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Should there be mandatory training before you can purchase a firearm?

Sure. No problem. You have the right to defend yourself. Absolutely. With bare knuckles or a Louisville Slugger, after the worst of the Left Wingers manage to grab your guns, simply because you failed to connect with mid-liners on the other side and reach live-able compromises while you still had the leverage. You're wasting time. But... what the hell... your choice.
You must offer something of worth to a compromise ... Those opposed to firearms rights are not offering anything but a list of demands. If the choice is to acquiesce to your demands absent any compromise ... Go pound sand. .
The compromise is that you get to keep your guns; despite what the worst of the Snowflake Crowd want.

In truth, there are three (3) kinds of Gun Control Advocates:

1. Centrists - who believe that much more is needed, but who also believe in the Right to Bear Arms, and the Second Amendment

2. Extremists - who want to take all your guns away or severely curtail ownership, so that the Lions and the Lambs will all lie down together in peace

3. Fence Sitters - the Sheeple who want something done, but who haven't bothered to think it through, and who will Follow The Leader

Personally, I identify with (1), and there are considerable numbers of us out there.

The true Gun Grabbers gather under (2); there are large numbers of these as well, but they are also the most vocal and visible.

The vast majority of Americans who lean towards Gun Control fall under (3) - clueless, they lean on the leadership of others


You(r side) needs to be dealing with (1) to hammer out a real and effective and comprehensive solution that (1) and (3) can live with.

Do that, and (2) becomes isolated and will no longer be getting all the oxygen in the room and will eventually fade into oblivion.


Your (side's) trouble is that you believe you're un-touchable in this context and that (2) will never attain their goals.

Fail to reach a substantive and comprehensive solution to vetting, licensing, registration, transactions and upkeep, and they probably will attain those goals.

You really don't think that Right -leaning control of the House and Senate and Oval Office and SCOTUS are going to last forever, do you?


Every political cycle, the clamor for effective nationwide Gun Control grows louder, and the Public Opinion noose tightens around you(r side) and the NRA.

Long term, your choices are (a) effective nationwide gun control or (b) bans and seizures when Public Opinion finally swings far enough to let them get away with it.

Every time we see another bloody slaughter of little children you(r side) counters with the same tired old shopworn defenses and propaganda, and a new viciousness.

Those are no longer working to deflect Public Opinion anywhere near as well as they did in times past, and your problem gets worse with each slaughter of innocents.

Far better and more sensible to concede the matter of nationwide standards and controlling law, and take the wind out of the sails of (2), before your position disintegrates.


Crafted intelligently, comprehensive nationwide gun control can preserve our rights while guaranteeing that this is the end of it; that the (2)'s can't take it any further.

Without an attainable mission objective, the (2)'s lose momentum and cohesion, their ranks thin, and they dissipate into the wind.

But only if you(r side) has the sense God gave a pi$$ant, to act while you still have some considerable political power to bring to bear on the topic, because that's slipping.

You don't have as much time as you think you do... the less rabid amongst you need to have a Come-to-Jesus-Moment and get crackin' on a solution.

You're wasting time.

AND, through all this^^^^^^^^^^

You are still seeking a problem for your solution. Let that sink in.
There are no qualifications in the Constitution to the individual right to keep and bear arms.

It says so right in the Bill of Rights. It says that because it is necessary for the security of a free state the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Stupid Moon Bats have a hard time understanding what the words "shall not be infringed" means. They think it means that the right can be infringed, the stupid shithheads.

If you have tests and background checks administered by the filthy ass corrupt government before you get a right then it is really not a right, is it?
By your own reasoning, A blind person should be allowed to get a drivers license. Would you want a blind person to own a gun?

Yes they would - Blind and crazy people

Why is America giving gun licences to blind people?

Last February, Trump signed a bill making it easier for people with mental illness to buy guns
Think about it. This is not a gun rights issue. It all about safety. Would you really want your neighbor having a gun and no clue how to use it safely, or even hit what he's aiming at? We require drivers to take a driving test and get a license. Why should guns be any different?

