Should The U S Add An Amendment To The Constitution Declaring Religion Illegal?

I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!

Yes, but only a couple.

1. The religion of the Globull Warming dingbats.

2. The church of the LBGTQ-LMNOP.

I've been surrounded by racists and bigots like you all my life so don't think you're getting some kind of cherry. I used to say I didn't hate anyone but lately I hate Republican racists and Right Wing AssHoles.

You think a nutjob insulting normal folks hurt my feelings?

You'd be wrong, go bow to your handlers.

You've done your nut bag job.
This troll thread should be in the FZ or the trash where it belongs.

Yeah, it's like "religion offends me, ban it". Idiot libs

Religion...all religion is based on fairy tales. What's wrong with banning a fairy tale which results in the death of innocent people?

Do you really expect your idiotic bigotry and obvious trolling to be taken seriously. People are only posting here to mock your un-American stupidity.

that's gives him a trill I think. probably the only ones he can get anymore. I see his threads and go oh goody more BS
Pop23, go suck the rainbow.

The American people will uphold the Constitution and its protection of civil liberties.
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.



Do you know fucking losers like the racist OP has offended all native Americans? Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are losers. Liberals lie about everything. Liberals are wrong about everything.

We're not so stupid that we believe we have an invisible friend in the sky who watches very move we make!!
Uh huh. Stupid. Says the guy who believes that we can control the weather in the sky.
says the one who grovels to statues asking favors of them
I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!
It's only two words.

They're not even big, hard to pronounce, words.

It would take a completely brain-dead, drooling idiOt to not understand their meaning.

This troll thread should be in the FZ or the trash where it belongs.

Yeah, it's like "religion offends me, ban it". Idiot libs

Religion...all religion is based on fairy tales. What's wrong with banning a fairy tale which results in the death of innocent people?

Do you really expect your idiotic bigotry and obvious trolling to be taken seriously. People are only posting here to mock your un-American stupidity.

How about you get serious for once. .....

There is nothing serious about this stupid troll thread, troll.
I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!
I think it is against the law for mental patients to post online...........Who let the OP out to play on the computer again?
Yeah, cause atheists show no propensity towards violence.

ou know fucking losers like the racist OP has offended all native Americans? Liberals are hypocrites. Liberals are losers. Liberals lie about everything. Liberals are wrong about everything.

We're not so stupid that we believe we have an invisible friend in the sky who watches very move we make!!
Uh huh. Stupid. Says the guy who believes that we can control the weather in the sky.
says the one who grovels to statues asking favors of them

Tell us, guno. Is Campbell paying you to help him with comebacks or did you volunteer? Either way, he sure got the shit end.
The radical Islamic terrorist attack in San Bernardino has prompted some liberals to once again vent their hatred of Christianity and traditional American values.
I think it's about time. When the satisfaction of a few causes danger on the streets for many.....Do Away With That BullShit!!!

Don't think that's workable. Can amend the 1st Amendment and restrict such things, but a complete ban isn't gonna ever happen. Though if wishing made it so...:)

Well....the country will be 1000 times better off when it stops believing in fairy tales and 2000 year old fables and gets down to feeding the more than 900 million in the world who are starving and suffering from mal nutrition. I realize that isn't as important as installing the stained glass in the church or taking the youth on a religious retreat but I'd kinda like to see it anyway.

How many are you feeding?

This year the total will be about $2,500. It varies from year to year but about $1,000 to Operation Smile and
about $1,500 to UNICEF. See.....I don't have to pay some useless bible thumper who should have to get an honest job and start working for a living. I don't have to pay for stained glass or church kid's religious retreats where they learn to pray and waste their time. They're not into me for contributions to musical instruments or expensive sound systems. I don't sit in their oak or mahogany pews. They can kiss my Big Orange, East Tennessee Volunteer...Coon Dawg Ass!!

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