Should The U S Add An Amendment To The Constitution Declaring Religion Illegal?


Gold Member
Aug 20, 2015
I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!
No, just the odd ball ones.

You mean like the Holiness?

I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!

Don't think that's workable. Can amend the 1st Amendment and restrict such things, but a complete ban isn't gonna ever happen. Though if wishing made it so...:)
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.



Do you know fucking losers like the racist OP has offended all native Americans? Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are losers. Liberals lie about everything. Liberals are wrong about everything.
When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many....

Should The U S Add An Amendment To The Constitution Declaring Religion Illegal?

the only one need banned is muslimes..., and all muslime sympathizers like you!! :up:
We need an amendment declaring atheism and agnosticism unAmerican beliefs, upon the conviction of which the children of such people must be removed to good religious households; the parents and adult age non believers are sterilized; and deported to Alabama.
We need an amendment declaring atheism and agnosticism unAmerican beliefs, upon the conviction of which the children of such people must be removed to good religious households; the parents and adult age non believers are sterilized; and deported to Alabama.
You are not funny. You are dumb. You are pathetic. Nothing you say is remotely amusing. You are a piece of racist, stereotyping patronizing utter shit.
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.



Do you know fucking losers like the racist OP has offended all native Americans? Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are losers. Liberals lie about everything. Liberals are wrong about everything.

We're not so stupid that we believe we have an invisible friend in the sky who watches very move we make!!
We need an amendment declaring atheism and agnosticism unAmerican beliefs, upon the conviction of which the children of such people must be removed to good religious households; the parents and adult age non believers are sterilized; and deported to Alabama.
You are not funny. You are dumb. You are pathetic. Nothing you say is remotely amusing. You are a piece of racist, stereotyping patronizing utter shit.
Says the unfunny, dumb, pathic, racist piece of shit, theowl32. Yes, I patronize dummies like you on the far right, and I patronize atheists and anti-Godists when they get too big for their britches. It's the American way:lol:.
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.



Do you know fucking losers like the racist OP has offended all native Americans? Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are losers. Liberals lie about everything. Liberals are wrong about everything.

We're not so stupid that we believe we have an invisible friend in the sky who watches very move we make!!
Uh huh. Stupid. Says the guy who believes that we can control the weather in the sky.
The pilgrims escaped england because of religious persecution. Thats exactly what this is. OP is delusional and senile.
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.



Do you know fucking losers like the racist OP has offended all native Americans? Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are losers. Liberals lie about everything. Liberals are wrong about everything.

We're not so stupid that we believe we have an invisible friend in the sky who watches very move we make!!
Then again, a sacks of ignorant shit like you are way too stupid to actually believe everything happens by chance and coincidence.

You know nothing about probabilities and you certainly cannot calculate the improbable odds that everything happened by chance. Something that even the wisest physicists have been perplexed by. Including Sir Isaac Newton and Einstein. Hence the way physicists need to explain it is by coming up with quantum physics and theories like parallel universes.

You, are obviously way too dumb to keep up with what I am saying. Go ahead and calculate some of these. If you are able to do it, you may be smarter than Einstein. The nuclear force and weak coupling constant has an affect on the leptons and the behavior of these leptons. There is a whole class of elementary particles that do not participate in strong nuclear reactions. Some of these elementary particles include neutrons, electrons and photons

The most familiar weak interaction effect is radioactivity, in particular, the beta decay reaction:

The availability of neutrons as the universe cools through temperatures appropriate for nuclear fusion determines the amount of helium produced during the first few minutes of the big bang. If the weak nuclear force coupling constant were slightly larger, neutrons would decay more readily, and therefore would be less available. Hence, little or no helium would be produced from the big bang. Without the necessary helium, heavy elements sufficient for the constructing of life would not be made by the nuclear furnaces inside stars. On the other hand, if this constant were slightly smaller, the big bang would burn most or all of the hydrogen into helium, with a subsequent over-abundance of heavy elements made by stars, and again life would not be possible.
Anthropic Principles

Good luck trying to explain all of that. Let me make it a bit more basic for you. Just so happens to be a balance in nature. Herbivores, carnivores, and every other species that COINCIDENTALLY contribute to the ecology of the planet. Bees that pollinate flowers etc. Every single species working together and the balance that is here.

The greatest evidence of a God, is life itself. You are a loser. You are way to dumb, and too arrogant to see it. These things are kept from the mind that thinks like yours. A fool.

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Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.



Do you know fucking losers like the racist OP has offended all native Americans? Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are losers. Liberals lie about everything. Liberals are wrong about everything.

We're not so stupid that we believe we have an invisible friend in the sky who watches very move we make!!
Uh huh. Stupid. Says the guy who believes that we can control the weather in the sky.

or puts all their faith in ONE MAN. Obambam and a bunch of ELECTED nobodies in ONE PARTY and in this government to run their lives. that's the last person we should give a dam about PREACHING to us
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.