BTW, I am totally pro 2nd amendment. I just want the ones who own those guns to know what they are doing.

Well I'll be damned - First time I've ever agreed with you about anything!

Agreeing to a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Wow, how noble.
There are no qualifications in the Constitution to the individual right to keep and bear arms.

It says so right in the Bill of Rights. It says that because it is necessary for the security of a free state the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Stupid Moon Bats have a hard time understanding what the words "shall not be infringed" means. They think it means that the right can be infringed, the stupid shithheads.

If you have tests and background checks administered by the filthy ass corrupt government before you get a right then it is really not a right, is it?
By your own reasoning, A blind person should be allowed to get a drivers license. Would you want a blind person to own a gun?

Yes they would - Blind and crazy people

Why is America giving gun licences to blind people?

Last February, Trump signed a bill making it easier for people with mental illness to buy guns

Outline the problem we are having with the blind owning guns.
Outline the problem we are having with the blind owning guns.

You would want your blind next door neighbor wandering around with a gun.

Check :rolleyes:

I'm not sure I know a blind person that owns a gun. But you seem to think they are causing such a major problem that we need to address the situation. I have asked what that problem is, and you have no response.

Are you afraid that some blind dude is going to pick up an AR-15, sling it over his shoulder with cane in hand and head down to the local school and start shooting it up?

Or are you, once again, looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist?

I'm not sure I know a blind person that owns a gun. But you seem to think they are causing such a major problem that we need to address the situation. I have asked what that problem is, and you have no response.

Are you afraid that some blind dude is going to pick up an AR-15, sling it over his shoulder with cane in hand and head down to the local school and start shooting it up?

Or are you, once again, looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist?


If you can't see you not only aren't likely to hit a target ...

You don't know whether the person who just entered your home is a bad guy or your housecleaning lady.

Common sense is your friend
I'm not sure I know a blind person that owns a gun. But you seem to think they are causing such a major problem that we need to address the situation. I have asked what that problem is, and you have no response.

Are you afraid that some blind dude is going to pick up an AR-15, sling it over his shoulder with cane in hand and head down to the local school and start shooting it up?

Or are you, once again, looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist?


If you can't see you not only aren't likely to hit a target ...

You don't know whether the person who just entered your home is a bad guy or your housecleaning lady.

Common sense is your friend

So you can obviously link to these blind folks, shooting up their housekeepers, that you speak of? No?

You are seeking a solution to a problem that does not exist.
...And you are wrong...
Doubtful, but you are entitled to your opinion.

...the anti gun extremists want all guns....every single one. They will settle for one gun, one piece of equipment, one bullet or magazine at a time, but they will not stop until they get them all.....
Already covered as (2) in my recent post.

...They are using the courts, the local and state anti gun legislatures...
Already covered as (2) in my recent post.

...and they will not stop....
Until you take the wind out of their sails by finding a Middle Ground alongside (1) and (3) in my recent post.

...You are either dishonest or naive, likely both.
Dishonest? I hope not.

Naive? Always possible, but somehow I don't think so.

Rather, it may very well be, that you are unable to move-off-the-dime on your position, and are doomed to fall prey to (2), because you would not work with (1) and (3).

Your choice.
...None yet that I currently own........but with more gun laws & restrictions, I may not be able to buy more of a particular style, size or caliber because I live in a liberal wasteland
That's OK... you don't need more than a couple, anyway...

Could you direct me to the occasion when anyone asked you to dictate and approve what they "need"?
Second Amendment.

You are a member of the militia at-large.... the militia of last resort in defense of the Republic... the citizenry.

The People will merely 'regulate' that 'militia' 'well', as provided in the Second Amendment.

Next batter, please.

Yeah, uh, declaring the subject settled and closed merely because you spewed your half-assed, delusional viewpoint ain't gonna fly, Chuckles. I realize the only way you can ever win an argument is to prevent others from ever getting to speak, but that's really not my problem.

