Should politicians be able to change the demography of a nation without the peoples consent and without legal charges?

And yet you cry like a little bitch when it is pointed out that you are a racist loser.
Stop your emotional bullshit and prove me wrong. Tell me why anybody sane and decent would WANT a darker America.
You can’t so you won’t.
Why do you consider them "poor quality?"
Perhaps a better question is how do you define good or bad "quality" in human beings?

Is it similar to the way the Nazi's Nazis did it in the 1930s?
You know, the "master race" thing where the "undesirables" got eliminated in gas chambers?
Groomers Gobbling Godwin

On command, you are comparing what happened to God's Chosen People to what should happen to Satan's chosen demons, the same kind of degenerate humanoids whom God wiped out in the Deluge.
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Yet the liberals still claim Negroes are the victims and the MSM still covers for them......once again.....young black males who compose approx 2.5 percent of the total pop. committ over half of all violent crimes in America.

Houston we have a problem.....but none dare call it a race problem.
Two Wings of the Same Vulture

Especially the timid and self-obsessed Repatheticans, who blame the cities' degenerate chaos on Democratic mayors and don't dare offend their Liberal classmates by blaming it on feral minorities.
I think every white western nation is in the grip of guilt-ridden liberal politicians who want muddy up the democraphics
Sick Sadistic Statists

Liberals aren't guilt-ridden at all. Quit trying to modify their jealous- weakling hatred of other Whites as some kind of bleeding-heart syndrome. They just pose as compassionate extremists to cover up their vicious motives.
Two Wings of the Same Vulture

Especially the timid and self-obsessed Repatheticans, who blame the cities' degenerate chaos on Democratic mayors and don't dare offend their Liberal classmates by blaming it on feral minorities.
Juggling your pathetic racism and your pathetic wannabe communism must be exhausting for a weakling like you.
Revenge Word Buzzed by Confused and Depresses Misfits

The only loser is a non-racist. Racial superiority is realism. Only inferior Whites condemn it, not out of compassion but out of jealousy.
Pretty bold philosophy from an unemployed loser sitting in his parents basement in his underwear with an empty EBT card and smart phone.

Grow up kid.

Meanwhile fuck off until you do.
Sick Sadistic Statists

Liberals aren't guilt-ridden at all. Quit trying to modify their jealous- weakling hatred of other Whites as some kind of bleeding-heart syndrome. They just pose as compassionate extremists to cover up their vicious motives.
I think many libs do suffer from white guilt

And it drives them to extreme lengths to make amends for events in dusty old history books
Wallowing in cowardly fear is "emotional," loser. You never answered MY question, chickenshit.
LefTard Logic:
”It is cowardly and emotional for one to PREFER a safer, cleaner, more productive America.”
You can play stupid all you want…
But I'll never be up to your level. Nothing like the real thing.

The thing is, BL (and the rest of you chickenshit racists on the board), regardless of the virtues and flaws of various minorities - it doesn't elevate you one bit. You're still just as stupid, just as reprehensible, just as sick and fucked up as ever. Hating on others doesn't change that.

I'd feel sorry for you, but I can't. You deserve your plight. Black people and Mexicans will supplant you, and that's good. Because you suck. Good riddance.
The thing is, BL (and the rest of you chickenshit racists on the board), regardless of the virtues and flaws of various minorities - it doesn't elevate you one bit.
Sane, rational, logical REALISTS like myself aren’t trying to “elevate” ourselves by sharing scary facts with you pussies with headinassitus.…We just like to point out your headinassitus.
You're still just as stupid, just as reprehensible, just as sick and fucked up as ever.
Yep, anybody who prefers to live among good quality human beings is stupid, reprehensible, sick and fucked….how dare they have standards and expectations for their nation and their fellow countrymen.
Hating on others doesn't change that.
Yep, pointing out the facts as they relate to the behavioral traits of ‘certain groups‘ is hating said groups.
Black people and Mexicans will supplant you, and that's good. Because you suck. Good riddance.
You better hope you’re wrong…..have you ever been to ANY predominantly dark community, city, state or nation? ALL are super shitholes and there is nothing coincidental about it….ain’t that right Unkotare ?
Aren’t you and Coyote damn glad that white Brits did take this territory?
Have you been to a reservation?
Can you imagine what America would look like as one giant reservation?
Isn't that a system "white Brits" created?

What are you you so afraid of?

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