Should the United States have borders?

Should the United States have borders?

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It may be that they don't really want to fully answer such a direct and clear question.

Interesting, ain't it?


I will admit, your question is kinda like asking if men should wear pants.

Look at the reasoning for the question.

Look at the non-answers, non-opinions so far.

About what I figured, I wasn't expecting a Eureka! moment.


Mac's Posting Style Notes.....3rd Edition

1. Submit a fairly dopey OP.
2. Announce that you don't expect many intelligent replies.
3. Ignore any replies that don't praise you....or accuse you of being partisan.
4. Exclaim that, as you expected, nobody was up to the challenge.

Well done, sir!

LMAO. There are? Where are they? Surely you are not including yourself in that statement. Especially when you are asking the ignorant question of; should the USA have borders?

Really dude, you couldn't come up with anything better in the middle of the night. Good god.

You know what didn't happen? The erudite OP did not wax poetic on his reasons for wanting borders. Not did he establish that or elswhere...desires dissolving our borders. Instead, he waxed snark...used the race card and took a jab at his President. Wonder why?


Earmuffs, yet you posted twice?

I have read the OP a couple times, I do not see a jab at Obama, could you cite the chapter and verse? Thanks.

Earmuffs refers to the fact that the OP has me on iggy. Lameness defined.

The Obama jab? You really didn't see it? Take one more look.

There are a lot of smart people here.

A clear answer with some thoughtful specifics that make positions obvious shouldn't be that tough.


Well, in spite of the fact that you already seem to know who will say what....or response to your OP......and forgiving your usually snide, dismissive tone.....I will answer.

Yes. We should have borders. I like them just where they are, for now. The fact that our ancestors ( well....not mine....they came from Italy and Ireland much later ) just hitched tents and called this land home has nothing to do with modern geo-political boundaries. It is, however, a fact that deserves to be remembered.

It would not be desireable for said borders to be used to keep people in as much as to keep them out. Therefore, militarizing borders is not something that "the usuall suspects" find appealing. us a favor and refrain from lumping those on my "end of the spectrum" together with those corporate concerns who are ACTUALLY FIGHTING TO ERASE OUR BORDERS for cheap labor.


Wow we actually agree on something. The only logical reason for open borders is to get lettuce picked on the cheap. And who is pushing the open borders and call the immigrants our future? You got it, Obama and the democrats want those sparks just flooding our country.

Well...we don't quite agree, do we?

By the way....would you consider that post of mine to be one that attempts to divert from the OP? Or...did it respond fully to the OP?
Should men wear pants? Should the USA have a flag? A motto? A secret handshake? A secret society?

WTF is the purpose of wondering if the USA should have borders? I want the USA to not have a western "border". Drain the Pacific Ocean so all the Chinese can walk over. That'll show em.

Wow, six responses so far from my little stalker friend, I can't see them but something tells me they're not very complimentary. I must have struck a nerve.

Anyone else? When you use the story of how we invaded America and stole the country from the Indians to defend what is happening, you must be inferring that - like then - you don't want borders or laws.

Also, while I'm on this, you also don't seem to understand the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants. Can we help you with that?

Or are you just being intellectually dishonest?

Should the United States have borders?

The problem is not just what's occurring on the border with Mexico, but the wide-spread, comprehensive ignorance of immigration law in particular and Constitutional law in general by so many Americans – the OP being one such example.

Were you going to answer the question?


Do you look at a person's finger when they point to something? The problem is not a line on the map but how we deal with the people who live on both sides of it.
Should men wear pants? Should the USA have a flag? A motto? A secret handshake? A secret society?

WTF is the purpose of wondering if the USA should have borders? I want the USA to not have a western "border". Drain the Pacific Ocean so all the Chinese can walk over. That'll show em.

You have to understand Mac.

One of this guy's half-dozen interests is the liberal desire to dissolve our borders. He thinks we want to do this so we can get millions of new liberal voters. He has dropped that tidbit into many of his broken record posts.

When Mac is not talking about himself ( specifically how he perceives that others perceive him ) he'll quickly go to his index file of important subjects. Dissolving borders is one of them.

Right Mac?

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Wow, six responses so far from my little stalker friend, I can't see them but something tells me they're not very complimentary. I must have struck a nerve.

Anyone else? When you use the story of how we invaded America and stole the country from the Indians to defend what is happening, you must be inferring that - like then - you don't want borders or laws.

