Should the Democratic Party move Left?

Wow. Reading that article just confirms what I thought. The democratic party is completely oblivious to what's going on in this country. Moving to the left would be great, for the republicans. The leftist elite are so far gone into their own world I sincerely doubt they are capable of coming back.
I see hopeful signs here and there, but I do agree that the wrong voices are in control. Traditional liberals are pretty hard to find right now.
Agreed. I'm amazed at the people I've seen walk away from the dems. Some are life long liberal dems who are now listening to the dems tell them that they are right wing extremists. It now seems anyone to the right of chairman Mao is a right winger.
Should the Democratic Party move Left?

yes the further the better

the peoples like that
Democrats need to stay attached to representative democracy and not allow the failures of the republicans to become status quo.
Okay, so how would that be accomplished? The point of the thread is where the party should be on the political spectrum. Are you saying that the party is in about the right place on that spectrum?

It is a good question... I think Democrats get caught up on being too political correct and using it as a method of exclusion... To be a Democrat you have to buy all the crap...
They have a strong core issues but get sidetracked by nonsense, the PC Police aren't going over to GOP any day soon. Berie was right on a lot of issues and US needs to develop as society where all members are looked after. In these core issues they are closer to Christian Values than the GOP.

The reason they lost the election was down to them taking poor disenfranchised people for granted because there policies and plans where far better for them than the GOP. Yes there ideas of reducing income inequality and offering chance for all Americans to succeed does resonate but they have to giving a hand up not a hand out.

They also have to hold Corporate America to account. The GOP is ones letting them off the hook at every turn... Trump jobs policy is deeply flawed and will look good on individual companies but as a Macro strategy it will not work. It doesn't address the the core problems of uneducated workforce, 30+% obese, low wages....

Unemployment will creep up while he has only sound bites to increase wages... The TPP was worth working on and refining to suit US, it would have isolated China while giving America control over a low wage economies so they can compete and create areas for investment and markets to sell to. The just conceded that to China and China will do what they did before e.g. Solar Panels were sold below cost until every US manufacturer was going out of business. China played it fast and loose with the IP on the tech... TPP stopped that in US favour...
Yes they have to move left. They need to stop the center left shit because it has made them into a bunch of pussies.

They need to go back to progressive ideas and polices.
Stop all the neoliberal nonsense that the Clintons brought to the party. Take up the fight for the proletariat again. The Clintons threw the working class under the bus. I can't imagine why so many Democrats stuck by them. Stupid.
Democrats need to stay attached to representative democracy and not allow the failures of the republicans to become status quo.
Okay, so how would that be accomplished? The point of the thread is where the party should be on the political spectrum. Are you saying that the party is in about the right place on that spectrum?

It is a good question... I think Democrats get caught up on being too political correct and using it as a method of exclusion... To be a Democrat you have to buy all the crap...
They have a strong core issues but get sidetracked by nonsense, the PC Police aren't going over to GOP any day soon. Berie was right on a lot of issues and US needs to develop as society where all members are looked after. In these core issues they are closer to Christian Values than the GOP.

The reason they lost the election was down to them taking poor disenfranchised people for granted because there policies and plans where far better for them than the GOP. Yes there ideas of reducing income inequality and offering chance for all Americans to succeed does resonate but they have to giving a hand up not a hand out.

They also have to hold Corporate America to account. The GOP is ones letting them off the hook at every turn... Trump jobs policy is deeply flawed and will look good on individual companies but as a Macro strategy it will not work. It doesn't address the the core problems of uneducated workforce, 30+% obese, low wages....

Unemployment will creep up while he has only sound bites to increase wages... The TPP was worth working on and refining to suit US, it would have isolated China while giving America control over a low wage economies so they can compete and create areas for investment and markets to sell to. The just conceded that to China and China will do what they did before e.g. Solar Panels were sold below cost until every US manufacturer was going out of business. China played it fast and loose with the IP on the tech... TPP stopped that in US favour...
Do you dry clean your brown shirts?
Democrats need to stay attached to representative democracy and not allow the failures of the republicans to become status quo.
Okay, so how would that be accomplished? The point of the thread is where the party should be on the political spectrum. Are you saying that the party is in about the right place on that spectrum?

