Should the Democratic Party move Left?

Wow. Reading that article just confirms what I thought. The democratic party is completely oblivious to what's going on in this country. Moving to the left would be great, for the republicans. The leftist elite are so far gone into their own world I sincerely doubt they are capable of coming back.
I see hopeful signs here and there, but I do agree that the wrong voices are in control. Traditional liberals are pretty hard to find right now.
Agreed. I'm amazed at the people I've seen walk away from the dems. Some are life long liberal dems who are now listening to the dems tell them that they are right wing extremists. It now seems anyone to the right of chairman Mao is a right winger.
I've tried to explain this and the response has been that... extremist.

It was easier to stop being a Democrat.

It seemed like I had to be on the defensive.
It's funny my oldest and best friend is an administrator at a university. I sometimes think his favorite reason for me coming to visit is to listen to me lay into his left wing faculty cohorts, he can't. It really is beyond fun. They are always left flabbergasted, firstly that I have the audacity to disagree with them, secondly that I don't hold back (they use words like "problematic", I use words like "f-ing moronic" and what really gets them is I'm as well informed and educated as they are.

The best times are when I get into a debate with their students, they sit back to watch their protege "educate" the fool. After dismantling the children, I make a point of throwing in "my god who educated you, you should get your money back". I can just see my buddy howling inside.
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Hillary was too much of a moderate. Bernie, the Socialist really resonated with the base. So, clearly, the further Left they move, the better
Yep. Bernie might have beaten the Donald. I wonder why Ds are not more upset with their party, over Hillary's stealing the nomination.
Well, I think they are. As Van Jones has said, the Clinton days are over - the energy in the party appears to be to move it Left.

You may be right for 2018. Its like the Democrats are alcoholics who have to hit bottom before realizing they could simply take a different road and help themselves.

I don’t know how much attention you were paying to speeches given during the conventions but Barbara Jordan was speaking to Democrats one year and she said something to the effect of “The American people no longer trust us”….”We need to replace tax and spend with _______ and investment.” And either that year or the next one…poof WJC; from Arkansas of all places. And the huge advantage that the Democrats have is that 3rd parties are growing in power. Not that it helps the Dems so much but it helps whatever Party is not in power. The 2024 vote will likely be split 3 ways moreso than any other election since ’92.
Democrats threw middle class workers under the bus in favor of their war on oil, gas, coal, and corporations. That's why they lost. So they have a choice between their hatred of fossil fuels and corporations, or winning elections.
The logistics of successfully getting 3 million illegals the right to surreptiously cast a vote is so absurd that it boggles the mind to think that there are all these Trump supporters, including Trump himself, that are capable of deluding themselves into believing that it could even be done.

But then again, these are the Birthers.

When you include the non-living and multiple voters, 3MM is probably half the total of fraudulent Dem votes cast in 2016. It's why Stein stopped the MI recount

lol, Trump did better with Hispanics in Michigan than Romney did. Apparently your illegal voters were voting for Trump.
You mean there is 'farther left' than the Democrats already are? :eek-52:

They can move in the direction of Bernie Sanders, who was beating Trump in the polls by more than Hillary was.
Yeah, too bad the DNC rigged their Primaries and F*ed Bernie, otherwise right now we might have been calling 'Unca' Comrade Bernie' PRESIDENT Bernie... :p
They can move in the direction of Bernie Sanders, who was beating Trump in the polls by more than Hillary was.
Yeah, too bad the DNC rigged their Primaries and F*ed Bernie, otherwise right now we might have been calling 'Unca' Comrade Bernie' PRESIDENT Bernie... :p

They didn't 'rig' their primaries any more than the GOP did.

Good to see you admit he could have won.
You mean there is 'farther left' than the Democrats already are? :eek-52:


There's farther left than Hillary Clinton was. Trump went there on trade and that's how he won. Trump said fuck you to the conservative free traders and took the Ross Perot Ralph Nader Bernie Sanders position on trade.
The logistics of successfully getting 3 million illegals the right to surreptiously cast a vote is so absurd that it boggles the mind to think that there are all these Trump supporters, including Trump himself, that are capable of deluding themselves into believing that it could even be done.

