Should the racist democrat party fold and start a new, non racist party?

PC and Identity Politics are so deeply rooted in the party's DNA that they can never be separated.

The best that can be hoped for is that the more virulent and toxic elements of the party are somehow marginalized, at least to some extent.

It's kinda hard to take you serious when you say shit like this and you voted for Hillary.

That is a disconnect if I've ever seen one
I understand.

I've tried to explain that I dislike Trump even more than I dislike Hillary, about a zillion times, but some people just don't get that.
And my signature says it all. You failed to follow your rhetoric & instincts.
You have no right to bitch about things that you supported with your vote. The words & actions don't compute.
You're looking at things in a very binary way. If I vote for this person, I must agree with them on everything.

I'm an independent. I consider every issue separately, every element of every issue separately. I'm under no obligation to "play" for either "team", because this ain't a game.

And of course I have the right to criticize. That goes back to your binary thinking, and MY sig. Partisans are dishonest because they refuse to criticize their "side".

That's why I have no use for partisanship. It's dishonest.
Your sig has nothing to do with me or our discussion.
And a vote for Hillary was a vote for the status quo. A vote to maintain things as they are. A vote against the very things you're complaining about.
PC and Identity Politics are so deeply rooted in the party's DNA that they can never be separated.

The best that can be hoped for is that the more virulent and toxic elements of the party are somehow marginalized, at least to some extent.

It's kinda hard to take you serious when you say shit like this and you voted for Hillary.

That is a disconnect if I've ever seen one
I understand.

I've tried to explain that I dislike Trump even more than I dislike Hillary, about a zillion times, but some people just don't get that.
And my signature says it all. You failed to follow your rhetoric & instincts.
You have no right to bitch about things that you supported with your vote. The words & actions don't compute.
You're looking at things in a very binary way. If I vote for this person, I must agree with them on everything.

I'm an independent. I consider every issue separately, every element of every issue separately. I'm under no obligation to "play" for either "team", because this ain't a game.

And of course I have the right to criticize. That goes back to your binary thinking, and MY sig. Partisans are dishonest because they refuse to criticize their "side".

That's why I have no use for partisanship. It's dishonest.
Your sig has nothing to do with me or our discussion.
And a vote for Hillary was a vote for the status quo. A vote to maintain things as they are. A vote against the very things you're complaining about.
Yes, it sure was. I don't like her.

So back to my original point: I like Trump even less.

That's a zillion and one times I've said that.
I don't think Ellison is a wise move, but while ya'll are dancing on the alleged grave of the Democratic Party, the GOP is set to put Paul and Mitch back in charge of Congress. Same as it ever was.

Agree. For all their talk about draining the swamp, the RWs voted from the same old DC Dinos and trump is loading them up as fast as he can.

The useful idiot Pootarians have poured cement into the swamp.
Lol, you say that while supporting the same ole, same ole. Trump will get things done.
It's kinda hard to take you serious when you say shit like this and you voted for Hillary.

That is a disconnect if I've ever seen one
I understand.

I've tried to explain that I dislike Trump even more than I dislike Hillary, about a zillion times, but some people just don't get that.
And my signature says it all. You failed to follow your rhetoric & instincts.
You have no right to bitch about things that you supported with your vote. The words & actions don't compute.
You're looking at things in a very binary way. If I vote for this person, I must agree with them on everything.

I'm an independent. I consider every issue separately, every element of every issue separately. I'm under no obligation to "play" for either "team", because this ain't a game.

And of course I have the right to criticize. That goes back to your binary thinking, and MY sig. Partisans are dishonest because they refuse to criticize their "side".

That's why I have no use for partisanship. It's dishonest.
Your sig has nothing to do with me or our discussion.
And a vote for Hillary was a vote for the status quo. A vote to maintain things as they are. A vote against the very things you're complaining about.
Yes, it sure was. I don't like her.

So back to my original point: I like Trump even less.

