Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

Your inability to read a graph is noted Bubba, as well as your inability to accept Reaganomics started US on this path!

As is your inability to tell the truth.

You are a mindless, partisan sycophant. Virtually nothing you post has merit. If I want to know your "thoughts," I can log on to DailyKOS or the other Soros Hate sites and read them directly.
t took a while, but the media seem to have finally noticed Senate majority leader Harry Reid’s unprecedented obstructionism. The New York Times reported last week on Reid’s “brutish style” and “uncompromising control” over the amendments process in the Senate. Why are more people finally catching on to Reid’s flagrant disregard for Senate customs? In part because conservatives aren’t the only ones complaining. Democrats such as Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota — who wants to repeal Obamacare’s medical-device tax — and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York — who has waged a highly publicized campaign to reform the way the military handles sexual-assault cases — have been denied votes on their proposed amendments to various bills. Gillibrand had hoped to attach her sexual-assault amendment to the defense-appropriations bill that passed in December, but no amendments were allowed. Klobuchar has called for “a more open amendment process” because she’d like a vote on repealing the medical-device tax.
Read more at: Harry Reid’s Obstructionism | National Review Online

""It is true that some bills, including some of substance, are being blocked by Reid from action because he wants to avoid Republican amendments of the ‘gotcha’ variety that could work against some of his endangered incumbents up this fall," said Norm Ornstein, a congressional scholar at the American Enterprise Institute (NOT EXACTLY A PROGRESSIVE OR DEM GROUP DUMMY) "You can make a case that the role of the majority is to suck it up and do votes, even if some are uncomfortable. But on the balance sheet, the bigger reality is that very few of the bills passed by the House were aimed at compromise or agreement with the Senate."

Rep. Lynn Jenkins blames Harry Reid for 'do-nothing Senate'

Republican Jobs Bills Won't Actually Create Jobs, Say Economists

GOP Jobs Package Doesn't Actually Create Jobs, Say Economists

To whom more is given, more is required............

And indeed the top 25% of America's earners currently carry 86% of the federal personal income tax load while the bottom 49% get a free ride.
So how much of the load should the top earners carry?

But this avoids the fact that the top 25% of Americans probably use about 90% or more of the usage of government services...

That is absurd on its face but you now have the opportunity to look at facts (not that they will change your thinking). None of the following establishes the top 25% of American earners as greater users of gov't services than the gen pop. In fact, it clearly establishes the bottom 49% - those who contribute NOTHING - as the biggest beneficiaries by far:

Federal budget 2014 $3.6 trillion

Major Entitlements (Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare) $1.8 trillion (49%)
Income Security (Fed employee retirement & disability, unemployment comp, food & housing assistance) $720 billion (20%).
National Security (military) $650 billion (18%).
Interest on national debt $320 billion (6%)
Transportation & Education $210 billion (4%)

The problem is, what does a rich person get out of the federal govt?

Healthcare? Well they get employees with decent health. Does this improve performance at work, reduce sick days which affects performance and so on? Sure it does. That's 24%

Defense? Well, defense provides how many jobs? Provides innovations in technology that allow companies to reduce costs. How much money does the warring around the world make US companies? Halliburton did amazingly well out of the 2003 war. How many US oil companies are doing well in Iraq?

That's be Exxon and Occidental. Exxon just happens to make the most revenue at $967,432,500 a year. A British company is second, BP, Occidental is still making $205,334,400 a year. How much do they pay in taxes? Enough to cover for the Iraqi War and post occupation? I doubt it. Who pays for this? Yeah, sure, many people who don't get much out of it at all, rather than the companies and the shareholders of these companies.

BP, British, biggest shareholder is BlackRock, based in NY City. Laurence Fink, Americans, is the Chairman.
The Co-Presidents, one is American, the other was Filipino but seems to be American, lives in Scarsdale.

Third largest is Barclay's Global Investors. Owned by BlackRock.

Also in the top 10 is Capital Research and Management Co. An LA based US company.

