Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

What major accomplishment has this country had since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich?

reagan couldnt do jackshit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to leftard;

remember you are the idiots saying the Repub MINORITY IN BOTH chambers "obstructed" obama from "day One"
We are talking thirty years since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich. Before that the U.S. Built the worlds largest military, interstate highway system and put a man on the moon
Since supply side we have no major accomplishments as a nation

Since Reagan
1. Our industry has want to China
2. Our middle class has become far smaller
3. We have want from one of the best education systems to 14th in the world.
4. Student debt is through the roof!
5. The rich are making record profit...Still they offshore jobs and go through the loop holes.
6. Our infrastructure has gone to shit...
7. Science is being cut and China is catching up to us.

The republican plan sucks ass.
Wow. You just made all that up in support of your fabricated (and completely ludicrous) claim that it is a "fact that the top 25% of Americans probably use about 90% or more of the usage of government services." You even admit in a subsequent that post you have nothing which supports that claim but you manage to double down on your silliness anyway by claiming the health care expenditures - made to protect the health of mostly poor people - is actually done to benefit the wealthy. It just doesn't get any loonier than that. So you are suggesting we cut the health care from the budget rather than use our federal treasure to benefit those evil rich folk? Dude, you are one callous individual.
BTW, I understand your eagerness to disengage from conversing with those who find your baseless claims and twisted logic to be a bit ... off. Only a fellow socialist loon like D2Three can appreciate your 2+2=5 kind of "logic."

There's a "style" of debating which isn't interested in the reality of a situation. You used stats badly to try and prove a point. Just because you think you're using logic and you're backing it up with some kind of stat (which you didn't show where you got this from).
I on the other hand wanted to make a point. So I made it. I didn't need to use statistics to make my point. I merely parodied what you had said.

But now you're just on the attack. Trying to somehow "win" a debate by going off on one.

To be honest I'm not interested because I've done this thousands and times and EVERY SINGLE time it ends up in he same way.

You can do the whole baiting thing, seen that a thousand times too, but I'm not taking it. So you go off and feel smug about yourself, I simply don't care. I'm not on here to play petty little games with people like you.
Aristocracy vs Wealth Redistribution-- What Did the Founding Fathers Say?

....Early Americans were all too familiar with European Aristocracy and as they began to conceive this new nation they wanted a new idea based not on Aristocratic order but on shared political power. For that to happen they believed there had to be relative equity in wealth among the citizens of America. There was a strong belief that inherited wealth would lead to a rising Aristocracy with wealthy families consolidating unfair political power. Both Thomas Jefferson and Adam Smith, that great Conservative champion, found it impossible to accept that great wealth should be passed on from parent to child. Because of this they stood firm on a redistribution of wealth in the form of an inheritance tax.

A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural.
Thomas Jefferson

There is no point more difficult to account for than the right we conceive men to have to dispose of their goods after death. Adam Smith
It depends on how it is structured. Now the wealthy get their tax breaks with the 70k page tax code set up purposely to enrich them and the pols.

The typical federal flat tax planned is 10%. The vast majority of the middle class and poor PAY less than 10% in federal taxes...

Wait ... so you admit that the "vast majority of the middle class and poor PAY less than 10% in federal taxes." Since you are aware that they are not carrying their weight, why all the silly socialist whining? Under the current system, the top 25% pay 86% of all federal personal income tax. They pay for our military, our highways, our education and health care, our courts and the very gov't that takes what is theirs not only to pay for all that but to pick up the slack for you socialist slackers. So what is your gripe? That they don't pay 96% or 106%?
Socialists are the weeping pimple on society's butt.
What major accomplishment has this country had since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich?

reagan couldnt do jackshit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to leftard;

remember you are the idiots saying the Repub MINORITY IN BOTH chambers "obstructed" obama from "day One"
We are talking thirty years since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich. Before that the U.S. Built the worlds largest military, interstate highway system and put a man on the moon
Since supply side we have no major accomplishments as a nation

Since Reagan
1. Our industry has want to China
2. Our middle class has become far smaller
3. We have want from one of the best education systems to 14th in the world.
4. Student debt is through the roof!
5. The rich are making record profit...Still they offshore jobs and go through the loop holes.
6. Our infrastructure has gone to shit...
7. Science is being cut and China is catching up to us.