That's a zillion and one times I've said that.
You keep bringing up Trump as if that somehow excuses you voting for the very things you bitch about. Trump is not a part of this discussion. And personally I would never sell out my values because of an outside party. There were plenty of other to vote for. There was a write in option. Or you could have stood behind your values and not given your vote to anyone if you found no one worthy.

It is not Trump's fault you voted against your beliefs. That was your choice
The democrat party is the party of well as violence, hate, crime and rape.......just to name a few of the fun democrat party facts.......

Is it time they folded the party, started over, and abandoned their racism?

You Cannot Win Back That Which You Never Had | Extrano's Alley, more than a gun blog

The ultra leftist, and reportedly Soros funded, Alternet reports the Clinton co-presidency’s Labor Secretary Robert Reich on how the Democratic Party can recover its soul.

The Democratic party has never had a soul, so Reich’s thesis is much like bringing the statue of a soldier at Arlington recovering its soul. It was founded by a man who believed Indians should be penned, or roped and bound, on a reservation and that Blacks, Asians, and other subhumans should remain in either wage slavery or chattel slavery.

A far too brief history of the Democratic Party is at this link, detailing some few of the abuses the of minorities Democratic Party or its members have initiated.

And for those who wish to be informed, a history of the Republican Party is at this link.

Doubters may wish to open a new tab and verify each of the points made on both web pages. But the bottom line remains the same.

You cannot win back that which you never had, be it life, a soul, or something else.

A little history of the democrat party and their eternal racism....

On Racism and Republicans: Democrats Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

Blah, blah, blah...

Keep telling yourself that, lightweight. You're nothing more than an unsophisticated, unremarkable, racist Repug lump of shit. And we both know it, goober boy.

OK pal if you think he is lying.. You are welcome to spend a week with me on my lake house in South Carolina..

I will show you how wrong you are.. And I will pay for it
Which lake? I go to Murray.
Surely this is a picture of a "radical democrat"........LOL

View attachment 99231 show a picture of a paid democrat operative....paid by bob craemer and scott foval...two men who ran a political action group funded and directed by the Democrat National Committee to incite violence at Trump rallies and to engage in massive voter fraud operations........

How do we know this...because both men are on video admitting to what they did.....they recieved money and direction from the Democrat National Committee who funnelled money and directions directly from the hilary campaign....they reported directly to the Director of Special Events at the DNC......they admit to shutting down Trumps rally in Chicago and other activities up to and including the violent attacks on Trump supporters....they also stated that if they needed special help, the Director of Special events would put them in touch with the local chapter of the AFL-CIO who would provide trained union thugs for whatever they needed....

So....thank you for exposing the organized violence of the racist democrat party.

Here are bob craemer and scott foval on video admitting to the violence and voter fraud...

Saying the same dumb shit repeatedly doesn't make it true.

I understand.

I've tried to explain that I dislike Trump even more than I dislike Hillary, about a zillion times, but some people just don't get that.
And my signature says it all. You failed to follow your rhetoric & instincts.
You have no right to bitch about things that you supported with your vote. The words & actions don't compute.
You're looking at things in a very binary way. If I vote for this person, I must agree with them on everything.

I'm an independent. I consider every issue separately, every element of every issue separately. I'm under no obligation to "play" for either "team", because this ain't a game.

And of course I have the right to criticize. That goes back to your binary thinking, and MY sig. Partisans are dishonest because they refuse to criticize their "side".

That's why I have no use for partisanship. It's dishonest.
Your sig has nothing to do with me or our discussion.
And a vote for Hillary was a vote for the status quo. A vote to maintain things as they are. A vote against the very things you're complaining about.
Of COURSE Trump has to be a part of the discussion, because ELECTIONS are a CHOICE. The other choice has to be part of the decision process. I don't get to just look for the (R) or the (D) and obediently pick it.

What I can't get you to understand is that I have STRONG and INTRACTABLE differences with BOTH parties. The Democrats drive me nuts with their destructive PC and Identity Politics, but there are OTHER ISSUES that are MORE IMPORTANT to me.

