Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised


Your miltary taxes are taken and spent as they came in
Your social security taxes are taken and spent as they come in


I've asked you like three times now. If you believe what you are saying, why are you hiding? That's the sign of someone who knows what they are doing is wrong

I answered the question already. One is put in and taken from the General Fund. The other is not supposed to be.
The difference is that the taxes that pay for the military come in to the General Fund

Baaasssttttttt: Fail

Military taxes - go to the general fund (you're right about this)
social security taxes - wait for it ... go to the general fund ...
Military expenses - are paid out of the general fund
social security taxes - wait for it ... are paid out of the general fund

fail, no difference
And just how was I supposed to "make the gov't actually save" my SS? Every politician promises to be fiscally responsible and none of the do it.

My children and grandchildren are going to be fine. I taught all of my children to save their money. They all have retirement accounts that the contribute to every payday.

You, on the other hand, spend what you make and have no hope of retiring.
For the vast majority, retiring without social security is poverty
The question you or do you not want to fix the problem.

If you want to fix it you raise the cap

Or maybe stop paying SS to people who never pay into it. Has that ever occurred to you? Did you know that asylum seekers and refugees can come to the US and get SS as well as other benefits? Did you know that SS is often raided for other means tested benefits like SNAP, for example, to pay for migrants, refugees and naturalized citizens for up to 5 years. What you are saying is that my salary, above 120k at least, should be used to support the world and on top of that you support an administration that is letting people walk across the border in droves. Don't pretend that Democrats care about saving money nor do they really care about people. They care about power and the way they gain more power is through more and more dependency.
Baaasssttttttt: Fail

Military taxes - go to the general fund (you're right about this)
social security taxes - wait for it ... go to the general fund ...
Military expenses - are paid out of the general fund
social security taxes - wait for it ... are paid out of the general fund

fail, no difference

They do that now. Before 1984 they did not.

I'm sorry you do not have sense enough to save any money. It will suck to be working when you are 75.
The difference is that the taxes that pay for the military come in to the General Fund.

The taxes that pay for social security come into a trust fund that was setup to draw interest and pay for the benefits.

And Congress, starting in 1984, "borrowed" from the trust fund and transfered the money to the General Fund. And they have never paid one dime back.

If you cannot see the difference between income taxes and social security taxes, or that Congress stole the money from the SS Trust fund, I can't help you.

I was forced to participate in Social Security. I was promised the money when I reached a certain age. Now I will draw that money, month by month.

Thanks for doing your part to help the Federal Gov't keep its promise. Just as I have done for the last few decades.
You have no clue what you are talking about. The government “borrows” by issuing Treasury Bills . That IS the Teust Fund and they have been “paying that back” by redeeming those T Bills for years
Yes it will. Most of what I will have for retirement comes from my 401k. And I will enjoy my golden years because of that and my SS.

If you aren't saving anything you are an idiot.

According to you if you aren't stealing anything you're an idiot too.

Well, you are a truly immoral person. If you were really just ignorant, it would have occurred to you by what I pointed out that the money being deposited into your account is not yours. Yours was spent years ago.

So do any of the taxpayers you're stealing from since there is NO MONEY and you can't show otherwise since it's true bother you? In other words, does stealing from anyone bother you? Not really, huh?
Or maybe stop paying SS to people who never pay into it. Has that ever occurred to you? Did you know that asylum seekers and refugees can come to the US and get SS as well as other benefits? Did you know that SS is often raided for other means tested benefits like SNAP, for example, to pay for migrants, refugees and naturalized citizens for up to 5 years. What you are saying is that my salary, above 120k at least, should be used to support the world and on top of that you support an administration that is letting people walk across the border in droves. Don't pretend that Democrats care about saving money nor do they really care about people. They care about power and the way they gain more power is through more and more dependency.
We should note of course that this poster is wealthy and doesn’t want or need ANY social security.

In fact he wants it to go away completely so he has even more money
They do that now. Before 1984 they did not.

I'm sorry you do not have sense enough to save any money. It will suck to be working when you are 75.

LOL, WinterBorn makes up more shit. Can you tell the difference between the shit you make up and actual facts? You can't, can you? Be honest
According to you if you aren't stealing anything you're an idiot too.

Well, you are a truly immoral person. If you were really just ignorant, it would have occurred to you by what I pointed out that the money being deposited into your account is not yours. Yours was spent years ago.

So do any of the taxpayers you're stealing from since there is NO MONEY and you can't show otherwise since it's true bother you? In other words, does stealing from anyone bother you? Not really, huh?

Actually, no it does not bother me at all. I paid into the system that promised me a retirement. That it was screwed up by politicians to pay for pork-barrel bullshit and handing billions to the Military/Industrial machine is something I had no control over.

But thanks for paying your taxes so I can enjoy the little extra money I will have, in addition to my 401k.
The same as what we do for them now.
Well, if the full retirement age were say..... 70, and they took early retirement at 62 as they can now, their monthly benefit would be really greatly reduced because SSA has benefits figured as being the same, on avg, whether you take early or full. And there's medicare. We'd have to put more people on medicaid if the medicare age was upped.

I'm not being negative nancy here, but a lot of people can't make it to full retirement now. So the savings would not be as great as we might think. We may need to address revenue stream as well
LOL, WinterBorn makes up more shit. Can you tell the difference between the shit you make up and actual facts? You can't, can you? Be honest

LMAO!! You are just pissed off that you have zero savings and will be working until you die or will be a burden to your children.
We should note of course that this poster is wealthy and doesn’t want or need ANY social security.

In fact he wants it to go away completely so he has even more money

LOL, Democrats sure are obsessed with money for people who claim to not be. No one is more obsessed with money and controlling it all than Democrats, LOL
And if all the boomers were dead, and when they are, soc sec is solvent once again .... for awhile
The problem is not how many old people there are, or are not. As well as the problem isn't when retirement age is.
The problem is keeping our corrupt government out of it. We have for years had a federal government drunk on spending and drunk on providing favors to pad their own pockets.

Meanwhile... we just keep throwing rocks at each other like school children always blaming the other side. Never looking at our own
LMAO!! You are just pissed off that you have zero savings and will be working until you die or will be a burden to your children.

You REALLY suck at making up "facts." That's pretty funny. You're too stupid to simply discuss the people who earned the money you are perfectly comfortable with government confiscating for you with force.

Notice the difference. And the similarity. I'm addressing what you said. You are addressing what you made up. You're admitting you're pwned

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