Should the Democratic Party move Left?

2020 is going to be VERY tough for the Democrats regardless of who they run. Americans like giving presidents 8 years.

The blueprint they should follow is 1992 in every General Election. Democrats seem to get into trouble most when they do idiotic things like regulating the type of containers butchers may use to catch ground beef, bathroom equality for people too dense enough to know what gender they are, and foolishly insisting that flashing an ID before casting a vote is somehow preventing people from voting.

Triangulate; get the best ideas from both sides (as long as there are no deal breakers), and get behind it.

Politically, the move to the left gets them nothing. The left will be there for the Democrats if they practice sensible politics.
Hillary was too much of a moderate. Bernie, the Socialist really resonated with the base. So, clearly, the further Left they move, the better
Yep. Bernie might have beaten the Donald. I wonder why Ds are not more upset with their party, over Hillary's stealing the nomination.
Well, I think they are. As Van Jones has said, the Clinton days are over - the energy in the party appears to be to move it Left.
Hillary was too much of a moderate. Bernie, the Socialist really resonated with the base. So, clearly, the further Left they move, the better

I agree, Bernie too left and many of his supporters may not of voted at all, or some voted for Trump, as Trump and Bernie wanted to clean out the swamp, and Bernie would of, and Trump just brought alligators in. Trump is one nasty man, and now says the Clintons are good people.

All white women I know voted for Hillary and some younger ones voted for Bernie. The elite white women voted for trump.
Hillary was too much of a moderate. Bernie, the Socialist really resonated with the base. So, clearly, the further Left they move, the better

I agree, Bernie too left and many of his supporters may not of voted at all, or some voted for Trump, as Trump and Bernie wanted to clean out the swamp, and Bernie would of, and Trump just brought alligators in. Trump is one nasty man, and now says the Clintons are good people.

All white women I know voted for Hillary and some younger ones voted for Bernie. The elite white women voted for trump.
WTF. Silly.

The 1% establishment was for Cankles 100%. She was the rich elitist pick for POTUS because she was owned by them.
2020 is going to be VERY tough for the Democrats regardless of who they run. Americans like giving presidents 8 years.

The blueprint they should follow is 1992 in every General Election. Democrats seem to get into trouble most when they do idiotic things like regulating the type of containers butchers may use to catch ground beef, bathroom equality for people too dense enough to know what gender they are, and foolishly insisting that flashing an ID before casting a vote is somehow preventing people from voting.

Triangulate; get the best ideas from both sides (as long as there are no deal breakers), and get behind it.

Politically, the move to the left gets them nothing. The left will be there for the Democrats if they practice sensible politics.

Oh I think 2018 is going to be a hard years for governors and congress, lots of chairs open and Trump will not last for 8 years, be re-elected.

Transvestites have probably been using the bathroom of dress for years, and now the Republican made it an issue. I mean if one goes in the men restroom dressed as a female he would get beat up. I do not like to use public bathrooms unless someone is with me or my husband stands outside the door. All restrooms in public places should be separated with locked doors. Too bad if it costs money.
Hillary was too much of a moderate. Bernie, the Socialist really resonated with the base. So, clearly, the further Left they move, the better

I agree, Bernie too left and many of his supporters may not of voted at all, or some voted for Trump, as Trump and Bernie wanted to clean out the swamp, and Bernie would of, and Trump just brought alligators in. Trump is one nasty man, and now says the Clintons are good people.

All white women I know voted for Hillary and some younger ones voted for Bernie. The elite white women voted for trump.
WTF. Silly.

The 1% establishment was for Cankles 100%. She was the rich elitist pick for POTUS because she was owned by them.

No the rich elite women voted for Trump. Devos types.
Hillary was too much of a moderate. Bernie, the Socialist really resonated with the base. So, clearly, the further Left they move, the better

I agree, Bernie too left and many of his supporters may not of voted at all, or some voted for Trump, as Trump and Bernie wanted to clean out the swamp, and Bernie would of, and Trump just brought alligators in. Trump is one nasty man, and now says the Clintons are good people.

All white women I know voted for Hillary and some younger ones voted for Bernie. The elite white women voted for trump.
WTF. Silly.

The 1% establishment was for Cankles 100%. She was the rich elitist pick for POTUS because she was owned by them.

No the rich elite women voted for Trump. Devos types.
Typical clueless lib.
Hillary was too much of a moderate. Bernie, the Socialist really resonated with the base. So, clearly, the further Left they move, the better
Yep. Bernie might have beaten the Donald. I wonder why Ds are not more upset with their party, over Hillary's stealing the nomination.

Bernie did irreparable damage to Hillary's morality. Bernie should drink another pot of Navy Bean Soup in the Senate Office Building cafeteria and this time demand corn bread.
What morality?

Morality is absent in the upper echelon of high class elitist society on both sides of the aisle.
I've seen Van Jones and others say it - should the party move Left?

Democrats Try To Find A Future Post-Obama With Fault Lines Along Economics, Race

From the piece:

"I want to guard against the Democratic Party, because they feel that they lost because white men and white women did not vote for Democrats," Onyeukwu said. "I want to make sure that we do not abandon minority demographics to go and pander back to white Americans."

Onyeukwu is concerned that identity politics has become increasingly taboo in some Democratic circles.

"As a party," he said, "you should be robust enough to have multiple conversations with multiple groups of people at the same time."