It is a good question... I think Democrats get caught up on being too political correct and using it as a method of exclusion... To be a Democrat you have to buy all the crap...
They have a strong core issues but get sidetracked by nonsense, the PC Police aren't going over to GOP any day soon. Berie was right on a lot of issues and US needs to develop as society where all members are looked after. In these core issues they are closer to Christian Values than the GOP.

The reason they lost the election was down to them taking poor disenfranchised people for granted because there policies and plans where far better for them than the GOP. Yes there ideas of reducing income inequality and offering chance for all Americans to succeed does resonate but they have to giving a hand up not a hand out.

They also have to hold Corporate America to account. The GOP is ones letting them off the hook at every turn... Trump jobs policy is deeply flawed and will look good on individual companies but as a Macro strategy it will not work. It doesn't address the the core problems of uneducated workforce, 30+% obese, low wages....

Unemployment will creep up while he has only sound bites to increase wages... The TPP was worth working on and refining to suit US, it would have isolated China while giving America control over a low wage economies so they can compete and create areas for investment and markets to sell to. The just conceded that to China and China will do what they did before e.g. Solar Panels were sold below cost until every US manufacturer was going out of business. China played it fast and loose with the IP on the tech... TPP stopped that in US favour...

I know I was completely blindsided - and no doubt the Democrats were too - by the way Trump essentially stole much of the Democrats' thunder by outflanking them on populism. I'm STILL trying to get my head around that one. There is certainly a place for liberal populism, but I think the Dems' message there is being completely drowned out by Identity Politics and most (not all) of the social issues.

Seems to me a mainstream, left-leaning populism could be very attractive, but the Identity Politics thing has worn thin. I don't know if they see that.
I've seen Van Jones and others say it - should the party move Left?

Democrats Try To Find A Future Post-Obama With Fault Lines Along Economics, Race

From the piece:

"I want to guard against the Democratic Party, because they feel that they lost because white men and white women did not vote for Democrats," Onyeukwu said. "I want to make sure that we do not abandon minority demographics to go and pander back to white Americans."

Onyeukwu is concerned that identity politics has become increasingly taboo in some Democratic circles.

"As a party," he said, "you should be robust enough to have multiple conversations with multiple groups of people at the same time."


He wants to appeal to millennials. That's fine, but guess what? They don't vote in off year elections. The people that do are older and more moderate usually. We're in a period where the youth of America wants to start flexing its political power, but the older generation is still around and not ready to cede it yet.
I've seen Van Jones and others say it - should the party move Left?

Democrats Try To Find A Future Post-Obama With Fault Lines Along Economics, Race

From the piece:

"I want to guard against the Democratic Party, because they feel that they lost because white men and white women did not vote for Democrats," Onyeukwu said. "I want to make sure that we do not abandon minority demographics to go and pander back to white Americans."

Onyeukwu is concerned that identity politics has become increasingly taboo in some Democratic circles.

"As a party," he said, "you should be robust enough to have multiple conversations with multiple groups of people at the same time."


He wants to appeal to millennials. That's fine, but guess what? They don't vote in off year elections. The people that do are older and more moderate usually. We're in a period where the youth of America wants to start flexing its political power, but the older generation is still around and not ready to cede it yet.
Yeah, the Clinton vs. Sanders contest was a pretty good example of that. And the image that the DNC had its thumb on the scale for Hillary just made it worse.
This is called a debriefing to find out how the Democratic Party screwed up. I have been debriefed more than once and said I don't know anything.
Last edited:
2020 is going to be VERY tough for the Democrats regardless of who they run. Americans like giving presidents 8 years.

The blueprint they should follow is 1992 in every General Election. Democrats seem to get into trouble most when they do idiotic things like regulating the type of containers butchers may use to catch ground beef, bathroom equality for people too dense enough to know what gender they are, and foolishly insisting that flashing an ID before casting a vote is somehow preventing people from voting.

Triangulate; get the best ideas from both sides (as long as there are no deal breakers), and get behind it.

