Should the United States have borders?

Should the United States have borders?

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Liberals are in favor of enforcing our immigration laws. We are also in favor of reforming them.

So you are finally ready to throw Obama under the bus then.....................

For Catch and release.......................

To purposely violate our immigration laws.......................


You leapt. Did you land on your feet?

President Obama has enforced our immigration laws. Of wouldn't know that.

Nope. I sure wouldn't..........

Your a Lying Ass.

He Haw......................
So you are finally ready to throw Obama under the bus then.....................

For Catch and release.......................

To purposely violate our immigration laws.......................


You leapt. Did you land on your feet?

President Obama has enforced our immigration laws. Of wouldn't know that.

Nope. I sure wouldn't..........

Your a Lying Ass.

He Haw......................

You call anything that you don't believe a lie. If you had better sources, you'd have a better understanding.
No liberals think that we should have open borders. Just because we do not want to be fascist bastards towards our southern neighbors and their people does not mean we want to throw open the gates.

how is enforcing our immigration laws being fascist? Every other country in the world enforces its immigration laws. Try to enter Iran or Russia or Mexico illegally and see where you end up.

No one is saying that we should stop immigration-------just do it legally.

There is more than two possible paths in dealing with border security, a balance must be struck between security and humanity.

Is it humane to allow american kids to starve while we feed kids who entered this country illegally? Is it humane to allow smugglers to take kids from their homes, ship them across mexico and then dump them in the US? Is it humane for parents to pay bribes to smugglers who will starve, rape and abuse their kids and then dump them in the US?

News for you. The USA cannot afford to right all the wrongs and feed all the hungry in the world. There are millions of american citizens who need food and shelter, lets take care of them and let the rest of the world take care of their own.
No liberals think that we should have open borders. Just because we do not want to be fascist bastards towards our southern neighbors and their people does not mean we want to throw open the gates.

So if we enforce our own laws that work in favor of our own country and people we are fascists bastards?

I think not. There's a legal process. Use it or you're a criminal. Period.

Since when was it okay to selectively enforce law?

When the law does not reflect the reality of the problem and causes more problems than it would solve and there is zero political will to reform it.

the only thing wrong with our immigration laws is that we are not enforcing them. There would not be an influx of illegal kids if obama stopped them at the border.
Should the United States have borders?

The problem is not just what's occurring on the border with Mexico, but the wide-spread, comprehensive ignorance of immigration law in particular and Constitutional law in general by so many Americans – the OP being one such example.

The additions to immigration law after it has become law by attorneys such as yourself make the law stupid and ineffective.
Should the United States have borders?

The problem is not just what's occurring on the border with Mexico, but the wide-spread, comprehensive ignorance of immigration law in particular and Constitutional law in general by so many Americans – the OP being one such example.

Do you even like yourself ?
No liberals think that we should have open borders. Just because we do not want to be fascist bastards towards our southern neighbors and their people does not mean we want to throw open the gates.

So if we enforce our own laws that work in favor of our own country and people we are fascists bastards?

I think not. There's a legal process. Use it or you're a criminal. Period.

Since when was it okay to selectively enforce law?

When the law does not reflect the reality of the problem and causes more problems than it would solve and there is zero political will to reform it.

Really. You want to re-think that statement and try again?

I'll bet you're going to next state there is no "slippery slope", right?

We already have laws. Apply at the door to be in this club, or go away. That reflects reality perfectly.

That no one will act on illegals entering is is definitely a lack of political will. BOTH sides are so afraid of alienating the Hispanic vote they've scared themselves into paralysis.

Take all those troops we're using as cannon fodder in places that don't matter worth a damn and line the border with them. Problem solved.
Liberals are in favor of enforcing our immigration laws. We are also in favor of reforming them.

When? After you get enough voters to keep democrats in power? When exactly will liberals actually be in favor of TRULY enforcing the law? Breaking the law is now enforcing it?
The problem is not just what's occurring on the border with Mexico, but the wide-spread, comprehensive ignorance of immigration law in particular and Constitutional law in general by so many Americans – the OP being one such example.

Were you going to answer the question?


Do you look at a person's finger when they point to something? The problem is not a line on the map but how we deal with the people who live on both sides of it.
Current policy seems to be "treat the people from the other side of the line better than we treat the people from our side of the line".
No liberals think that we should have open borders.

Open Borders: The Case | The Efficient, Egalitarian, Libertarian, Utilitarian Way to Double World GDP ? Bryan Caplan
Put more bluntly, the case for more liberal migration laws, and yes, open borders, cannot rest on compassionate grounds. Yes, one can make such a compassionate case. But there are a million things needing our compassion. What makes immigrants so special?

The point is not that immigrants are special. No, the point is that immigrants are just like you and me. The point is that our law owes them justice, same as the law owes any and all of us. We cannot use the force of law to exclude people from society in an unjust manner. We cannot allow our government to perpetrate injustice and oppression in our name.​
Were you going to answer the question?


Do you look at a person's finger when they point to something? The problem is not a line on the map but how we deal with the people who live on both sides of it.

Current policy seems to be "treat the people from the other side of the line better than we treat the people from our side of the line"

DD, are you kidding around again? Are you not the same person (or the equivalent of) that bitches continuously that the poor people in this country have it way to good? Sure you are.

Now you contend that the dirt poor from other countries are being treated BETTER than our poor people (who are treated so well according to you).

Are you sure about that?
Let me see if I have the talking point down right.

Why have borders, people are just going to cross them anyway.
I think everyone's computer should have open borders. No passwords, no annoying anti-virus or anti-malware programs. We should let everyone frolic freely on our systems.


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