Do you know fucking losers like the racist OP has offended all native Americans? Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are losers. Liberals lie about everything. Liberals are wrong about everything.

We're not so stupid that we believe we have an invisible friend in the sky who watches very move we make!!
Then again, a sacks of ignorant shit like you are way too stupid to actually believe everything happens by chance and coincidence.

You know nothing about probabilities and you certainly cannot calculate the improbable odds that everything happened by chance. Something that even the wisest physicists have been perplexed by. Including Sir Isaac Newton and Einstein. Hence the way physicists need to explain it is by coming up with quantum physics and theories like parallel universes.

You, are obviously way to dumb to keep up with what I am saying. Go ahead and calculate some of these. If you are able to do it, you may be smarter than Einstein. The nuclear force and weak coupling constant has an affect on the leptons and the behavior of these leptons. There is a whole class of elementary particles that do not participate in strong nuclear reactions. Some of these elementary particles include neutrons, electrons and photons

The most familiar weak interaction effect is radioactivity, in particular, the beta decay reaction:

The availability of neutrons as the universe cools through temperatures appropriate for nuclear fusion determines the amount of helium produced during the first few minutes of the big bang. If the weak nuclear force coupling constant were slightly larger, neutrons would decay more readily, and therefore would be less available. Hence, little or no helium would be produced from the big bang. Without the necessary helium, heavy elements sufficient for the constructing of life would not be made by the nuclear furnaces inside stars. On the other hand, if this constant were slightly smaller, the big bang would burn most or all of the hydrogen into helium, with a subsequent over-abundance of heavy elements made by stars, and again life would not be possible.
Anthropic Principles

Good luck trying to explain all of that. Let me make it a bit more basic for you. Just so happens to be a balance in nature. Herbivores, carnivores, and every other species that COINCIDENTALLY contribute to the ecology of the planet. Bees that pollinate flowers etc. Every single species working together and the balance that is here.

The greatest evidence of a God, is life itself. You are a loser. You are way to dumb, and too arrogant to see it. These things are kept from the mind that thinks like yours. A fool.


The Lord in His wisdom made the fly,
And then forgot to tell us why.
Ogden Nash
I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!

Well if we made the churches pay taxes --- the Republicans wouldn't go anywhere near them.

I say burn every church to the ground.

Send the cultists to re-education camps to get the crap out of their heads.
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.



Do you know fucking losers like the racist OP has offended all native Americans? Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are losers. Liberals lie about everything. Liberals are wrong about everything.

We're not so stupid that we believe we have an invisible friend in the sky who watches very move we make!!
Then again, a sacks of ignorant shit like you are way too stupid to actually believe everything happens by chance and coincidence.

You know nothing about probabilities and you certainly cannot calculate the improbable odds that everything happened by chance. Something that even the wisest physicists have been perplexed by. Including Sir Isaac Newton and Einstein. Hence the way physicists need to explain it is by coming up with quantum physics and theories like parallel universes.

You, are obviously way too dumb to keep up with what I am saying. Go ahead and calculate some of these. If you are able to do it, you may be smarter than Einstein. The nuclear force and weak coupling constant has an affect on the leptons and the behavior of these leptons. There is a whole class of elementary particles that do not participate in strong nuclear reactions. Some of these elementary particles include neutrons, electrons and photons

The most familiar weak interaction effect is radioactivity, in particular, the beta decay reaction:

The availability of neutrons as the universe cools through temperatures appropriate for nuclear fusion determines the amount of helium produced during the first few minutes of the big bang. If the weak nuclear force coupling constant were slightly larger, neutrons would decay more readily, and therefore would be less available. Hence, little or no helium would be produced from the big bang. Without the necessary helium, heavy elements sufficient for the constructing of life would not be made by the nuclear furnaces inside stars. On the other hand, if this constant were slightly smaller, the big bang would burn most or all of the hydrogen into helium, with a subsequent over-abundance of heavy elements made by stars, and again life would not be possible.
Anthropic Principles

Good luck trying to explain all of that. Let me make it a bit more basic for you. Just so happens to be a balance in nature. Herbivores, carnivores, and every other species that COINCIDENTALLY contribute to the ecology of the planet. Bees that pollinate flowers etc. Every single species working together and the balance that is here.

The greatest evidence of a God, is life itself. You are a loser. You are way to dumb, and too arrogant to see it. These things are kept from the mind that thinks like yours. A fool.


some people can't handle freedom and is always looking for a way to take AWAY the rest of our freedoms to satisfy themselves. they think of no one else . oh they give a good song about how it's "for the childreeeen" and they they turn around and supports a party who champions abortions on demand no regulations, no questions asked...... they are selfish human beings

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