Canaan is admitted to be a horrendous crime of genocide that included killing Canaanite infants at Jericho.
That makes any ownership claim totally illegitimate, since the takeover was so horrendously tainted by crimes.
No the Taliban didn't exist until 1994.

They are Deobandi and Pashtun.. They were also children in 1979. They have committed crimes, but they stay in Afghanistan and along the border of Pakistan.

The CIA created the Mujahedeen in 1979, out of a core of young Islamic idealists and rural fundamentalist clerics.
The Mujahedeen grew and included Tajiks, warlords. and Iranians.
But eventually once the Soviets withdrew, there was too much corruption, and the original core of young Islamic idealists and rural fundamentalist clerics had to separate from the rest of the Mujahedeen, and they became known as the Taliban.
At least that is how it looks to me.
That the Taliban were the idealistic origins of the Mujahedeen, only the name did not come until 1994, when the factions polarized.

I don't particularly like the Taliban, they are likely the least corrupt and the most popular.
No, the Israelis are millions of times more violent and in violation of natural law.
Palestine is and always a majority not Jewish, so should not be ruled by Jewish political interests.
The Arabs did not start any of the violence ever, and the Israelis tried to massacre hundreds of Arab villages from 1946 on.
After the Holocaust, you would think Jews would know better than to commit genocide.
But Zionists obviously have been attempting genocide since 1946.
Again... who in the hell are you? Where is your substantiation. "Israelis are millions of times more violent"
Do you know how stupid that statement makes you? "Millions of times"! Do you know what that is?
Gross ignorance displayed! Really any more of your subjective, ignorant comments are being considered by logical rational people as just nothing more than a rant. Give me a FACT that "Israelis are millions of times more violent"!
Prove it! Otherwise you are just a ranting ignorant person.
If I supply a story you will claim it’s the only one.
You are simply a phony who won’t check out a valid news site.

Other than the US attacking Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, I have no idea what you are talking about?
So it is more a little odd you refuse to give an example.
The validity of news sites is irrelevant when you don't specify an example.
Its odd because Iran never even participated in any of the armed conflicts Israel had.

I know.. and up until 1979 Israel bought ALL their oil from Iran. After the revolution Israel wouldn't pay them for the oil until 13 years later.
I don't have to prove international law or the UN charter exists.
In fact, international law is based on the same inherent individual rights of any democratic republic, and everyone should already know what they are.

Yes the US deliberately established the UN as being subordinate to the arbitrary whims of the security counsel members.
That is wrong, illegal, and immoral, but there is nothing that can be done about it at this time.

According to the UN and international law, the UN was supposed to oversee an international administration of Jerusalem.

The Moslem claims of the ownership and religious significance of Jerusalem are well established.
The Jewish claims of ownership and religious significance of Jerusalem are based on 3000 year old myths which no one has ever shown any proof of.
The Hebrew invasion of the Land of Canaan is admitted to be a horrendous crime of genocide that included killing Canaanite infants at Jericho.
That makes any ownership claim totally illegitimate, since the takeover was so horrendously tainted by crimes.

I don't have to prove international law or the UN charter exists.

I've never denied the existence of either, just your false sense of their importance or power.

According to the UN and international law, the UN was supposed to oversee an international administration of Jerusalem.

Before the Arabs fucked that up.

The Moslem claims of the ownership and religious significance of Jerusalem are well established.

So the Moslems own it? Since when?

The Jewish claims of ownership and religious significance of Jerusalem are based on 3000 year old myths

Is that worse than Islam's 1400 year old myths?

That makes any ownership claim totally illegitimate, since the takeover was so horrendously tainted by crimes.

You're silly.
The CIA created the Mujahedeen in 1979, out of a core of young Islamic idealists and rural fundamentalist clerics.
The Mujahedeen grew and included Tajiks, warlords. and Iranians.
But eventually once the Soviets withdrew, there was too much corruption, and the original core of young Islamic idealists and rural fundamentalist clerics had to separate from the rest of the Mujahedeen, and they became known as the Taliban.
At least that is how it looks to me.
That the Taliban were the idealistic origins of the Mujahedeen, only the name did not come until 1994, when the factions polarized.

I don't particularly like the Taliban, they are likely the least corrupt and the most popular.

The Muhahedeen predated the Taliban by 20 years. The Mujahadeen were warlords fighting communists. The Taliban were orphan boys trying to stops the rapes, drug use and truck hijackings of a lawless Afghanistan.
Again... who in the hell are you? Where is your substantiation. "Israelis are millions of times more violent"
Do you know how stupid that statement makes you? "Millions of times"! Do you know what that is?
Gross ignorance displayed! Really any more of your subjective, ignorant comments are being considered by logical rational people as just nothing more than a rant. Give me a FACT that "Israelis are millions of times more violent"!
Prove it! Otherwise you are just a ranting ignorant person.

That is silly.
There essentially was no world terrorism until the Zionists invented it.
One example was Menachem Begin and his terrorist gang Lehi blowing up the King David Hotel and murdering the British peace keepers there.
The only reason for doing that was so the British would not get in the way of their planned genocide.