I'm voting against some of my views REGARDLESS of WHICH party I vote for. Can you admit to understanding that?

Because I thought both candidates were essentially an abomination, I chose the crook over the buffoon because I felt the crook was less dangerous. But regardless, I'm voting against my stand on some issues EITHER WAY.

I very much look forward to being proven wrong, because I don't have a partisan flank to protect.
Of COURSE Trump has to be a part of the discussion, because ELECTIONS are a CHOICE. The other choice has to be part of the decision process. I don't get to just look for the (R) or the (D) and obediently pick it.

What I can't get you to understand is that I have STRONG and INTRACTABLE differences with BOTH parties. The Democrats drive me nuts with their destructive PC and Identity Politics, but there are OTHER ISSUES that are MORE IMPORTANT to me.

I'm voting against some of my views REGARDLESS of WHICH party I vote for. Can you admit to understanding that?

Because I thought both candidates were essentially an abomination, I chose the crook over the buffoon because I felt the crook was less dangerous. But regardless, I'm voting against my stand on some issues EITHER WAY.

I very much look forward to being proven wrong, because I don't have a partisan flank to protect.
The alt right seems embarrassed by the public outing of their racism.

That's a start.
No, need bcause the far right of the GOP once has take over the Dem racists.

We have people like 2aguy saying they want to be just like the Dem racists of the past.

the democrat party has been and always will be the party of racism.......from slavery, through jim crow to today as they trap minorities in government schools that do not educate their children and trap them in democrat controlled neighborhoods where gangs, drugs and murder destroy their lives.....the democrat party should admit who they are, and fold up.....
And you have justified your racism because of your allegations about the Dem Party, which sent their racists to the far right.

You can never evade that you are a vicious racist.

Nor can he or the other TRAITORS deny they know EXACTLY what they were voting for.

For a long time now, we've watched this vermin worship a dictator over their own country and now they've voted for one. They SAID they wanted a fascist and they got it. They SAID they hate the US Constitution so they knowingly voted for a corrupt thug who promised to end it. He's too stupid to know he can't and the traitors are just as stupid but that is what he said.

Lying slime like the op knowingly sold out their own country and their own children's futures.

The democrat party is the party of well as violence, hate, crime and rape.......just to name a few of the fun democrat party facts.......

Is it time they folded the party, started over, and abandoned their racism?

You Cannot Win Back That Which You Never Had | Extrano's Alley, more than a gun blog

The ultra leftist, and reportedly Soros funded, Alternet reports the Clinton co-presidency’s Labor Secretary Robert Reich on how the Democratic Party can recover its soul.

The Democratic party has never had a soul, so Reich’s thesis is much like bringing the statue of a soldier at Arlington recovering its soul. It was founded by a man who believed Indians should be penned, or roped and bound, on a reservation and that Blacks, Asians, and other subhumans should remain in either wage slavery or chattel slavery.

A far too brief history of the Democratic Party is at this link, detailing some few of the abuses the of minorities Democratic Party or its members have initiated.

And for those who wish to be informed, a history of the Republican Party is at this link.

Doubters may wish to open a new tab and verify each of the points made on both web pages. But the bottom line remains the same.

You cannot win back that which you never had, be it life, a soul, or something else.

A little history of the democrat party and their eternal racism....

On Racism and Republicans: Democrats Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

RAPE? This from a RWNJ traitor who just voted for a "man" who brags that he's a serial sexual predator and rapist?

Where does the Repub part stand on rape?


That means the Cheeto in Chief is the perfect RWNJ candidate.

Oh, BTW, 2aguy Has Obama come for your guns yet?

OTOH, the orange guy has said he is coming for a lot of the very rights Obama protected for you.

You are one dumb pile of doggy doo.

I don't think Ellison is a wise move, but while ya'll are dancing on the alleged grave of the Democratic Party, the GOP is set to put Paul and Mitch back in charge of Congress. Same as it ever was.
. Can't stand McConnell....
No, need bcause the far right of the GOP once has take over the Dem racists.

