should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The more press and outrage these incidents generate the more likely it is more will happen with the goal being to "best" the last shooter.

Media drives these psycho's as much as anything else.

The networks don’t show the guy running across the field during the Super Bowl because it gives him exactly what he wanted. They tell you that there is a guy running across the field and that he was tacked and taken away, but at no time do they film it. The media has to cover these shootings for sure, but maybe they should tell us about the shooting itself with no pictures or name of the suspect.
I'm so very bored of your act, Bulldog. You can do us all a favor and drop the name calling.
We don't share a border with all those other countries do we? The poster said a shared border was the reason, dumb ass. I'm aware you are eagar to find fault with what I post, but you should wait until there is actual fault before you run your conspiracy theory filled head.
We don't share a border with all those other countries do we? The poster said a shared border was the reason, dumb ass. I'm aware you are eagar to find fault with what I post, but you should wait until there is actual fault before you run your conspiracy theory filled head.

The networks don’t show the guy running across the field during the Super Bowl because it gives him exactly what he wanted. They tell you that there is a guy running across the field and that he was tacked and taken away, but at no time do they film it. The media has to cover these shootings for sure, but maybe they should tell us about the shooting itself with no pictures or name of the suspect.

It's like a bad traffic accident. No matter how awful it is, you can't help but to look if you pass it on the highway.

IF MSNBC vows not to show the killer or footage somebody had on their camera, people will tune into CNN to see if they have it.
You can't drink until you're 21. Don't see all the contradictions. No gun ownership until 21. That would stop a lot more than mass shooting.

If that's the case we should do the same with voting. Outside of shootings, what could be more important than deciding the direction of this country?
One problem, it's not the illegals doing the mass murdering. It's US Citizens. You are playing the "What If" game. In reality, a White American Male has a higher chance to become a mass murderer than any other group.

Not per capita, no.

Has it ever been tried all across the US? And then has it been enforced vigorously? Nope. But the old Western Bans were and they worked right after the shooting and killing by the Marshals and Sheriffs stopped. Well, with the exception of Deadwood Dakota Territory where no one screwed with those Sheriffs, Marshals and Deputies as they knew they would be killed dead on the spot. In Dallas TX, the Town Marshal gave you one warning. If you ignored it, he shot you down with no warning. Didn't take people very long to stop carrying short arms.

Back then they didn't have left-wing media and Jewish ambulance chasers waiting to sue somebody.
Consumption of alcohol used to be restricted to those aged 21 years of age or older. That changed on the premise that if a person (male) is old enough to fight for his country at age 18, then he should be old enough to lawfully purchase liquor and have a drink.

Apparently the data showed that this was not well thought out because the drinking age went back up to 21.

I've read that the brain is not fully developed at age 18 and it seems like a lot of adults have no viable conflict resolution skills so trusting that an 18 year old does or has the impulse control to not pick up a firearm and go on a mass shooting spree may not be reasonable.

It is my opinion, that restricting the age at which a person can purchase or possess a firearm is not an infringement of the U.S. Constitution.
Florida prohibited those under 21 from purchasing a long gun after the Parkland shooting.

The law is currently subject to a court challenge.

Again, those under 21 are still able to obtain and possess AR 15s through either gifting or a private face-to-face intrastate sale, casting doubt on how effective such laws actually are.
The solution instead is just provide free public mental health treatment so that not one gets that dangerous.
In order to provide free mental health treatment, states would be required to expand Medicaid as authorized by the ACA – something Republican-controlled states refuse to do, including Texas.

The term "assault rifle" comes from the German infantry rifle Sturmgewehr 44

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Sturmgewehr literally translates as "Storm Rifle" but the actual translation is "Assault Rifle" Storm=Assault in German.

Looney gun-grabbing hoplophobes have adopted the "Assault" aspect so that they can generate irrational fear.

The truth is that "assault rifles" are considered "machine guns" under the NFA and are banned if manufactured after 1985 under the unconstitutional "Hughes Amendment."

An assault weapon is whatever a lawmaking body determines it to be.

Not the military.

Not gun manufacturers.

And not message board posters.

Moreover, no one seeks to 'grab guns' - that's a lie.
Where did you get this, some dime novel? There were no such statistics kept in that era.

How about history. Real history. I can't rewrite it but you seem to try. Just because it conflicts with your narrative doesn't make it untrue.
Because when hunting you need at least 30 rounds to bring down a deer?
Conservatives need to stop trying to ‘justify’ owning AR 15s with ridiculous, inane references to hunting, fending off ‘government tyranny,’ or silly semantics as to what an assault weapon is.

No one ‘needs’ an AR 15, it’s a want.

But however ridiculous the ‘justification,’ banning AR 15s would be unwarranted and ineffective.

There’s no rational reason to possess an AR 15, just as there’s no rational reason to ban them.
The black stock appeals to the million of people who purchase them each year.
Yes, that's quite true, because they are attracted to the military appearance of the black stock. Then many will dress up in their camo costumes to compliment their mindset that's associated with killing. And then out of those millions, some will become shooters, as is proven.
But most will just stick with pretending on human silouette targets or small animals, for the sake of being able to kill something.

Most young men go through the phase and most grow out of it.
America has aggravated the behaviour to an extreme with it's continuous wars.
I've explained Michael Moore's reasoning and my reasoning to you but of course it can't be accepted. However, it's also closely connected with America's current proxy war too.
Pure BS with no foundation in anything even resembling a fact.

The only thing to fear here is the number of idiots purporting to understand what motivates these killers. You certainly don't.
I can see you don't go to gun shows --------

Where you'd see AR-15s painted pink and other wild colors.
No, I certainly don't go to gun shows. I would guess that the extremist mind would own a black AR exclusively, and the pink ones will be owned by the lowlife trash with him who wants to make a statement.
How in hell do you figure that?
I've provided explanations and I'm not going to repeat it for you. You don't want to know.

Maybe some do but they can't admit that Michael Moore made so much sense.

The behaviour will be copied in Canada and other countries too that are involved in America's wars.
I've provided explanations and I'm not going to repeat it for you. You don't want to know.

Maybe some do but they can't admit that Michael Moore made so much sense.

The behaviour will be copied in Canada and other countries too that are involved in America's wars.

No, you did not provide an explanation, at least one that made any sense in the world.
No civilian needs an AR style weapon with a large capacity magazine.
True – again, it’s a want, not a need.

But citizens are not required to justify the exercising of a right as a prerequisite to indeed do so.

And that there is no need for a citizen to want to do or possess something is not justification for government to prohibit doing or possessing that thing – such as an AR 15.

It’s solely the responsibility of government to justify its desire to place limits and restrictions on our rights and protected liberties – and absent justification, refrain from doing so.
The 2nd Amendment isn't about shooting deer.
It’s not about opposing ‘government tyranny,’ either.

The Second Amendment codifies an individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense, unconnected with militia service.

Not to deter crime.

Not to act in the capacity of law enforcement.

And not to overthrow a Federal government subjectively and incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’
Quicker fix , Drug Test for All Firearm purchases and if your on SSRIs you should have two shrinks vouch for you to clear that hurdle
This would be struck down as un-Constitutional, a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

If drug testing as a requirement for those applying for public assistance is unlawful, so too would requiring drug tests for purchasing a firearm.


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