First of all, Stalin Jr., if you want to start handing down pronouncements about what people "need" and "what's required" and who's a member of what, you're gonna have to stage a coup and declare yourself Dictator-For-Life, and you don't REMOTELY have the charisma needed to pull that off.

So your second option is to climb down off your makeshift throne on Shit Mountain, King Turd, and start convincing, cajoling, and begging people to agree with your twaddle, because you're going to have to either amend the Constitution to say what you erroneously think it says now, OR you're going to have to do the usual leftist two-step and get the Supreme Court to pretend it says something different than it does. Unfortunately for your fantasy of Leftist Utopiastan, that's gonna require some personnel changes, which is going to require the people to elect some new representatives.

Rather than prancing around here, pompously issuing directives about "you will accept my vision and fall into line with what I want", you need to get your ass out and start campaigning for what you want. You won't get it through confrontation because, as I keep pointing out, WE are armed and you aren't.
Calm yourself, Princess, and lay off the NRA Bumper Sticker Kickapoo Joy Juice for a while, eh? Interacting with you is rather like dealing with an errant second-grader.

Wake me up when you're capable of a rational dialogue on the subject.
That's OK... you don't need more than a couple, anyway...

Bullshit......who are you to tell me how many I can have
The People, who will 'regulate' the "militia' (at-large) 'well' , as provided in the Second Amendment.

Next slide, please.

That's how you interpret it, but it reads.......

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

That does not say a limit on how many guns I can 'keep & bear' and neither does 'well regulated'
'well regulated' means what The People want it to mean, through the endeavors of their Legislative branch, and what the Judicial branch allows.

We'll let you know what that means at the voting booth, as Americans start sniffing around for NRA contributions to Congressional and Senatorial campaigns.

Change is coming.

Nice try, dipshit, but YOU are not "the people", and no matter how much you try to tell yourself that the populace is marching in step with you, the truth is that the instant you open your fat, flapping gob, people can't run away from you fast enough.

So you just take your ragtag bunch of obnoxious chickenshits to the voting booth - which would be a refreshing change from the usual leftist scheme of "force it on people and then tell them how much they love it" - and we'll see what happens.
You tell 'em, my little Internet Tough Guy.. now there's a way to advance a viewpoint, eh?
There are no qualifications in the Constitution to the individual right to keep and bear arms.

It says so right in the Bill of Rights. It says that because it is necessary for the security of a free state the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Stupid Moon Bats have a hard time understanding what the words "shall not be infringed" means. They think it means that the right can be infringed, the stupid shithheads.

If you have tests and background checks administered by the filthy ass corrupt government before you get a right then it is really not a right, is it?
By your own reasoning, A blind person should be allowed to get a drivers license. Would you want a blind person to own a gun?

Yes they would - Blind and crazy people

Why is America giving gun licences to blind people?

Last February, Trump signed a bill making it easier for people with mental illness to buy guns

Why, precisely, do you assume that blind people - and apparently everyone else, to judge from your posts - is too stupid to live their lives safely and responsibly without YOUR elitist micro-managing to tell them when to shit and how to wipe their asses?

They're blind. They're not retarded. They don't require the government to helpfully take things out of their hands like naughty children who might stick a fork in a light socket if you don't watch them closely enough.

And it's fucking bigoted of you to assume disabled people are automatically helpless morons.
...AND, through all this^^^^^^^^^^

You are still seeking a problem for your solution. Let that sink in.
Oh, I hear you saying that there is no problem.

YOUR problem is that you can no longer sell that idea to vast and growing numbers of Americans who have come to realize the wrongness of that response.
So you can obviously link to these blind folks, shooting up their housekeepers, that you speak of? No?

You are seeking a solution to a problem that does not exist.

Only a few states allow the legally blind to own guns.

But there are more on the way, which means more stories like this one.