The republican plan sucks ass.

Of course, since Reagan we've had 8 years of Clinton (D) and 7 years of Obama (D) but don't let facts interfere with your mindless hate, Bubba..
Wait ... so you admit that the "vast majority of the middle class and poor PAY less than 10% in federal taxes." Since you are aware that they are not carrying their weight, why all the silly socialist whining? Under the current system, the top 25% pay 86% of all federal personal income tax. They pay for our military, our highways, our education and health care, our courts and the very gov't that takes what is theirs not only to pay for all that but to pick up the slack for you socialist slackers. So what is your gripe? That they don't pay 96% or 106%?
Socialists are the weeping pimple on society's butt.

No. I stated that the middle class and poor pay less than 10% of their total income in federal tax. I also stated that the rich and wealthy pay less than that.
Wow. You just made all that up in support of your fabricated (and completely ludicrous) claim that it is a "fact that the top 25% of Americans probably use about 90% or more of the usage of government services." You even admit in a subsequent post that you have nothing which supports that claim but you manage to double down on your silliness anyway by claiming the health care expenditures - made to protect the health of mostly poor people - is actually done to benefit the wealthy. It just doesn't get any loonier than that. So you are suggesting we cut the health care from the budget rather than use our federal treasure to benefit those evil rich folk? Dude, you are one callous individual.

BTW, I understand your eagerness to disengage from conversing with those who find your baseless claims and twisted logic to be a bit ... off. Only a fellow socialist loon like D2Three can appreciate your 2+2=5 kind of "logic."

There's a "style" of debating which isn't interested in the reality of a situation...

Which is exactly the "style" you employ. To this point your "style" of debating is to post your baseless conclusions and then cover your ears and eyes when your silly socialist fantasy world is confronted with real facts. You call that debate?
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Wait ... so you admit that the "vast majority of the middle class and poor PAY less than 10% in federal taxes." Since you are aware that they are not carrying their weight, why all the silly socialist whining? Under the current system, the top 25% pay 86% of all federal personal income tax. They pay for our military, our highways, our education and health care, our courts and the very gov't that takes what is theirs not only to pay for all that but to pick up the slack for you socialist slackers. So what is your gripe? That they don't pay 96% or 106%?
Socialists are the weeping pimple on society's butt.

No. I stated that the middle class and poor pay less than 10% of their total income in federal tax. I also stated that the rich and wealthy pay less than that.

Once more for the terminally dense: the bottom 49% of American earners pay NOTHING while the top 25% carry 86% of the load. If you can't accept that as good enough you will have to move to a country where everyone is equally poor. We don't do that here.
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i also found that item idiotic. leftard claims that the richest use 90% of government services? on what planet?
Once more for the terminally dense: the bottom 49% of American earners pay NOTHING while the top 25% carry 86% of the load. If you can't accept that as good enough you will have to move to a country where everyone is equally poor. We don't do that here.

The bottom 49% don't have enough income to pay more.
It depends on how it is structured. Now the wealthy get their tax breaks with the 70k page tax code set up purposely to enrich them and the pols.

The typical federal flat tax planned is 10%. The vast majority of the middle class and poor PAY less than 10% in federal taxes...

