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Should the GOP mention that hillary is married to the Waco mass murderer?

For some reason the fool repubs don't talk about it but it's a fact that bill clinton killed 80 some americans at waco in 1993. Burned them alive - including 30 kids. And then he threw the survivors in prison so they wouldn't talk.

This is no conspiracy theory. Everyone agrees clinton did this and hillary is married to this psychopath. I say bring it up.
I agree!

Ask for her thoughts on that subject. Ask what she thinks of Janet Reno. Ask how she feels about the 21 children her husband's failure to assert himself caused to die hideous deaths. Ask her who was served by her husband's repeal of the Glass/Steagal banking regulations.

And ask her what she and Bill had to say in their "speaking engagements" that was worth over a hundred million dollars!

You do realize that Clinton was riding the wave of economic success started by Reagan?

No, I don't realize it because it isn't true. We had something called the 1991 Recession, in case you missed it, showed the whole Supply Side horseshit for what it was. Then Clinton taxed the wealthy at an appropriate rate and we got real prosperity.

You do realize that most of our unemployment and thus the downturn in the economy was predicted? It was predicted by Ross Perot and he has turned out to be absolutely correct. Clinton's, not so free, free trade agreements took time but we are now reaping the whirlwind.

The GOP was more for Free Trade than CLinton was. Clinton's mistake was going along with it.

Do I like all what Bush did, hell no. Do I realize the damage Clinton did hell yes. Lying, as did Nixon, really doesn't matter no more. If Bush lied Obama has raised lying to an Oympic event.

I didn't agree with Bush and the wars, either one, but Hillary agreed with both.

Because Bush lied to her. Nex.

I like how Bush handled the dot.com crash, 9/11 and the Y2K wind down which didn't cause us to go into the malaise we are seeing with Obama's recovery.

Okay, first, he didn't handle the dot.com crash, and the Y2K thing turned out to be a big nothing. So that just leaves 9/11. Yeah, he handled that well. He let Bin Laden get away, started a war with Iraq and destroyed our image in the world.

Hillary being dirty does mean something. Does a person who clearly has things to hide deserve being awarded for being dirty? Why would you turn you back on such a thing? You could get out their and find a democrat or republican that you like and help them. Why must we once again settle? And this time settle for the worse of two evils.

They're politicians. They are all crooks. I want the crook who is working for me and not the wealthy assholes who already have plenty.

[There are actually good people to run for the Presidency. Unfortunately the democrats and the MSM have already swiftboated a lot of them. But there is still people like Bobby Jindal. It is still a little early to give up and support someone like Hillary that has NEVER accomplished a damn thing other then be a democrat. You and I wouldn't even know who she was if it wasn't for Bill.

Sorry, Piyush is someone you consider "good". The guy is an idiot. Oh, yeah, and apparently he performed an excorcism in college. I don't want a guy who thinks Satan is a real thing to have nukes.

No matter what we think after Bush it was good that the Republican party wasn't rewarded with the economy the way it was. The economy, as you say, isn't any better and it is time to spank the democrat party, just as republicans did to Cantor but I having doubts we have the back bone to do it. Never the less Hillary isn't the answer.

She be better than anything likely to come out of the GOP Clown Car at this point.
Flaming moron, you don't know what he opened fire at. You weren't there and neither was McNulty. By his own admission, that is only his "contention." He was firing out of the building while the FBI was trying to arrest him while surrounded by law enforcement. And again, if it even happened like that; at most, he ignited the first fire but other Davidians intentionally set off the other fires and torched themselves. That's a mass suicide which doesn't actually require your acknowledgement to qualify as such.

Did you even LOOK at the second video where it shows that FBI was firing into the house FULL OF KIDS and NOT a fucking shot was fired back at them.... No, you're not smart enough to do anything like that! Tell me THAT wasn't irresponsible by a bunch of RADICAL BROWN SHIRTS. If they told you to drink the Kool-Aid, all you'd do would be to ask what flavors they had! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Flaming moron, there's video of the Branch Davidians opening fire on law enforcement as the tanks first pulled up that morning. And as far as your idiotic claim that Davidians were not firing at law enforcement ... two posts ago, you claimed that a Davidian opened fire at a tank. You're so confused, you're contradicting yourself. :lol:

And again, when someone opens fire at law enforcement while in the process of being arrested, the perpetrator is responsible for whatever follows. The Davidians could have exited the compound peacefully at any time. They chose to torch themselves instead so they could be with Allah.

