Should Trump/Congress Cut Off The American Psychological Association (APA)?

Should Trump/Congress cut funding for the APA until they speak out against child abuse in the OP?

  • Yes, the APA is the silent authority people cite to justify and continue this type of abuse.

  • No, the new APA should still get funds. It's not their fault they stay silent on that boy.

  • Maybe, I'll look into it more.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
OK ,so there's this:
Federal Funding for Psychological Research
Join the Federal Action Network!
APA is committed to advocating for the field of psychology and its role in promoting health, education, and human welfare. To meet this goal, the Education, Public Interest, and Science Government Relations Offices maintain the APA Federal Action Network, which delivers federal updates and action alerts to help provide you with the information you need to be an effective advocate for psychology. Sign up to receive alerts from APA's Federal Action Network to stay updated on important legislative issues impacting psychology on Capitol Hill!
Well I'm kind of here to do the opposite of that ^^ actually...and I have good reasons...

And there's this: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

...which ^^ holds a discussion in the OP of how the APA is doing "science" these days...really worth a quick'll be amazed!

Annnnnnd then there's this, complete with full conspicuous silence from the APA or any other authority charged with child protective services: Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

I believe if my memory is correct, the APA gets some of their funding federally from the National Science Foundation. I have a family member who approved/denied grants there a while back. It's nice to know our tax dollars are being spent on "science" that relies on "words over numbers" and "adaptive ways" of collecting data, and considers research a "craft", and "audits" (polices, hovers over and disciplines unwanted research results) its "qualitative" (quality, not numbers/raw data) results for public consumption as facts, or rather in substitution for facts...

That second link is a hoot, third one too. Should give them a quick look.

Should we still fund the APA through the National Science Foundation or federal grants for the Arts instead? Or should funds be completely cut off and have Congress vote to censure the APA until they speak out about the boy in the third link here?

Because the APA in the first link here is pushing masses of people to influence Capitol Hill for more money, you need to really vote in the poll ^^ to push the Fed in the opposite direction, showing numerical distaste for funding that goes for tacit "authoritative" approval of what's being done to that boy. Imagine if this was being done to little Don, Eric or Baron Trump by an ex wife and her lesbian pal? I think Trump might have acted quickly in that case.
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Yes that place is a hack job.
I read they took off transgender being a mental disease even though the majority of doctors voted to keep it that way. People like to use this label from them as if it had credibility.
Psychology is a scam

We got religion...who needs it?
Yes that place is a hack job.
I read they took off transgender being a mental disease even though the majority of doctors voted to keep it that way. People like to use this label from them as if it had credibility.
What happens to discipline non-LGBT doctors and researchers is, if they don't get on board, the APA cuts off their funding. So from my point of view, especially with the blatant child abuse in link #3 in the OP, if the APA doesn't get on board, the fed cuts off THEIR funding.

Sound fair?
This should be one of the first cuts to the budget.
No need for government funding of the APA, no gain no loss,
This should be one of the first cuts to the budget.
No need for government funding of the APA, no gain no loss,
There's a need for psychology funding for sure. But I'd like to see it go to an actual science based outfit instead of the "qualitative" "craft" practiced at the APA.
Broken record here: Not every good idea is Constitutional. If something is not Constitutional, the Congress should not spend our money on it.

I won't say whether funding this organization is a good idea, but it sure as hell is unconstitutional. Why are "we" funding it in the first place?
Broken record here: Not every good idea is Constitutional. If something is not Constitutional, the Congress should not spend our money on it.

I won't say whether funding this organization is a good idea, but it sure as hell is unconstitutional. Why are "we" funding it in the first place?
Since I have a family member who used to approve/deny funding for science I'll tell you why funding assists our constitution (small c). Because a nation that doesn't run on top notch science is a nation at risk from its enemies. People with very sharp minds often aren't rich enough to develop and run their own research facility and teams. So you have the best of the best sinking from the collective arsenal of power your country has.

Also, with the heroin epidemic it will be quick as wildfire with Santa Ana winds before the fire of reality knocks on your door if this crisis isn't addressed scientifically and professionally on a large (funded) scale. Heroin addicts quickly become indigent. So then they quickly cannot afford their habit which will not take a back seat to any other consideration in their lives. So they quickly become thieves and will take anything that isn't nailed down just to hawk for their next fix. Get enough people doing this and you should invest in iron bars for your windows, doors and garages where you must thereafter park your cars at night.

We fund things because it makes sense for the collective nation to forward its position as a world leader, and for our own internal security. If you want to become like some tribe in South America that worships ants or tree sap or something, I mean that's an option. It's just not probably the best option for our country to maintain its edge worldwide. Other countries fund science precisely because they know the best minds don't always have money.

But the APA? They're not even shy about advertising that they've COMPLETELY abandoned science in favor of pure "audited" propaganda. That's when the Fed purse strings snap shut. Particularly when that propaganda includes assenting silence to the child abuse described in the OP here.

It truly is not an exaggeration to say that our funding of the APA is exactly one and the same as if we were giving federal grants to Scientology. No difference. Propaganda is propaganda. Worse still if our federal courts relied on Scientology to determine whether or not frozen aliens blasted out of volcanoes.
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Yes that place is a hack job.
I read they took off transgender being a mental disease even though the majority of doctors voted to keep it that way. People like to use this label from them as if it had credibility.
What happens to discipline non-LGBT doctors and researchers is, if they don't get on board, the APA cuts off their funding. So from my point of view, especially with the blatant child abuse in link #3 in the OP, if the APA doesn't get on board, the fed cuts off THEIR funding.

Sound fair?

Silhouette is making crap up again to harm gays.

Sound fair?
For anyone who wants to know something about the APA rather than Silhouette's bizarre propaganda- here is a link to their website.

I can't find any evidence that they receive any Federal funding- but hey- who am I to argue with the voices in Silhouette's head?
Yes or just shut down funding until they come out with an official rebuke of the child abuse in the op
The APA is not even relevant in psychology. Only about 10% of psychological research is worth a damn (some actually does great things for society, believe it or not). The rest is garbage. And I don't recall the APA being behind most research. It came from schools and from grants. The APA just puts out stupid academic writing guidelines.
The APA is not even relevant in psychology. Only about 10% of psychological research is worth a damn (some actually does great things for society, believe it or not). The rest is garbage. And I don't recall the APA being behind most research. It came from schools and from grants. The APA just puts out stupid academic writing guidelines.
Well they also put out propaganda that harms patients & society at large. They have even removed trannies from the mentally ill list.

This tacit encouragement of ill patients to amputate vital organs to play a game of make believe is grotesque malpractice.
The APA is not even relevant in psychology. Only about 10% of psychological research is worth a damn (some actually does great things for society, believe it or not). The rest is garbage. And I don't recall the APA being behind most research. It came from schools and from grants. The APA just puts out stupid academic writing guidelines.
Well they also put out propaganda that harms patients & society at large. They have even removed trannies from the mentally ill list.

This tacit encouragement of ill patients to amputate vital organs to play a game of make believe is grotesque malpractice.

No one cares about the APA. Trust me. The only time anyone pays attention to them is when they have to write a lit. review.
I know that, when I want an informed opinion of a professional scientific society, I turn to a bunch of uneducated slobs on the internet for their gut feelings.

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