Politically, the move to the left gets them nothing. The left will be there for the Democrats if they practice sensible politics.
You're powerless against Uncle Vlad
I've seen Van Jones and others say it - should the party move Left?

Democrats Try To Find A Future Post-Obama With Fault Lines Along Economics, Race

From the piece:

"I want to guard against the Democratic Party, because they feel that they lost because white men and white women did not vote for Democrats," Onyeukwu said. "I want to make sure that we do not abandon minority demographics to go and pander back to white Americans."

Onyeukwu is concerned that identity politics has become increasingly taboo in some Democratic circles.

"As a party," he said, "you should be robust enough to have multiple conversations with multiple groups of people at the same time."


He wants to appeal to millennials. That's fine, but guess what? They don't vote in off year elections. The people that do are older and more moderate usually. We're in a period where the youth of America wants to start flexing its political power, but the older generation is still around and not ready to cede it yet.
Yeah, the Clinton vs. Sanders contest was a pretty good example of that. And the image that the DNC had its thumb on the scale for Hillary just made it worse.

The "yoots" haven't earned the power yet. Bernie hadn't earned the DNC endorsement. You don't get to eschew being a Democrat all your life then suck up because you need the cash. This is my problem with these "movements", from the left or the right.

Take the "Tea Party". I would have had a lot more respect for them if they actually became a party instead of riding on the backs of the GOP. We'll never break out of the two party system otherwise.
Democrats need to stay attached to representative democracy and not allow the failures of the republicans to become status quo.
Okay, so how would that be accomplished? The point of the thread is where the party should be on the political spectrum. Are you saying that the party is in about the right place on that spectrum?

It is a good question... I think Democrats get caught up on being too political correct and using it as a method of exclusion... To be a Democrat you have to buy all the crap...
They have a strong core issues but get sidetracked by nonsense, the PC Police aren't going over to GOP any day soon. Berie was right on a lot of issues and US needs to develop as society where all members are looked after. In these core issues they are closer to Christian Values than the GOP.

The reason they lost the election was down to them taking poor disenfranchised people for granted because there policies and plans where far better for them than the GOP. Yes there ideas of reducing income inequality and offering chance for all Americans to succeed does resonate but they have to giving a hand up not a hand out.

They also have to hold Corporate America to account. The GOP is ones letting them off the hook at every turn... Trump jobs policy is deeply flawed and will look good on individual companies but as a Macro strategy it will not work. It doesn't address the the core problems of uneducated workforce, 30+% obese, low wages....

Unemployment will creep up while he has only sound bites to increase wages... The TPP was worth working on and refining to suit US, it would have isolated China while giving America control over a low wage economies so they can compete and create areas for investment and markets to sell to. The just conceded that to China and China will do what they did before e.g. Solar Panels were sold below cost until every US manufacturer was going out of business. China played it fast and loose with the IP on the tech... TPP stopped that in US favour...

I know I was completely blindsided - and no doubt the Democrats were too - by the way Trump essentially stole much of the Democrats' thunder by outflanking them on populism. I'm STILL trying to get my head around that one. There is certainly a place for liberal populism, but I think the Dems' message there is being completely drowned out by Identity Politics and most (not all) of the social issues.

Seems to me a mainstream, left-leaning populism could be very attractive, but the Identity Politics thing has worn thin. I don't know if they see that.

Mac, I think the Dems are in deep trouble as I watch Trump. He is slickly painting Dems into a corner with what used to be part of their voter bloc, and if the Dems stand in the way of the legislation, those people are gone! If they don't, then Trump will get the credit for putting it through.

I always thought Trump politically was a duffus, he would basically be bumping into everything as he moved along. I no longer think that! I believe that politically, he knows EXACTLY what he is doing, and he is not only keeping promises, but by following the agenda he is, he is cementing Penn and Michigan in his column for 2020. Where is a lot of the energy at? Under Penn! Where is a lot of the steel going to be made for the pipeline projects he just passed? Penn! Is he keeping auto jobs here? Looks that way! Where are they? Michigan and Ohio! What would stop those jobs? If the Democrats don't let him lower taxes! See what I mean!
Democrats need to stay attached to representative democracy and not allow the failures of the republicans to become status quo.
Okay, so how would that be accomplished? The point of the thread is where the party should be on the political spectrum. Are you saying that the party is in about the right place on that spectrum?

