Should The U S Add An Amendment To The Constitution Declaring Religion Illegal?

I am a born again washed in the blood Christian who believes they should not have tax exempt status.
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.

Actually I believe Hitler was a devout Catholic.

On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler was officially appointed chancellor by the aged President Paul von Hindenburg. A mere month later, on February 27, the infamous Reichstag Fire (a plot concocted by the Nazis) gave Hitler the pretext to establish a dictatorship through the so-called Enabling Act that was passed in March 1933. The act bestowed sweeping powers on the government, including setting aside key elements of basic rights, for four years.

He then proceeded apace with the destruction of all opposition—political, social, and religious. The instruments at his disposal were the laws of the Reich (such as the Enabling Laws) and Reich security, including the regular police, the Gestapo, the SS, and the SD (theSicherheitsdienst or Secret Service of the Nazis). The other source of terror was the existence of the concentration camps, the most feared at first being Dachau, which was opened in March 1933 outside of Munich and which soon was filled with the enemies of the regime, including thousands of Catholics.

We must be prepared that in the near future such terrifying news will accumulate—that even here one religious house after another will be confiscated by the Gestapo and that its occupants, our brothers and sisters, children of our families, loyal German citizens, will be thrown on to the street like outlawed helots and hunted out of the country, like vermin.
—Bishop August von Galen, homily, 1941

Many times, and again quite recently, we have seen the Gestapo arresting blameless and highly respected German men and women without the judgment of any court or any opportunity for defense, depriving them of their freedom, taking them away from their homes interning them somewhere. In recent weeks even two members of my closest council, the chapter of our cathedral, have been suddenly seized from their homes by the Gestapo, removed from Münster and banished to distant places.
—Bishop August von Galen, homily, 1941

The Dachau concentration camp was used by the Nazis for many of its most hated enemies. Among them were Catholic priests. Indeed, of the 2,720 clergy sent to Dachau, 2,579 were Catholic priests, along with uncertain numbers of seminarians and lay brothers. Most were Polish priests, 1,748 in all; there were also 411 German priests. Of the 1,034 priests who died in the camp, 868 were Polish. The priests were housed in a special "priest block" and were targeted for especially brutal treatment by the SS guards.

It is estimated that at least 3,000 other Polish priests were sent to other concentration camps, including Auschwitz, while priests from across Europe were condemned to death and labor camps: 300 priests died at Sachsenhausen, 780 at Mauthausen, and 5,000 at Buchenwald. These numbers do not include the priests who were murdered en route to the camps or who died from diseases and exhaustion in the inhuman cattle cars used to transport victims. Several thousand nuns were also sent to camps or killed on the way.

The list of victims is a very long one, and the suffering on a daily basis by the priests is unimaginable. For many, the ordeal lasted for years. Adam Kozlowiecki, a Polish priest, was arrested by the Gestapo in November 1939 and was sent to Auschwitz in 1940; transferred to Dachau in December 1940, he spent the next five years there until he was freed by the U.S. army on April 29, 1945. Kozlowiecki was made a cardinal in 1998. A few of the other notable priests at Dachau were Bl. Michal Kozal, Bl. Stefan Grelewski, Bl. Stefan Frelichowski, Bl. Karl Leisner, and Bl. Titus Brandsma.

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library
Holocaust Victims: Five Million Forgotten - Non Jewish Victims of the Shoah
I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!
I think we need to send in Americans to infiltrate these mosques. I would walk in, sit down and watch then tell them I want to convert. Befriend them and go every day 7 times to pray and grow my beard long. I would even go online and look for a wife.

I would love to do this. And don't you think America has already done this? It's how we find them.

With the high tech we have I hope so. But we need a body in there. I will go in there with my anti Christianity schtick and conservatives already say us liberals are anti American. If the FBI is reading this call me. I'll go under cover in a mosque and be "easily radicalized" then we deport everyone I catch talking anti American.

Be prepared to deport a lot. It could start a real war. At least in places like Dearborn.

Then what do we do with those refuges?
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.

Actually I believe Hitler was a devout Catholic.

Actually, what you believe is incorrect.

Here is a snippet from the following linked site:

"Nazism itself was consistently a racial ideology, and Ian Kershaw noted in his definitive biography of Hitler that one of the few things we can be certain about is that from the start of his political career to the bitter end, Hitler adhered to "anti-Semitism based on race theory."

When we look to religion, however, there is little agreement. The three main schools of thought are that the Nazis adhered to neo-paganism, that their ideology itself formed a "political religion" or that they advocated a particular form of Christianity."

Hitler's faith: The debate over Nazism and religion – Opinion – ABC Religion & Ethics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The logical question is then, how does one determine if Hitler was Christian and or a Catholic. The Bible explains the only way we can know for their fruits.

Do you think that in any way Hitler's or that of the Nazi's embraced anything even close to Christianity? Do you? If you say, no, or you don't know, then you must assume that they were not Christians, case closed.
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.

Actually I believe Hitler was a devout Catholic.

That's why he always followed the guidance of the Pope, right?

Since when do Catholics, at least those calling themselves Catholic, follow the guidance of the Pope? For example, Pelosi claims to be a devote Catholic although her views on abortion are contrary to the teaching of the RCC. So saying one thing and actually being that one thing is really quite different.
The Bible explains the only way we can know for their fruits.

That makes you as stupid as the OP.

Really? So it is stupid to say that people should be judged by what they do instead of what they say? Really, if that is your world view then indeed that is really stupid. Really.

^^^That^^^ was even more stupid. But I can see you're trying really hard to avoid anything of intellectual merit, so you get an E for effort.
I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!

Well if we made the churches pay taxes --- the Republicans wouldn't go anywhere near them.

I say burn every church to the ground.

Send the cultists to re-education camps to get the crap out of their heads.

How ARE things in North Korea? Getting enough to eat?
The Founding Fathers thought freedom of religion was so important that they included it in the first Amendment contained in the Bill of Rights. It took a former KKK member appointed to the supreme court by FDR to write the majority opinion incarcerating Japanese American citizens and later creating the "separation of church/state" that had no basis in Constitutional law. With a little luck a leftie democrat president can appoint a couple of KKK friends to the S.C. and undermine the whole freaking Document.
I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!

Don't think that's workable. Can amend the 1st Amendment and restrict such things, but a complete ban isn't gonna ever happen. Though if wishing made it so...:)

Well....the country will be 1000 times better off when it stops believing in fairy tales and 2000 year old fables and gets down to feeding the more than 900 million in the world who are starving and suffering from mal nutrition. I realize that isn't as important as installing the stained glass in the church or taking the youth on a religious retreat but I'd kinda like to see it anyway.
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.

Actually I believe Hitler was a devout Catholic.

No he wasn't and it's been proven on this forum a number of times. To the Nazis the party was everything, it was their "religion"

It might have been but Adolph Hitler was a Christian hell bent on ridding the world of Jews. He was already breeding a "master race" using Nazi stock.
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.

Actually I believe Hitler was a devout Catholic.

No he wasn't and it's been proven on this forum a number of times. To the Nazis the party was everything, it was their "religion"

It might have been but Adolph Hitler was a Christian hell bent on ridding the world of Jews.

No he wasn't a Christian but he did want to rid the world of Jews.
This troll thread should be in the FZ or the trash where it belongs.

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