Should the DOJ arrest Tucker Carlson?


No. We have freedom of speech...even shit as fucked up and Unamerican as what Tuckems spews.

But Fox SHOULD fire the creep
If Fox was to fire Tucker, that would be the stupidest move they ever made. He is what’s kept them alive.
None that i am aware of

but I recall that obama and biden have been largely ignorant of the putin threat since 2012
Yet it was Trump who when told what a ruthless killer Putin is, that we are just as bad as Putin
So you are saying the DOJ needs to investigate a any TV personality who has a relationship the GOP.

How Dimfascist of you.
The FBI has surveilled journalists for far less than openly taking the side of our enemies.
Detached from reality, as always.

They piled on the sanctions. Then your orange little fellow tried to remove them.
Trump relaxed 2016 obama sanctions which imposed as part of lib lie about election interference

the 2014 sanctions were not lifted
Makes no sense Comrade
Putin says it takes a killer to know a killer, in reply to Biden calling him a killer. So in other words, “If Biden calls me a killer, he must be one too cuz it takes a killer to know a killer.”

“Comrade”? I like Putin no more than I like Biden. They are both corrupt pos.
Since when was it ok to call for your opposition to be arrested? The View is literally acting like Putin and Xi.
Putin says it takes a killer to know a killer, in reply to Biden calling him a killer. So in other words, “If Biden calls me a killer, he must be one too cuz it takes a killer to know a killer.”

“Comrade”? I like Putin no more than I like Biden. They are both corrupt pos.
Putin is dumber than I thought
That makes no sense
So someone now is wondering about arresting Tucker Carlson and hauling him away based on one comment
that was pretty stupid?

The Ukraine people are not the only thing under attack by Vlad Putin. The Russia-fication of our public
aiwaves is apparently underway.
Since when are people investigated because they don't toe the party line and have opinions that aren't shared by the President?

Is this America or is it North Korea-West?
Since when? Yeap. Good question. Every single country, nation and principality with the exception of this one. There has never been an emperor, king or prime minister who gets to be in office till he is dead in this country. Nope. All of them wanted absolute power, and that is our human condition. So the long stories of history tells us.


That is precisely what the left want. Jail time? They want him and us executed. Trust that and that is the direction we are headed.

Think about it. Joe Rogan expressed truth and that truth flipped over the money changers so he needed to be dealt with. Richard Maddow told a complete lie, but because his message was in line with the global narrative, nothing happens. Just ignored and moved on from her false reporting.

So on and so forth
A. We KNOW Putin interfered in that election. Mueller is no "lib"

B. Thanks for admitting that Trump did indeed roll back sanctions
Pardon me? You haven’t been informed about the Durham-probe? The 2016 Russia collusion has recently been proven a hoax and that HILLARY funded the whole thing.

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