Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

President Ronald Reagan calls for liberation of East Europeans from Communism with “Tear Down This Wall” speech.

Paying taxes is something our founders in 1886-1887 fought to grant the federal government. For you to = taxes and first world institutions to communism proves that you're a fucking moron!

planes leave hourly leftard

Your plane goes straight to Somalia...That is the perfect place for you!


The ...


No government
No regulations
No taxes
No investment into infrastructure, science, education or nothing at all..

Sounds like the conservative land to me!

Alrighty then!
President Ronald Reagan calls for liberation of East Europeans from Communism with “Tear Down This Wall” speech.

Paying taxes is something our founders in 1886-1887 fought to grant the federal government. For you to = taxes and first world institutions to communism proves that you're a fucking moron!

planes leave hourly leftard

Your plane goes straight to Somalia...That is the perfect place for you!


The ...


No government
No regulations
No taxes
No investment into infrastructure, science, education or nothing at all..

Sounds like the conservative land to me!

I think Honduras, with their "low taxes", small Gov't and "free economy" is a better example, IMO

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Since the 2009 coup against President José Manuel Zelaya and subsequent election of Porfirio “Pepe Lobo” Sosa and his favored successor Juan Orlando Hernandez, Honduras has embarked on a devastating neoliberal economic program that has contributed to its status as one of the poorest and most unequal countries in the region. The privatization of Honduran society has been accompanied by a militarization of public security efforts in the country, both of which have been fueled by a network of U.S.-supported policies and programs.

Despite the country's crackdown on crime, violence in Honduras has skyrocketed in recent years. Honduras now has the world's second-highest national murder rate and is home to two of the world's five most violent cities. Unchecked gang activity has contributed to widespread corruption and impunity within police and government institutions.

...the law as “allowing the corporations and individuals funding the ZEDEs to dictate the entire structural organization of the zone, including laws, tax structure, healthcare system, education and security forces. This kind of flexibility is unprecedented even in similar models around the world.”

...As Mackey reported, "The ZEDE’s central government is stacked with libertarian foreigners," including a former speechwriter for presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., conservative political operative Grover Norquist, a senior member of the Cato Institute think tank, and Ronald Reagan's son Michael, as well as "a Danish banker, a Peruvian economist, and an Austrian general secretary of the Friedrich Hayek Institute."

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise
We should teach all our kids that redistribution has a 100% fail rate. Think of all the "Rich must pay!" posts that would never be made, it would be great for the environment too

If you teach your kids 'redistribution,' you teach your kids deception. Everyone pays taxes to pay for taxpayer supported services. Except for Apple in importing their iPhones.

I take it you've never heard of the Earned Income Tax Credit which essentially means poorer workers can get back more than they pay in federal personal income taxes ... taking from those the gov't determines can afford it (no matter how much o-time they worked to earn it) and giving it to those of the gov'ts choosing.
Classic "wealth" redistribution.
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We should teach all our kids that redistribution has a 100% fail rate. Think of all the "Rich must pay!" posts that would never be made, it would be great for the environment too

If you teach your kids 'redistribution,' you teach your kids deception. Everyone pays taxes to pay for taxpayer supported services. Except for Apple in importing their iPhones.

I take it you've never heard of the Earned Income Tax Credit which essentially means poorer workers can get back more than they pay in federal personal income taxes ... taking from those the gov't determines can afford it (no matter how much o-time they worked to earn it) and gives it to those of the gov'ts choosing.
Classic "wealth" redistribution.

You mean for CHILDREN?

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which reduces poverty while encouraging and rewarding work

President Reagan, who proposed and then signed a major expansion of it in the 1986 Tax Reform Act. While Reagan is often quoted as calling the EITC “the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress,”

Reagan’s Actions Made Him a True EITC Champion | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Paying taxes is something our founders in 1886-1887 fought to grant the federal government. For you to = taxes and first world institutions to communism proves that you're a fucking moron!

planes leave hourly leftard

Your plane goes straight to Somalia...That is the perfect place for you!


The ...


No government
No regulations
No taxes
No investment into infrastructure, science, education or nothing at all..

Sounds like the conservative land to me!

I think Honduras, with their "low taxes", small Gov't and "free economy" is a better example, IMO

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Since the 2009 coup against President José Manuel Zelaya and subsequent election of Porfirio “Pepe Lobo” Sosa and his favored successor Juan Orlando Hernandez, Honduras has embarked on a devastating neoliberal economic program that has contributed to its status as one of the poorest and most unequal countries in the region. The privatization of Honduran society has been accompanied by a militarization of public security efforts in the country, both of which have been fueled by a network of U.S.-supported policies and programs.