You see that a lot of things tie in with other things and the US is spending a LOT of money helping a lot of people get rich. And then they turn around and say "I shouldn't have to give the government anything, this is MY money".


Wow. You just made all that up in support of your fabricated (and completely ludicrous) claim that it is a "fact that the top 25% of Americans probably use about 90% or more of the usage of government services." You even admit in a subsequent that post you have nothing which supports that claim but you manage to double down on your silliness anyway by claiming the health care expenditures - made to protect the health of mostly poor people - is actually done to benefit the wealthy. It just doesn't get any loonier than that. So you are suggesting we cut the health care from the budget rather than use our federal treasure to benefit those evil rich folk? Dude, you are one callous individual.
BTW, I understand your eagerness to disengage from conversing with those who find your baseless claims and twisted logic to be a bit ... off. Only a fellow socialist loon like D2Three can appreciate your 2+2=5 kind of "logic."
you cant begin to prove that idiot; but making a fool of yourself doesnt seem to bother you. prove the "fact that the top 25% ...use 90% more of government services"

Oh, great, an insult. Well done. Bye.

you didnt have to focus on my insult; you could have just backed up what you posted with something resembling a fact and stuff.....................

No, I didn't need to focus on your insult. However you didn't need to insult. As it is you insulted someone with a policy of ignoring people who insult because, quite frankly, if you need to insult it means you're not worth talking to in the first place.

So, again, BYE.

The fact is you are so often insulted because you make such ridiculous (and, of course, unfounded) claims such as "But this avoids the fact that the top 25% of Americans probably use about 90% or more of the usage of government services." Just typical socialist silliness.

Oh, so it's okay to insult someone if YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THEM?

Come off it, you're scrambling around in the dirt looking for an excuse as to why you needed an insult INSTEAD of actually providing opinion. You insulted me, and the debate is over. Don't try and make pathetic excuses as to why you need to insult people.

I've done way more than just provide you with my opinions. I've backed them up with hard facts ... facts that you reject because they conflict with your consistently baseless conclusions.
13 millon more on food stamps in obama's seventh year even as you left-wing idiots insist things are so much better now. but when you are faced with inconveniant facts you idiots start talkinig out of both sides of your mouths.

there are MORE on food stamps in obamas' seventh year then there were under Bush. in fact they reached a record high under obama

YOU keep babbling like you think you make sense Bubba? What's up with that?

Hint Obama has only been in office 6 years AND the economy he INHERITED lost 4+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 2009, the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of 2008, AND the GOP/conservatives have done EVERYTHING to STILL make a Obama a 1 termer. Weird you don't understand the depth of the hole GOP/Dubya dug US into doesn't matter?

Yep, those "job creators" aren't doing a very good job with the lowest sustained tax burden on them in 80 years AND record Corp profits AT the same time their labor costs are record lows? I know the GOP/conservative answer is to give MORE tax cuts and deregulate more right? lol

you keep babbling and making a fool of yourself

under Progressives the richest got richer, the poorest gt poorer; both at a FASTER PACE UNDER OBAMA then was the case under Republicans

keep trying

Got it. YOU WILL NOT OR CAN NOT give me 3 policies conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history. Thanks anyways Bubs

i already did dummy; all the ones democrats kept funding and continuing

BUT OK IDIOT; here goes................................

January 31, 1865; Republican-controlled Congress passes the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery

Got it Bubba, you STILL want to conflate ideology with party affiliation. I'm shocked

january 13, 1866

with unanimous Republican support and intense Democrat oppposition Congress passes the 14th Amendment

LOL, To funny Bubba, you want to hide behind party labels? Hint the PROGRESSIVES of the period (yep, CONservatives were the Democratic party then!) , DID do those things. Weird conservatives are STILL fighting those things (look to the GOPerss who want to get rid of birthright citizenship,. lol)
What major accomplishment has this country had since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich?

reagan couldnt do jackshit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to leftard;

remember you are the idiots saying the Repub MINORITY IN BOTH chambers "obstructed" obama from "day One"

The list is long on this board among you moronic simple minded conservatives, but I think you take the cake as a liar Bubba. Congrats

Hint in the House ANYTHING passes by simple majority the MAJORITY wants passed (look to the 30+ "person hood" bills, lol). It was ONLY in the Senate that things can get blocked UNLESS you have a super majority of 60, AND under Ronnie,. the GOP AND Dems loved America more than their ideology, unlike today's conservatives/GOPers!
President Ronald Reagan calls for liberation of East Europeans from Communism with “Tear Down This Wall” speech.