Wait ... so you admit that the "vast majority of the middle class and poor PAY less than 10% in federal taxes." Since you are aware that they are not carrying their weight, why all the silly socialist whining? Under the current system, the top 25% pay 86% of all federal personal income tax. They pay for our military, our highways, our education and health care, our courts and the very gov't that takes what is theirs not only to pay for all that but to pick up the slack for you socialist slackers. So what is your gripe? That they don't pay 96% or 106%?
Socialists are the weeping pimple on society's butt.

drop from nearly 18% in 1980, pre Reaganomics!
What major accomplishment has this country had since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich?

reagan couldnt do jackshit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to leftard;

remember you are the idiots saying the Repub MINORITY IN BOTH chambers "obstructed" obama from "day One"
We are talking thirty years since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich. Before that the U.S. Built the worlds largest military, interstate highway system and put a man on the moon
Since supply side we have no major accomplishments as a nation

Since Reagan
1. Our industry has want to China
2. Our middle class has become far smaller
3. We have want from one of the best education systems to 14th in the world.
4. Student debt is through the roof!
5. The rich are making record profit...Still they offshore jobs and go through the loop holes.
6. Our infrastructure has gone to shit...
7. Science is being cut and China is catching up to us.

The republican plan sucks ass.

Of course, since Reagan we've had 8 years of Clinton (D) and 7 years of Obama (D) but don't let facts interfere with your mindless hate, Bubba..

Yes, but neither get get the GOP to agree to get rid of ALL of Reagan's tax cuts for the rich! Since the EFFECTIVE rates for the top 1/10th of 1% 1% is about 1/3rd of what it was 1932-1980. You know the underpinning of "supply side" Give the "job creators" tax cuts and it trickles down? lol
What major accomplishment has this country had since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich?

reagan couldnt do jackshit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to leftard;

remember you are the idiots saying the Repub MINORITY IN BOTH chambers "obstructed" obama from "day One"
We are talking thirty years since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich. Before that the U.S. Built the worlds largest military, interstate highway system and put a man on the moon
Since supply side we have no major accomplishments as a nation

Since Reagan
1. Our industry has want to China
2. Our middle class has become far smaller
3. We have want from one of the best education systems to 14th in the world.
4. Student debt is through the roof!
5. The rich are making record profit...Still they offshore jobs and go through the loop holes.
6. Our infrastructure has gone to shit...
7. Science is being cut and China is catching up to us.

The republican plan sucks ass.

Of course, since Reagan we've had 8 years of Clinton (D) and 7 years of Obama (D) but don't let facts interfere with your mindless hate, Bubba..

Yes, but neither get get the GOP to agree to get rid of ALL of Reagan's tax cuts for the rich! Since the EFFECTIVE rates for the top 1/10th of 1% 1% is about 1/3rd of what it was 1932-1980. You know the underpinning of "supply side" Give the "job creators" tax cuts and it trickles down? lol

left-wingers like this one are comical bunch of crybabies!!!
the Left will tell you Reagan raised taxes ELEVEN TIMES out of one side of their mouth, and in the next moment they are crying out of the other side of their mouths about supply-side economics.

11 tax hikes and reagan still cant get no love from left-wing nutjobs????

Wait ... so you admit that the "vast majority of the middle class and poor PAY less than 10% in federal taxes." Since you are aware that they are not carrying their weight, why all the silly socialist whining? Under the current system, the top 25% pay 86% of all federal personal income tax. They pay for our military, our highways, our education and health care, our courts and the very gov't that takes what is theirs not only to pay for all that but to pick up the slack for you socialist slackers. So what is your gripe? That they don't pay 96% or 106%?
Socialists are the weeping pimple on society's butt.

No. I stated that the middle class and poor pay less than 10% of their total income in federal tax. I also stated that the rich and wealthy pay less than that.

Once more for the terminally dense: the bottom 49% of American earners pay NOTHING while the top 25% carry 86% of the load. If you can't accept that as good enough you will have to move to a country where everyone is equally poor. We don't do that here.

9 Things The Rich Don't Want You To Know About Taxes

1. Poor Americans do pay taxes.

9 Things The Rich Dont Want You To Know About Taxes

Soaking the Poor, State by State

That includes overall tax rates, where data from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy shows that in the median state (Mississippi, as it turns out) the poorest 20 percent pay twice the tax rate of the top 1 percent. In the worst states, the poorest 20 percent pay five to six times the rate of the richest 1 percent. Lucky duckies indeed. There's not one single state with a tax system that's progressive

Soaking the Poor, State by State

Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes

These figures cover only the federal income tax and ignore the substantial amounts of other federal taxes — especially the payroll tax — that many of these households pay. As a result, these figures greatly overstate the share of households that do not pay federal taxes. Tax Policy Center data show that only about 17 percent of households did not pay any federal income tax or payroll tax in 2009, despite the high unemployment and temporary tax cuts that marked that year

Most of the people who pay neither federal income tax nor payroll taxes are low-income people who are elderly, unable to work due to a serious disability, or students, most of whom subsequently become taxpayers.

Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

reagan couldnt do jackshit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to leftard;

remember you are the idiots saying the Repub MINORITY IN BOTH chambers "obstructed" obama from "day One"
We are talking thirty years since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich. Before that the U.S. Built the worlds largest military, interstate highway system and put a man on the moon
Since supply side we have no major accomplishments as a nation

Since Reagan
1. Our industry has want to China
2. Our middle class has become far smaller
3. We have want from one of the best education systems to 14th in the world.
4. Student debt is through the roof!
5. The rich are making record profit...Still they offshore jobs and go through the loop holes.
6. Our infrastructure has gone to shit...
7. Science is being cut and China is catching up to us.

The republican plan sucks ass.

Of course, since Reagan we've had 8 years of Clinton (D) and 7 years of Obama (D) but don't let facts interfere with your mindless hate, Bubba..

Yes, but neither get get the GOP to agree to get rid of ALL of Reagan's tax cuts for the rich! Since the EFFECTIVE rates for the top 1/10th of 1% 1% is about 1/3rd of what it was 1932-1980. You know the underpinning of "supply side" Give the "job creators" tax cuts and it trickles down? lol

left-wingers like this one are comical bunch of crybabies!!!
the Left will tell you Reagan raised taxes ELEVEN TIMES out of one side of their mouth, and in the next moment they are crying out of the other side of their mouths about supply-side economics.

11 tax hikes and reagan still cant get no love from left-wing nutjobs????


Yep, 11 tax hikes on the avg guy, but Ronnie gutted the rich's top rate from 70% to 28% WHILE increasing SS taxes 60%. lol

We are talking thirty years since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich. Before that the U.S. Built the worlds largest military, interstate highway system and put a man on the moon
Since supply side we have no major accomplishments as a nation

Since Reagan
1. Our industry has want to China
2. Our middle class has become far smaller
3. We have want from one of the best education systems to 14th in the world.
4. Student debt is through the roof!
5. The rich are making record profit...Still they offshore jobs and go through the loop holes.
6. Our infrastructure has gone to shit...
7. Science is being cut and China is catching up to us.

The republican plan sucks ass.

Of course, since Reagan we've had 8 years of Clinton (D) and 7 years of Obama (D) but don't let facts interfere with your mindless hate, Bubba..

Yes, but neither get get the GOP to agree to get rid of ALL of Reagan's tax cuts for the rich! Since the EFFECTIVE rates for the top 1/10th of 1% 1% is about 1/3rd of what it was 1932-1980. You know the underpinning of "supply side" Give the "job creators" tax cuts and it trickles down? lol

left-wingers like this one are comical bunch of crybabies!!!
the Left will tell you Reagan raised taxes ELEVEN TIMES out of one side of their mouth, and in the next moment they are crying out of the other side of their mouths about supply-side economics.

11 tax hikes and reagan still cant get no love from left-wing nutjobs????


Yep, 11 tax hikes on the avg guy, but Ronnie gutted the rich's top rate from 70% to 28% WHILE increasing SS taxes 60%. lol


still crying about the dead guy that would be over a hundred year old?

the one that was a Democrat most of his life?

who's the moron?

you get the feeling leftardz dont know what year it is, who is President, and for how long


MEAN OL Republicans made me fail; even the dead ones are still making me fail?

is it my failed Progressive ideology Mom???
MOMMY MOMMY!!! you told me i was smart; but nothing i've done for 35 YEARS has produced any kind of positive "change"!!! THAT'S WHY i'm still crying about long-dead white guys who governed decades ago!!!!

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