Despite the country's crackdown on crime, violence in Honduras has skyrocketed in recent years. Honduras now has the world's second-highest national murder rate and is home to two of the world's five most violent cities. Unchecked gang activity has contributed to widespread corruption and impunity within police and government institutions.

...the law as “allowing the corporations and individuals funding the ZEDEs to dictate the entire structural organization of the zone, including laws, tax structure, healthcare system, education and security forces. This kind of flexibility is unprecedented even in similar models around the world.”

...As Mackey reported, "The ZEDE’s central government is stacked with libertarian foreigners," including a former speechwriter for presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., conservative political operative Grover Norquist, a senior member of the Cato Institute think tank, and Ronald Reagan's son Michael, as well as "a Danish banker, a Peruvian economist, and an Austrian general secretary of the Friedrich Hayek Institute."

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Honduras has always had a high crime rate. That has nothing to do with ZEDE, which hasn't gotten off the ground, the last I heard. Your attempt to imply some kind of connection is hilarious, to say the least.

Most the countries in the world with high crime rates, like South Africa, Jamaica and Brazil, and decidedly left leaning governments - exactly the kind you support.
We should teach all our kids that redistribution has a 100% fail rate. Think of all the "Rich must pay!" posts that would never be made, it would be great for the environment too

If you teach your kids 'redistribution,' you teach your kids deception. Everyone pays taxes to pay for taxpayer supported services. Except for Apple in importing their iPhones.

I take it you've never heard of the Earned Income Tax Credit which essentially means poorer workers can get back more than they pay in federal personal income taxes ... taking from those the gov't determines can afford it (no matter how much o-time they worked to earn it) and gives it to those of the gov'ts choosing.
Classic "wealth" redistribution.

You mean for CHILDREN?

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which reduces poverty while encouraging and rewarding work

President Reagan, who proposed and then signed a major expansion of it in the 1986 Tax Reform Act. While Reagan is often quoted as calling the EITC “the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress,”

Reagan’s Actions Made Him a True EITC Champion | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Did you find the mere mention of that gov't wealth redistribution program to be a threat to your "Worker's Paradise?" I did not judge it's virtues but rather pointed out to the other loony leftist idiot that we do indeed enforce wealth redistribution in America.
13 millon more on food stamps in obama's seventh year even as you left-wing idiots insist things are so much better now. but when you are faced with inconveniant facts you idiots start talkinig out of both sides of your mouths.

there are MORE on food stamps in obamas' seventh year then there were under Bush. in fact they reached a record high under obama

YOU keep babbling like you think you make sense Bubba? What's up with that?

Hint Obama has only been in office 6 years AND the economy he INHERITED lost 4+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 2009, the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of 2008, AND the GOP/conservatives have done EVERYTHING to STILL make a Obama a 1 termer. Weird you don't understand the depth of the hole GOP/Dubya dug US into doesn't matter?

Yep, those "job creators" aren't doing a very good job with the lowest sustained tax burden on them in 80 years AND record Corp profits AT the same time their labor costs are record lows? I know the GOP/conservative answer is to give MORE tax cuts and deregulate more right? lol


Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. The real problem is you can lead a man to water but you can't make him drink.
I take it you've never heard of the Earned Income Tax Credit which essentially means poorer workers can get back more than they pay in federal personal income taxes ... taking from those the gov't determines can afford it (no matter how much o-time they worked to earn it) and giving it to those of the gov'ts choosing.
Classic "wealth" redistribution.

If you don't like poor people, than lets eliminate them;

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2015 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 500 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.
They already do pay more. And you are lucky they pay any! Federal income taxes are completely voluntary, unless you are a resident of Washington DC. Or a non resident alien.

A nutter huh? Nope, income taxes have NEVER been declared voluntary, ever,ONLY nutters think otherwise! AND THE RICHEST OF THE RICH PAY A SMALLER SHARE OF THEIR INCOMES IN TAXES TO BOOT!

Are you a tax attorney?

I'm going to speed this up and guess that you are not.

Have you ever sued the IRS?

If you can read code, why not read the tax code, it's all in there.

I will discuss this no more, with someone who isn't qualified.

The federal government is just going to declare taxes voluntary, that is funny stuff. :haha:

lol, History says YOU are a fukkn loon Bubba. Don't get butt hurt because of the truth

How was my post butt hurt? You are the one who is actually acting that way.

I asked you simple questions, and this is all you come back with? Don't waste my time Tinkerbell, this subject is way over your head.