It is a good question... I think Democrats get caught up on being too political correct and using it as a method of exclusion... To be a Democrat you have to buy all the crap...
They have a strong core issues but get sidetracked by nonsense, the PC Police aren't going over to GOP any day soon. Berie was right on a lot of issues and US needs to develop as society where all members are looked after. In these core issues they are closer to Christian Values than the GOP.

The reason they lost the election was down to them taking poor disenfranchised people for granted because there policies and plans where far better for them than the GOP. Yes there ideas of reducing income inequality and offering chance for all Americans to succeed does resonate but they have to giving a hand up not a hand out.

They also have to hold Corporate America to account. The GOP is ones letting them off the hook at every turn... Trump jobs policy is deeply flawed and will look good on individual companies but as a Macro strategy it will not work. It doesn't address the the core problems of uneducated workforce, 30+% obese, low wages....

Unemployment will creep up while he has only sound bites to increase wages... The TPP was worth working on and refining to suit US, it would have isolated China while giving America control over a low wage economies so they can compete and create areas for investment and markets to sell to. The just conceded that to China and China will do what they did before e.g. Solar Panels were sold below cost until every US manufacturer was going out of business. China played it fast and loose with the IP on the tech... TPP stopped that in US favour...

I know I was completely blindsided - and no doubt the Democrats were too - by the way Trump essentially stole much of the Democrats' thunder by outflanking them on populism. I'm STILL trying to get my head around that one. There is certainly a place for liberal populism, but I think the Dems' message there is being completely drowned out by Identity Politics and most (not all) of the social issues.

Seems to me a mainstream, left-leaning populism could be very attractive, but the Identity Politics thing has worn thin. I don't know if they see that.

Mac, I think the Dems are in deep trouble as I watch Trump. He is slickly painting Dems into a corner with what used to be part of their voter bloc, and if the Dems stand in the way of the legislation, those people are gone! If they don't, then Trump will get the credit for putting it through.

I always thought Trump politically was a duffus, he would basically be bumping into everything as he moved along. I no longer think that! I believe that politically, he knows EXACTLY what he is doing, and he is not only keeping promises, but by following the agenda he is, he is cementing Penn and Michigan in his column for 2020. Where is a lot of the energy at? Under Penn! Where is a lot of the steel going to be made for the pipeline projects he just passed? Penn! Is he keeping auto jobs here? Looks that way! Where are they? Michigan and Ohio! What would stop those jobs? If the Democrats don't let him lower taxes! See what I mean!
Yeah, that really is possible. I almost fell out of my chair at those comments by the union leader yesterday. And I do wonder how many Americans semi-secretly agree with him on illegal immigration and America First. The biggest damage he appears to be doing to the Democrats is this outflanking he did on populism.

Right now his Achilles heel is his bizarre behavior. If he can somehow reign that in, it would be easier for moderate congressional Republicans to fall in line. We'll see.
Democrats need to stay attached to representative democracy and not allow the failures of the republicans to become status quo.
Okay, so how would that be accomplished? The point of the thread is where the party should be on the political spectrum. Are you saying that the party is in about the right place on that spectrum?

It is a good question... I think Democrats get caught up on being too political correct and using it as a method of exclusion... To be a Democrat you have to buy all the crap...
They have a strong core issues but get sidetracked by nonsense, the PC Police aren't going over to GOP any day soon. Berie was right on a lot of issues and US needs to develop as society where all members are looked after. In these core issues they are closer to Christian Values than the GOP.

The reason they lost the election was down to them taking poor disenfranchised people for granted because there policies and plans where far better for them than the GOP. Yes there ideas of reducing income inequality and offering chance for all Americans to succeed does resonate but they have to giving a hand up not a hand out.

They also have to hold Corporate America to account. The GOP is ones letting them off the hook at every turn... Trump jobs policy is deeply flawed and will look good on individual companies but as a Macro strategy it will not work. It doesn't address the the core problems of uneducated workforce, 30+% obese, low wages....

