Should Legislation Be Passed Making Overt Racism a Criminal Offense?

Should racism be a crime?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • No

    Votes: 29 87.9%
  • I'm Not Sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
I would love to hear the pros and cons on this because I believe this is something that will be broached eventually. Also curious on your thoughts on how it can be proven, although I imagine that is something that could be part of the statute itself.

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I would love to hear the pros and cons on this because I believe this is something that will be broached eventually. Also curious on your thoughts on how it can be proven, although I imagine that is something that could be part of the statute itself.

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Stupid question. Make racism a crime? Aside from the fact that racism is a totally SUBJECTIVE thing, a thing of PERCEPTION, it is an ATTITUDE. You really think we want to go down that road of following Canada in making it a crime if someone doesn't LIKE what they think you said or did? Or their belief in the INTENT? Much less criminalize what you think, choose to LIKE or DISLIKE? Punish you for attitudes and wrong thinking?

Why don't you just go suck George Orwell's dick and be done with it. This is trying to shift America 180° from what it was founded to be---- tolerance of differences and protection of those whom disagreed with you. Just flush America down the toilet of fascism and be done with it.
I would love to hear the pros and cons on this because I believe this is something that will be broached eventually. Also curious on your thoughts on how it can be proven, although I imagine that is something that could be part of the statute itself.

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Stupid question. Make racism a crime? Aside from the fact that racism is a totally SUBJECTIVE thing, a thing of PERCEPTION, it is an ATTITUDE. You really think we want to go down that road of following Canada in making it a crime if someone doesn't LIKE what they think you said or did? Or their belief in the INTENT? Much less criminalize what you think, choose to LIKE or DISLIKE? Punish you for attitudes and wrong thinking?

Why don't you just go suck George Orwell's dick and be done with it. This is trying to shift America 180° from what it was founded to be---- tolerance of differences and protection of those whom disagreed with you. Just flush America down the toilet of fascism and be done with it.

Brutally Honest but Spot on!
give news-vine a CHANCE. I need actual definitions. WHAT IS OVERT RACISM?
First-----DEFINE RACE. I is a biology person. ----next define the "NEW RACE"
Our dear Linda Sarsour has managed to define a NEW RACE. Anyone who puts a rag on her head and cries out ALLLAHUAKBAR is a "person of color". Linda is about the Hue of people I KNOW from the LEVANT ---who do not call themselves "PERSONS OF COLOR" Linda is actually LIGHTER in hue than my very own hubby who is from the Levant (his community simply STAYED there since genesis-------but SIMPLY because hs is a jew he is called "CAUCASION OF MIDDLE OR UPPER CLASS" (economically) As such he CANNOT BE A VICTIM OF RACISM -----right?
Brutally Honest but Spot on!
Can only say it like it is, CL. This is a radicalization of the leftwing's hope to criminalize anyone who disagrees with them by labeling it hate speech, etc., by in fact being 100% intoleret of and hating those whom would simply oppose or disagree with you. In other words, being and becoming the VERY THING you say you are fighting to eliminate.

When it gets to the point where a place like Facebook is censoring the POTUS and just for saying these rioters and looters are out of control thugs who need reigned in and calling his calls for law and order "hate-speech" simply because that would oppose these people's free run of and destruction of our ordered society, WE ARE IN TROUBLE. All the worse when companies like Coka Cola, Verizon and others are pulling billions in advertising from Facebook in order to FORCE Facebook to COMPLY with their demands.

This is far fucking scarier than the coronavirus could ever be.
“Should Legislation Be Passed Making Overt Racism a Criminal Offense?”

No, because such legislation is prima facie un-Constitutional.

Hate speech is entitled to First Amendment protections, regardless how overt, absent advocacy of imminent lawlessness or violence.

Consequently, no lawmaker would propose such a measure.
It would result in the other half of the black population being locked up in prisons; makes my suggestion of putting about 70% of the black population on Federal game preserves or deporting them a much more humane solution.
give news-vine a CHANCE. I need actual definitions. WHAT IS OVERT RACISM?
First-----DEFINE RACE. I is a biology person. ----next define the "NEW RACE"
Our dear Linda Sarsour has managed to define a NEW RACE. Anyone who puts a rag on her head and cries out ALLLAHUAKBAR is a "person of color". Linda is about the Hue of people I KNOW from the LEVANT ---who do not call themselves "PERSONS OF COLOR" Linda is actually LIGHTER in hue than my very own hubby who is from the Levant (his community simply STAYED there since genesis-------but SIMPLY because hs is a jew he is called "CAUCASION OF MIDDLE OR UPPER CLASS" (economically) As such he CANNOT BE A VICTIM OF RACISM -----right?

lol give the troll a chance? You really expecting a serious answer from the fake 'journalist'? lol you're joking, right? All they want is for the Feds to give them all $500K each; they only care about extorting cash, not 'social justice'.
I would love to hear the pros and cons on this because I believe this is something that will be broached eventually. Also curious on your thoughts on how it can be proven, although I imagine that is something that could be part of the statute itself.

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I voted yea cos it already is in the UK and most of Europe and fukc your constitution it is about time America entered the 21st century.
Who defines what 'racism' means?

The 'White Fragility' fans believe all white people are natural born racists.
I would love to hear the pros and cons on this because I believe this is something that will be broached eventually. Also curious on your thoughts on how it can be proven, although I imagine that is something that could be part of the statute itself.

Please indicate why you voted as you did. Thank you...
Give us an example of the overate racism you are referring to

or will this be another hit-and-run topic for you?
give news-vine a CHANCE. I need actual definitions. WHAT IS OVERT RACISM?
First-----DEFINE RACE. I is a biology person. ----next define the "NEW RACE"
Our dear Linda Sarsour has managed to define a NEW RACE. Anyone who puts a rag on her head and cries out ALLLAHUAKBAR is a "person of color". Linda is about the Hue of people I KNOW from the LEVANT ---who do not call themselves "PERSONS OF COLOR" Linda is actually LIGHTER in hue than my very own hubby who is from the Levant (his community simply STAYED there since genesis-------but SIMPLY because hs is a jew he is called "CAUCASION OF MIDDLE OR UPPER CLASS" (economically) As such he CANNOT BE A VICTIM OF RACISM -----right?
I voted yea cos
You are only a foreigner so your vote is meaningless
Pravda to end Free Speech.........same path as Europe.
We are already a percentage of that there. We type things here. A lot of times it is the heat of the moment that escalates the wording. However I believe a good amount of people know right from wrong but are influenced by peer pressures and any of their own flaws or failures out in the streets. It is okay to fail. And if the failure iv over ability rather then racism, sexism, etc. it has to be accepted.
Conservatives are at complete liberty to engage in hate speech, to express their fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate absent government preemption or regulation – and no one seeks to change that fact.
I would love to hear the pros and cons on this because I believe this is something that will be broached eventually. Also curious on your thoughts on how it can be proven, although I imagine that is something that could be part of the statute itself.

Please indicate why you voted as you did. Thank you...
Give us an example of the overate racism you are referring to

or will this be another hit-and-run topic for you?
" Give us an example of the overate racism you are referring to"
"You are only a foreigner so your vote is meaningless"

You seem to have given an example yourself.......Couldn't make it up!

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