Fucktard, I see you want to be the last one to post, let's see if you can do it!...Firing on a TANK even for a shithead like you, is a useless affair, done to take out anger! The fucking FBI burned them all to a crisp, and NO, they couldn't leave the compound without being shot DEAD as in Ruby Ridge with the death of Weaver's son Sammy, his wife Vicki!.... You need some YouTube's to see citizens that gave up being EXECUTED by OUR POLICE?... How dumb can you get?:badgrin::eusa_clap::cuckoo:
And with the state of affairs in the US and the world I would take magic underwear over the magic negro. (reference to a Rush bit)

WHy? Frankly, he's managed to fix a lot of the shit Bush fucked up, and frankly, i never got the impression Romney even understood how badly Bush fucked everything up.

List them, JoeBlow, and we'll talk about them!
But PMS (I do like that acronym for you!) he wasn't found guilty, and the FBI acted just as they did at Ruby Ridge, and how they would have acted on the Bundy Ranch, if there weren't Patriots there to make sure the FBI's LEGAL MURDER of innocent citizens didn't continue! I see even the courts now realize that CITIZENS have the RIGHT to protect themselves from the police!

You don't get to shoot the feds just because they show up to search the place.

I had hope for you once V, but you are just immoral right-wing paranoid scum, who we ought to either lock up life or just dump in a mass grave and be done with you so decent people can have a decent life again.

Here is how I see the first day going down and what I remember seeing from the videos that were around on that day.

The ATF had permission to shoot the dogs if they attacked. Whether or not they attacked they shot the dogs. Now a bunch of paranoid people, and the ATF knew this, who predicted that the police would do exactly what they were doing, may have fired back. Or some other ATF agents thought that the shots were from inside. Either way they didn't need much of an excuse to start firing. So they shot the unarmed Koresch and another man in the stomach and it was on. Now one would think this is where someone would realize tactical advantage had been lost so pull back before someone actually gets killed. Obviously it was too late for the man shot in the stomach but not for anyone else.

So what do you see in the videos? The ATF on the roof busting in a window shooting indiscriminately into the building. WTF is that all about. No wonder the Davidians didn't trust anything they said they were shooting through the building.

Of course none of that excuses the Davidians. We should all just go belly up when the police start shooting your dogs and start breaking into your house.

The worse part, it didn't have to go down this way. After day one lay it all on the Davidians, but that first day and the final day it is all the government over stepping.
David Thibodeau is a survivor of the Waco Massacre. He tells exactly what happened in his book, A Place Called Waco, (available from Amazon).

When the ATF raiders reached the front door, where Thibodeau was standing along with Koresh and several other Davidians, they ignored Koresh's demand to see their warrant. It was later revealed in a Texas State court that none of the agents in the group who demanded entry were in possession of the warrant -- which also was revealed to be issued on the basis of "errors." It was mainly for this reason the surviving Davidians were acquitted of all charges against them in a Texas state court -- which determined the Davidians were perfectly justified in resisting BATF's attempted entry with armed force. 11 in Texas Sect Are Acquitted Of Key Charges - NYTimes.com

Thibodeau said Koresh refused to admit the raiders who ignored his demand to see a warrant and when Koresh slammed the door one of the raiders (it was never revealed which one) fired a shot through the door striking Koresh in the side). That was the first shot fired and it triggered the firefight in which several raiders were killed.

The shot that struck Koresh was fired through one section of a two section door. The half without the bullet hole was "not found" in the debris but the other half was found perfectly intact. The bullet in Koresh's side was not recovered, so no ballistics analysis to determine who fired it was possible.

BATF claimed they were "ambushed" by the Davidians as they approached the premises. The fact is raiders had to cross a 120 yard open field between the road where their vehicle was parked and the Davidian residence ("compound"). Several of the Davidians were expert marksmen (according to a BATF undercover agent who had observed them) and they were armed with powerful firearms, including M-1 Garands and scoped deer rifles.