Also, while I'm on this, you also don't seem to understand the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants. Can we help you with that?

Or are you just being intellectually dishonest?


You have seen two of them that Freewill quoted. Not wanting to respond to the one that addresses your OP? Gee.....that is so unlike you.

And....we know that it is compliments that you seek. Nice if you to bring that up, finally.

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Just curious. I'm seeing a lot of posts (including on places like Facebook) that refer to the fact that the original settlers were "illegal aliens" and similar themes. Plus, we stole land from Mexico 'n stuff.

Okay. As we all know, there were no borders or laws back then. So these people (seems like they're pretty consistently from one end of the political spectrum) may be inferring that we should not have borders. They're very quick to want people to come into this country freely, maybe we can get it on the record here.

Comments would be appreciated. And it will be fascinating to see which of the usual suspects choose not to vote or comment.

Should the United States have borders, yes or no?

I'll vote "yes", 'cause I'm a big racist and roads and bridges 'n stuff.


And who did Mexico steal its land from? Circular and retarded cherry-picking. Since you asked.

And sure we should have borders. And laws to enforce them. That way the whole world can see our government for what it is. A bag a wind.

How many troops have died in foreign wars to secure THEIR borders while we can't even secure our own? Just brilliant.
Without borders we are not a country. It amazes me that some of the libs do not understand that, or don't care.
Without borders we are not a country. It amazes me that some of the libs do not understand that, or don't care.

No liberals think that we should have open borders. Just because we do not want to be fascist bastards towards our southern neighbors and their people does not mean we want to throw open the gates.
Without borders we are not a country. It amazes me that some of the libs do not understand that, or don't care.

No liberals think that we should have open borders. Just because we do not want to be fascist bastards towards our southern neighbors and their people does not mean we want to throw open the gates.

how is enforcing our immigration laws being fascist? Every other country in the world enforces its immigration laws. Try to enter Iran or Russia or Mexico illegally and see where you end up.

No one is saying that we should stop immigration-------just do it legally.
Without borders we are not a country. It amazes me that some of the libs do not understand that, or don't care.

No liberals think that we should have open borders. Just because we do not want to be fascist bastards towards our southern neighbors and their people does not mean we want to throw open the gates.

So if we enforce our own laws that work in favor of our own country and people we are fascists bastards?

I think not. There's a legal process. Use it or you're a criminal. Period.

Since when was it okay to selectively enforce law?
Without borders we are not a country. It amazes me that some of the libs do not understand that, or don't care.

No liberals think that we should have open borders. Just because we do not want to be fascist bastards towards our southern neighbors and their people does not mean we want to throw open the gates.

how is enforcing our immigration laws being fascist? Every other country in the world enforces its immigration laws. Try to enter Iran or Russia or Mexico illegally and see where you end up.

No one is saying that we should stop immigration-------just do it legally.

Because we want to be just like Iran, Russia and Mexico.
Liberals are in favor of enforcing our immigration laws. We are also in favor of reforming them.

So you are finally ready to throw Obama under the bus then.....................

For Catch and release.......................

To purposely violate our immigration laws.......................

Without borders we are not a country. It amazes me that some of the libs do not understand that, or don't care.

No liberals think that we should have open borders. Just because we do not want to be fascist bastards towards our southern neighbors and their people does not mean we want to throw open the gates.

how is enforcing our immigration laws being fascist? Every other country in the world enforces its immigration laws. Try to enter Iran or Russia or Mexico illegally and see where you end up.

No one is saying that we should stop immigration-------just do it legally.

There is more than two possible paths in dealing with border security, a balance must be struck between security and humanity.
Liberals are in favor of enforcing our immigration laws. We are also in favor of reforming them.

So you are finally ready to throw Obama under the bus then.....................

For Catch and release.......................

To purposely violate our immigration laws.......................


You leapt. Did you land on your feet?

President Obama has enforced our immigration laws. Of wouldn't know that.
Without borders we are not a country. It amazes me that some of the libs do not understand that, or don't care.

No liberals think that we should have open borders. Just because we do not want to be fascist bastards towards our southern neighbors and their people does not mean we want to throw open the gates.

So if we enforce our own laws that work in favor of our own country and people we are fascists bastards?

I think not. There's a legal process. Use it or you're a criminal. Period.

Since when was it okay to selectively enforce law?

When the law does not reflect the reality of the problem and causes more problems than it would solve and there is zero political will to reform it.

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