Should the racist democrat party fold and start a new, non racist party?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party is the party of well as violence, hate, crime and rape.......just to name a few of the fun democrat party facts.......

Is it time they folded the party, started over, and abandoned their racism?

You Cannot Win Back That Which You Never Had | Extrano's Alley, more than a gun blog

The ultra leftist, and reportedly Soros funded, Alternet reports the Clinton co-presidency’s Labor Secretary Robert Reich on how the Democratic Party can recover its soul.

The Democratic party has never had a soul, so Reich’s thesis is much like bringing the statue of a soldier at Arlington recovering its soul. It was founded by a man who believed Indians should be penned, or roped and bound, on a reservation and that Blacks, Asians, and other subhumans should remain in either wage slavery or chattel slavery.

A far too brief history of the Democratic Party is at this link, detailing some few of the abuses the of minorities Democratic Party or its members have initiated.

And for those who wish to be informed, a history of the Republican Party is at this link.

Doubters may wish to open a new tab and verify each of the points made on both web pages. But the bottom line remains the same.

You cannot win back that which you never had, be it life, a soul, or something else.

A little history of the democrat party and their eternal racism....

On Racism and Republicans: Democrats Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident
Surely this is a picture of a "radical democrat"........LOL

Democrats need to reorganize. Who would have ever thought that the party of JFK (ask not what your country can do for you) would consider a socialist as president? Democrats have drifted so far to the left that they are off the freaking charts. They are even considering replacing Pelosi as minority leader with a congressman who is openly against everything Americans believe in. There is no independent thought allowed in the democrat party. The last democrat who dared stray away from the pack, Joe Lieberman, was kicked out of the party and forced to run as an independent even though he was once the party's choice for V.P.
Surely this is a picture of a "radical democrat"........LOL

View attachment 99231 show a picture of a paid democrat operative....paid by bob craemer and scott foval...two men who ran a political action group funded and directed by the Democrat National Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies and to engage in massive voter fraud operations........

How do we know this...because both men are on video admitting to what they did.....they recieved money and direction from the Democrat National Committee who funnelled money and directions directly from the hilary campaign....they reported directly to the Director of Special Events at the DNC......they admit to shutting down Trumps rally in Chicago and other activities up to and including the violent attacks on Trump supporters....they also stated that if they needed special help, the Director of Special events would put them in touch with the local chapter of the AFL-CIO who would provide trained union thugs for whatever they needed....

So....thank you for exposing the organized violence of the racist democrat party.

Here are bob craemer and scott foval on video admitting to the violence and voter fraud...

The DNC is choosing Keith Ellison as their leader.
If that doesn't explain the direction the DEMs have decided to go nothing does.
I'm delighted with their choice.
He'll show up with a can of gasoline and a lighter and burn down the DEM party for ever!
PC and Identity Politics are so deeply rooted in the party's DNA that they can never be separated.

The best that can be hoped for is that the more virulent and toxic elements of the party are somehow marginalized, at least to some extent.

The DNC is choosing Keith Ellison as their leader.
If that doesn't explain the direction the DEMs have decided to go nothing does.
I'm delighted with their choice.
He'll show up with a can of gasoline and a lighter and burn down the DEM party for ever!

I hope ellison has great success in continuing the downward, and violent slide of the democrat party.......people need to know who the democrat party really is composed of.......hate, violence, racism, crime and rape....
PC and Identity Politics are so deeply rooted in the party's DNA that they can never be separated.

The best that can be hoped for is that the more virulent and toxic elements of the party are somehow marginalized, at least to some extent.


Those are the main parts of the party.....getting rid of those would mean the end of the party.....
for the next four years, us real Americans just have to keep pounding the message that all Democrats are racists, no matter who they put in charge of the DNC, we shall declare him a racist! no matter who runs for office in 2018, we shall declare him/her a racist too !!!
The democrat party is the party of well as violence, hate, crime and rape.......just to name a few of the fun democrat party facts.......

Is it time they folded the party, started over, and abandoned their racism?

You Cannot Win Back That Which You Never Had | Extrano's Alley, more than a gun blog

The ultra leftist, and reportedly Soros funded, Alternet reports the Clinton co-presidency’s Labor Secretary Robert Reich on how the Democratic Party can recover its soul.