Unemployment will creep up while he has only sound bites to increase wages... The TPP was worth working on and refining to suit US, it would have isolated China while giving America control over a low wage economies so they can compete and create areas for investment and markets to sell to. The just conceded that to China and China will do what they did before e.g. Solar Panels were sold below cost until every US manufacturer was going out of business. China played it fast and loose with the IP on the tech... TPP stopped that in US favour...

I know I was completely blindsided - and no doubt the Democrats were too - by the way Trump essentially stole much of the Democrats' thunder by outflanking them on populism. I'm STILL trying to get my head around that one. There is certainly a place for liberal populism, but I think the Dems' message there is being completely drowned out by Identity Politics and most (not all) of the social issues.

Seems to me a mainstream, left-leaning populism could be very attractive, but the Identity Politics thing has worn thin. I don't know if they see that.

Mac, I think the Dems are in deep trouble as I watch Trump. He is slickly painting Dems into a corner with what used to be part of their voter bloc, and if the Dems stand in the way of the legislation, those people are gone! If they don't, then Trump will get the credit for putting it through.

I always thought Trump politically was a duffus, he would basically be bumping into everything as he moved along. I no longer think that! I believe that politically, he knows EXACTLY what he is doing, and he is not only keeping promises, but by following the agenda he is, he is cementing Penn and Michigan in his column for 2020. Where is a lot of the energy at? Under Penn! Where is a lot of the steel going to be made for the pipeline projects he just passed? Penn! Is he keeping auto jobs here? Looks that way! Where are they? Michigan and Ohio! What would stop those jobs? If the Democrats don't let him lower taxes! See what I mean!
Yeah, that really is possible. I almost fell out of my chair at those comments by the union leader yesterday. And I do wonder how many Americans semi-secretly agree with him on illegal immigration and America First. The biggest damage he appears to be doing to the Democrats is this outflanking he did on populism.

Right now his Achilles heel is his bizarre behavior. If he can somehow reign that in, it would be easier for moderate congressional Republicans to fall in line. We'll see.

If you are talking about the investigation into voting, unless you believe he can't find 350,000 votes cast that should not have been in California or Illinois, I see it as a political plan that he wanted an excuse to do. If he proves that many in one state, he will get his voter ID to protect the VOTING FRANCHISE OF ALL AMERICANS. He again has painted the Dems into a corner, as long as he can find 300 to 350,000 in one state, and I know he will in Illinois.
Assumption: millions of illegal votes were cast.
Assumption: all the illegal votes were for the Democratic candidate.
Facts demonstrated:......

Those of us (the majority) who did not vote for either of the two party dictatorship's offerings laugh and cry over what passes for debate in America, and this is yet another example.
I've seen Van Jones and others say it - should the party move Left?

Democrats Try To Find A Future Post-Obama With Fault Lines Along Economics, Race

From the piece:

"I want to guard against the Democratic Party, because they feel that they lost because white men and white women did not vote for Democrats," Onyeukwu said. "I want to make sure that we do not abandon minority demographics to go and pander back to white Americans."

Onyeukwu is concerned that identity politics has become increasingly taboo in some Democratic circles.

"As a party," he said, "you should be robust enough to have multiple conversations with multiple groups of people at the same time."


Of course they should. Bernie Sanders proved that.
The logistics of successfully getting 3 million illegals the right to surreptiously cast a vote is so absurd that it boggles the mind to think that there are all these Trump supporters, including Trump himself, that are capable of deluding themselves into believing that it could even be done.

But then again, these are the Birthers.
The logistics of successfully getting 3 million illegals the right to surreptiously cast a vote is so absurd that it boggles the mind to think that there are all these Trump supporters, including Trump himself, that are capable of deluding themselves into believing that it could even be done.

But then again, these are the Birthers.

When you include the non-living and multiple voters, 3MM is probably half the total of fraudulent Dem votes cast in 2016. It's why Stein stopped the MI recount
Democrats already ran an avowed and admitted socialist in their presidential primaries. How much further left can they go?

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