Another example was when Zionist terrorists gangs did things like the "Sargeant's Affair", where they kidnapped British noncoms, and slowly mutilated and tortured them until finally hanging them to death.

Another example of Zionist terrorism was when Irgun assassinated the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte. This was exceptionally hideous since Count Flolke Bernadotte had been the hero of saving Jews in Sweden.
Tensions rose amongst the assassins waiting in the Stern Gang camp. According to the information reaching them, Count Bernadotte was well behind his schedule. Goldfoot went to the Government Press Office. There he learned that the mediator would arrive in the city at 5 pm, following a route that would take him near the Stern Gang camp. Goldfoot rushed back to the camp. At 4 pm four men in Israeli military uniforms left the camp in a jeep and drove a half-mile to the Katamon Quarter.

When the Bernadotte party, flying U.N. flags, suddenly came on the jeep, it was positioned in the middle of the road. As the three-car convoy halted, the driver remained in the jeep and the other uniformed Israelis jumped out and approached the U.N. cars. Two of them proceeded down one side of the parked cars, whose occupants offered their identification papers, while Cohen trotted alone down the other side, scanning the faces of the occupants. As all three men approached the last car, Cohen went to the open window. The occupants were still pulling their passes from their pockets when, wordlessly, Cohen pushed the muzzle of an automatic weapon through the window and fired at the Count and Colonel Serot. At the same moment, the other two "soldiers" fired at the tires and radiators to disable all three cars. The three assassins then returned to their jeep, which disappeared at full speed. Count Bernadotte was hit by six bullets, one of which passed through his heart and killed him instantly. Colonel Serot's body was riddled with 17 bullets. An American officer in the front seat was unscathed, and a Swede and a British officer were slightly wounded.

The following day the Stern Gang sent a letter to the press stating: "Although in our opinion all United Nations observers are members of foreign occupation forces, which have no right to be on our territory, the murder of the French Colonel Serot was due to a fatal mistake; our men thought that the officer sitting beside Count Bernadotte was the British agent and anti-Semite, General Lundstrom." General Lundstrom, Count Bernadotte's chief of staff, was an officer in the Swedish army.

Count Bernadotte, an officer in the Swedish calvary, had passed his life in service to others. He was considered by his colleagues to be impeccably neutral in trying to find a solution to Palestine's sorrows.

Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sherett pledged to the principle American official in Israel that "we are setting up the most rigid search for the assassins and their accomplices and we shall execute justice at the moment guilt is proved." None of those arrested, however, spent more than a few months in jail.

Yitzhak Yazernitsky went on to become a Mossad director of operations. After a name change, as Yitzhak Shamir, he now serves as prime minister of Israel.

Anyone who does not know the brutal and unforgiveable and horrific crimes of Israeli Zionists should remain silent.
In comparison, the Palestinians come off like angels and patriots.
Up until 1979, Iran wasn't run by an evil regime.

They weren't evil. The student protests were legit. The Shah was a weak old man who never could negotiate a square deal with BP. My friend was a US advisor to the Shah. He said they never saw it coming. They were all too close to the Shah's elite circle.

Revolutions often go wrong.
Prove it the CIA created the Mujahedeen in 1979! Again where do you get this idiocy? Just another rant with NO proof!

First of all, who cares?
But second is that if you do not know the CIA created the Mujahedeen in 1979, what rock have you been hiding under?
You would have to be about the least informed person in the entire world?
They even tried to recruit me, as the CIA was recruiting from all over.
I don't have to prove international law or the UN charter exists.

I've never denied the existence of either, just your false sense of their importance or power.

According to the UN and international law, the UN was supposed to oversee an international administration of Jerusalem.

Before the Arabs fucked that up.

The Moslem claims of the ownership and religious significance of Jerusalem are well established.

So the Moslems own it? Since when?

The Jewish claims of ownership and religious significance of Jerusalem are based on 3000 year old myths

Is that worse than Islam's 1400 year old myths?

That makes any ownership claim totally illegitimate, since the takeover was so horrendously tainted by crimes.

You're silly.

It was the Zionists who screwed it all up.
It was not Arabs who murdered the UN moderator, it was Israelis.
It was not Arabs who illegally invaded Jerusalem, it was Israelis.

The Muslims owned Jerusalem since around 650 AD.
The Moslem ownership of Jerusalem the last 1400 years is not a myth and can be verified.
The fact Arabs owned Jerusalem except for the temporary Hebrew ownership from 1000 BC to 780 BC, and the 200 year Roman occupation around year 0, is well documented fact.

No Jewish ownership claim has any basis in fact.
All the land had been owned by Arabs long before the Ottoman invasion around 1500.

And then it wasn't owned by the Arabs.

They paid taxes to the Ottoman Empire instead.

It sounds like a lot of them didn't.

The Ottoman invasion did not change land ownership.
The Ottoman empire ruled, but did not own.
If any land ownership was lost with an invasion and people would be turned into renters, then there would no longer be any buildings built.
Renters can't build buildings.

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