Should Trump agree to an interview with Mueller? (w/poll)

Should trump agree to an interview with Mueller?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 34.5%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%

  • Total voters
Not after the IG report....he would be crazy to sit with that snake Mueller and his den of vipers...

Comrade, you masturbate to the fantasy that your Grand Inquisitor will "GET TRUMP"

But tell me stupid, what gain would there be for Trump to meet with the corrupt sack of shit Mewler-Torquemada? Why would the president POSSIBLY want to do that?

Remember, Torquemada was part of the Uranium One scandal, he has ties to the Clinton mob, he is a crook. Funny how we just learned that now, as if no one knew he was connected to the mob two years ago...
Worry about a perjury trap is only relevant to someone who intends to lie.

No it's not. There are plenty of cases in which innocent people have been entrapped in such situations.

No, there are not, although feel free to dig some up.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

1. Scooter Libby. The SC knew that Armitage leaked Plame's name, but prosecuted him anyway.

2. Martha Stewart - she was entrapped by Comey.

3. Mike Flynn - even Comey and Strjok thought he didn't lie, but he was bled out by legal expenses and threats against his son into taking a plea.

They lied, dude. Get a grip.

You and Beria would have been good buds.
Worry about a perjury trap is only relevant to someone who intends to lie.

No it's not. There are plenty of cases in which innocent people have been entrapped in such situations.

No, there are not, although feel free to dig some up.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

1. Scooter Libby. The SC knew that Armitage leaked Plame's name, but prosecuted him anyway.

2. Martha Stewart - she was entrapped by Comey.

3. Mike Flynn - even Comey and Strjok thought he didn't lie, but he was bled out by legal expenses and threats against his son into taking a plea.
What about Blagojevich?
Huh? After what fact? Rosenstein provided the report that justified firing Comey. That's hardly "after the fact," you fucking moron.
You spin so much you must be as dizzy as a drag queen on psychotropic drugs

great quotes [ On Thursday, my friend Norm Eisen, along with Virginia Canter and Conor Shaw—all legal ethics experts—published an article in Politico explaining why ethics rules do not require Rosenstein to recuse, “Spare the Rod.” But wouldn’t that then spoil the investigation? }
I think he should, but if I were one of his lawyers I'd fall to my knees before him and beg him not to agree to an interview. The truth is a disregarded afterthought in this administration.

Oh, da TROOOOFYNEESSS from you Stalinists. :lol:

The Inquisition is a failure. What Trump should do is take a shit in a brown paper sack, write "Lunch" on it, and send it to Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada.
Whatever will you wingnut loons do when 2020 ends up looking like 2012 did - where you people melt down on national tv?

and 2018 is shaping up be a precursor of what's in store for you hateful and despicable angry drug addled voters

Dims melt down, not Republicans. 2018 is turning into a red wave.
Should he?

I say yes, as the investigation is meant to get to the truth. Trump's interview will advance that goal.

Of course you do, but then you are a hate filled Stalinist who is conditioned to react violently to Trump and to normal Americans.
Mirror! Can we get a mirror over here, please?!

You'd be better off trying to get a brain.

Of course you wouldn't be a Communist anymore if you did.....
Huh? After what fact? Rosenstein provided the report that justified firing Comey. That's hardly "after the fact," you fucking moron.
You spin so much you must be as dizzy as a drag queen on psychotropic drugs

great quotes [ On Thursday, my friend Norm Eisen, along with Virginia Canter and Conor Shaw—all legal ethics experts—published an article in Politico explaining why ethics rules do not require Rosenstein to recuse, “Spare the Rod.” But wouldn’t that then spoil the investigation? }
You mean some leftwing political hacks gave Rosenstein a free pass?

