should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Has it ever been tried all across the US? And then has it been enforced vigorously? Nope. But the old Western Bans were and they worked right after the shooting and killing by the Marshals and Sheriffs stopped. Well, with the exception of Deadwood Dakota Territory where no one screwed with those Sheriffs, Marshals and Deputies as they knew they would be killed dead on the spot. In Dallas TX, the Town Marshal gave you one warning. If you ignored it, he shot you down with no warning. Didn't take people very long to stop carrying short arms.
well it seems your argument supports armed security in schools ! a freak attempts to enter a school with a fire arm to cause harm and gets shot down by a trained armed officer .... it wont take long for said freaks to stop attempting to enter schools armed right ?
One problem, it's not the illegals doing the mass murdering. It's US Citizens. You are playing the "What If" game. In reality, a White American Male has a higher chance to become a mass murderer than any other group.
there are hordes of gang members who commit mass murders or attempt mass murder in drive bys every weekend !
well it seems your argument supports armed security in schools ! a freak attempts to enter a school with a fire arm to cause harm and gets shot down by a trained armed officer .... it wont take long for said freaks to stop attempting to enter schools armed right ?

There was an armed guard involved. But he was in the normal entrance. The shooter used a door that should have been secure that was left ajar by a teacher retrieving something. I wonder how long the shooter waited for something like that to happen or was it normal for school operations. Those side doors are not to be used except for an emergency. Even an armed Prison doesn't use the side doors unless it's secured first. I don't see how the School could have done any different. And I hope there is a special place in hell for that "Teacher".
there are hordes of gang members who commit mass murders or attempt mass murder in drive bys every weekend !

Your definition of "Mass" is different than mine. But you are changing your narrative for justification.
You are a bald faced LIAR and you know it numerous Democratic politicians advocate disarming us all the time.

No they don't. They advocate restricting high capacity weapons, doing background checks, and passing red flag laws. I've have not heard one Democrat say that they're going to "disarm" the nation, or anything remotely like that.

I have heard a whole lot of paranoia and crazy suggestions from Republicans, that Democrats are coming to take your guns.
Absolutely. Why not? Would not hurt my feelings if they could only buy standard length bolt action rifles with no greater than 5 shot capacity (unplugged) and same for shot guns. Let them learn to hunt and shoot the way I did.
Because YOU have ALL the answers
Nope. However, I am not opposed to requiring a one-time firearm safety course for first time purchasers to include range instruction--for any age. If the purchaser does not have the capacity to understand and complete the course and exam--no sale. Forget the background checks--they don't work as was demonstated in Uvalde, TX. Mental health can only be improved when the progressive democrats quit trying to negate every social norm that has come to pass since the beginning of civilized society.
If a CRIMINAL wants a GUN
He or She will steal it
I'd be okay with it and I would be okay with banning the carrying of them in public places. Sure you can have them on your farm or in your house, but nowhere else.

The whole point of these "cool" weapons is carrying them around and looking tough. If you can't leave the house with them, where's the fun in that. These guys want the "respect" or fear that they see in the eyes of the people the walk past carrying these guns. These weapons are being marketed to these kids in just this way.
If a CRIMINAL wants a GUN
He or She will steal it
BINGO, and that my friend, is why gun restrictions on law abiding citizens will never be effective at anything except making criminals out of responsible gun owners. Criminals will still get them--they are criminals, SMFH.
there are hordes of gang members who commit mass murders or attempt mass murder in drive bys every weekend !
Gang shootings are not counted as mass shootings as a rule. As a rule that term is reserved for shootings not related to any other ongoing criminal activity with at least one dead and a total of four or more people shot.

Only in the last few weeks have the anti gunners decided to lump them all together to make it seem as though suddenly there's an explosion of "mass shootings".
The whole point of these "cool" weapons is carrying them around and looking tough. If you can't leave the house with them, where's the fun in that. These guys want the "respect" or fear that they see in the eyes of the people the walk past carrying these guns. These weapons are being marketed to these kids in just this way.
Yet another baseless fabrication on your part devoid of any basis in fact.
Gang shootings are not counted as mass shootings as a rule. As a rule that term is reserved for shootings not related to any other ongoing criminal activity with at least one dead and a total of four or more people shot.

Only in the last few weeks have the anti gunners decided to lump them all together to make it seem as though suddenly there's an explosion of "mass shootings".
I disagree
There was an armed guard involved. But he was in the normal entrance. The shooter used a door that should have been secure that was left ajar by a teacher retrieving something. I wonder how long the shooter waited for something like that to happen or was it normal for school operations. Those side doors are not to be used except for an emergency. Even an armed Prison doesn't use the side doors unless it's secured first. I don't see how the School could have done any different. And I hope there is a special place in hell for that "Teacher".
No, there was no SRO on the scene. The first officers responding were Uvalde PD, both of whom were slightly wounded.

The only issue with the use of the door is that it was propped open and left unattended.

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