Blind man acquitted in fatal shooting gets guns back

From the link:

"Rogers spent time in jail and went to trial in January. He was granted immunity using the "stand your ground" law."

Seems he wasn't gunning down the house cleaners?

Now, exactly, what is the problem you are trying to solve?
Outline the problem we are having with the blind owning guns.

You would want your blind next door neighbor wandering around with a gun.

Check :rolleyes:

Is there some particular reason that being blind made him retarded? Why do you assume that blind people are automatically less intelligent and responsible than other people? Have you always been bigoted toward the disabled, or is this a new thing?
...AND, through all this^^^^^^^^^^

You are still seeking a problem for your solution. Let that sink in.
Oh, I hear you saying that there is no problem.

YOUR problem is that you can no longer sell that idea to vast and growing numbers of Americans who have come to realize the wrongness of that response.

Then you would have a response to the question: What is the problem that you have a solution for?

Damn, you are getting boring.
I'm not sure I know a blind person that owns a gun. But you seem to think they are causing such a major problem that we need to address the situation. I have asked what that problem is, and you have no response.

Are you afraid that some blind dude is going to pick up an AR-15, sling it over his shoulder with cane in hand and head down to the local school and start shooting it up?

Or are you, once again, looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist?


If you can't see you not only aren't likely to hit a target ...

You don't know whether the person who just entered your home is a bad guy or your housecleaning lady.

Common sense is your friend

I'm admiring this utterly egregious assumption of yours that YOU are the only person in America with common sense.
From the link:

"Rogers spent time in jail and went to trial in January. He was granted immunity using the "stand your ground" law."

Seems he wasn't gunning down the house cleaners?

Now, exactly, what is the problem you are trying to solve?

Oh - so since it wasn't his housecleaner - it doesn't count.

Check :rolleyes-41:

But indeed, Florida's Stand Your Ground Law is stupid.

Also from my link:

Four years ago, Rogers was accused of shooting at his cousin.

Judge Galluzzo did order that all ammunition to be destroyed. He said it was too old and dangerous.
...None yet that I currently own........but with more gun laws & restrictions, I may not be able to buy more of a particular style, size or caliber because I live in a liberal wasteland
That's OK... you don't need more than a couple, anyway...

Could you direct me to the occasion when anyone asked you to dictate and approve what they "need"?
Second Amendment.

You are a member of the militia at-large.... the militia of last resort in defense of the Republic... the citizenry.

The People will merely 'regulate' that 'militia' 'well', as provided in the Second Amendment.

Next batter, please.

Yeah, uh, declaring the subject settled and closed merely because you spewed your half-assed, delusional viewpoint ain't gonna fly, Chuckles. I realize the only way you can ever win an argument is to prevent others from ever getting to speak, but that's really not my problem.

First of all, Stalin Jr., if you want to start handing down pronouncements about what people "need" and "what's required" and who's a member of what, you're gonna have to stage a coup and declare yourself Dictator-For-Life, and you don't REMOTELY have the charisma needed to pull that off.

So your second option is to climb down off your makeshift throne on Shit Mountain, King Turd, and start convincing, cajoling, and begging people to agree with your twaddle, because you're going to have to either amend the Constitution to say what you erroneously think it says now, OR you're going to have to do the usual leftist two-step and get the Supreme Court to pretend it says something different than it does. Unfortunately for your fantasy of Leftist Utopiastan, that's gonna require some personnel changes, which is going to require the people to elect some new representatives.

Rather than prancing around here, pompously issuing directives about "you will accept my vision and fall into line with what I want", you need to get your ass out and start campaigning for what you want. You won't get it through confrontation because, as I keep pointing out, WE are armed and you aren't.
Calm yourself, Princess, and lay off the NRA Bumper Sticker Kickapoo Joy Juice for a while, eh? Interacting with you is rather like dealing with an errant second-grader.

Wake me up when you're capable of a rational dialogue on the subject.

Your surrender is duly noted. Run along and play now, while the grownups finish talking. :itsok:

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