I think the Democrat Party should move out of the US of A, as the Constitution and their policies don't work together. Shame that with Cuba open, the Socialist Utopian Paradise isn't having more Dumbocrats moving there, as was promised when Trump won.
Wow. Reading that article just confirms what I thought. The democratic party is completely oblivious to what's going on in this country. Moving to the left would be great, for the republicans. The leftist elite are so far gone into their own world I sincerely doubt they are capable of coming back.
Hillary was too much of a moderate. Bernie, the Socialist really resonated with the base. So, clearly, the further Left they move, the better

I agree, Bernie too left and many of his supporters may not of voted at all, or some voted for Trump, as Trump and Bernie wanted to clean out the swamp, and Bernie would of, and Trump just brought alligators in. Trump is one nasty man, and now says the Clintons are good people.

All white women I know voted for Hillary and some younger ones voted for Bernie. The elite white women voted for trump.
WTF. Silly.

The 1% establishment was for Cankles 100%. She was the rich elitist pick for POTUS because she was owned by them.

No the rich elite women voted for Trump. Devos types.
Typical clueless lib.

Get a grip Gip , going backwards in time is not my thing, progress is, and women are not going to let right wing nut fake white Christian men take female's right to choose away. Those of us who love Mother Earth are going to battle him as well. Also all and everyone need affordable healthcare, and planned parenthood.
Yes they have to move left. They need to stop the center left shit because it has made them into a bunch of pussies.

They need to go back to progressive ideas and polices.
Wow. Reading that article just confirms what I thought. The democratic party is completely oblivious to what's going on in this country. Moving to the left would be great, for the republicans. The leftist elite are so far gone into their own world I sincerely doubt they are capable of coming back.
I see hopeful signs here and there, but I do agree that the wrong voices are in control. Traditional liberals are pretty hard to find right now.
I've seen Van Jones and others say it - should the party move Left?

Democrats Try To Find A Future Post-Obama With Fault Lines Along Economics, Race

From the piece:

"I want to guard against the Democratic Party, because they feel that they lost because white men and white women did not vote for Democrats," Onyeukwu said. "I want to make sure that we do not abandon minority demographics to go and pander back to white Americans."

Onyeukwu is concerned that identity politics has become increasingly taboo in some Democratic circles.

"As a party," he said, "you should be robust enough to have multiple conversations with multiple groups of people at the same time."

I think the Democrat Party should move out of the US of A, as the Constitution and their policies don't work together. Shame that with Cuba open, the Socialist Utopian Paradise isn't having more Dumbocrats moving there, as was promised when Trump won.

You do understand the GOP and businessmen wanted Nafta, Cuba, Cafta , and TPP , don't you??
I've seen Van Jones and others say it - should the party move Left?

Democrats Try To Find A Future Post-Obama With Fault Lines Along Economics, Race

From the piece:

"I want to guard against the Democratic Party, because they feel that they lost because white men and white women did not vote for Democrats," Onyeukwu said. "I want to make sure that we do not abandon minority demographics to go and pander back to white Americans."

Onyeukwu is concerned that identity politics has become increasingly taboo in some Democratic circles.

"As a party," he said, "you should be robust enough to have multiple conversations with multiple groups of people at the same time."

I think the Democrat Party should move out of the US of A, as the Constitution and their policies don't work together. Shame that with Cuba open, the Socialist Utopian Paradise isn't having more Dumbocrats moving there, as was promised when Trump won.

You do understand the GOP and businessmen wanted Nafta, Cuba, Cafta , and TPP , don't you??
You do realize that the GOP(established liberal Republicans) wanted what you said. That is why Jeb never made it past the 2nd round and why Trump won. The US citizens, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White were tired of the liberal elites making themselves rich and the rest of the people poor. If you want equality of outcome then move to Cuba, as that Socialist Utopian Paradise has been opened for you, just make sure to leave your passport at the border. The "NORMAL" US citizens have spoken and we don't want you here.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
The Road to Serfdom
(German: Der Weg zur Knechtschaft) is a book written between 1940 and 1943 by Austrian British economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek, in which he "[warns] of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
Hillary was too much of a moderate. Bernie, the Socialist really resonated with the base. So, clearly, the further Left they move, the better

I agree, Bernie too left and many of his supporters may not of voted at all, or some voted for Trump, as Trump and Bernie wanted to clean out the swamp, and Bernie would of, and Trump just brought alligators in. Trump is one nasty man, and now says the Clintons are good people.

All white women I know voted for Hillary and some younger ones voted for Bernie. The elite white women voted for trump.
WTF. Silly.

The 1% establishment was for Cankles 100%. She was the rich elitist pick for POTUS because she was owned by them.

No the rich elite women voted for Trump. Devos types.
Typical clueless lib.

Get a grip Gip , going backwards in time is not my thing, progress is, and women are not going to let right wing nut fake white Christian men take female's right to choose away. Those of us who love Mother Earth are going to battle him as well. Also all and everyone need affordable healthcare, and planned parenthood.
When will you realize the D party Is the party of the wealthy elite? The 1%. The rich of Hollywood and the Elite media. It is a regional party of the elite. Why do you support it. Are you dumb?
In the industrial machine maintenance world there is proactive and reactive. In the political world there is progressive and regressive. Going into the pros and cons of both would take many paragraphs to write.

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