Should the United States have borders?

Should the United States have borders?

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To illustrate my point, here's an interesting post from candycorn on another thread.

I noticed that several lefties "thanked" her for it, so it's pretty safe to assume that they agree with her.

Perhaps she'll be willing to weigh in on this thread.

While the others are busy deflecting and spinning.

My thanks to candycorn for this:


To illustrate my point, here's an interesting post from candycorn on another thread.

I noticed that several lefties "thanked" her for it, so it's pretty safe to assume that they agree with her.

Perhaps she'll be willing to weigh in on this thread.

While the others are busy deflecting and spinning.

My thanks to candycorn for this:

That does not illustrate your point.

To illustrate my point, here's an interesting post from candycorn on another thread.

I noticed that several lefties "thanked" her for it, so it's pretty safe to assume that they agree with her.

Perhaps she'll be willing to weigh in on this thread.

While the others are busy deflecting and spinning.

My thanks to candycorn for this:

Indians walked over from Siberia during the last ice age, making them all immigrants as well.

To illustrate my point, here's an interesting post from candycorn on another thread.

I noticed that several lefties "thanked" her for it, so it's pretty safe to assume that they agree with her.

Perhaps she'll be willing to weigh in on this thread.

While the others are busy deflecting and spinning.

My thanks to candycorn for this:

Indians walked over from Siberia during the last ice age, making them all immigrants as well.

The native was mixed with asian.

Just curious. I'm seeing a lot of posts (including on places like Facebook) that refer to the fact that the original settlers were "illegal aliens" and similar themes. Plus, we stole land from Mexico 'n stuff.

Okay. As we all know, there were no borders or laws back then. So these people (seems like they're pretty consistently from one end of the political spectrum) may be inferring that we should not have borders. They're very quick to want people to come into this country freely, maybe we can get it on the record here.

Comments would be appreciated. And it will be fascinating to see which of the usual suspects choose not to vote or comment.

Should the United States have borders, yes or no?

I'll vote "yes", 'cause I'm a big racist and roads and bridges 'n stuff.


JehJohnson is at the border, made is crystal clear, "WE ARE SENDING YOU BACK". RWNs ignore the Administration's position.

Just curious. I'm seeing a lot of posts (including on places like Facebook) that refer to the fact that the original settlers were "illegal aliens" and similar themes. Plus, we stole land from Mexico 'n stuff.

Okay. As we all know, there were no borders or laws back then. So these people (seems like they're pretty consistently from one end of the political spectrum) may be inferring that we should not have borders. They're very quick to want people to come into this country freely, maybe we can get it on the record here.

Comments would be appreciated. And it will be fascinating to see which of the usual suspects choose not to vote or comment.

Should the United States have borders, yes or no?

I'll vote "yes", 'cause I'm a big racist and roads and bridges 'n stuff.


JehJohnson is at the border, made is crystal clear, "WE ARE SENDING YOU BACK". RWNs ignore the Administration's position.

Yes, some of them do.

Which has nothing to do with this thread.


To illustrate my point, here's an interesting post from candycorn on another thread.

I noticed that several lefties "thanked" her for it, so it's pretty safe to assume that they agree with her.

Perhaps she'll be willing to weigh in on this thread.

While the others are busy deflecting and spinning.

My thanks to candycorn for this:

That does not illustrate your point.

It illustrates it pretty well. Candycorn is saying that those who oppose immigration are like the Native Americans, those who are for the invasion across our border are like those who stole, their words, the country from the native Americans. Pretty clear.

To illustrate my point, here's an interesting post from candycorn on another thread.

I noticed that several lefties "thanked" her for it, so it's pretty safe to assume that they agree with her.

Perhaps she'll be willing to weigh in on this thread.

While the others are busy deflecting and spinning.

My thanks to candycorn for this:


And another one from Lakhota:

I wonder if it is realized they are displaying those opposed to immigration as the native Americans?
At the time the settlers came to this mostly empty land it was perfectly legal for Mexicans to come under the same conditions.

Justification for the illegal alien invasion today is that Europe settled the United States so we have no complaint now that we are being invaded and occupied today.

Would the people who support the Hispanic invasion support a Chinese invasion or Russian invasion? After all, the same principles and conditions apply. An invasion is an invasion, who is doing the invading shouldn't even be a consideration.

