Should Trump agree to an interview with Mueller? (w/poll)

Should trump agree to an interview with Mueller?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 34.5%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%

  • Total voters
I'm looking at it from Trump's standpoint.
I would like to hear it from. Your standpoint, not Trump's.

I would not want to be in the group that says, "Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing." Once you sit down and are sworn in...the questioning can go anywhere.
So I can't blame him for not sitting down.

Now....he has said he would give a sworn deposition to Mueller.

May 4:

"Nobody wants to speak more than me — in fact, against my lawyers. Because most lawyers say, 'Never speak with anybody.' I would love to speak, because we've done nothing wrong," Trump said before departing for Dallas.

If he wants to speak, he should do it.

My viewpoint is that I would love to see it. But I doubt I will.
But perjury on peripheral details would not lead to any tangible consequences for him, short of ego. This congress isn't going to impeach over that. Surely his advisers have informed him of that.

Perjury is a crime. You can be impeached for crime. Lying to the press is one thing, lying to an FBI SAIC which is what Mueller is tantamount to in this case, that carries a penalty.
Perjury is a crime. You can be impeached for crime.
And the Marlins might win the world series this year, if not for those 29 other teams. He would not be impeached for perjury. And if the perjury is on important issues...would you not prefer the truth come to light? Why advocate to keep it hidden?
As already posted by folks here, at this point since every rational person knows the Mueller Witch Hunt is a Hussaine Obama/Crooked Hillary Hoax, it would be retarded to participate in it especially being the ultimate target. Nobody in their right mind would treat this scam as a real investigation. The good news is Mueller is going to be investigated and the question is will he allow himself to be interviewed by actual law enforcement officials.
That sounds as crazy as the Moon Landing was Fake. Of course, lots of people believe that fakeness to be true.

There is no witch hunt.

Bill Clinton and Whitewater? Do you know how long that went on and what it cost? 4 1/2 years and something like $80 million for a blow job

There were actual convictions based on criminal behavior in the Whitewater affair. So far, Mueller has found NOTHING concerning collusion. Therefore, the two investigations are nothing alike.
Perjury is a crime. You can be impeached for crime.
And the Marlins might win the world series this year, if not for those 29 other teams. He would not be impeached for perjury. And if the perjury is on important issues...would you not prefer the truth come to light? Why advocate to keep it hidden?

Oh, I would love to see Trump drug out of the White House and frog marched into the paddy wagon. I would prefer to know everything. I'm 100% sure that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence an election in the form of employing Russian Hackers (and Wikileaks) to hack the DNC and other DNC officials. Roger Stone admitted as much in his tweets. Circumstantial evidence exists in so many officials having ties to Russia they tried to keep hidden. Even at this late date, we are still finding out about meetings and ties to Russia. The only questions I have are the why and the mechanisms.

Perjury is a crime and he would be impeached. Whether or not they (the Senate) have the fortitude to remove him from office is another matter. I doubt it.
I think it is obvious that Mueller knows there's nothing there
That is quite a feat of clairvoyance. Unless...When was the last briefing Mueller held with you?

Tell me ONE person that Mueller has indicted in regard to collusion by the Trump campaign and the Russians. Not Russians interfering with the election, but for collusion. When you can, I'll take your point of view seriously. Until then, stop wasting my time with your childish sarcasm.
Tell me ONE person that Mueller has indicted in regard to collusion by the Trump campaign and the Russians.
Why? The investigation is not finished, nor would Mueller indict anyone for collusion, even if collusion was plain as day. Collusion itself is not a crime, remember? The answer to your demand at this time would in no way inform us as to whether or not Mueller possesses evidence of collusion.
Yea you so want Trump to perjure himself with the first question..
You act as if he is incapable of not doing this...

Of course he can't , if Mueller ask Trump to stat his name, Trump will say Barak Obama
But do YOU think he should take the interview? Or ,are you a bit worried about the fallout, nassomuch for Trump himself, but for our politics and government?

No, like I said Trump will perjure himself with the first question it would be pointless , the only way he could would be in written form.
Why don't you want Trump to perjure himself?

So let me guess you go to the Indy 500 to watch car crashes ?

The nation can't handle that circus act.

The nation can't handle that circus act.
I see. So, you would rather shield the nation from what you feel would be an episode of a sitting President incriminating himself, than get the truth out...? I can't agree.
Tell me ONE person that Mueller has indicted in regard to collusion by the Trump campaign and the Russians.
Why? The investigation is not finished, nor would Mueller indict anyone for collusion, even if collusion was plain as day. Collusion itself is not a crime, remember? The answer to your demand at this time would in no way inform us as to whether or not Mueller possesses evidence of collusion.

Still wasting our time? Since you don't seem to be able to address the issue truthfully and just seem to be trying to drag things out for attention, you are dismissed.
You act as if he is incapable of not doing this...

Of course he can't , if Mueller ask Trump to stat his name, Trump will say Barak Obama
But do YOU think he should take the interview? Or ,are you a bit worried about the fallout, nassomuch for Trump himself, but for our politics and government?

No, like I said Trump will perjure himself with the first question it would be pointless , the only way he could would be in written form.
Why don't you want Trump to perjure himself?

So let me guess you go to the Indy 500 to watch car crashes ?

The nation can't handle that circus act.


We've had a multi ring circus since 1/20/17. We're doing just fine; constantly amazed and amused at how bizarre the behavior can get out of the White House, the 5 explanations for every thing, the constant turnover, and behavior/policy decisions that come right out of a Soap Opera
This is another issue I find absurd, "why did you fire Comey"? Why is it any of his business? He's the president ffs.

I also find it funny that people suggest firing Comey was to stop the investigation. He is one man, the investigation doesn't stop with him. It tells me that Comey was probably a good soldier for Obama and would work it to screw over Trump. The Establishment, "Resistance" and Never Trumpers knew this, so they needed him to remain in place. Once he was gone they went to Plan B, which Comeys leaks by his admittance ensured would happen, a Special Counsel.

Part of me wonders if some people actually bought into the narrative pushed by the former government that Russia was involved, and it clouded the objectivity of some. Another part of me finds it very peculiar that one guy was involved in everything from the Clinton Investigation to the Special Counsel, before he was removed. Awfully rare coincidence.

In the end, getting rid of bad apples and arrogant people drunk from the power the former administration granted them is a very good thing. America need to be America, all your powerful institutions included.

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