I take it you've never heard of the Earned Income Tax Credit which essentially means poorer workers can get back more than they pay in federal personal income taxes ... taking from those the gov't determines can afford it (no matter how much o-time they worked to earn it) and giving it to those of the gov'ts choosing.
Classic "wealth" redistribution.

If you don't like poor people, than lets eliminate them; ...

So who said anything about not liking poor people? I simply pointed out the baselessness of your "wealth redistribution" comment. Evidently you erect these silly Straw Men so you can argue with yourself. Have fun!
What major accomplishment has this country had since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich?

reagan couldnt do jackshit if his 8-year Dem-majority House didnt want him to leftard;

remember you are the idiots saying the Repub MINORITY IN BOTH chambers "obstructed" obama from "day One"
We are talking thirty years since Reagan slashed taxes on the rich. Before that the U.S. Built the worlds largest military, interstate highway system and put a man on the moon
Since supply side we have no major accomplishments as a nation
Due to the enormous corruption and cronyism in our federal government, many wealthy use their expensive lawyers to get out of paying taxes. The current tax code is 70k pages...time for a change.

Let's go to a simple flat tax. That would eliminate the political class' efforts to enrich their donors/owners.

A flat tax would screw the middle class and poor.
It depends on how it is structured. Now the wealthy get their tax breaks with the 70k page tax code set up purposely to enrich them and the pols.
So who said anything about not liking poor people? I simply pointed out the baselessness of your "wealth redistribution" comment. Evidently you erect these silly Straw Men so you can argue with yourself. Have fun!

You mentioned 'wealth redistribution' and only named poor people as the problem. You didn't mention wealth distribution related to corporate subsidies for the wealthy and corporations. Hypocrite.

I have an answer to solve both problems:

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2015 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 500 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.
planes leave hourly leftard

Your plane goes straight to Somalia...That is the perfect place for you!


The ...


No government
No regulations
No taxes
No investment into infrastructure, science, education or nothing at all..

Sounds like the conservative land to me!

I think Honduras, with their "low taxes", small Gov't and "free economy" is a better example, IMO

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Since the 2009 coup against President José Manuel Zelaya and subsequent election of Porfirio “Pepe Lobo” Sosa and his favored successor Juan Orlando Hernandez, Honduras has embarked on a devastating neoliberal economic program that has contributed to its status as one of the poorest and most unequal countries in the region. The privatization of Honduran society has been accompanied by a militarization of public security efforts in the country, both of which have been fueled by a network of U.S.-supported policies and programs.

Despite the country's crackdown on crime, violence in Honduras has skyrocketed in recent years. Honduras now has the world's second-highest national murder rate and is home to two of the world's five most violent cities. Unchecked gang activity has contributed to widespread corruption and impunity within police and government institutions.

...the law as “allowing the corporations and individuals funding the ZEDEs to dictate the entire structural organization of the zone, including laws, tax structure, healthcare system, education and security forces. This kind of flexibility is unprecedented even in similar models around the world.”

...As Mackey reported, "The ZEDE’s central government is stacked with libertarian foreigners," including a former speechwriter for presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., conservative political operative Grover Norquist, a senior member of the Cato Institute think tank, and Ronald Reagan's son Michael, as well as "a Danish banker, a Peruvian economist, and an Austrian general secretary of the Friedrich Hayek Institute."

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Honduras has always had a high crime rate. That has nothing to do with ZEDE, which hasn't gotten off the ground, the last I heard. Your attempt to imply some kind of connection is hilarious, to say the least.

Most the countries in the world with high crime rates, like South Africa, Jamaica and Brazil, and decidedly left leaning governments - exactly the kind you support.

Says the Klown who should've outgrown the Ayn Rand fetish by about 25...
We should teach all our kids that redistribution has a 100% fail rate. Think of all the "Rich must pay!" posts that would never be made, it would be great for the environment too

If you teach your kids 'redistribution,' you teach your kids deception. Everyone pays taxes to pay for taxpayer supported services. Except for Apple in importing their iPhones.

I take it you've never heard of the Earned Income Tax Credit which essentially means poorer workers can get back more than they pay in federal personal income taxes ... taking from those the gov't determines can afford it (no matter how much o-time they worked to earn it) and gives it to those of the gov'ts choosing.
Classic "wealth" redistribution.

You mean for CHILDREN?

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which reduces poverty while encouraging and rewarding work

President Reagan, who proposed and then signed a major expansion of it in the 1986 Tax Reform Act. While Reagan is often quoted as calling the EITC “the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress,”

Reagan’s Actions Made Him a True EITC Champion | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Did you find the mere mention of that gov't wealth redistribution program to be a threat to your "Worker's Paradise?" I did not judge it's virtues but rather pointed out to the other loony leftist idiot that we do indeed enforce wealth redistribution in America.

