Should the United States have borders?

Should the United States have borders?

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Do you look at a person's finger when they point to something? The problem is not a line on the map but how we deal with the people who live on both sides of it.

Current policy seems to be "treat the people from the other side of the line better than we treat the people from our side of the line"

DD, are you kidding around again? Are you not the same person (or the equivalent of) that bitches continuously that the poor people in this country have it way to good? Sure you are.

Now you contend that the dirt poor from other countries are being treated BETTER than our poor people (who are treated so well according to you).

Are you sure about that?
Your agreement is neither sought nor required. Your denial of reality is entirely expected.
When the law does not reflect the reality of the problem and causes more problems than it would solve and there is zero political will to reform it.

the only thing wrong with our immigration laws is that we are not enforcing them. There would not be an influx of illegal kids if obama stopped them at the border.

A blind devotion to law regardless of the harm it causes is the hallmark of fascism.

Or is that different? Somehow? It just is!!
When the law does not reflect the reality of the problem and causes more problems than it would solve and there is zero political will to reform it.

the only thing wrong with our immigration laws is that we are not enforcing them. There would not be an influx of illegal kids if obama stopped them at the border.

A blind devotion to law regardless of the harm it causes is the hallmark of fascism.

I have no blind devotion to law. I have an issue with selective enforcement. I'm against illegal aliens taking jobs from our own unemployed.

Now, let's put that in proper context. I'm against lazy-ass entitled f*cks who thing they're too good to work and I'm for hammering the fuck out of unscrupulous people who hire illegals to save a dime.

What ever happened to doing the right thing for the right reason in country? Guess it went out of style and isn't PC, right?
Not for Canadians, no.

Canadians should be able to come and go as we please, with no hassles whatsoever.

Because we're so awesome.

For everyone else, yes.

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