I am sooooo shocked!
Hardly. If it weren't for guns being used at some point, then Flynn and his son could just give the FBI the middle finger salute. Only idiots believe the FBI and the government doesn't use guns to enforce laws.
I can see you defending relatives and conspirators of the Boston Marathon Bombing in this way.

you're not even worthy of breathing the same air as the majority of Americans. I'd willingly pull the lever on you .. gas it up
Huh? What the fuck does the Boston Marathon have to do with anything? How am I defending defending relatives and conspirators? The bottom line is that the government uses guns to enforce laws. Only a brain damaged idiot would deny such an obvious fact.
Whoa! Hold on there Brokeback Cowboy. Why backtrack so fast, and why deny the feds used guns to enforce laws against everyone connected to the Boston Bombers?

Worry about a perjury trap is only relevant to someone who intends to lie.

No it's not. There are plenty of cases in which innocent people have been entrapped in such situations.

No, there are not, although feel free to dig some up.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

1. Scooter Libby. The SC knew that Armitage leaked Plame's name, but prosecuted him anyway.

2. Martha Stewart - she was entrapped by Comey.

3. Mike Flynn - even Comey and Strjok thought he didn't lie, but he was bled out by legal expenses and threats against his son into taking a plea.
What about Blagojevich?

Poor Blago. He should be pardoned or at least commuted to a Las Vegas Lounge just for this:

That would be in line with his maturity level.

So, right in line with what you Stalinists are doing with your 14th century Inquisition, then.

Your coup has failed. Even if Obama never pays for his treason, your coup is done. You will not be able to use the Inquisition to undo the election you tried so hard to rig, but failed at.
He pled guilty to what he was forced to plead guilty to.
A person cannot be forced to plead guilty. And if your only defense is, "sure, he's guilty by every standard of guilty that we employ, but I still reject that and say he's not guilty", them you really need to pause and examine your own rationality and motivations.

Of course it proves he lied. That's literally exactly what it means to admit guilt to lying in a court of law.
Sure they can . One pleads out to save money. Forced.
Sorry, that is still not "forced". And the evidence that he lied is all public record at this point anyway so you sound Goofy.
Yes, that is forced, you Stalinist asshole.
No, it isn't.
Worry about a perjury trap is only relevant to someone who intends to lie.

No it's not. There are plenty of cases in which innocent people have been entrapped in such situations.

No, there are not, although feel free to dig some up.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

1. Scooter Libby. The SC knew that Armitage leaked Plame's name, but prosecuted him anyway.

2. Martha Stewart - she was entrapped by Comey.

3. Mike Flynn - even Comey and Strjok thought he didn't lie, but he was bled out by legal expenses and threats against his son into taking a plea.

They lied, dude. Get a grip.

You and Beria would have been good buds.

You just say stupid stuff, Trumpkin.
That would be in line with his maturity level.

So, right in line with what you Stalinists are doing with your 14th century Inquisition, then.

Your coup has failed. Even if Obama never pays for his treason, your coup is done. You will not be able to use the Inquisition to undo the election you tried so hard to rig, but failed at.
Cute fantasy
I think he should, but if I were one of his lawyers I'd fall to my knees before him and beg him not to agree to an interview. The truth is a disregarded afterthought in this administration.

Oh, da TROOOOFYNEESSS from you Stalinists. :lol:

The Inquisition is a failure. What Trump should do is take a shit in a brown paper sack, write "Lunch" on it, and send it to Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada.
Whatever will you wingnut loons do when 2020 ends up looking like 2012 did - where you people melt down on national tv?

and 2018 is shaping up be a precursor of what's in store for you hateful and despicable angry drug addled voters


Sure Comrade.

Michael Flynn Plea Agreement Documents

The Plea Agreement states, with specificity, what Flynn's lies were. Please don't insult other posters by claiming he didn't lie.
That doesn't contain the so-called "false statements" he supposedly made. It says they are in an "attached document." Where's the attached document? Why can't any of you brain-damaged toadies simply quote the alleged false statement he made? No one has ever posted it. Why is that?

There is a Statement of Offense on that page. Evidence isn't accepted by Trumpkins.

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