EVER\Y tax is some type of redistribution dummy
13 millon more on food stamps in obama's seventh year even as you left-wing idiots insist things are so much better now. but when you are faced with inconveniant facts you idiots start talkinig out of both sides of your mouths.

there are MORE on food stamps in obamas' seventh year then there were under Bush. in fact they reached a record high under obama

YOU keep babbling like you think you make sense Bubba? What's up with that?

Hint Obama has only been in office 6 years AND the economy he INHERITED lost 4+ million PRIVATE sector jobs in 2009, the economy dumped 9%+ the last quarter of 2008, AND the GOP/conservatives have done EVERYTHING to STILL make a Obama a 1 termer. Weird you don't understand the depth of the hole GOP/Dubya dug US into doesn't matter?

Yep, those "job creators" aren't doing a very good job with the lowest sustained tax burden on them in 80 years AND record Corp profits AT the same time their labor costs are record lows? I know the GOP/conservative answer is to give MORE tax cuts and deregulate more right? lol


Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. The real problem is you can lead a man to water but you can't make him drink.

Not as long as you Klowns keep working for the plutocrat class to keep their heels on the bottom 90%'s neck..
Your plane goes straight to Somalia...That is the perfect place for you!


The ...


No government
No regulations
No taxes
No investment into infrastructure, science, education or nothing at all..

Sounds like the conservative land to me!

I think Honduras, with their "low taxes", small Gov't and "free economy" is a better example, IMO

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Since the 2009 coup against President José Manuel Zelaya and subsequent election of Porfirio “Pepe Lobo” Sosa and his favored successor Juan Orlando Hernandez, Honduras has embarked on a devastating neoliberal economic program that has contributed to its status as one of the poorest and most unequal countries in the region. The privatization of Honduran society has been accompanied by a militarization of public security efforts in the country, both of which have been fueled by a network of U.S.-supported policies and programs.

Despite the country's crackdown on crime, violence in Honduras has skyrocketed in recent years. Honduras now has the world's second-highest national murder rate and is home to two of the world's five most violent cities. Unchecked gang activity has contributed to widespread corruption and impunity within police and government institutions.

...the law as “allowing the corporations and individuals funding the ZEDEs to dictate the entire structural organization of the zone, including laws, tax structure, healthcare system, education and security forces. This kind of flexibility is unprecedented even in similar models around the world.”

...As Mackey reported, "The ZEDE’s central government is stacked with libertarian foreigners," including a former speechwriter for presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., conservative political operative Grover Norquist, a senior member of the Cato Institute think tank, and Ronald Reagan's son Michael, as well as "a Danish banker, a Peruvian economist, and an Austrian general secretary of the Friedrich Hayek Institute."

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Honduras has always had a high crime rate. That has nothing to do with ZEDE, which hasn't gotten off the ground, the last I heard. Your attempt to imply some kind of connection is hilarious, to say the least.

Most the countries in the world with high crime rates, like South Africa, Jamaica and Brazil, and decidedly left leaning governments - exactly the kind you support.

Says the Klown who should've outgrown the Ayn Rand fetish by about 25...

That's your excuse for trying to blame Honduran crime on a libertarian organization that couldn't possibly have had anything to do with it?

Why don't you just admit what we all know: you're a sleazy lying hosebag.
They already do pay more. And you are lucky they pay any! Federal income taxes are completely voluntary, unless you are a resident of Washington DC. Or a non resident alien.

A nutter huh? Nope, income taxes have NEVER been declared voluntary, ever,ONLY nutters think otherwise! AND THE RICHEST OF THE RICH PAY A SMALLER SHARE OF THEIR INCOMES IN TAXES TO BOOT!

Are you a tax attorney?

I'm going to speed this up and guess that you are not.

Have you ever sued the IRS?

If you can read code, why not read the tax code, it's all in there.

I will discuss this no more, with someone who isn't qualified.

The federal government is just going to declare taxes voluntary, that is funny stuff. :haha:

lol, History says YOU are a fukkn loon Bubba. Don't get butt hurt because of the truth

How was my post butt hurt? You are the one who is actually acting that way.

I asked you simple questions, and this is all you come back with? Don't waste my time Tinkerbell, this subject is way over your head.


Is the Income Tax Truly Voluntary?

