Should the Democratic Party move Left?

They should just state that they are the party for criminals and start campaigning accordingly. At least, that way they would be more honest.

As for what might work, besides honesty... returning to actual liberalism (and by that I don't mean the regressive bullshit and what amounts to buying votes).
They should just state that they are the party for criminals and start campaigning accordingly. At least, that way they would be more honest.

As for what might work, besides honesty... returning to actual liberalism (and by that I don't mean the regressive bullshit and what amounts to buying votes).

they already do in a round about way

declaring support for the Fuck the Police movement
I've seen Van Jones and others say it - should the party move Left?

Democrats Try To Find A Future Post-Obama With Fault Lines Along Economics, Race

From the piece:

"I want to guard against the Democratic Party, because they feel that they lost because white men and white women did not vote for Democrats," Onyeukwu said. "I want to make sure that we do not abandon minority demographics to go and pander back to white Americans."

Onyeukwu is concerned that identity politics has become increasingly taboo in some Democratic circles.

"As a party," he said, "you should be robust enough to have multiple conversations with multiple groups of people at the same time."


From the McKinley vs. Bryant election in 1896 up until the 1960s the Republicans were the party of the wealthy while the Democrats the party of the workers.

Somehow, starting in the 1960s and clearly by the 1980s, the Republicans remained the party of the wealthy while pretending to be the party of social conservatism, and the Democrats abandoned the workers and became the party of social liberalism.

Now Trump has turned these parties on their heads:

The Democrats are trying to figure out what the hell they are, while the Republican are turning liberal:

The Republicans are formulating a national healthcare system.

The Republicans are against free trade agreements.

The Republicans are working for workers.

Truly nature is out of balance!

We don't know yet if the Republican PARTY is against free trade agreements
Trump won because Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate. That's the only mistake Democrats have to avoid making in the future. Don't nominate a terrible candidate.
Is the Republican Party in favor of torture?
I would have no problem torturing a low life scum that is intent on doing harm to innocent men, women and children, like what we saw in NYC when the world trade center came crashing down. Are you in favor of innocents dying at the hands of MURDERERS?
Is the Republican Party in favor of torture?
Good! Glad to hear it. Then, Republicans ought to notify the President.
Trump is not for torture what do you want them to tell him?
In his interview with the B.B.C. he indeed said he is.
No he didn't.....
It was on B.B.C. this morning with him speaking.

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