Just for fun, I'll try one more time:

1. When people point out that the settlers had no border to cross, are they saying that there should be no border, or are they just being intellectually dishonest?

2. When people conflate legal immigration with illegal immigration, do they not understand the difference, or are they just being intellectually dishonest?

Two pretty clear questions, so tough to get straight answers.

And if this is all just a game, like a political version of professional wrestling, please let me know and I'll stop trying to take you seriously.

Last edited:

To illustrate my point, here's an interesting post from candycorn on another thread.

I noticed that several lefties "thanked" her for it, so it's pretty safe to assume that they agree with her.

Perhaps she'll be willing to weigh in on this thread.

While the others are busy deflecting and spinning.

My thanks to candycorn for this:


And another one from Lakhota:

That's BS. History doesn't start with Euro-settlers. Let's go back a little further than your cartoon uses as a "beginning".

Up on indian history are you? What of "the people who came before"? The ones that were killed or run off into the desert by what we now call "native americans". You know, the more civilized "native americans"?

So where do you want to take this selectivity? If we stop at a certain point, I own a LOT of land in Scotland. Or would you like to go back to where every person on Earth has to occupy the same spot?

Or would like to address the REAL problem. We have laws and the Federal government is cherry-picking. Politicians are more concerned about votes than the welfare of this nation.

The weak are leading this nation down a trail of destruction.
how is enforcing our immigration laws being fascist? Every other country in the world enforces its immigration laws. Try to enter Iran or Russia or Mexico illegally and see where you end up.

No one is saying that we should stop immigration-------just do it legally.

There is more than two possible paths in dealing with border security, a balance must be struck between security and humanity.

Is it humane to allow american kids to starve while we feed kids who entered this country illegally? Is it humane to allow smugglers to take kids from their homes, ship them across mexico and then dump them in the US? Is it humane for parents to pay bribes to smugglers who will starve, rape and abuse their kids and then dump them in the US?

News for you. The USA cannot afford to right all the wrongs and feed all the hungry in the world. There are millions of american citizens who need food and shelter, lets take care of them and let the rest of the world take care of their own.

If the topic were social programs you would not give a fuck about hungry people in this country, spurious argument from a conservative.
So if we enforce our own laws that work in favor of our own country and people we are fascists bastards?

I think not. There's a legal process. Use it or you're a criminal. Period.

Since when was it okay to selectively enforce law?

When the law does not reflect the reality of the problem and causes more problems than it would solve and there is zero political will to reform it.

the only thing wrong with our immigration laws is that we are not enforcing them. There would not be an influx of illegal kids if obama stopped them at the border.

A blind devotion to law regardless of the harm it causes is the hallmark of fascism.

Just curious. I'm seeing a lot of posts (including on places like Facebook) that refer to the fact that the original settlers were "illegal aliens" and similar themes. Plus, we stole land from Mexico 'n stuff.

Okay. As we all know, there were no borders or laws back then. So these people (seems like they're pretty consistently from one end of the political spectrum) may be inferring that we should not have borders. They're very quick to want people to come into this country freely, maybe we can get it on the record here.

Comments would be appreciated. And it will be fascinating to see which of the usual suspects choose not to vote or comment.

Should the United States have borders, yes or no?

I'll vote "yes", 'cause I'm a big racist and roads and bridges 'n stuff.


Of course there should be a border; how else will someone know when they get to the place where they are entitled to "free stuff"? Maybe it's the name that's the problem; think of it more as a "goal line".
Liberals are in favor of enforcing our immigration laws. We are also in favor of reforming them.

I'm curious as to what "reform" legislation would have prevented or even mitigated what we are seeing today? What would be the provisions of this "reform" plan? More efficient entry facilities and a bigger welcome mat, or more border control agents and a bigger wall?

To illustrate my point, here's an interesting post from candycorn on another thread.

I noticed that several lefties "thanked" her for it, so it's pretty safe to assume that they agree with her.

Perhaps she'll be willing to weigh in on this thread.

While the others are busy deflecting and spinning.

My thanks to candycorn for this:


And another one from Lakhota:

I wonder if it is realized they are displaying those opposed to immigration as the native Americans?
That's what I was wondering. If the Plymouth Colony settlers were a welfare case (as laughable as that is), then that title should be The Wampanoag's First Welfare Case.

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