Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Absolutely wrong. I am not stealing anything. That claim is a blatant lie. I am simply expecting to get the money I paid in back, as was promised by my gov't.

So answer the question. What is the difference between:

Military taxes - they are spent as they come in

Social security taxes - they are spent as they come in

Explain the difference, greedy leftist. Sure, you like getting other people's money. And you say that's not stealing? You're full of shit. Government has no legitimate power to redistribute money from one citizen to another. You just like being the second of those citizens ...
What you draw from social security is based on what you paid in. At least for the retirement portion.
That's great but there is a funding short fall so those paying in now are funding the payments to those already collecting Social Security. The very definition of a Ponzi scheme and it's going to get worse.
Everyone? I have a substantial 401k that I have been putting money into since I got out of the Navy in the mid-80s.

So that and government robbing people at gunpoint and giving it to you will fund a pretty cushy retirement, huh?
What a stupid person you are to assume things I didn't post. And you're also an asshole and failure of a bully to winterborn, whose never been anything but civil

What did I say you posted that you didn't, oh gaseous one?
Try working after a heart attack or with cancer
I worked with many people who did.
Even after a heart transplant

I remember in the 70s when people I worked with in their 50s had heart attacks. Many died and those who lived looked like they had aged 30 years

Today, because they don’t automatically crack open your chest and use less intrusive ways to do heart surgery, they don’t look like they aged much at all
Your experience is bullshit.

People as a whole do not do that.

You have “people” issues

Not at all. When you drive locally you get to talk to a lot of people, especially supervisors. One company the shipper told me when they advertise, they bring in all the applicants at once for a seminar. The HR person that does the seminar tells everybody first thing that their company does random drug testing, and if anybody can't pass they are wasting their time on the seminar. He said that out of a group of 22 people, at least 15 get up and walk out.

My father, a retired bricklayer gets brochures from his union. They are paying any retiree $500.00 if they can find young people to join the trade. Granted it's hard work, but my father made a pretty good living as a bricklayer. The union finds people, but nobody that can pass a drug test. The pay with benefits amount to around $50.00 an hour. The union provides free schooling and they still can't find anybody to do the job. Because you can't lay brick in the winter, you're off all season and collect unemployment.

Unless you go through life with your eyes closed, drugs are a huge problem in this country, especially when it comes to people advancing themselves in life. They'd rather stay poor.
So answer the question. What is the difference between:

Military taxes - they are spent as they come in

Social security taxes - they are spent as they come in

Explain the difference, greedy leftist. Sure, you like getting other people's money. And you say that's not stealing? You're full of shit. Government has no legitimate power to redistribute money from one citizen to another. You just like being the second of those citizens ...

The difference is that the taxes that pay for the military come in to the General Fund.

The taxes that pay for social security come into a trust fund that was setup to draw interest and pay for the benefits.

And Congress, starting in 1984, "borrowed" from the trust fund and transfered the money to the General Fund. And they have never paid one dime back.

If you cannot see the difference between income taxes and social security taxes, or that Congress stole the money from the SS Trust fund, I can't help you.

I was forced to participate in Social Security. I was promised the money when I reached a certain age. Now I will draw that money, month by month.

Thanks for doing your part to help the Federal Gov't keep its promise. Just as I have done for the last few decades.
Some yes, no disagreement there.

But the main driving factor of "average life span" increases over the last couple of centuries has to do with improved medicine impacting on infants, young, and middle ages people not dying from things that in the past would kill them.

I tell you again, 5.4 percent were over 65 in the 1930s.

Today, we are close to 17 percent. So a much larger proportion of us are living longer than ever.

The greatest medical advances have been in life extension. Transplants, cancer cures, triple bypasses, hip replacements, etc.

That's great but there is a funding short fall so those paying in now are funding the payments to those already collecting Social Security. The very definition of a Ponzi scheme and it's going to get worse.

It was always going to fail. But Congress "borrowing" money they never intended to pay back is the problem now. If that money were put back, SS would be fine for decades longer.
So that and government robbing people at gunpoint and giving it to you will fund a pretty cushy retirement, huh?

Yes it will. Most of what I will have for retirement comes from my 401k. And I will enjoy my golden years because of that and my SS.

If you aren't saving anything you are an idiot.
I paid my taxes, that much is true. I also paid into Social Security, above and beyond my regular income taxes. I had no choice in the matter. But I was promised that I would be able to get it back if I lived to a certain age.

Then the federal gov't noticed the huge surplus in the SS tax coffers. So the "borrowed" it rather than curtail their spending. Nothing but IOUs in the coffers now.

But that does not change the fact that the money I paid was above and beyond my taxes. Yes, I want it back. I will take it as a trickle to use to supplement my 401k.

WinterBorn: Fuck you children and grandchildren. I "paid my taxes." I didn't however make government actually save them, so they spent it with the rest of my taxes ...


Oh, and a tip. Rob your children ... like I did to mine ...
The difference is that the taxes that pay for the military come in to the General Fund.

The taxes that pay for social security come into a trust fund that was setup to draw interest and pay for the benefits.

And Congress, starting in 1984, "borrowed" from the trust fund and transfered the money to the General Fund. And they have never paid one dime back.

If you cannot see the difference between income taxes and social security taxes, or that Congress stole the money from the SS Trust fund, I can't help you.

I was forced to participate in Social Security. I was promised the money when I reached a certain age. Now I will draw that money, month by month.

Thanks for doing your part to help the Federal Gov't keep its promise. Just as I have done for the last few decades.

Our ruling

A Facebook posts says, "Bush ‘borrowed’ $1.37 trillion of Social Security surplus revenue to pay for his tax cuts for the rich and his war in Iraq and never paid it back."

By law, the Social Security surplus is converted into bonds, and the cash is used by the Treasury to pay for government expenses. If we agree that this is "borrowing," every president since 1935 has done it, to fund all sorts of things. Even if Bush "borrowed" from the surplus, the amount is more like $708 billion, and the borrowing wasn’t earmarked for a special purposes.

As for not "paying back," the bonds won’t need to be repaid until 2020.

Overall, the claim is misleading and confuses many points. So we rate it Mostly False.

I am not the thief


Your miltary taxes are taken and spent as they came in
Your social security taxes are taken and spent as they come in


I've asked you like three times now. If you believe what you are saying, why are you hiding? That's the sign of someone who knows what they are doing is wrong
WinterBorn: Fuck you children and grandchildren. I "paid my taxes." I didn't however make government actually save them, so they spent it with the rest of my taxes ...


Oh, and a tip. Rob your children ... like I did to mine ...

And just how was I supposed to "make the gov't actually save" my SS? Every politician promises to be fiscally responsible and none of the do it.

My children and grandchildren are going to be fine. I taught all of my children to save their money. They all have retirement accounts that the contribute to every payday.

You, on the other hand, spend what you make and have no hope of retiring.

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