Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Absolutely wrong. I am not stealing anything. That claim is a blatant lie. I am simply expecting to get the money I paid in back, as was promised by my gov't.

You're a thief.

The money you "saved" refers to money that government spent as it came in, like all the other taxes you paid. You saved NOTHING. When you retire, government is robbing your children and grandchildren. It's pure thievery
What a stupid solution to say that a tiny percent of people can't retire at that age so we're going to pump out trillions to everyone
What a stupid person you are to assume things I didn't post. And you're also an asshole and failure of a bully to winterborn, whose never been anything but civil
You're a thief.

The money you "saved" refers to money that government spent as it came in, like all the other taxes you paid. You saved NOTHING. When you retire, government is robbing your children and grandchildren. It's pure thievery

I paid my taxes, that much is true. I also paid into Social Security, above and beyond my regular income taxes. I had no choice in the matter. But I was promised that I would be able to get it back if I lived to a certain age.

Then the federal gov't noticed the huge surplus in the SS tax coffers. So the "borrowed" it rather than curtail their spending. Nothing but IOUs in the coffers now.

But that does not change the fact that the money I paid was above and beyond my taxes. Yes, I want it back. I will take it as a trickle to use to supplement my 401k.
That is going to end.
You describe the baby boomers.
Many baby boomers are dying now.
Which is why I said we need to index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population.

I explained where I got that number in my first post in this topic.
You are wrong

There was a time when that first heart attack would kill you. Now people survive for decades
It was hard to survive 5 years after cancer. Now, people routinely survive and cancer screening is much better
Medical treatment from the time the ambulance shows up, to the emergency room to surgery make you much more survivable

Correct, more people are living longer by more people not dying young. More people living from infancy/middle age to reach retirement, is different then we has a species saying that the upper age limit has gone from being 60 to being 90. It's not that people couldn't live to 90, it's that people aren't dying as much earlier in life and it has a greater impact the "average life span" figure going up.

I was a working man. Drove all my life. Spent the last 28 years of that driving a tractor-trailer. I come from a working class family.

My experience is that people do opt to be poor. In many cases it's because they can't get off the dope. Better paying jobs require random drug screening for employees. So they work lower paying jobs so they can continue getting doped up.

In other cases they are lazy. They work only X amount of hours to meet their maximum that government will allow to remain on programs like food stamps, HUD, general welfare and so on. Some of my former customers would only hire through temp agencies. They use temp agencies to try out workers first. When they ask the government dependents to work overtime, they refuse. It's like working for free for them and they want to get maximum benefits from the government.
Your experience is bullshit.

People as a whole do not do that.

You have “people” issues
I’m afraid any study will show we are with many more living into their 100s

Some yes, no disagreement there.

But the main driving factor of "average life span" increases over the last couple of centuries has to do with improved medicine impacting on infants, young, and middle ages people not dying from things that in the past would kill them.

I remember when a heart attack or cancer were death sentences.
Now, people last decades after first diagnosis.
Medical screening and medications are also better at detecting and treating heart disease, cancer, diabetes
Smoking was a major cause of early death
Try working after a heart attack or with cancer
What you draw from social security is based on what you paid in. At least for the retirement portion.

We all "paid" different amounts.

You know what is the same? The amount we saved. For everyone that would be zero
LOL, that's just stupid. What difference does it make how much you "paid" ...


I am not the thief. Congress is the one who stole what they promised to take and pay me back.

Luckily, I have made it to retirement age and will begin drawing the meager amount I get next month.

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