Should the US defend Taiwan from China?

Should they?

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  • No

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Like your BS scorched earth quip? I stated a fact. Chiang was exiled to Formosa and established the PRC in 1949. It has been the PRC since. How long is China going to wait before they scorch the earth in Taiwan? Now take your little quips down the road. If you don't like my posts, you know that little button that says Ignore? Use it, moron.
I think I will...great idea from someone who never usually has anything substantive to offer.... well there is a first time for everything.
Apparantly African Americans do not support freedom for anyone but themselves???
You from Taiwan? Me neither.

You wanna know the problem with modern Americans?

They don't understand that it is ok to just be an American.

Every other nation on this planet can just be themselves.

Brits can be Brits, the French...MFers from India can just be Indian.

They can tend to their own shit, and deal with their own problems without EVER venturing out, and never expected to either without a pinch of guilt.

Rightfully so.

Not Americans.

MFers from America have been so brainwashed that they ACTUALLY think that they should be dying for Taiwan.

TAIWAN...Ain't that some shit?

8,000 miles away, no real connection to the US...but we are almost EXPECTED to go fight a massive war for that shit spot island.

What happened to our country?

Communism does not believe in you may claim that about lots of Chinese who do.....but communists are in control of China.

One cannot be a True Conservative and be a atheist.....
Blow it out your ass.

I'm probably more conservative than 80% of the so called conservatives on this board lol.
I actually understand freedom compared to most as I have actually been deprived of it.

Judging someone's political stances based on their belief in God in the epitome of ridiculousness.

Also, feel free to link me to your proof of the leaders of China's personal religious beliefs or just drop it.
And I was just trying to make the point about the big role pacifism plays in our politics....thanks for demonstrating that.
And I was trying to make the point about the garbage conservative chicken hawks squawk. Win-win, eh?
Blow it out your ass.

I'm probably more conservative than 80% of the so called conservatives on this board lol.
I actually understand freedom compared to most as I have actually been deprived of it.

Judging someone's political stances based on their belief in God in the epitome of ridiculousness.

Also, feel free to link me to your proof of the leaders of China's personal religious beliefs or just drop it.
How were you deprived of your freedom?

I think you are very confused and much of it probably comes from your lack of respect for the beliefs and ideas upon which this nation was founded.

Also I think you do not know the difference between licentiousness and True Liberty.

Judao-Christian beliefs definitively shape conservative ideals.

The True Meaning of Liberty in a Free Society​

The following is from: 'Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews.'

Its author is E.C.Wines, a Presbyterian minister and one-time President of the City University of St Louis. The 1853 edition was published by George Putnam and Company.

Here is the explication of liberty which Wines gives in the book:

'True liberty consists in the security of persons and property, so that every man, while he respects the persons of others, and suffers them to enjoy in quietness the fruits of their industry, is certain that he himself will be permitted to enjoy the same blessings at the hands of his fellow-citizens… [T]o live in a state, where the laws are equal for all, where they are sure to be executed with moderation and fairness, is to be free.

Liberty is a word often uttered, but seldom understood. It is the theme of much glowing declamation, but of little sober inquiry. Poets and orators have eulogized the charms of liberty; demagogues use the word every day, as an instrument of political advancement; yet few, comparatively, investigate or comprehend its nature. Civil liberty, the liberty of a community, is a severe and restrained thing. The fundamental idea of it is that of protection in the enjoyment of one’s own rights, up to the point where we begin to trench upon the rights of others. It is natural liberty, so far restrained, and only so far, as may be necessary for the public good. Every law, which abridges personal freedom, without a corresponding general advantage, is an infringement of civil liberty. But it is no infringement of liberty to restrain the freedom of individuals, when the public good requires it. On the contrary, civil liberty implies, in the very notion of it, authority, subjection, and obedience.'

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Counsel needs to be used first. All of us are people. People need to be good to people, no matter what. That is what Jesus did. Jesus would not have raised up from the dead had Jesus been bad to anyone.

In the first testament God condemned thousands to death in a heart beat. Drowned everybody on earth with the floodgates now you want us to appeal to his bludging sandal wearing hippie dickhead for guidance.
To answer the OP's question....I will quote this from -American Military News-

US will ‘lose fast’ in war with China, Air Force’s simulation shows​

MARCH 11, 2021
How were you deprived of your freedom?

I think you are very confused and much of it probably comes from your lack of respect for the beliefs and ideas upon which this nation was founded.

Also I think you do not know the difference between licentiousness and True Liberty.

Judao-Christian beliefs definitively shape conservative ideals.

The True Meaning of Liberty in a Free Society​

The following is from: 'Commentaries on the Laws of the Ancient Hebrews.'

Its author is E.C.Wines, a Presbyterian minister and one-time President of the City University of St Louis. The 1853 edition was published by George Putnam and Company.