We have people like 2aguy saying they want to be just like the Dem racists of the past.

the democrat party has been and always will be the party of racism.......from slavery, through jim crow to today as they trap minorities in government schools that do not educate their children and trap them in democrat controlled neighborhoods where gangs, drugs and murder destroy their lives.....the democrat party should admit who they are, and fold up.....
And you have justified your racism because of your allegations about the Dem Party, which sent their racists to the far right.

You can never evade that you are a vicious racist.

Nor can he or the other TRAITORS deny they know EXACTLY what they were voting for.

For a long time now, we've watched this vermin worship a dictator over their own country and now they've voted for one. They SAID they wanted a fascist and they got it. They SAID they hate the US Constitution so they knowingly voted for a corrupt thug who promised to end it. He's too stupid to know he can't and the traitors are just as stupid but that is what he said.

Lying slime like the op knowingly sold out their own country and their own children's futures.

. You mad ????? LOL
No, need bcause the far right of the GOP once has take over the Dem racists.

We have people like 2aguy saying they want to be just like the Dem racists of the past.

the democrat party has been and always will be the party of racism.......from slavery, through jim crow to today as they trap minorities in government schools that do not educate their children and trap them in democrat controlled neighborhoods where gangs, drugs and murder destroy their lives.....the democrat party should admit who they are, and fold up.....
And you have justified your racism because of your allegations about the Dem Party, which sent their racists to the far right.

You can never evade that you are a vicious racist.
. Are they allegations or a dam truth you just can't handle ??? By your response you can't handle the truth.
No, need bcause the far right of the GOP once has take over the Dem racists.

We have people like 2aguy saying they want to be just like the Dem racists of the past.

the democrat party has been and always will be the party of racism.......from slavery, through jim crow to today as they trap minorities in government schools that do not educate their children and trap them in democrat controlled neighborhoods where gangs, drugs and murder destroy their lives.....the democrat party should admit who they are, and fold up.....
And you have justified your racism because of your allegations about the Dem Party, which sent their racists to the far right.

You can never evade that you are a vicious racist.
. Are they allegations or a dam truth you just can't handle ??? By your response you can't handle the truth.
You fake republicans are always accusing the Dems of racism when you defend your own racism.

So you admit you are racists.

Just be decent people, for once in your lives.
No, need bcause the far right of the GOP once has take over the Dem racists.

We have people like 2aguy saying they want to be just like the Dem racists of the past.

the democrat party has been and always will be the party of racism.......from slavery, through jim crow to today as they trap minorities in government schools that do not educate their children and trap them in democrat controlled neighborhoods where gangs, drugs and murder destroy their lives.....the democrat party should admit who they are, and fold up.....
And you have justified your racism because of your allegations about the Dem Party, which sent their racists to the far right.

You can never evade that you are a vicious racist.
. Are they allegations or a dam truth you just can't handle ??? By your response you can't handle the truth.
You fake republicans are always accusing the Dems of racism when you defend your own racism.

So you admit you are racists.

Just be decent people, for once in your lives.
. And the butt hurt continues... :boohoo:
No, need bcause the far right of the GOP once has take over the Dem racists.

We have people like 2aguy saying they want to be just like the Dem racists of the past.

the democrat party has been and always will be the party of racism.......from slavery, through jim crow to today as they trap minorities in government schools that do not educate their children and trap them in democrat controlled neighborhoods where gangs, drugs and murder destroy their lives.....the democrat party should admit who they are, and fold up.....
And you have justified your racism because of your allegations about the Dem Party, which sent their racists to the far right.

You can never evade that you are a vicious racist.
. Are they allegations or a dam truth you just can't handle ??? By your response you can't handle the truth.
You fake republicans are always accusing the Dems of racism when you defend your own racism.

So you admit you are racists.

Just be decent people, for once in your lives.
. And the butt hurt continues... :boohoo:
Indeed, the butt hurt of the far and alt right just get deeper and redder and more painful.

You fake Republicans are no daisies at all. :lol:

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