The Davidians had a high ground sniping advantage, so there is no way the raiders could have crossed that open field without losing half their group, or more, if the Davidians had chose to "ambush" them. The fact is the raiding party reached the premises intact and the shooting didn't start until the first shot through the door that hit Koresh.

So according to an eye-witness you are quite right in your description of what happened. There are many more interesting facts about the Waco Massacre in Thibodeau's book.
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[ The bullet in Koresh's side was not recovered, so no ballistics analysis to determine who fired it was possible.


Oh, they recovered it all right. They just didn't like what it said and so it got "lost". SOP for the govt.
Did you even LOOK at the second video where it shows that FBI was firing into the house FULL OF KIDS and NOT a fucking shot was fired back at them.... No, you're not smart enough to do anything like that! Tell me THAT wasn't irresponsible by a bunch of RADICAL BROWN SHIRTS. If they told you to drink the Kool-Aid, all you'd do would be to ask what flavors they had! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Flaming moron, there's video of the Branch Davidians opening fire on law enforcement as the tanks first pulled up that morning. And as far as your idiotic claim that Davidians were not firing at law enforcement ... two posts ago, you claimed that a Davidian opened fire at a tank. You're so confused, you're contradicting yourself. :lol:

And again, when someone opens fire at law enforcement while in the process of being arrested, the perpetrator is responsible for whatever follows. The Davidians could have exited the compound peacefully at any time. They chose to torch themselves instead so they could be with Allah.

Fucktard, I see you want to be the last one to post, let's see if you can do it!...Firing on a TANK even for a shithead like you, is a useless affair, done to take out anger! The fucking FBI burned them all to a crisp, and NO, they couldn't leave the compound without being shot DEAD as in Ruby Ridge with the death of Weaver's son Sammy, his wife Vicki!.... You need some YouTube's to see citizens that gave up being EXECUTED by OUR POLICE?... How dumb can you get?:badgrin::eusa_clap::cuckoo:
You are completely batshit insane. :cuckoo: That's the only explanation. :dunno: It doesn't matter if LEOs are in tanks or backed up in a perimeter or even in a bunker. If you're shooting a firearm at law enforcement, you'll be lucky to not wind up dead. No less while resisting arrest. As far as your insanity about them being shot dead had they come out ... flaming moron ... many of them came out. Some before that day and some on that day. Law enforcement didn't actually shoot a single one of them. Just how delusional are you? :cuckoo: Seems you're incapable of forming a cogent argument; all you're armed with are hallucinations. Like it's OK to shoot at law enforcement as long as their in tanks, :cuckoo: or that people setting themselves on fire are not committing suicide. :cuckoo:
For some reason the fool repubs don't talk about it but it's a fact that bill clinton killed 80 some americans at waco in 1993. Burned them alive - including 30 kids. And then he threw the survivors in prison so they wouldn't talk.

This is no conspiracy theory. Everyone agrees clinton did this and hillary is married to this psychopath. I say bring it up.

I thought Janet Reno killed those people at Waco.
Flaming moron, there's video of the Branch Davidians opening fire on law enforcement as the tanks first pulled up that morning. And as far as your idiotic claim that Davidians were not firing at law enforcement ... two posts ago, you claimed that a Davidian opened fire at a tank. You're so confused, you're contradicting yourself. :lol:

And again, when someone opens fire at law enforcement while in the process of being arrested, the perpetrator is responsible for whatever follows. The Davidians could have exited the compound peacefully at any time. They chose to torch themselves instead so they could be with Allah.

Fucktard, I see you want to be the last one to post, let's see if you can do it!...Firing on a TANK even for a shithead like you, is a useless affair, done to take out anger! The fucking FBI burned them all to a crisp, and NO, they couldn't leave the compound without being shot DEAD as in Ruby Ridge with the death of Weaver's son Sammy, his wife Vicki!.... You need some YouTube's to see citizens that gave up being EXECUTED by OUR POLICE?... How dumb can you get?:badgrin::eusa_clap::cuckoo:
You are completely batshit insane. :cuckoo: That's the only explanation. :dunno: It doesn't matter if LEOs are in tanks or backed up in a perimeter or even in a bunker. If you're shooting a firearm at law enforcement, you'll be lucky to not wind up dead. No less while resisting arrest. As far as your insanity about them being shot dead had they come out ... flaming moron ... many of them came out. Some before that day and some on that day. Law enforcement didn't actually shoot a single one of them. Just how delusional are you? :cuckoo: Seems you're incapable of forming a cogent argument; all you're armed with are hallucinations. Like it's OK to shoot at law enforcement as long as their in tanks, :cuckoo: or that people setting themselves on fire are not committing suicide. :cuckoo:

You dumb bitch, the FBI killed 6 of Branch Dravidians, and in the firefight 4 FBI were killed. Of course YOUR all for the brown shirts, you dirtbag, liberal cocksucker. You've seen them try to attack Bundy, you've seen them kill at Ruby Ridge, BUT you're such a fucking democratic fan boy, your little brain can't accept the TRUTH!

The Death Toll

This early picture of the children of the Henry family was published in Newsweek, May 17, 1993, pg. 50. All five--Diana, Paulina, Vanessa, Phillip, and Stephen--were killed during the Waco Holocaust.
We have noted before that, when talking about the numbers and identities of the Branch Davidians at the Mt. Carmel Center, the government's numbers do not add up. The death toll is a case in point.

We have also seen contemporaneous newspaper accounts that 14 Branch Davidians died the first day, and many more were injured. We have noted no newspaper accounts of injured persons coming out during the siege.
On April 22 several newspapers across the country quoted the FBI to the effect that 86 Branch Davidians had died during the fire. A list was published along with this statement. The image of the tally from the Washington Times is produced in FBI Partial List of Mt. Carmel Residents, April 21, 1993. The tally has been scanned as text and formatted for readability. This FBI release named:
  • Two who were arrested on the first day
  • 35 who left during the siege
  • Nine who survived the fire
  • 55 who were "unaccounted for"
This "information" is yet another piece of disinformation and an attempt to confuse.

The "unaccounted for," by definition, must be those people who were lost in the fire. Yet there were only 55 names in that list, not 86.
Of those 55 "unaccounted for" names, three were "reportedly" killed in February. Among those is the name of Michael Schroeder. Yet Michael Schroeder had been killed in an open field outside the Mt. Carmel Center--the Texas Rangers/FBI had authority over the body since February 28. There was no "reportedly" about it: Michael Schroeder was dead.
Compare the April 21 report with a report which appeared in the Dallas Morning News, April 10, 1993. In that report, the FBI said that six Branch Davidians died on February 28, attributing the source of the information to the Branch Davidians. Thus we see the figure of 14 dead among the Branch Davidians after the February 28 raid, cited in the Dallas Morning News, March 3, 1993 was "corrected." (See also Dallas Morning News Waco archive, March 3, 1993.)
The name, "Jillane Matthews," appears on the "unaccounted for" list. This is the first and last time a "Jillane Matthews" is mentioned; she is not on any list of the dead, and did not leave during the siege. Thus of the 55 names of persons on the "unaccounted for" list, three had died in February, one was possibly fictitious--that left 51 names available for fire victims. Yet the FBI claimed there were 86 fire victims. Again, the US had a number of sophisticated eavesdropping devices monitoring the Branch Davidians, informants among the Davidians, and unlimited access to the Branch Davidians who left during the siege. Through any of these means they must have had the names of those who were in the Mt. Carmel Center on April 19. The FBI obviously had the names of those who allegedly escaped the fire. Therefore, the names of those who died should have been immediately obvious. Why the reluctance to reveal those 30-odd missing names?

The Death Toll

Some liberals are just completely BRAIN DEAD and REFUSE TO QUESTION what is in front of their faces! Dumb bastards, these are the scum that have caused us to have the regime we have today...the 2 digit IQ crowd!
For some reason the fool repubs don't talk about it but it's a fact that bill clinton killed 80 some americans at waco in 1993. Burned them alive - including 30 kids. And then he threw the survivors in prison so they wouldn't talk.

This is no conspiracy theory. Everyone agrees clinton did this and hillary is married to this psychopath. I say bring it up.

I thought Janet Reno killed those people at Waco.

Reno, Foster and Hubble were the intermediaries between Hillary and what happened at Waco. Never even consider that the Clintons were not behind everything that went on. Whether you agree with what went on or not. It is pretty clear that if Foster killed himself it had a lot to do with Waco.

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