Here is the explication of liberty which Wines gives in the book:

'True liberty consists in the security of persons and property, so that every man, while he respects the persons of others, and suffers them to enjoy in quietness the fruits of their industry, is certain that he himself will be permitted to enjoy the same blessings at the hands of his fellow-citizens… [T]o live in a state, where the laws are equal for all, where they are sure to be executed with moderation and fairness, is to be free.

Liberty is a word often uttered, but seldom understood. It is the theme of much glowing declamation, but of little sober inquiry. Poets and orators have eulogized the charms of liberty; demagogues use the word every day, as an instrument of political advancement; yet few, comparatively, investigate or comprehend its nature. Civil liberty, the liberty of a community, is a severe and restrained thing. The fundamental idea of it is that of protection in the enjoyment of one’s own rights, up to the point where we begin to trench upon the rights of others. It is natural liberty, so far restrained, and only so far, as may be necessary for the public good. Every law, which abridges personal freedom, without a corresponding general advantage, is an infringement of civil liberty. But it is no infringement of liberty to restrain the freedom of individuals, when the public good requires it. On the contrary, civil liberty implies, in the very notion of it, authority, subjection, and obedience.'

What part of FUCK YOUR RELIGION did you not understand?

This nonsense wasn't even about you or directed at you yet you felt the need to come in white knighting like a cuck on date night.

This it a POLITICAL thread
What part of FUCK YOUR RELIGION did you not understand?

This nonsense wasn't even about you or directed at you yet you felt the need to come in white knighting like a cuck on date night.

This it a POLITICAL thread
You are the one who does not understand as in:

How Religion, Politics and culture all intertwine.

I notice you did not answer my question regarding.....How were you deprived of freedom?
You are the one who does not understand as in:

How Religion, Politics and culture all intertwine.

I notice you did not answer my question regarding.....How were you deprived of freedom?
This entire board knows my history so I'm not beating that dead horse tonight.

If you insist on showing your intolerance for my beliefs and persist with your religious BULLSHIT I'll just add you to the ignore list.
Much like the Jehova faggots that come to my door...IM NOT INTERESTED
This entire board knows my history so I'm not beating that dead horse tonight.

If you insist on showing your intolerance for my beliefs and persist with your religious BULLSHIT I'll just add you to the ignore list.
Much like the Jehova faggots that come to my door...IM NOT INTERESTED

This entire board knows my history so I'm not beating that dead horse tonight.

If you insist on showing your intolerance for my beliefs and persist with your religious BULLSHIT I'll just add you to the ignore list.
Much like the Jehova faggots that come to my door...IM NOT INTERESTED
I think you are trying to exaggerate your fame as in I seriously doubt very many know what your history is.

Irregardless ---you seem very sensitive regarding Christians and Christianity ....thus it might be interesting to know how you developed such a venoumous attitude towards the dominant religion of America.

I have no idea what your beliefs are other than a disbelief in Christianity.... so how could I be intolerant of them?

Do you feel the same way about Jews as you do Christianity?

I dont pay much attention to screen names but I seem to recall you talking about having problems with alcohol?
Are you drinking now? That might explain some of your confusion and hostility.

Do you think Alcoholism is a disease or a moral failure?
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With most certainty, the US under Biden will lose a war against China when fighting over Taiwan.


Hey....what do I know.....they say the proof is in the pudding .....let the Woke American Generals full of shit try.

Let them try.

My pop-corn is ready!
You really shouldn't post when your drunk.
I drink very rarely, if at all. But do you mean you're happy to pick up a rifle to defend Taiwan? Kudos. A man prepared to put his arse where his mouth is.
MFers from America have been so brainwashed that they ACTUALLY think that they should be dying for Taiwan.
No no no. They actually think other Americans should be dying for Taiwan.
Simple yes or no.

I say yes, we should defend nearly any freedom loving allied nation from them

“Should the US defend Taiwan from China?”​

NO…until the U.S. can find the balls to protect itself from the Mexican invasion it has no business spending taxpayer cash protecting other nations….FUCK THAT!

“Should the US defend Taiwan from China?”​

NO…until the U.S. can find the balls to protect itself from the Mexican invasion it has no business spending taxpayer cash protecting other nations….FUCK THAT!

Yes, and since the US lost that war against the million of hordes of illegals.....

It doesn't require a brain surgeon to work out they will lose a more complex war against China.
I drink very rarely, if at all. But do you mean you're happy to pick up a rifle to defend Taiwan? Kudos. A man prepared to put his arse where his mouth is.

No no no. They actually think other Americans should be dying for Taiwan.
What I think is one of the selling points we were given for electing Biden President is that he would restore faith and trust with our allies he has already thrown one under the bus pissed off another one and if China were to attack Taiwan he would likely throw them under the bus is well. Not really the best way to get allies to have faith and trust in you.

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