But then again, these are the Birthers.

When you include the non-living and multiple voters, 3MM is probably half the total of fraudulent Dem votes cast in 2016. It's why Stein stopped the MI recount

lol, Trump did better with Hispanics in Michigan than Romney did. Apparently your illegal voters were voting for Trump.

Trump did better with the legals Hispanics who showed up. Hillary got 99.99% of the Illegals vote
The logistics of successfully getting 3 million illegals the right to surreptiously cast a vote is so absurd that it boggles the mind to think that there are all these Trump supporters, including Trump himself, that are capable of deluding themselves into believing that it could even be done.

But then again, these are the Birthers.

When you include the non-living and multiple voters, 3MM is probably half the total of fraudulent Dem votes cast in 2016. It's why Stein stopped the MI recount

lol, Trump did better with Hispanics in Michigan than Romney did. Apparently your illegal voters were voting for Trump.

Trump did better with the legals Hispanics who showed up. Hillary got 99.99% of the Illegals vote

You are never right about anything. I would be sad for you if I gave a fuck.
They didn't 'rig' their primaries any more than the GOP did.
Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Democrats Rigged Primary, Reveal Extensive Media Collusion | Zero Hedge

There are three key findings to emerge from yesterday's dump of leaked DNC emails released by Wikileaks:

  • There had been a plot designed to smear Bernie Sanders and to hand the Democratic nomination to Hillary on a silver platter
  • There has been repeated collusion between the DNC and the media
  • There has been questionable fundraising for both Hillary Clinton and the DNC
Another email shows similar 'us and them' language being directed at Sanders supporters. “We have the Sanders folks admitting that they lost fair and square, not because we 'rigged' anything,” the email said. “Clinton likely to win the state convention with a slim margin and we'll send a release with final delegate numbers.”

* * *

An email titled '
Bernie narrative' sent by DNC National Press Secretary Mark Paustenbach to Miranda indicates that top officials in the party were trying to find an angle to disparage the Vermont senator in the media."

Wondering if there's a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess,” Paustenbach wrote in the May 21 message. “Specifically, [Debbie Wasserman Schultz] had to call Bernie directly in order to get the campaign to do things because they'd either ignored or forgotten to something critical.”

Noooooo, no rigged Primary at all. :p

Hillary couldn't beat Bernie Sanders - a member of the Communist party - on her own, and snowflakes are acting all pissed that she was beaten by Donald Trump?!

Democrats already ran an avowed and admitted socialist in their presidential primaries. How much further left can they go?

They can move in the direction of Bernie Sanders, who was beating Trump in the polls by more than Hillary was.

He wasn't the winner of the primary so you really don't know how he'd have done in the General. Bernie never got attacked in the Primary the way he would have in the General.

In Opinion: The myths that cost Democrats the election
I've seen Van Jones and others say it - should the party move Left?

Democrats Try To Find A Future Post-Obama With Fault Lines Along Economics, Race

From the piece:

"I want to guard against the Democratic Party, because they feel that they lost because white men and white women did not vote for Democrats," Onyeukwu said. "I want to make sure that we do not abandon minority demographics to go and pander back to white Americans."

Onyeukwu is concerned that identity politics has become increasingly taboo in some Democratic circles.

"As a party," he said, "you should be robust enough to have multiple conversations with multiple groups of people at the same time."


From the McKinley vs. Bryant election in 1896 up until the 1960s the Republicans were the party of the wealthy while the Democrats the party of the workers.

Somehow, starting in the 1960s and clearly by the 1980s, the Republicans remained the party of the wealthy while pretending to be the party of social conservatism, and the Democrats abandoned the workers and became the party of social liberalism.

Now Trump has turned these parties on their heads:

The Democrats are trying to figure out what the hell they are, while the Republican are turning liberal:

The Republicans are formulating a national healthcare system.

The Republicans are against free trade agreements.

The Republicans are working for workers.

Truly nature is out of balance!

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