Paying taxes is something our founders in 1886-1887 fought to grant the federal government. For you to = taxes and first world institutions to communism proves that you're a fucking moron!

planes leave hourly leftard

Your plane goes straight to Somalia...That is the perfect place for you!
President Ronald Reagan calls for liberation of East Europeans from Communism with “Tear Down This Wall” speech.

Paying taxes is something our founders in 1886-1887 fought to grant the federal government. For you to = taxes and first world institutions to communism proves that you're a fucking moron!

planes leave hourly leftard

Your plane goes straight to Somalia...That is the perfect place for you!


The ...

I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.

I believe that the rich and wealthy should pay the same percentage of their income in federal tax as the middle class and poor. Until the middle class put a Democrat in the White House, and vote Democrat majority in Congress that will never happen.
Due to the enormous corruption and cronyism in our federal government, many wealthy use their expensive lawyers to get out of paying taxes. The current tax code is 70k pages...time for a change.

Let's go to a simple flat tax. That would eliminate the political class' efforts to enrich their donors/owners.

A flat tax would screw the middle class and poor.
The top 10% of wage earners in this country already pay over 70% of the collected income taxes in this country. If that's not enough, then how much more should they pay? 75%? 80%? 95%?

About 45% of our population pays no income tax at all. Maybe it's about time those on the bottom start paying their fare share for a change. And remember, the US is the most generous people in the entire world. We give more of our money to the so-called poor than anybody, and it's not those Wal-Mart people that are giving, it's those greedy millionaires you speak of.

Breaking News! 1% of one million is more than 1% of 50K.

Fact: The top 10% pay less percentage of total income in federal tax than the middle class.
We should teach all our kids that redistribution has a 100% fail rate. Think of all the "Rich must pay!" posts that would never be made, it would be great for the environment too

If you teach your kids 'redistribution,' you teach your kids deception. Everyone pays taxes to pay for taxpayer supported services. Except for Apple in importing their iPhones.
I would be behind a progressive consumption tax, that way everybody has a dog in the race. A flat tax doesn't work for a lot of people. For instance, I'm a landlord and I have tons of expenses I have to write-off. Without those write-offs, I would be forced to sell because the property wouldn't produce any profit. Either that or I would have to raise rents so high that people wouldn't be able to afford to live here.

A consumption tax screws the poor and middle class.

Owning property you don't live is a business, thus tax benefits.
but but but but... What about local taxes? Those poor bastards in cook county Illinois voted for democrats and now have to pay a 10.25% sales tax...

Meanwhile I left that place, vote for republicans in South Carolina and only have to pay a 6% sales tax :)

If you were 'SMART' you would have moved to a state without income tax.
Much of the rent collected goes towards bills. Yes, you write that money off because you used the rent money to pay those bills. A flat tax system (the way I've always understood it) would eliminate those write-offs. That means I would have to pay tax on all rental collections even though it merely passed through my hands to another entity. That could put me in a higher tax bracket as well when you add my income from work.

Incorporate your business, which you should have already done.
President Ronald Reagan calls for liberation of East Europeans from Communism with “Tear Down This Wall” speech.

Paying taxes is something our founders in 1886-1887 fought to grant the federal government. For you to = taxes and first world institutions to communism proves that you're a fucking moron!

planes leave hourly leftard

Your plane goes straight to Somalia...That is the perfect place for you!


The ...


No government
No regulations
No taxes
No investment into infrastructure, science, education or nothing at all..

Sounds like the conservative land to me!

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