Should only taxpayers be allowed to vote?

The poor, as a demographic, are among the least likely to vote anyway. So what's the problem?


Show the stats please.

Would you, if poor, not vote yourself a raise in pay at the taxpayer's expense?
I think most would.

The poor, as a demographic, are among the least likely to vote anyway. So what's the problem?


Show the stats please.

Would you, if poor, not vote yourself a raise in pay at the taxpayer's expense?
I think most would.

there are statistics on it, do a google....and use some common sense...

you think a woman on welfare with 5 kids in tow is gonna take the time out to vote? near 50% of those eligible to vote don't vote and many lower income and welfare recipients are among those who don't vote....

IF you are on an hourly wage, you are likely to not vote because you can't afford the loss of money to vote during working hours, unless in an early voting state, which is something new...within the last decade or so....

Seniors, upper middle class and white men are among those who ritually vote...

congressmen haven't voted on welfare reform or welfare increases for over 15 years who knows what you are talking about when you say they vote themselves an increase????/ UNLESS truly and ONCE AGAIN the right wing's goal is to disenfranchise potential Democratic voters...which is just par for the course when it comes to you guys.....sheesh.... cheating, as usual as far as I'm concerned..... and yes, taking legal citizen's right to vote away IS CHEATING....
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The poor, as a demographic, are among the least likely to vote anyway. So what's the problem?


Show the stats please.

Would you, if poor, not vote yourself a raise in pay at the taxpayer's expense?
I think most would.


I haven't found that to be necessarily true. There are plenty of examples of the rich 'voting' (or otherwise influencing government) to enrich themselves further. And frankly, most of the hardcore limited government people I know are of modest means. We just want government to leave us alone.
The poor, as a demographic, are among the least likely to vote anyway. So what's the problem?


Show the stats please.

Would you, if poor, not vote yourself a raise in pay at the taxpayer's expense?
I think most would.

there are statistics on it, do a google....and use some common sense...

you think a woman on welfare with 5 kids in tow is gonna take the time out to vote? near 50% of those eligible to vote don't vote and many lower income and welfare recipients are among those who don't vote....

IF you are on an hourly wage, you are likely to not vote because you can't afford the loss of money to vote during working hours, unless in an early voting state, which is something new...within the last decade or so....

Seniors, upper middle class and white men are among those who ritually vote...

congressmen haven't voted on welfare reform or welfare increases for over 15 years who knows what you are talking about when you say they vote themselves an increase????/ UNLESS truly and ONCE AGAIN the right wing's goal is to disenfranchise potential Democratic voters...which is just par for the course when it comes to you guys.....sheesh.... cheating, as usual as far as I'm concerned..... and yes, taking legal citizen's right to vote away IS CHEATING....

As expected.

I am from the left BTW.

My basic view is what was the law of the land in many countries in the past. No taxation without representation. In effect that says that if you do not pay taxes or are a taxtaker you have not earned representation. IOW, of you do not pay for representation, you do not get it. The logic is thus sound.

The logic is clear. Government is a service and services are never free. Someone has to pay. The logic is thus sound.

The poor, as a demographic, are among the least likely to vote anyway. So what's the problem?


Show the stats please.

Would you, if poor, not vote yourself a raise in pay at the taxpayer's expense?
I think most would.


I haven't found that to be necessarily true. There are plenty of examples of the rich 'voting' (or otherwise influencing government) to enrich themselves further. And frankly, most of the hardcore limited government people I know are of modest means. We just want government to leave us alone.

I was speaking of the poor. Not the rich.

I agree that the less governance we need the better.

My basic view is what was the law of the land in many countries in the past. No taxation without representation. In effect that says that if you do not pay taxes or are a taxtaker you have not earned representation. IOW, of you do not pay for representation, you do not get it. The logic is thus sound.

The logic may be sound, but as several others have observed, the point itself is moot. Reason being, it is a practical impossibility to survive in the modern world without paying some taxes of some kind.
My basic view is what was the law of the land in many countries in the past. No taxation without representation. In effect that says that if you do not pay taxes or are a taxtaker you have not earned representation. IOW, of you do not pay for representation, you do not get it. The logic is thus sound.

The logic may be sound, but as several others have observed, the point itself is moot. Reason being, it is a practical impossibility to survive in the modern world without paying some taxes of some kind.

I agree.

But many are paying it with funds taken from taxpayers who get absolutely nothing in return for it.

My basic view is what was the law of the land in many countries in the past. No taxation without representation. In effect that says that if you do not pay taxes or are a taxtaker you have not earned representation. IOW, of you do not pay for representation, you do not get it. The logic is thus sound.