Nonetheless, we do not subscribe to the contorted theories of tax resistance or "un-tax" service organizations. Since the 1970s these firms have come and gone by the dozens, peddling long-discredited schemes that eventually lead to failure. These arguments include, but are not limited to, "the income tax is voluntary," "ordinary wages are not 'income' for tax purposes," "only certain non-residents are subject to income tax," "the IRS is a private corporation chartered in Delaware," and "the 16th Amendment was never properly ratified."

Only the last argument in this list contains a kernel of truth, but even this is more of a historical curiosity than a basis for some kind of legal remedy. I would invite you to review comprehensive treatment of these topics at a host of websites, including:


These sites have consistently debunked the "un-tax" myth with court decisions and other legal citations.

One particular aspect of deceptive marketing often employed by “un-tax” groups is that the income tax is "voluntary."
Statements by officials that the tax system depends upon voluntary compliance do NOT mean that citizens may choose to ignore the law

National Taxpayers Union - Is the Income Tax Truly Voluntary?
It depends on how it is structured. Now the wealthy get their tax breaks with the 70k page tax code set up purposely to enrich them and the pols.

The typical federal flat tax planned is 10%. The vast majority of the middle class and poor PAY less than 10% in federal taxes.

If you like Trumps tax plan, you need to keep in mind it doesn't effect/affect 'The Donald.' or me, or Bill Gates, because were all corporations.

The ...


No government
No regulations
No taxes
No investment into infrastructure, science, education or nothing at all..

Sounds like the conservative land to me!

I think Honduras, with their "low taxes", small Gov't and "free economy" is a better example, IMO

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Since the 2009 coup against President José Manuel Zelaya and subsequent election of Porfirio “Pepe Lobo” Sosa and his favored successor Juan Orlando Hernandez, Honduras has embarked on a devastating neoliberal economic program that has contributed to its status as one of the poorest and most unequal countries in the region. The privatization of Honduran society has been accompanied by a militarization of public security efforts in the country, both of which have been fueled by a network of U.S.-supported policies and programs.

Despite the country's crackdown on crime, violence in Honduras has skyrocketed in recent years. Honduras now has the world's second-highest national murder rate and is home to two of the world's five most violent cities. Unchecked gang activity has contributed to widespread corruption and impunity within police and government institutions.

...the law as “allowing the corporations and individuals funding the ZEDEs to dictate the entire structural organization of the zone, including laws, tax structure, healthcare system, education and security forces. This kind of flexibility is unprecedented even in similar models around the world.”

...As Mackey reported, "The ZEDE’s central government is stacked with libertarian foreigners," including a former speechwriter for presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., conservative political operative Grover Norquist, a senior member of the Cato Institute think tank, and Ronald Reagan's son Michael, as well as "a Danish banker, a Peruvian economist, and an Austrian general secretary of the Friedrich Hayek Institute."

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Honduras has always had a high crime rate. That has nothing to do with ZEDE, which hasn't gotten off the ground, the last I heard. Your attempt to imply some kind of connection is hilarious, to say the least.

Most the countries in the world with high crime rates, like South Africa, Jamaica and Brazil, and decidedly left leaning governments - exactly the kind you support.

Says the Klown who should've outgrown the Ayn Rand fetish by about 25...

That's your excuse for trying to blame Honduran crime on a libertarian organization that couldn't possibly have had anything to do with it?

Why don't you just admit what we all know: you're a sleazy lying hosebag.

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

Since the 2009 coup against President José Manuel Zelaya and subsequent election of Porfirio “Pepe Lobo” Sosa and his favored successor Juan Orlando Hernandez, Honduras has embarked on a devastating neoliberal economic program that has contributed to its status as one of the poorest and most unequal countries in the region. The privatization of Honduran society has been accompanied by a militarization of public security efforts in the country, both of which have been fueled by a network of U.S.-supported policies and programs.

Despite the country's crackdown on crime, violence in Honduras has skyrocketed in recent years. Honduras now has the world's second-highest national murder rate and is home to two of the world's five most violent cities. Unchecked gang activity has contributed to widespread corruption and impunity within police and government institutions.

...the law as “allowing the corporations and individuals funding the ZEDEs to dictate the entire structural organization of the zone, including laws, tax structure, healthcare system, education and security forces. This kind of flexibility is unprecedented even in similar models around the world.”

...As Mackey reported, "The ZEDE’s central government is stacked with libertarian foreigners," including a former speechwriter for presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., conservative political operative Grover Norquist, a senior member of the Cato Institute think tank, and Ronald Reagan's son Michael, as well as "a Danish banker, a Peruvian economist, and an Austrian general secretary of the Friedrich Hayek Institute."

The Nightmare Libertarian Project to Turn This Central American Country Into Ayn Rand's Paradise

YES, Focus on that part on crime *shaking head*


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