The Democratic party has never had a soul, so Reich’s thesis is much like bringing the statue of a soldier at Arlington recovering its soul. It was founded by a man who believed Indians should be penned, or roped and bound, on a reservation and that Blacks, Asians, and other subhumans should remain in either wage slavery or chattel slavery.

A far too brief history of the Democratic Party is at this link, detailing some few of the abuses the of minorities Democratic Party or its members have initiated.

And for those who wish to be informed, a history of the Republican Party is at this link.

Doubters may wish to open a new tab and verify each of the points made on both web pages. But the bottom line remains the same.

You cannot win back that which you never had, be it life, a soul, or something else.

A little history of the democrat party and their eternal racism....

On Racism and Republicans: Democrats Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident
. They need to abandon more than their racism... Then they might make a come back, but for now we Americans got to clean up their bull crap.
for the next four years, us real Americans just have to keep pounding the message that all Democrats are racists, no matter who they put in charge of the DNC, we shall declare him a racist! no matter who runs for office in 2018, we shall declare him/her a racist too !!!
. Don't have to pound it, they will do it for us.
for the next four years, us real Americans just have to keep pounding the message that all Democrats are racists, no matter who they put in charge of the DNC, we shall declare him a racist! no matter who runs for office in 2018, we shall declare him/her a racist too !!!

SOS, staus quo, steady as she goes as far as amerian society is concerned then is what you're really saying.
PC and Identity Politics are so deeply rooted in the party's DNA that they can never be separated.

The best that can be hoped for is that the more virulent and toxic elements of the party are somehow marginalized, at least to some extent.

The DNC voting in Ellison is like realising Charlie Manson and giving him a bag full of butcher knives.
They are going to commit political suicide and I can't be more pleased.
PC and Identity Politics are so deeply rooted in the party's DNA that they can never be separated. The best that can be hoped for is that the more virulent and toxic elements of the party are somehow marginalized, at least to some extent. Doubtful..
The DNC voting in Ellison is like realising Charlie Manson and giving him a bag full of butcher knives. They are going to commit political suicide and I can't be more pleased.
It's definitely not a sign that the party is looking in the mirror at all.
for the next four years, us real Americans just have to keep pounding the message that all Democrats are racists, no matter who they put in charge of the DNC, we shall declare him a racist! no matter who runs for office in 2018, we shall declare him/her a racist too !!!

It isn't a matter of saying they are a racist.....they actually will be...they are the leadership of a racist political party........
for the next four years, us real Americans just have to keep pounding the message that all Democrats are racists, no matter who they put in charge of the DNC, we shall declare him a racist! no matter who runs for office in 2018, we shall declare him/her a racist too !!!

It isn't a matter of saying they are a racist.....they actually will be...they are the leadership of a racist political party........
wal mart should add a new department just intended for democrats. like a 10x10 area where they can buy all kinds of racist items, like KKK attire, nooses, matches,,,etc.
I don't think Ellison is a wise move, but while ya'll are dancing on the alleged grave of the Democratic Party, the GOP is set to put Paul and Mitch back in charge of Congress. Same as it ever was.
Wow! The op really nailed it with this one. This election will go down as history as proof of Dems being racist.

Dems voted for Pooting's lap dog, the alt-right, the kkk, the nazis. The Dems voted to make the US a fascist plutocracy. The Dems can never again say they're not racist or that they don't support dictators. In fact, even though they know he was elected by stealing votes, suppressing votes and with the help of Russia and our own FBI, the Dems are holding celebratory parades to show their support for the most corrupt prez in our history. After watching dump repeatedly say he wants to end much of the US Constitution, the Dems voted for him.

RWNJ traitors like the really desperate OP (who took time out from masturbating over his gun and came out from under mommy's bed to show us the light) should be congratulated for their continued circle jerk because, obviously, its the only thing what can save us from those mean ole Dems. This link is for all of you RWNJ traitors who disagree with what the Dems have done. Do the right thing.
No, need bcause the far right of the GOP once has take over the Dem racists.

We have people like 2aguy saying they want to be just like the Dem racists of the past.

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