The logic may be sound, but as several others have observed, the point itself is moot. Reason being, it is a practical impossibility to survive in the modern world without paying some taxes of some kind.

It is also a practical impossibility to survive in the modern world without representation.

The point still holds.
My basic view is what was the law of the land in many countries in the past. No taxation without representation. In effect that says that if you do not pay taxes or are a taxtaker you have not earned representation. IOW, of you do not pay for representation, you do not get it. The logic is thus sound.

The logic may be sound, but as several others have observed, the point itself is moot. Reason being, it is a practical impossibility to survive in the modern world without paying some taxes of some kind.

I agree.

But many are paying it with funds taken from taxpayers who get absolutely nothing in return for it.

Incorrect. Money is fungible: there is no way to tell where your tax dollar "came from."
Everybody pays taxes,dupes. The poorest workers pay as much %wise as the richest and corporations, if you count ALL taxes and fees. The arrogance of the brainwashed...tell us how the US has the highest corporate taxes ANYWHERE- while they ACTUALLY pay 12% etc etc etc. Sthu and read something NOT from the Pub Propaganda machine greedy rich lying a-holes, chumps.
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The logic may be sound, but as several others have observed, the point itself is moot. Reason being, it is a practical impossibility to survive in the modern world without paying some taxes of some kind.

I agree.

But many are paying it with funds taken from taxpayers who get absolutely nothing in return for it.

Incorrect. Money is fungible: there is no way to tell where your tax dollar "came from."

noun \ˈfən-jə-bəl\
Definition of FUNGIBLE
: something that is fungible —usually used in plural
First Known Use of FUNGIBLE
circa 1765
Definition of FUNGIBLE
: being of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in the satisfaction of an obligation <oil, wheat, and lumber are fungible commodities>
: interchangeable
: flexible 3
&#8212; fun·gi·bil·i·ty noun
Examples of FUNGIBLE

<since fruits and vegetables are regarded as fungible in this diet, you are allowed a total of five servings of either or both>

Origin of FUNGIBLE
New Latin fungibilis, from Latin fungi to perform &#8212; more at function
First Known Use: 1818
Related to FUNGIBLE
Synonyms: commutable, exchangeable, interchangeable, substitutable, switchable
Antonyms: noninterchangeable
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Those who have the most to lose should be able to control their own fate, rather than an unprincipled and scurrilous mob, who after sizing up your possessions, dictates to the politicians which of your possessions the politicians should seize and apportion to the mob. The founders saw to it that only the propertyholders could vote at the beginning. Now, its simply a case of the scurrilous mob voting itself bread and circuses.
Luckily, the back to the 1700's crowd are an ignorant brainwashed tinfoil minority who are their own worst enemy, along with the hysterical bought off charlatans who direct them...PFFFFT!!
Should non-taxpayers be allowed to run for political office, use public parks, roads, libraries, get free medical help, go to public schools, expect police and fire services, be subject to the military draft and on and on. And what of the children of non-taxpayers should they be restricted to using public services also? Should those that pay double the average taxes get two votes, ten votes? I think conservatives are on to something here, may be better than restricing voters because of proper voter id or can't stand in line because of disability.
Should non-taxpayers be allowed to run for political office, use public parks, roads, libraries, get free medical help, go to public schools, expect police and fire services, be subject to the military draft and on and on. And what of the children of non-taxpayers should they be restricted to using public services also? Should those that pay double the average taxes get two votes, ten votes? I think conservatives are on to something here, may be better than restricing voters because of proper voter id or can't stand in line because of disability.

The idea is to give taxpayers value for dollar.

The idea is not to create hardships for the poor regardless of how much foolishness and mean intent some put to it.


Should non-taxpayers be allowed to run for political office, use public parks, roads, libraries, get free medical help, go to public schools, expect police and fire services, be subject to the military draft and on and on. And what of the children of non-taxpayers should they be restricted to using public services also? Should those that pay double the average taxes get two votes, ten votes? I think conservatives are on to something here, may be better than restricing voters because of proper voter id or can't stand in line because of disability.

The idea is to give taxpayers value for dollar.

The idea is not to create hardships for the poor regardless of how much foolishness and mean intent some put to it.



Are you still pushing your pay to vote meme? Ain't gonna happen.
You are probably right.

The taxpayer in the middle will continue to be abused by both the rich and poor.
We do not seem to feel the prick being shoved up our ass nor the dollars flying out of our pockets.
The world is quite lucky that taxpayers are a generous lot.
Stupid but generous.


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